Sunday, June 30, 2013

"This Little Light of Mine"

"Hide it under a bushel, no. I'm going to let it shine
Hide it under a bushel, no. I'm going to let it shine
Hide it under a bushel, no. I'm going to let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine."

Harry Dixon Loes
Composer and Teacher

For as long as I can remember, "This Little Light of Mine" was my most favorite childhood song.  I learned it in Sunday School and was over joyed whenever we were able to sing it out loud.  I have been singing this song silently for years.  It continues to be very endearing to me.

There were so many things confusing to me as a child, so the strangest things would captivate my heart and give me hope.  The thought of carrying a light inside of me, a light ignited by the Holy Spirit, was positively thrilling.  It was something freely given and worthy of life long protection.

Light was associated with anything sacred such as prayer and ritual so a candle became a very specific symbol for me.  My young heart would swell while watching the flame of a candle dancing in the dark.  I would get lost in the flickering colors as my inner light would extend to  the flame.  It was my initial experience with internal power as it aligned with the Divine. 

As I grew older, I did not wait for religious holidays, birthdays or special occasions to light a candle.  I would ignite a wick  to simply watch it glow.  Any candle flame seemed to be a witness to my otherwise unnoticed existence.  The presence of a candle was always inspiring for me, like a direct link to sacred spaces.

Over the years, my flame has been doused with water and conversely, ignited by unmeasured fuel.  My flame has been smaller than a pilot light, often difficult to be detected at all, but I know it has always been within me ... great or small. 

Learning how to do energy work was second nature to me.  I was already a vessel of Divine Light and it was exhilarating to feel energy flow through me and out into the world.  I was able to witness first hand the ability for light to energize, strengthen, and cleanse the body, mind and soul.
All things sacred dwell in the light and there are no boundaries nor limitations as to where the length of the flame extends. 

"This Little Light of Mine" has been the first gift I ever received.  It has consistently led me out of darkness by shinning onto my path.  It is a gift I can share with others as it instantaneously replenishes itself .  The light never abandons me, and I believe when my earth day is finally done, I will be taking my light with me no matter where I roam.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Courage, Compassion, and Integrity

 "Keep a vigil.
Stay awake in the garden.
Hold to the light.
Revere goodness and integrity and truth."

Marianne Williamson

Inside my office, I placed three small hearts above the door.  The first was for courage, the second was for compassion, and the third was for integrity.  When a  client sat in my office, they were facing me with their backs to the door.  I was facing them giving me total vision of three inspiring  hearts.  I would frequently encourage individuals to maintain their courage, compassion and integrity.  As I was doing this, I sometimes would ask myself, "Are you listening to what you are saying?  Do you practice what you preach?"

Courage has been steadfast in my life, although there has been times when I have been too weak to use it.  Frequently I acquiesced to the demands of others.  Courage at times was an unmovable boulder, too heavy to carry and too large to walk around.  With insight and healing, I learned to carry a small stone in my pocket as a reminder of my courage being so strong, any barrier would appear to certainly be a small rock.

It has always been easy for me to have compassion and it seems to be extended to all things.  Once several years ago, I came out of my down town office to find all the the lovely trees in the courtyard had been sawed off at the base and removed to allow workers to replace sidewalks.  I was overcome with grief and sorrow for the beautiful trees that had been seemingly slaughtered.  I felt as though I were looking at a battlefield. I hold the image still.

My definition of integrity is who you are when no one is watching. Although I did not have this definition as a child, I held the sense of the word within me, helping me to get through challenging times.  When I was falsely accused or it was assumed I had committed some dastardly childish act, I would quietly hold on to the emotions inside, reminding me I was good and God knew the truth. 

So I have learned to stay awake in the garden, nodding off just here and there, but I hold on to my light, to keep it shinning brightly both for myself and for others.  I cherish goodness and honesty in the hearts of others as I carry compassion and courage with a willingness to share.  It is integrity, however,  guiding my internal spirit in all things seen and unseen.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Seeing the Difference

"O God, help me to believe the truth
about myself
no matter how beautiful it is!"

Macrina Weiderkher
Benedictine nun

It is amazing how quickly we believe the negative about ourselves, even when we know it is untrue.  It is equally amazing how long it takes us to find it the beauty within our selves and how difficult it is to embrace it. 

We ease into our awareness when we embrace the beauty in others and in all of life.  It is a bit more challenging to perceive everything as a reflection of our selves.  Unfortunately this includes the weaknesses right along with the strengths.  It some how takes our weakness to appreciate our strength.  We tend to take our personal strength as common and not unusual when in reality, we all are uniquely gifted.

In his book, THE SEAT OF THE SOUL, Gary Zukav (a favorite male author other than Mark Nepo and Alan Cohen) references the difference between external power and internal power.  Our culture grooms us for the need to manipulate and control others at the cost of our personal integrity and denial of true nature.  When we bring our focus on cultivating our own strengths in an effort to enhance not only our lives, but the lives of others, we begin to feel internal power. 

We each have a unique gift with the responsibility of sharing it with our community and our world.  As we devolop our skills to enhance our offerings, we are no longer in competition or threatened by others.  When we learn to balance our selves with multiple perspectives, there is no driven need to be right or wrong.  There is just a drive to 'know' and understand. 

When we place our faith and trust in the Divine and activate our internal power, we attract others endeavoring to enhance themselves ... The Universal Law of Attraction.  When we disengage from people not supporting our creative process or not having the highest good as their intention, we feel stronger in facing the challenges before us. 

In time and with practice, we learn to observe the beauty within our own nature.  We begin to see all of the beauty in the world.  As we focus on the positive, we impact our selves and others creating healthier communities ... physical, mental, and spiritual.  Individually and together, we begin to see the difference.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Inborn Tune

"A bird half wakened in the lunar noon
 Sang halfway through its inborn tune."

Robert Frost 

With coffee brewing, I went through my stretch routine.  I began welcoming Spirit into my heart, and then in closure thanked Spirit for being present.  I take this very seriously, very seriously.  This morning while I was closing my little session, I could not stay balanced and began to tip to one side, and then in an attempt to right my self, tipped to the other.  I laughed out loud. I realized at this point, life is not to be taken seriously all of the time.  I felt as though Divine Spirit was laughing with me, saying, "Now you've got it.  Balance your life with humor!"

Coffee cup in hand, I wandered out onto the back deck.  Although it was warm, there was a pleasant breeze.  I immediately looked for the male cardinal usually back over my shoulder singing his song.  It was odd not to find him there.  I let my eyes roam through the trees trying to find this radiantly red cardinal who greets me every morning but  I could not see him anywhere.

So I decided to sit with high awareness, to see if I could sense which tree he was in.  I could feel the presence of this bird, but could not locate his exact position.  Then he began to sing his inborn tune as I experienced joy spread into my heart.  I opened my eyes and still could not find him, but his song was loud and clear.

It occurred to me that this hide and seek game with the red cardinal was so much like my daily awareness.   Sometimes I just assume Divine Spirit is right over my shoulder and I blunder through my day.  More often, however, I can be deeply aware of Spirit's presence throughout the day, feeling joy in my heart.

I carried this joy in my heart all day and found myself slipping into  mantras just like they were my inborn tunes.  How much easier my day unfolded, with each hour filled with my silent songs.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Following Our Passion


The whole secret of spiritual transformation is turning selfish desire into selfless desire, transforming personal passions into the overwhelming desire to attain life’s highest goal. This is not repression; it is transformation.   Eknath Easwaran

Life calls us to blend our gifts and talents with service and humility to the world.  Unfortunately, this very thought brings images of charities, monks,  and philanthropies fighting poverty, and healing the sick.  Where do I exactly fit in with this scenario?  We are not all social workers, missionaries, or therapists.  How will mathematicians or scientists serve the greater scale?  As usual, everything falls into place when we allow our self to spiritually transform.

It seems that our culture prompts us to visualize helping large masses in foreign countries which indeed is a worthy cause, but how about our own country, our own community, and our own homes. Our thinking gets even more convoluted by trying to imagine ways of how to afford taking on more than what is already before us.  Much of this thinking only clutters our mind, distracts us from purpose, and leads us towards decline.

In my opinion, the answer to spiritual transformation is allowing our hearts and minds to be open to what Spirit brings before us.  Spirit has been planting seeds within us for years and our responsibility is to start growing the garden in our own fertile hearts.  If our perception can be unrestricted, we very well may come across the path that is waiting.  It may be a road less traveled, but if it is the road Divine Spirit places before us, it is the one to follow.

Let us go back to the mathematician.  It is in our closed mindedness we are challenged to envision a mathematician on a Spiritual Path.  Why is that?  A person whose strength is in math can be highly beneficial to the church struggling with finances.  The mathematician may be able to study the book keeping and suggest new procedures are better ways of handling the distribution of the monies.  A mathematician may be able to offer the choir director a reasonable budget for the choir to take an experiential trip to a large city parish. 

My point is that we don't have to rearrange our face to serve.  We use what we know and what we love for the betterment of all peoples rather than personal glory.  If we love the arts, donate what we don't use to local schools or after school programs ... paint, yarn, paper, pens, pencils, etc...  If we have music flowing through our blood, volunteer at a retirement or nursing home or a school for the blind.  Do what we love to do, except spread the wealth of what we do. 

It doesn't require a family trust fund to give to our community.  It doesn't take a miracle worker to perform magic for others.  Just contemplate what we truly love to do, and then ask God to show a way it can be blended for all instead of for one! 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Gifted Book from New Orleans

The truest owner of a Library is he who has bought each book for the love he bears to it; who is happy and content to say,—
" Here are my jewels; my choicest material possessions."

Frank Carr     

Book cases are filled with books in my computer room.  Then there are smaller book cases in other rooms with still other books loitering on counter tops or coffee tables.  There are more books I have read through my iPad more for entertainment than enlightenment.  Then still  there are my daughter's she has shared as must read books.  So it is easy to tell that I am an avid reader with an array of books from childhood to adulthood.

Many others feel the same way about books.  I know this as my daughter sets a fine example as do the women in my writers group entitled, "THE BOOK WHORES". 

At writers group, we were discussing our writing rituals.  We were trying to give each other ideas as to how to better define them.  One of the members is quite spunky and feisty, animated and articulate, and one special published writer... (you know who you are).  We were laughing as she said she sticks her nose in a large archetypal book and breathes in the essence of all of the archetypes.  I was intrigued by such an idea.

For days I randomly searched through my collection of books, hoping to select the perfect book to inhale its knowledge.  I just could not find one that felt all encompassing.  I reluctantly gave up on the search.

Later in the day, I visited a friend of mine who just returned from New Orleans.  She is very dear to me as she entertains me in her sun room which is filled with positive energy and loving light.  We frequently experience special moments together.

When the visit was over, Kathy said, "Oh wait, I have something for you."  She presents me with a book and I look at her questioningly.  She tells me while in New Orleans a vendor insisted she bring this book back home.  She handled the book and had no interest in it.  The vendor again implored her, "Please take it so I don't have to bring it back home!"  So she did. 

Holding the gifted book in my hand, browsing through the contents, I get goose bumps up and down my spine.  This is the exact kind of book I was looking for and simply didn't have!  Of course Kathy had no idea of the synchronicity of her gift giving.  I lingered in her home, telling her of the invisible and  magical grid linking us all together. 

THE INTELLECTUAL DEVOTIONAL, Revive Your Mind, Complete Your Education, and Roam Confidently with the Cultured Class was written by David S. Kidder & Noah D. Oppenheim.  There are 365 daily lessons from seven fields of knowledge:  history, literature, visual arts, science, music, philosophy, and religion.  The pages are filled with gifts from the ancients.  There are carefully written lessons blending the professional  accomplishments with the private antidotes of historical figures.  The past comes alive.

Not only am I grateful to my friend for being a vessel for Spirit, I am thankful for all she continuously shares with me.  As part of my morning writing ritual, I joyfully read one page in the mysterious New Orleans book.  I open my self to the old gathered thoughts and to intellectual  areas,  traveling wherever they take me. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

One Small Place


"What was done in the past is done
and it is over now.
This is the present time,
and you now have the opportunity to treat yourself
the way you wish to be treated."

Louise L. Hay

Today is a new day and we can choose to begin our life anew.  It is one thing for others to treat us poorly, but to treat our selves poorly is totally unacceptable.  If we treat our selves without respect why should any one else address us respectfully?  If we do not honor our personal code, why should any one else? 

Boundaries and limitations for our selves as well as for others need to be clarified.  I believe there may be a book entitled "Where You Stop and Where I Begin."    In order to know our own limitations, we must pay attention to our body, mind and spirit.  We need to know who makes us feel good and who sucks our energy right out of us.  We need to be mindful of how much we can physically do before we are exhausted.  We need to know these things prior to navigating out in our world. 

If we feel as though we have no life of our own, then we need to push our boundaries further out  allowing our selves more space and limiting time with others.  We can be more mindful about using our voice so others know when enough is enough.  When we are ready for more participation in our lives, then we can pull our boundaries closer in, allowing others to approach.  Boundaries and limitations need to be flexible so they can be adjusted for different situations. 

Our desires must be formulated and retained crystal clear and to do so, one must spend time alone to truly discover what is in their heart.  We can take an active part in our life, working with the Divine attracting like energy to our selves.  If we just sit back and wait for our desires to come to our door step, we will receive random deliveries hardly appropriate ... junk mail.  If we care about who and what or where we welcome people and activities into our personal lives, we need to be specific in our intentions. 

If we know our likes and dislikes, we can spend our time earnestly nurturing our selves.  If we are longing for someone to bring us flowers, go to the store and purchase our own flowers.  If we are yearning to eat at a new Thai restaurant, invite a friend and go.  It is false thinking when we depend upon someone else to provide our pleasures. 

Every day is a new day.  Every day we have the 'choice' to begin again.  No matter how miserable we find our lives to be, there is one small place ... if we look for it ... where we are welcomed to begin again.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Someone Is At The Door


Ask, and it shall be given you;
 seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 
  – The Gospel According to Saint Matthew

Last night I was browsing through some magazines:  Architectural Digest, Country Living, and Real Simple, to name just a few.    Architectural Digest is quite impressive, filled with villas and properties costing millions to purchase and decorate.  The end result of course is habitats that are so formal one could never decide where one actually sat or relaxed.  The mansions are filled with insured treasures and museum quality art.  On the other hand, Country Living displays well invested homes containing objects from flea markets, and various collectibles offering spaces of comfort.  There was a time this magazine was on my 'must have' list and I read it from cover to cover many times.  My magazine of choice now happens to be Real Simple.  It offers reminders of how to be organized, healthy foods, personal products, ways to keep in shape (assuming one is in shape) all for a very quick read.  It is where I want to be for now, Real Simple.

In  Thought for the Day by Eknath Easwaran, he talks about all the time we spend making our cottage into a House Beautiful, and all of the money we invest in our lawn care and landscaping, but never open the door to the Divine Spirit waiting there. 

Eknath Easwaran states not only are not looking inside for Divine Spirit, most of the time we truly do not believe any one is present within us.  We become so busy decorating the outside of our selves and our living spaces, we never get around to inviting our Spiritual Guest to come in.  It is an interesting thought to invite Spirit in, to welcome the Divine inside, and to make room for spiritual evolution. 

Spirit is within us at all times and also surrounding us.  If we do not recognize Divine Presence it is due to the fact we are expecting a  vision, a miracle, or a shimmering robed guest. If we would just be open to receiving God in all forms, our days would be filled with the presence of Divine Spirit.  Hear the love of God in the singing of the birds.  See the majestic beauty in the clouds floating in the sky.  Taste the sweetness of life by dipping into the imaginary world of a child.  Feel the Divine through the experience of well intentioned hugs.  Fancy words are not required to welcome Spirit in. 

When we have successfully become aware of the beauty surrounding all of our senses and pay heed to it daily, we are then well trained to turn inward and do the same.   Listen for the whispers of God.  Close our eyes and see the never ending story unravel within us.  Taste the sweetness of life and feel the Universe moving energy within, stretching through physical boundaries until we are all one. 

We need to invite our guest in as the sacred has been waiting for a long time.  Spirit has always been present;  it is our individual self who has not been fully present in the Spiritual Life.  It is time to open the door and deliberately welcome God in.

(Inspired by Eknath Easwaran's Thought for the Day)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Small Space Between Inhale and Exhale

"Enlightenment is ego's ultimate disappointment."

Chogyam Trungpa    

The other day I heard a person telling a friend, "I drove by one of those storage places and wondered if I should rent a unit for my ego."  Of course I was extremely entertained by this and it brought laughter into my day. 
The eternal question is, "How can I silence my ego so I can hear Divine Spirit?"  In order to truly hear the Divine, we must silence the ego.  We can all create a system to leash this beast.  A woman who has a meditation practice told me she pulls in an extra chair next to hers when she meditates, and instructs her ego to sit in the chair until she beckons it back.  I wish it were that easy for me. 
My morning ritual at times looks very similar to Swiss cheese ... lots of holes.  My ego sounds like a bee buzzing in my ear.  When I wake up, ego encourages me to sleep just a little longer.  When the coffee is brewing, ego tells me I really don't need to do my stretches.  While I am exercising ego encourages me to cut short the number of stretches I do per body part.  When I am doing my morning commune with nature, ego is reminding me of all I have to do inside.  Ego tells me to for go lighting  the candle and essential oils are not needed.  On and on until I finally force my self to maturely say, "You are not the boss of me!" 
Marianne Williamson asks why we are angry with our body for excess weight when we are the ones who choose the food?  It is ego encouraging us to eat the forbidden fruit (in this case, ice cream) and we choose what we eat, not our body.  Her book, A COURSE IN WEIGHT LOSS displays how ego is frequently our automatic pilot. 
THE NEW EARTH by Eckhart Tolle is also an excellent book to bring  awareness of how to hold our selves accountable disregarding the ego.  His concept of the pain body was a revelation to me.  A pain body slumbering while I feel profound.   The pain body waking up demanding to experience more pain, and my rose colored glasses change to lenses of inferiority and smallness,  hiding my own self-worth. 
Take a deep breath in  and hold it.
Experience the pause.
Gently breathe out.
Experience the pause.
Repeat this series several times and one begins to experience the silence in which Spirit will commune.  This small pause between inhale and exhale gives us a taste of what can be ours if we would only mute our ego.  When ego no longer controls our mind, we can connect with our heart and form decisions or actions based on loving kindness for all concerned.  Just by learning to stretch a small pause into a spiritual reunion, our lives become blessed with peace and calm. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Awakening to Personal Power

“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.”

John O'Donohue
Anam Cara:  A Book of Celtic Wisdom

It is believed by many that our souls are waking up to discover a Divine Presence within us, shifting us into a different way of embracing our world.  It is becoming apparent to many that the power once needed to govern new territories has become a weapon used to manipulate and control for an outcome of greed.  It is no longer a simple act of safety, but an act for personal gain.

The souls that are awakening are not focused on external power.  They are discovering the power within themselves.  They are discovering unique gifts and talents allowing them to be compassionate, accepting and respectful to all peoples.  They are not competitive and exclusively looking for private gain.  Everyone wants to prosper, but not at the cost of repressing others.  These awakening souls are finding God in everything and everyone, so extending harm is not their answer.

Awakening can happen over a very long period of time.  We can be aware of it and ignore it until it pesters us enough to finally respond.  When we awaken, we feel a personal power, not to be used over others, but to be used to fulfill our life's purpose.  For others, awakening can be a very potent spiritual experience. 

If we choose to be fully awakened and alter a time worn belief system, we move from being a five sensory human being into a multi-sensory being.  We recognize the presence of the physical but also the non-physical.  We begin to lose our sense of separation and feel connected to all there is.

Throughout history, there have been awakened souls, but they have been a minority escaping to monasteries or living in exclusion.  The awakened soul today realizes the need to not only discover gifts and talents, but the necessity to share the gifts and talents with others in order to help them follow their own hearts as well.

When like attracts like, kindred spirits can be a source of encouragement, receptive listening, or a way-shower.  The light we all carry within begins to beam brightly attracting other light of those who are also dedicated to honesty, respect, and calm. 

According to Gary Zukav in his book, SPIRITUAL PARTNERSHIP, the generation coming into the world today are already awakening and by the time the following generation arrives, the world will be using personal power on the basis of supporting each other with our gifts and talents rather than manipulating and controlling for personal gain.

"A pipe dream," one may think, but it is a beginning to be believed in.  Improvement must be made to delete the violence of man and his selfish thinking.  Increment by increment, we all can change if we choose to and I do so hope we all will choose. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Morning Rituals

"We all have morning rituals
that give us the comfort of familiarity
even if our days are unknown."

Maria Alexandra Vettese

Every one needs to create a morning ritual to set the tone of their day.  Ritual is not necessarily a religious practice, but something we do religiously.  For some, a ritual could be running, walking the dog, arriving at work before any one else to have a few minutes alone or the practice of yoga.  Ritual can be any thing we create to meet our needs, adding us a sense of sacredness to our day.  It is a time to align our body, mind and spirit, creating a sense of purpose, peace, and calm.

Rituals change from time to time, adapting to our needs.  We may have a weekend ritual or a night time ritual, as there are no set rules.  Ritual is a portion of our day set aside to honor the Divine and to respect our lovely selves.

There is a wonderful book written in 1991 by Sherry Ruth Anderson and Patricia Hopkins entitled, THE FEMININE FACE OF GOD, The Unfolding Of The Sacred In Women.  It was written during a time when the media was exclaiming, "God is dead!"  The actual truth happened to be  God was alive and well, just being worshipped in other places held sacred ... homes, woodlands, private gardens, studios, etc ... It is within this book THE FEMININE FACE OF GOD, I became impacted by the private actions of others.  I was amazed at the authentic and creative private rituals being performed by women.  At the time, the words women and ritual were never linked together. 

If we think schedules do not allow for any kind of rituals, look again.  For years as a working professional, the only time I had of the morning was to light a tea light in the bathroom while I showered and prepared for work.  I lit the candle to attract the Divine into my new day.  While brushing my teeth, I would stare into the flame feeling a connection with all of life.  As I dressed, I tried to let go of all my yesterdays and welcomed compassion and kindness into my heart.  As I blew out the candle, I would offer gratitude and thanksgiving.

Years later, I still have morning ritual, but it has been adapted to meet a different life style. 
1.  Get up earlier than needed.
2.  Start the coffee.
3.  Yoga stretches (my version) welcoming Spirit into my day and set intentions.
4.  Take coffee to porch outside to commune with the beauty and sounds of nature.
5.  Light a candle and use a drop of essential oil, and sometimes music.
6.  Read something inspiring.
7.  Put down on paper what I have seen, heard, visualized ...
8.  Blow out the candle having a thankful heart filled with an attitude of gratitude.

Depending upon the given day, my ritual can take all morning or it can be reduced to a time fitting my schedule.  Yes, there are days unfortunately when I neglect my ritual, and I am sadly aware of the disconnect, but return to it as soon as possible.

Remember, rituals can be anything bringing the sacred into our lives.  Create a ritual that best suits our time and needs.  Pray every morning while traveling to work.  Send love to specific people while climbing the steps out of the parking garage.  I had a friend who prayed for her children every morning as she turned the lock in her door while leaving for work.  A ritual can be simple or lengthy.  Whatever we create will bring blessings to our day.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Deep Breathing in Still Water

God leads me to still waters
that restore my spirit.

Psalm 23 

While in the water, we stand still so the water will remain calm.  In the still waters, we can see the sand beneath our feet more clearly.  The sand has accumulated all of our past hurts, pains, and sorrows.  When we splash around, making waves, we lose sight of what is important.  Our vision blurs and our thoughts become fragmented.

When our feet are grounded into the sand and the water is calm, we can examine what might be bothering us or what action we may need to take.  If we stand still long enough, our understanding of the situation will grow more clear and our direction will become apparent. 

Relationships will cause ripples in our water, as people try to reach out and help.  It is wise to remain standing still until the water once again calms.  By doing so, we will begin to understand our depth, feel the tide tugging at our feet, and watch the water flow. 

Breathing deeply and slowly assists us while trying to be calm when waves appear.  It will give us time to let the waters settle and maintain our line of thinking.  Breathe in imagining the cleansing water washing away the old.  Experience a pause at the end of the inhale, then breathe out all of the stress and anxiety.  Take notice of the depth of the heart and its rejuvenation.  The water and deep breathing will align our body, mind, and soul.

(Writing based on thoughts from Mark Nepo's, THE BOOK OF AWAKENING)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

To Be Fully Alive

"Where you used to be,
there is a hole in the world,
which I find myself
constantly walking around
in the daytime,
and falling in at night.
I miss you like hell."

Edna St. Vincent Millay  

To be alone, may not bother us as much as feeling lonely.  We can be lonely, even when we are surrounded by people.  Although I seek exchanges with kindred spirits, I truly appreciate my alone time.  There are those times, however, when I grow restless, and nothing seems to meet my needs.  I may choose to do odd tasks or attempt projects, but there resides a loneliness within me.  I feel saturated by boredom, but cannot find a satisfying antidote.   The need to feel productive only increases my anxiety.  I find my self standing so close to this feeling of loneliness, I cannot detect what I am missing.

Eventually, I finally give up.  I quit searching for this unlabeled desire, and settle my self down to write.  It is then, at that very moment, the extreme sense of loneliness lifts.  The surge of inspiration as I write fills me with passion for my yet unwritten word.  There is an invisible cord connecting me to all things unseen and my heart feels unequaled joy.    I am lonely no more.

We are all different.   For some the remedy of passion may be found in gardening, antiquing, running, or singing.  All we have to do is discover and acknowledge what action lights our fire.  This doesn't mean we have to be masters of our work, not at all.  It simply means we find something that allows us to be fully alive connecting body, mind, and soul.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Robin's Egg Blue ... Throat Chakra

"The robin lays a distinctive powder-blue egg.  This color is a color that is often used to activate the throat center in humans.  This is a center associated with will force and creativity.  The robin egg reflects the innate ability to assert the will force to create new growth.

Ted Andrews

While walking yesterday, I watched an array of color float by me in the shape of birds.  I seem to always see Cardinals which always remind me of my once mother-in-law who was a very impressive woman, now deceased.  I also came across a powder blue Robin's egg that had fallen to the sidewalk and cracked.  My first reaction was to feel sadly for the poor little bird who would not survive, but my second wave of thought was wondering what the egg symbolized. 

When I returned home, I immediately found my Ted Andrews book which in an invaluable dictionary for all creatures great and small.  I knew that a Robin was a symbol for spring and for new creation.  While reading, I was reminded of the song the Robin sings.  The book states we all have songs that we need to be singing.  It frees our soul, lifts our spirits, and increases personal empowerment. 

There are seven main chakras or vortexes of energy in our body, spaced up and down our spine.  The fifth chakra is the throat chakra representing our ability to speak our most inner thoughts and honor our personal wisdom.  For instance, if someone has a sore throat, he or she may ask,  "What am I not saying?"  Either in the professional or personal arena, we frequently do not speak our truth.  This causes disharmony within our body, mind, and spirit.

Currently, I am venturing out with Deciphering Dreams for others.  Dreams contain information reflecting our feelings, fears, and desires.  I have always had a broad information about dreams and have studied interpretations.  I kept dream journals for 6 to 7 years learning amazing things about my self.  So now Spirit seems to be nudging me to share this ability with others.  I am being called to use my throat chakra in new ways.  I need to speak out what I know in an attempt for others to understand themselves.  So this new creative attempt is very exciting, but also challenging. 

I am thankful for finding the little blue egg to encourage me to articulate my silence and share what I know.  Spring is here and I am called to sing my song supporting new creative efforts.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Way Life Simply Is ...

"Be willing to be a beginner
every single morning."

Meister Eckhart

It is a beautiful morning, so I wander out to the deck with coffee cup in hand.  Sitting on my bench, I look up and see endless blue  heaven being spread across the sky.  Not one cloud is present.  The sun is still rising in the East, and the grass is thick with dew.  I watch the birds come and go, knowing my neighbor has plenty of food and corn cobs for the entire neighborhood. 
Sudden movement breaks my trance and I catch a glimpse of a hawk zeroing in on my neighbor's yard.  Birds scatter everywhere and I feel anxiety churn in my belly.  Hawks are very special to me, but I find my self looking the other way, not wanting to see what this magnificent bird has been born and bred to do.  I want to ignore the carnage and deliberately look the other way.  I want to begin this morning again, void of all disharmony.
To live more realistically during this gentle morn, I decide to face the killing behavior of the hawk, but I do not dwell on this sadness.  I continue to let my senses absorb all of the loveliness of this beautiful morning, overshadowing the darker parts of life.  We need to embrace both the pleasant and the unsavory, finding harmony when we balance the truth of the way life simply is.
We can begin each day anew, leaving behind our burdens from the day before.  Today does not have to be weighted by all of the yesterdays.  Yes, problems and responsibilities are still present, but when we look with fresh eyes and an open mind, we frequently can discover a new perspective.  When we accept (not condone) what is, and do not dwell on the negative, placing our focus on the positive we will avoid being stuck.  We can navigate through our day with less drama not feeling emotionally spent.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Angels Crying

"This has to be his fault, somehow.
I 'm going to track him down,
pluck out his angel feathers,
and stuff a pillow with them."

Lisa Desrochers

There are times, I swear I hear angels crying near me.  I figure I have missed yet another opportunity or I have not been listening to the spiritual guidance around me.  The angels weep, dragging themselves back to the heavenly drawing board to think once again of a tactic to which  I might actually respond.  Perhaps one day I will make the angels sing.

In contemplation, I realize that mastering willpower is not the key to unlocking the purpose of my life.  It is far greater to focus on my desire to know God.  Once I am in union with Divine Spirit,  all things can happen, not through my will but through the unfolding of Divine Love.  When I can remain focused on being a vessel for Spirit, I can  release stress from my personal expectations.  When I trust and open my heart to what comes my way, I experience  growth, change and progress. 

It is often times difficult for me to place my trust and belief in my own nature.  It is imperative for me to remain aligned with God which enables me to move forward as things unfold.  By keeping my ego to a minimum and increasing my trust to the maximum, I experience not only my connection with the spiritual world, but also the importance of being  compassionate and loving on earth.

(Thoughts inspired by ANGELIC MESSENGER CARDS by Meredith L. Young-Sowers)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Flags Stirring Emotion

I swing before your eyes as a bright gleam of color,
a symbol of yourself,
the pictured suggestion of that big thing which makes this nation. 

My stars and my stripes are your dream and your labors. 
They are bright with cheer,
brilliant with courage, firm with faith,
because you have made them so out of your heart.

 For you are the makers of the flag
and it is well that you glory in the making. 

~Franklin Knight Lane

In my heart, I see each of us holding one of these flags, being proud of our country for which it brings both opportunity and challenge.  I see us be-friending the world through education, respect and honesty.  Each of us are filled with courage and faith to make our selves and our country an honorable nation. 

I continue to hold dear the soldiers who have died and I linger over  the memories of soldiers I have known.  There have been several lost in horrific battle and there are others still facing horrific battles even though returned to their home.  I am grateful and thankful for the men protecting our country as well as their families making many sacrifices during the absence of their husband, father, brother and son. 

My dreams and my labors will continue to help one by one my family, my neighbors, and my countrymen to discover a power within inspiring hope and peaceful living.  War does not beget peace.  Violence does not create peace.  Enduring life changing physical and mental injuries does not create calm in the hearts of our men and women.

God bless America ... but I have this sinking feeling that God loves all of the children no matter where they globally live.  War is not God's doing, it is mans.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Unaccountable Time

"I think I can,
I think I can,
oh my yes,
I think I can."


We seem to wander in a wilderness, wondering where we are to be led, and waiting for some sense of direction.  We eventually come upon a clearing with a sunburst of ideas.  We begin our quest, scaling the mountain of challenge before us.   At midpoint,  we find our selves wondering if we really are on the right path.  We try to overcome our doubts by healthy self-talk of "I think I can."  We miraculously reach the peak, but only briefly enjoy the thrill of accomplishment as we assess our ability to stay balanced on the top. 

The options are numerous.  We can back slide, only to be required to repeat our journey.  We can attempt to stay on the peak, but find our selves pushing others away as there is only room for one.  We can carefully choose a path down the other side of the mountain which seems equally as tenuous and somewhat discouraging.  The best option would be to fly!

Divine Spirit tends to nudge us to the edge and then pushes us to take a trusting leap into the depth of our life.  Trust is increased as there is no safety net beneath us.  We allow the wind to blow away our fear so we can concentrate on the brilliant stars in the sky.  The moon tends to encourage us to pick a star, any star, where we can safely rest.  Settling on the star we like best, we are allowed to dream our dream or make our wish.  In this slice of unaccountable time, we can see how to change our experiences from ordinary to extraordinary.  We feel the support of the entire Universe.

The star free falls from the sky and we gently absorb the energy and light on our spiraling ride down.  Back on our own two feet, we feel like running with joy, filled with anticipation for what is yet to come.  We hear our selves chanting, "I think I can, I think I can, oh my yes, I think I can!"

(Thoughts inspired by readings from SOULWORK by BettyClare Moffat)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Embracing the Small Things

"Not everything that counts can be counted,
and not everything that can be counted counts.

Albert Einstein
(Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton) 

On any given day, in various cities, no matter what time of day, we will find  people talking on their phones.  Everyone is hurrying down the street, but captivated in their own little world.  They are so busy, in fact, they miss eye contacts, moments of synchronicity and simple smiles.

We can account for our mortgage, car payment, or  educational debt, but is it possible for us to just as easily account for things appearing and disappearing in our mind, body, and spirit.  If we live in the city, how often do we look up between the tall buildings to see the sky?  Can we even see the setting sun?  Is it necessary to go to a park in order to find a tree for shade?  When we think of listening do we only hear cars, trucks, and cabs honking horns?

I could ask the same of those living in smaller communities.  They, too, may be in such a hurry they never look up or even see the tree shading their home.  Who takes time to smell the flowers?

The art of listening or the practice of being present in the moment allows a person to embrace the small joyful things of life.  The tenderness of a young mother with her child, the kind gesture with an adult assisting and elder, and a leaf spinning from a branch are all pictures of life we do not give credit for contributing to the joy of our day.  The sound of a water sprinkler, an ocean wave, or a bird flapping its wings during flight, are easily forgotten we take record of our day.

If we are not paying attention to moments spread across our day, we miss the magic, the synchronicity, and the wonderment just waiting to catch our attention.  There are  many mysteries in every one's sight, but as our society calls for us to move at a very fast pace,   we miss the opportunities for increasing our personal beliefs. 

For many of us we travel a lonely world, but it is based on a false or inaccurate perception.  We may feel it is easier to collapse in on one's self, but the damage occurring is far greater than the risk of reaching out to our community.  We can choose to slow down and appreciate the world around us.  Allow little incidents with strangers to bring us joy or amusement.  We are not living singularly on this earth unless by choice.  If we desire a full life, then we must set our selves to that task. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Blissful Moments

When welcoming receives everything just as it is,
love blossoms and joy abounds.
What wonder, astonishment, and delight.

Richard Miller

The sun was out today, so I could not possibly want for more.  I decided in honor of the sun's presence, I would try to stay in each moment, appreciating each ray of light.  I would embrace whatever came my way without any attachment to outcome.  I would brave the unknown.

It would be nice to report my day went smoothly filled with 'ah ha' moments, but that would be an out and out lie.  In spite of the unexpected popping up, I managed to stay present, but felt there were too many situations teaching me patience.  There were challenges in the house, so I decided to limit the testing field.  I went out into the back yard and wandered in the flowers.

Life became very simple.  While practicing deep breathing, my eyes absorbed the array of colors while my nose inhaled the fragrance of the peonies.  I touched the flowers and felt the varying textures of the petals and the leaves.  I could hear a few bees buzzing around as I lazily watched the ants crawling all about.  

Next came the rabbit trying to psych me out.  We stared each other down and I am not quite sure who broke eye contact first.  It was probably the distraction of the crazy squirrel running along the fence and jumping from branch to limb.  

The birds decided I wasn't a threat after all, and fell into the chorus of their songs.  I was amazed  as they cleaned their feathers, never losing balance at all.  I wondered why the Blue Jays had such vivid color and  had such an annoying call.

Cuddled in the outdoor chair, I maintained presence and speculated about the synchronicity of all the seasons of nature.  I closed my eyes, and allowed colorful shapeless visions flit across my mind.  I felt nothing but peace and calm. 

In these blissful moments, I was happy to be alive.  I was reminded of the beauty in the world and easily let the negativity fade.  These seemingly perfect moments allowed me to feel loved and accepted as I bravely faced the remainder of the day.


Monday, June 10, 2013

To Look Deeply

To know someone deeply
is like hearing the moon through the ocean ...

Mark Nepo

Relationships are the teachers of many lessons.  If we do not exchange experiences with others, we curtail our lessons and personal progress.  Friendships can bring heart break and disappointments, but they can also offer a safe haven.  We will never know unless we try.

There is nothing as comforting as looking into the eyes of another and realizing they have had the same experience.  Sometimes friends simply understand us so well that they relate to our struggle even though they have not experienced it themselves.  Our friends really do not have to have the perfect response or the best solution.  Just by being present with us and witnessing our challenge can be all we need at the moment.

We may feel we are the only ones experiencing such a challenge, but in reality, we all have challenges.  They might look differently, but they serve the same purpose.  So those who have gone before us, who have struggled up life's mountain and are successfully standing at the top, can encourage us and cheer us on;  however, we still must carve our own authentic path. 

Being understood  can be the best remedy for any situation.  To look deeply into some one's eyes and find acceptance and compassion can make all of the difference.  Words of encouragement and honest reflection help us to see the depth in other people's eyes.  We will only know this if we dare to open our hearts. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Deciphering Dreams at the Imagine Foundation Gallery Hop


Deciphering Dreams
Imagine Foundation
Gallery Hop
 Jacksonville, Illinois

ARTICULATING SILENCE, DECIPHERING DREAMS, and  EXPLORING INNER LANDSCAPES, have been three areas of my expertise for quite some time.   On the evening of June 7, 2013, I participated in the Imagine Foundation's Gallery Hop in Jacksonville, Illinois offering opportunities for people to decipher their dreams.  I attended the event with Teri Freesmeyer (Intuitive, Medium and Healer extraordinaire) and a new friend Ellen (Tarot Card Intuitive).  Other vendors were artists, jewelers, and other small cottage industries like bath salts, natural soaps, and oils.  It was well attended and extremely beneficial for me to attend.

As a small child, I experienced very vivid and intense dreams.  I had a recurring dream for many years until the meaning was finally untangled much later in life.  In college, I explored dream work through psychology.  My passion for understanding dreams laced throughout my life.  I was always working with dreams of friends, neighbors, and then friends of my children.  I have studied
dreams for many years, making my first debut presentation at Open Doors for an all day workshop.  Since then I have made additional informative talks and presentations on this subject.  I find dream content to be extremely intriguing and reflective.

While attending this event for the Imagine Foundation, my desire to work with dreams grew more intensely.  It is an amazing experience to listen to a person tell their dream with anxiety or perplexity, and then through discussion watch their face become filled with peace and wonderment.  There is much to be learned by deciphering dreams, as they reflect what we repress, fear or desire.

Dreams are a visual language and we all dream every night.  Most of us just don't remember, but we do all dream.  In addition, we frequently day dream which can be vitally important as well.  By understanding these sequences, we can gain better insight into our subconscious minds.

At this time, therefore, I am offering a new addition to my services:  Deciphering Dreams.  I have created a new e-mail address (  ) so people can send me their dreams for interpretation.  There is a charge for each dream, so a phone number must be included to secure payment.  Dreams remain confidential and further consultations can also be arranged. 
I welcome the opportunity to be a guest speaker for small or large gatherings.  (Fees will be determined)

I believe it was Edgar Allan Poe who said,  “All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.”  Curious?   Send me a dream e-mail: .

Saturday, June 8, 2013


We need to remember across generations
that there is as much to learn
as there is to teach.

Gloria Steinem
It is no longer common to be living in the same city or town as our parents, grandparents or extended families.  Many children do not have the opportunity to meet other generations except on rare occasions.  Curiosity has driven families to turn to genealogical societies to track the family's heritage. 
As young adults, we feel as though we are finally leaving our parents behind, but this is far from the truth.  We bring generational habits or behaviors unknowingly with us.  Many of the beliefs or patterns we carry are the very ones impressed upon us as children.  We may be holding fears of not having enough, unable to show affection, and patterns of secrecy.
By breaking the chain, we can stop negative influence from passing any farther.  We can replace old patterns through tolerance, love, and conscious awareness.  Eventually, the change in actions can help in  maintaining better health, higher self-esteem, and happiness.  Through honest exploration we can become aware of generational limitations, dysfunctional emotional patterns, and unrealistic values.  We must become aware of our need to change in order to successfully create a new generational pattern.
Negative family patterns may seem normal to us while we are living with our family of origin.  It is not until we get out into the world that we notice the difference between families activities and belief systems.  Changes in our society also cause us to alter traditions.  Sunday family dinners are impossible if we are living in other cities, states, or countries.  Even holidays may have to be celebrated on different dates in order to accommodate family members.  Not wearing a dress to church may be offensive to some or even attending a Saturday night Mass.
The first step in changing is giving our selves permission to do so.  We don't need to feel guilty or shameful when our life choices alter old patterns.  Each generation is a pioneer into a future and the individual generations will leave a history, both negative and positive. 
It is important to honor and respect our elders, and to maintain some family traditions.  There is much to be learned from the past, but there is much to be discovered for the future.  Life is but change and we will always find our selves moving forward if we wish not to be stagnant nor redundant. 
 (Writing prompted by DAILY OM written by Madisyn Taylor)