Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Intricacies of Solitude Unexplained

"He who does not understand your silence
will probably not understand your words."
Elbert Hubbard

There are diverse reasons for withdrawing into one's self.  We might be incubating an invention or visualizing a pattern.  Pulling inside does not automatically signal depression.  If we are pregnant for the first time or if we have unfortunately miscarried, we are entitled to pull in for an intimate experience of joy or sorrow.

There are numerous tunnels winding around in our heads, and which ones we follow depends upon our yearning or our thirst.  One tunnel may be for releasing debris while another may be sterile anticipating an original idea.

We all have a depth to us not everyone understands and it is impossible and frustrating to try to explain.  Visions frequently lose luster when reduced to words.  Reducing intricate steps to enable better understanding might present a wobbly foundation.  There are times the intricacies of solitude  cannot be defined by words.

Monday, April 29, 2019

In Remembrance of My Soul

"When you reach for the stars, you are reaching for the farthest
thing out there.  When you reach deep into yourself, it is the same
thing, but in the opposite direction.  If you reach in both directions,
you will have spanned the universe."
Vera Nazarian

Deep inside of my lovely self, I pull out memories of  deception, betrayal, and suppression,  This task reminds me of gutting a pumpkin ... strands of slime, seeds, and slithering roots.  In my mind I am envisioning new growth, healthier seeds, and warmth to replace the cold and disgust of poor choices.

Maintaining my inner dwelling does not excuse me from tending to my higher self which is the connection to all that is holy.  The eternal light above me is patient and kind, shining hope and joy when I am lost in the dark.

It sounds so simple for me to be reaching in two directions at once, but indeed, I must be mindful as I am so easily swayed.  I gently stack sacred images from the clouds in the sky, to gently surround my heart.  In the day time hours, the sun warms spaces to place my feet;  and in the night, the moon glows in remembrance of my soul.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Poem You Want To Be ...

"You read and write and sing and experience,
thinking that one day these things will build 
the character you admire to live as.  You love
and lose and blend best you can, to the extreme,
hoping that one day the world will read you like
the poem you want to be."
Charlotte Eriksson

Women of today tend to value themselves more than previous generations.  Understandably, there were remarkable women earlier in history, but they were seldom recognized.  It would seem the gender itself is shifting to the value of self rather than upon sexist fodder of others.

As human beings, we are living longer which allows us to have multiple roles spread out over time or years divided into segments for diverse individual preferences. In spite of our solid character and discipline, we tend to have moments of bending to the whims distracting us from our intentioned lives.

At the core of our being, we want to be remembered kindly for our time spent on earth.  Hoping memories of our dalliances have fallen by the way side, we wonder how our memory  will be kept:  a gardener or keeper of the Lord's earth; a teacher or angel to those struggling to learn; or maybe as a poet  who spread compassionate words; or one of those huggers who embraces the entire body until the chaos fades.  As time speeds forward, do often wonder how you will be remembered? 

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Hands Open for Expectations


"Because he believes in miracles, miracles begin to happen.
Because he is sure that his thoughts can change his life,
his life begins to change.  Because he is certain that he
will find love, love appears."
Paulo Coelho
Warrior of Light

Paulo Coelho wrote a small book entitled, THE WARRIOR OF LIGHT.  I have always considered it to be a small guidebook with significant uplifting passages that encourage the reader to  journey a bit farther, even when discouraged.  There are reminders of who we are and what we are searching.

Every human being is on a journey and no matter the physical content, the emotional challenges and the heart renderings are present.  We are all stretched and pulled, shaping us into higher realms for deeper understandings.  The trick of course, is to remain faithful to our own journey and not become distracted or gravitate towards the goals of others.

There are always kind spirits on the way side, willing to encourage or listen as we begin to stumble.  They do not have personal agendas other than to be good stewards to those who cross their paths.  To be totally focused on our destination disallows experiences with those who wish to deepen our experience.  Balance is maintained when we are mindful of where we place our feet, but to have open hands to catch the fragrant flowers falling from the trees.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Get Started ... Yes, You!

Woman must come of age by herself . . .
She must find her true center alone."
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

We probably have a better sense of our true center when we are children than when we are adults.  Imagination flows and anything can be possible as we balance between masculine and feminine traits We are not pressured by expectations or social pressure and easily blow off criticism from others.  

As we become aware of our inner voice, the long fingers of fear reach in interrupting our connection.  Our boundaries can be too flexible we lose the sense of 'self'. Mistakes will be made.  We will experience numerous beginnings and endings until we begin to value our unique gift to the world.

As women, we are aware of the full spectrum of choices.  We need to utilize our energy after we determine "What is my joy?"  Then slowly bring our intentions into present life.  Take classes, volunteer with compassion, begin a long awaited project, or set upon a journey.  Gather tools and schedule well deserved private time.   This is YOUR life!  Get started!

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Unseen Connections

"Only those who career about you 
can hear when you are quiet."

Identical twins are known for their exceptional sensory connections.  They are entwined with a knowing about each other.  This is the way is between some non-sibling relationships as well.  These are the individuals we initially meet and do not feel like strangers.  In some strange manner, we feel as though we have known them forever.

We have individuals in our lives who can sense our distress even when miles apart.  When a person becomes in tune with us, they sense when to intervene and when to hold still.  With eye contact and a smile, they can pull us back from far away places.

These special individuals do not always remain present in our lives, as they may move or circulate in a differing community, but the strong bond will always be present.  Even in absence, we can feel a sense of the energy that wraps itself so warmly around us.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Enhance Do Not Hamper

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.
Without them humanity cannot survive."
Dalai Lama

The owner of the convenience store watched the reflection of the young man in the mounted mirrors.  The elder knew all of the signs as the twenty year old wandered the aisles turning his back to the mounted cameras.  It was obvious to the owner that he was being ripped off.  So he called 911.

The young man approached placing a few incidental items on the counter.  The owner asked, "What else do you have in your pockets?"  The body of the young man emotionally sagged with embarrassment while the owner cancelled the 911 call.

The elder asked, "Why would you do this?  Why have an arrest on your record at such a young age?  Do you not have something to work towards?"  The younger man shared his story of stealing food for his younger brother and his inability to find a job.  The elder did not press charges, but chose to be  a mentor stating, "You are not a bad boy.  You are in a bad situation.  Let me help you." I would like to believe the response of love and compassion enhanced a life rather than hampered.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

A Good Human or An Earth Angel

"When you do something noble and beautiful and nobody notices,
don't be sad.  For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle
 and yet most of the audience still sleeps."
John Lennon

As the years of experience heal my wounded soul, I am free to have kindness kindling in my heart.  There is such joy in extending a warm smile to a child sitting in a grocery cart crying or the reaction from the elder who unexpectedly receives unasked for but needed assistance.

"Pennies from Heaven," is how I yearn to be.  Out of no where, I yearn to sprinkle kindness without  signature or ownership.  Generating mystery or surprise brings the edges of the lips up into a smile. One garden flower not a dozen roses;  a simple compliment not a fake fawning; or recognition for a well meant gesture not an award, enlivens the soul.

Be an earth angel sprinkling good will wherever we go.  Let us experience that impish sense of childhood magic.  Simply be in the moment.  Maintain an awareness of opportunities to humbly assist.  Break down the barrier between mixed messages of interfering and responsibility. Be good human.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Uncharted Steps Towards Liberation

 "This moving away from comfort and security,
this stepping out in to what is unknown, uncharted,
and shabby ... that's called liberation."
Pema Chodron

It really does take bravery to be our lovely selves.  Self-deception extends time for lack of self-respect  and encourages self-deprivation.   If we can use mindfulness or awareness to see more clearly, our focus presents itself in a more direct way.

If we would get out of our own way by dismissing criticism, and rising above old patterns of sabotage, we can focus upon our true desire.  We have to become our own person, non-dependent upon approval from others, and courage to let our values rise from our core.

It is highly difficult to leave comfort, but what if you could create a more compatible way of living.  Perhaps the security we covet is actually preventing us from unfolding into a higher level of life, embracing what we love to do and enjoying companions who truly support our self sought liberation!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

A Thousand Truths

"One falsehood spoils a thousand truths."
African Proverb

It is mind blowing to wade through the celebrations of this day, prior to the history of Christ.  It is somewhat discerning to piece through Easter symbols only to find they were not originated in christianity.  Without discrediting Jesus the Christ, it is unsettling to learn how this day of celebration became a blend of preceding practices.

Statements like 'the truth will set you free' gives me permission to explore diversity in religious beliefs without making one right or wrong.  The saying, 'use your freedom to love one and other' encourages me to respect my core beliefs and the values of others.

The concept of God being on my side has never set well with me, as I have been led to believe that we are all children of God, that God has made each and every one of us.  Jesus the Christ died for all men, not just specific religious sects.  True, I cannot explain the dissimilarities amongst all of us, but then I have not been called to judge.   

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Power Over the Self

"I do not wish women to have power over men;
but over themselves."
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

To be a good little girl, one learned that everyone had power over you ... ministers, doctors, men and most deplorable any adult.  My father loved to say, "Children are to be seen and not heard" which took my voice away as well  "You are still wet behind the ears," never made sense to me as a child, but I knew it was a negative spin on my value.

I do not begrudge men, I simply desire for every woman to have a say in her life whether it is abided by or not.  Every woman grows stronger when she begins to use her voice.  This is not particularly easy and challenges will present themselves.

To take things to the next level, I do not want all women to be grouped together.  I choose not to be like others, as I was encouraged to do growing up.  I now listen to my inner voice and trust the guidance with greater confidence than religious or political fodder.  I just want each of us to be the best human being we can be with our unique set of skills and supporting each other.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Sight Without Vision

"...worse than being blind is having sight,
but no vision."

My beloved friend, Louise who recently passed, was afflicted with Macular Degenerate Disease which means her eye sight decreased to blindness over a period of years.  Louise read books, needlework, gardening, and had meticulous penmanship.  When her inherited infliction took hold, she tried everything possible to preserve what little sight remained, and her heart remained filled with visions.

In contrast, I observed a young man who was in his prime, but he did not have vision which would have allowed him to build upon creative meaning.  As he floated along the river of life, his lack of vision stirred nothing within.  Never holding his short sighted view responsible, he took issue with the world surrounding him.

The contrast between my friend and the young man was striking and stirred a multitude of emotions within me.  I could do nothing for sweet Louise and the young man had no initiative to focus.  All of us have choices ... either to restrict vision or to be aware,   It is vision, not eye sight that activates or skills which we have been so generously given.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Waiting Turn to be Exposed ...


"It was all in my head and now
all I had to do was figure out
a way to get it down on paper."
Ann Patchett

Both the inner and the outer worlds unfurl differently for each of us.  We do not all rise and shine at the very same time.  There are those who perceive needing the public attention in order to move forward.  Then there are others who shy away from any sense of acknowledgment as they wish to remain hidden.

It is up to each individual to internally notice the patterns inside of the mind and the heart and then choose the manner of expression to be used.  Creativity is endless, but even so, the help of others to align the vision and the tangible reality is frequently needed. 

My mind is filled with colorful patterns and themes while scripts for journaling float about.  Speed is always differing depending upon whether or not ideas need to be expanded or trimmed for a finer line. It can be overwhelming to walk around in my head observing the artistic imagery and the glossary of unusual words just waiting to their turn to be exposed.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Perfect It Then Share It

"It makes you wonder.  All the brilliant things we might have done
with our lives if only we suspected we knew how."
Ann Patchett

It is our limited thinking that postpones many of our personal success stories.  It is odd we are born with gifts, but these gifts might take a life time to be discovered, honed, and shared.  Our families could help  by exploring our favorite subject matters while we are still young.  Where does our focus go and what primal abilities to do we exceptionally display?

There are successful singers accepting awards who mention the teacher who told him or her never to sing out loud.  The aging poet has written throughout life, but kept works hidden from eyes who would criticize.  Then there is the 65 year old woman who threw on tap dance shoes at long last! She had yearned to do this since early years, but was told she was too large.

The outcome of our skills can vary.  Artists can strive to become recognized by peers in the community or singers may succeed in a larger city theater; but, the majority of us need to perfect our skill to simply satisfy our selves.  The goal is not for greatness, but for striving for the best we can do with what we have and to share it!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Turn Your Back and Walk Away

"Lighthouses don't go running all over an island
looking for boats to save;  they just stand
there shining."
Anne Lamott

Docs without Borders travel to numerous countries helping the sick who do not have medicine or options for healing.  They generously use their time, medical skills, and inspiration for others.  Not all of us can be exceptionally spectacular, but each one of us has an inner light that touch the hearts and souls of those present around us.

We all have the ability to thrive wherever we happen to be.  Our focus spears through drama, negativity, and temptations.  We succeed by building our inner light to shine bright enough to see how we can assist others.

To help other people, one does not need to wait until he or she wins the lottery.  A person cannot be discredited based on lack of education.  God has given every human a unique ability to be shine upon others.  We must hold ourselves ready to react to those in need as they appear.  The point is not how much you have, but whether or not you turn your back and walk away.  

Monday, April 15, 2019

When God Becomes a Companion

"Spiritual direction is a way of companioning people as they seek to look closely, 
through the eyes of their heart, at the guidance and transforming 
work of God in their lives."
Alice Fryling

Earlier on, children wanting to speak to God could only do so through a priest, mister or rabbi.  One on one communication was referred to as lesser than communication between a holy man and God.  Certainly we whispered to God in church or in times of strife, but we did not feel personally good enough to directly address the heavenly father.

There are still men of the cloth and women have joined the ranks of religious leaders.  As we have grown over the years, I believe we began to respect the weight of our own word offered directly to God.  Spiritual  responsibility has grown while our image of God has expanded to becoming our personal loving counsel.  

As the relationship with God grows, we become partnered with a companion to guide us through the chaos of our days.  God is not necessarily viewed as being above us, but within us.  How much better a partnership works hand in hand rather than using a middle man to quest the guidance of our God.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Outside of the Race

"When I live in the present moment my intent is to be
vibrationally aware and united with everything."
Debbie A. Anderson

We are pushed trough the demands of our day either by career or family obligations and often times both.  It requires deliberate intention to create a pause within our routine.  Just a small segment to label as our own, to be void of demands and expectations.  

Once we have mastered a pause intended for intimate space with the self, one can then begin the challenge of finding numerous spaces for awareness in our immediate surroundings.  If life is intended to be lived, the race must slow down for us to capture the overlooked aspects intended to be a significant part of our life.

Participate in a race while absorbing the richness of the chosen path.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, assuming time to survey is allowed.  Pause now, right in the middle of this .... look at what is around you .... see it with new eyes ... if it does not lift you, why is it even there?  If we have no control of our surroundings, we still can arrange for one small thing to represent a connection with all there is ... outside of the race.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Shift Perceptions with Broader Scopes

"We have every single day this possibility,
this chance of discovering something new."
Paulo Coelho

Educationally I achieved the level I needed for my career, but I rarely missed an opportunity to attend another workshop or class to stack up credit.  Then as my world slowly turned, I began to give the presentations and share what I had endeavored to learn.  My feast was found in the reciprocating students willing to share stories and experiences.

The need to learn propelled me into studies of ancestors, religion, philosophy, astrology and other areas making my world expand beyond my expectations.  Mentors were bountiful and sisters of my heart were expanding into new areas as well.  We would gather and share, updating and eliminating information, and shifting perceptions with broader scopes.

It seems I am of the age now, where all of my seeking and yearning begins to apply to the life which surrounds me.  It is in solitude that I can make the most sense out of eclectic thoughts, stringing words and theories to support and contrast.  When I am surrounded by trees and birds in flight, while mighty flowers push up through the soil, I have the sense that nature has been patiently waiting for me.   It is as though spring creates a colorful kaleidoscope to blend my life time ponderings and the reflections of my soul.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Even While Doing Your Best, You Can Do More ...

"I do the very best I know how ... the very best I can;
and I mean to keep doing so until the end."
Abraham Lincoln

We may not always be effective, but if we are doing the best we possibly can with what we have and who we have grown to be, nothing more can be expected ... or is that not true?  Even when we are pushing our lovely selves to the best of our ability, we can still be yearning to reach a deeper level.

Yes, to enjoying the space we occupy in the moment.  Yes, to being thankful and grateful for all that we have.  But honestly, if we accept ourselves just the way we are we can still envision a better self.  When the motivation is to improve the self to share with others, we can be an inspiration.

If our motivation is financial greed or a driven stance to physically rule, we are destined to renounce our loving nature.  If we stay true to our individual skills and hone in on how we can enhance our actions to touch the lives of others, we will progress to the end doing the very best we can.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Integrity, When No One Is Watching ....

"You and I don't know whether our vision is clear in relation
to our time or not ... No matter what failure or success we may
have ... we will not know ... But we can keep our integrity ...
according to our own sense of balance with the world that
created our form.
Georgia O'Keeffe

In a world with various definitions and expounding boundaries, it is difficult to know how effective  our service to human kind is impacting life.  We are not speaking of ladder climbing our career, but our level of heart felt compassion.

Who we are on the inside is who we carry with us into all dimensions.   Our core compassion touches all parts of our life unless we keep it closed off or behind a mask.   Our culture seems to be more accepting of viewing us as a whole package, allowing ourselves to be fully present as we are in all moments.  This is called integrity.

Flexibility is important in all aspects of life, but maintaining integrity is vitally important.  Imagine the anxiety created when we have to constantly be turning parts of our lovely selves off or on given the situation.  We are all called to be our best at all times, embracing our integrity as our one true guide.  Remember, the most difficult part of integrity is being who you are when no one is watching.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Difficulty with Reflections

"You think you want to know something, and then once you do,
all you can think about is erasing it from your mind."
Sue Monk Kidd
The Secret Life of Bees

Introspection grows more intense as we learn bits and pieces of what makes us tick.  Yet self-discovery can overwhelm us with grave feelings of inadequacy.  Understanding the patterns of our personality bring insight but emotions flood us with the realization of our own actions.  

Patterns of our personality hold us responsible for actions taken during crisis or drama or unfulfilled dreams.  To hold oneself accountable, blame cannot be entirely placed upon our foes.  We are faced with accepting outcomes and not being an innocent bystander.

As we recognize our weaknesses, we endeavor to do better even though our first response may be to shut down completely.  If we close our awareness to our own lessons, it will just take longer to correct and succeed.   When we can say, "This is who I am and this is who I will be," we can begin once again to master our earthly contribution.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tolerating Pain Avoids Corrective Action

"When you are avoiding your pain
you are really only avoiding your growth."
Bryant McGill

Disruption arrives at our door, but as the one who welcomes the disruption in, we are held responsible for reestablishing harmony.  The unfortunate piece is disruption often appears to be a good thing which we then embrace whole heartedly.

If a person is breathing, he or she will be subject to disruption.  The outcome is based upon awareness and response time.  If we trust our first gut instinct we may save some time, but if we over ride our intuition, we step further into mayhem.

We are not called to be tolerant of our pain as it is simply postponing the lesson.  The longer we wait additional drama and entanglement adheres to the sticky situation.  Humble the self by admitting to making an error and correcting it while gaining additional experience.  This is how we grow.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Inner Light Radiates Beauty

"Beauty is not the face;
Beauty is a light in the heart."
Kahlil Gibran

The beauty found in a physical face is a mere reflection of the radiance found in the soul.  Our inner light beams from our hearts penetrating out into the world. It shines through our eyes and glows from our skin.  It can surround us extending a golden aura.

The vibration from our inner light attracts the energy of those around us.  As we add our voice, attitude, and kindness, others will take notice.  They may not have the understanding of light and energy, so it may be difficult for the observer to put his or her finger upon the spot attracting them, especially if they are limited to surface beauty.

We are able to walk amongst others with self-confidence and an awareness of our value rather than depending upon surface beauty to make our way.  We listen to the whispers from within so we are not led astray and continuously guided by our light from within the heart.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Perfection Covered by Hideous Masks

"To be beautiful means 
to be yourself."
Thich Nhat Hanh

Beauty  is found in the eyes of a child; in the perfection of a floral bouquet; the star or moon; vast waters; or an architectural structure.  Whatever direction our vision takes, our eyes slowly fall upon something to be valued.

There are numerous degrees of beauty and time might enhance or damage the radiance.  The degree in which beauty is cared for can extend our attraction or bring it to extinction.  It is odd, to me, that beauty and value are not necessarily appreciated in the place of origin.

Our individual perceptions may be so colored by experience, we may disregard certain elements of beauty.  Our chosen focus may be so narrow the expanse of  natural beauty may never be noticed.  With freedom, we colorfully cover perfection with hideous masks.  Tell me, when  you gaze into the mirror, what beauty do you see?  How do you value this unique image looking back at you?

Saturday, April 6, 2019

We Always Have Choice

"I am responsible for the energy 
I release in the world."

We are not necessarily responsible for what randomly happens to us, but we are held accountable for the way we respond.  If we wallow in self-pity, get stuck in self-loathing, or become obsessed with revenge, we are contributing darkness out into the world.

If we see a child fall or an elder struggle on a stairway, we can ignore with sadness or we can react with service by directly helping.  In both situations we are projecting energy, either disharmony or harmony.  

Positive reaction does not always have to be in the physical.  As we pass by an accident, we can offer a small prayer that no one was hurt.  If we are stuck in a traffic jam, we can pray for our family rather than build road rage.  We have choice, we always have choice ... do we want to serve with kindness or subject our dark side?

Friday, April 5, 2019

This or Something Better

"We all have the choice in life whether to put
our true selves out there or hide behind our fears."
Brene Brown

There is a progression to discovery ...  we first discover our gifts ... talk ourselves into believing in our strengths ... design a way to present our value out into the world ... and then follow through.  In the midst of all stages we will find ourselves doubting and questioning our sanity.  We may become discouraged, but it is vital for us to push through.

When we are at wits end, it is difficult to find the strength to push through.  If we can visualize what we are wanting to bring into the world;  if we can let creativity have free flow;  and try yet again in a different way, the outcome may change.

The most vital step is engaging the Divine with our plans.  There are times God's intuitions for us are bigger than ours and we need to open our options to allow intervention.  We may be thinking too small or in the wrong vein.   'Please great Spirit, this or something better bring into my life.' 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Path Up A Mountain

"You're not a broken soul.  You're a whole soul
who's just feeling a little lost as you try a new
path up the mountain."
Brittany Burgunder

Our culture grooms us to believe the highest goal is success.  We are pressured to excel in an area that will reap large salaries,  draw great attention,  and make everyone proud.  It is never explained  financial success may cost integrity, immunity to the struggle of others, the connection with our families, and the inevitable fall from the top.

When a person highly tunes his or her inner skills and matches them to groomed passion, success will follow but it may feel like a hike up a mountain. Understand that success in this scenario means a contented heart, the sense of privilege to offering service, and a willingness to help others along the way.  The goal is not to make money or attract society, but to establish the sense of doing your best for yourself and others.  At times, we may feel lost, but it is only another opportunity to redirect our efforts.

If we are doing what we love and happen to attract large amounts of money, we are able to involve more people with our goal or donate to others who are in need.  The development of self is a goal everyone can seek.  We are all unique and our polished skills can touch the lives of many.  Simply seeking financial gain can stunt our growth and isolate us from our true purpose of life on earth.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Reduced Power of Word Content

"Some of the most beautiful words I've ever heard
are those I learned to whisper to myself."
Creig Crippen

My passion for words whether they have been felt, seen, heard or spoken grows deeper.  Each word has multiple meanings or might be spelled in different ways.  The context may shift according to the sound of the projecting voice.  In addition, there are numerous words edited beyond recognition.

Original inference may be lost in translations.   Distorting the significance of the more primitive definition a word may be published losing appropriate impact.  Even spelling can be altered as the translator delicately transitions letters into a differing language.

For example, it is common knowledge what is meant when someone refers to a person as being a virgin.  We all know the sexual inference right?  Upon research, however, the word virgin in early history was defined as an individual woman who owned land without attachment to a male.  The right of credible power seems to have been reduced to a sexual script.   Funny how that happens ...

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Backdrop of the Sky

"You are the sky. Everything else
is just the weather."
Pema Chodron

Whether the sky is a vibrant blue or a misting gray, it is a reflection of our very selves.  Black clouds may roll in or the sun may hide for days, but the sky is always there as a backdrop.  This is the same for our lives.  Our nature is the undercoating of everything we experience.  

We can learn various lessons from the sky.  It teaches us patience and tolerance.  The visual of passing weather reflects that all things come to pass.  The sky assists us in feeling hope as we search the dark sky for sparkling stars.  It is a constant no matter what crosses the broad horizon.  

The weather paints varying colors up above, sometimes hiding the sun or revealing meteors rocketing across the sky.  These are symbols of the trials and tribulations we face, but we still persist like the backdrop like the sky.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Touch of Madness

"No great mind has ever existed 
without a touch of madness."

What appears to be madness, actually may be brilliance.  Think of the jokes the Wright Brothers had to listen to when expressing their idea of flight.  Imagine the ridicule Einstein tolerated or crass remarks made to Carl Jung.  Throughout history great minds succeeded in spite of criticism from peers.

We bravely speak up to our friends with an idea we have been mulling over.  An idea that seems to make us percolate with creativity and desire comes spilling out loud.  It is when we look at the faces of our friends ... the shock, disbelief and laughter ... that we begin to second guess our inspiration. We cowardly laugh and say, "April Fool!"

It is no wonder great minds tend to isolate themselves so they cannot be distracted by criticism or negativity.  Engaging with others can dilute the original idea so the project veers off track.  Today, April Fool's Day is an excellent time to float some madness out to friends.  Watch the facial expression and listen to those who support and to those who demean.