Sunday, June 30, 2019

Until It Is Dark No More ...

"One of the worst griefs people feel is the longing for elders in their lives.  How
many times do we find ourselves in conflict, fear or despair and wish we could
receive guidance from someone who knows better?  There is no shortage of older
people in our communities, but what differentiates and elder from and older ...?
Toko-pa Turner

Today is another birthday for me ... I am 'aging' ... not getting older.  I have acquired an enormous amount of knowledge over the years, but I am not certain it has translated into wisdom.  I never had older relatives in my life, never an elder to listen to my concerns.  This is probably why astrologically I am a Moon Child.  The Moon has been the ancient presence to witness my grief, concern, and fear.

It is difficult to identify with community as I have always been marching to that other tune.  It has led my gypsy soul from sand and ocean waves to soft clouds in the mountain air; from isolation in an earth based cave to a walk over a bed of fire.  Sisters of my heart have faithfully come forth in my times of need and I thank the stars for the expression of poets, writers, musicians, and artists. I praise the creative spirit in each soul.

As I breathe air today, it is challenging to find an elder who understands my spiritual perspectives.  My thoughts, words and deeds are a bit too creative for anyone who has stopped the search for self. I know who I have been, both dark and light sides, but it is unclear to me who I shall become during the lagging days ahead.  I shall continue to follow the light until it is dark no more.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Configuration of the Darkened Sky

"Emotions influence every action we take.  So the more
we are aware of our feelings, the more we gain conscious
control over our lives."
Jessica Moore

As the wind increased, the tree tops were no longer gently swaying.  The soft white clouds floating over the sun were overcome by threatening dark clouds.  How fast the scene had changed and with this viewing, my inner landscape changed as well.

I definitely did not feel well and stood in front of the medicine cabinet wondering which pill to take ... migraine, sinus, or tylenol.  As I glanced towards another shelf, there were bottles of essential oil which might be less harmful to my body.  Lavender, lemon grass, and frankincense were chosen to address my emotions.
The configuration of the darkened sky turned me inward, wondering which inner storm had churned my emotions.  It was then I realized the importance of not just treating the pain, but to acknowledge the part of me triggering my discomfort.   As I brought a particular piece of my past forward,  I covered it in love, welcoming it to all of my healthy pieces forming the whole.  I knew the sun would shine again.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Deconstructing the Drawing Board

"Consider going back to the 'drawing board' to deconstruct
what isn't working and start anew."
Susan C. Young

Whether adding or subtracting, change shifts our vision of both the present or the future.  Routines and future plans are altered when when our family structure is impacted and realignment is necessary.  The same holds true for our career or community.

We have the habit of thinking in concrete terms while we live in the middle of chaos with change swirling around us daily.  Patience is required as well as flexibility or we may remain stuck in the rubble that falls around us.  

The best plan is to remain aware of our desires while at the same time noticing change occurring.    Our future plans need to be supported by the reality of the day.  Not only is it vital to recognize a shift, but to be prepared to strengthen the broken elements.  As we create blue prints in our mind, it is necessary to have them realistically aligned with our physical actions.  As we move forward, our body, mind and soul constantly adjusts to ensure our efforts are propelling in parallel directions to best support our life purpose, personal agenda, and heightened use of skill.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thrown Out Of The Nest

"To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake
is to be continually thrown out of the nest."
Pema Chodron

We become too complacent when we are comfortable in our nest.  Life circulates, as change, stirring situations that tend to throw us out of our comfort zone.  If we avoid or deny turbulence forthcoming, we are deceiving ourselves.  Bravery and courage are often times required to reshape our habitat.

Self-respect strengthens when we are truthful with ourselves.  By keeping our intentions clear and maintaining focus, core values are tools for transition.  With the use of 'out of the box' thinking, we can rebuild a nest with clarity about who we have become.

The task of unfolding into the best we can be, sometimes calls for us to forget what we have been taught and broaden our perspectives.  What was once true for us, may be totally powerless as we move forward.  If we are open to the strange ideas of others, we will learn to expand and decorate our nest with compassion.  We learn through speculation, exploration, and alignment with who we are today. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Invisible Net of Love

"The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love
that carry us when we're weak, and sing with us
when we are strong."

As women gather, they tend to save a space for someone who will not be attending.  Although there is not a physical presence, the absent person continues to be threaded through conversations.  There is a bond women enjoy, holding them close throughout differences of opinion, challenges, and the craziness of the world.

A circle of women offers a place where authentic voices and crazy expectations can be revealed without fear of judgment.   (Laughter yes; ridicule no.)  The circle becomes a safe haven where it is okay to  be wrong and applauded upon positive completions. 

If we gaze into the faces of our women friends, we can catch glimpses of our selves, reflections of our own stories, and the absence of right or wrong.  Their very presence is woven into the tapestry of our unfolding stories.  We are reminded of how each of us are different, yet connected in an invisible net of love.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Transported Into Slices of Time

"My mind is a neighborhood I try not to go into alone."
Anne Lamott

Curiosity prompts me to wonder if other sane people have expansive imaginary minds.  Not the busyness of a monkey brain, but the loftiness of creativity.  Things we know for sure are found in documentaries or shared information from professionals, but beyond those boundaries there are realms of unsubstantiated wonderment.

This is not in reference to brilliant minds, but focused more on the every day person who allows curiosity to lead them into the unknown.  Day dreaming and crossing an unknown threshold into amazement which cannot be explained in the language we know.  

Incredible information resides in the crevices of our minds, waiting to be discovered.  It is only when we still our body, mind, and soul that we are transported into slices of time.  With an openness far from fear, we become astounded by what is truly near.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Misleading the Universe

"If you obsess over whether you are making the right decision,
you are basically assuming that the universe will reward you 
for one thing and punish you for another."
Deepak Chopra

Decision making becomes compromised if we begin to think about what we should do. We have a sense in our heart as to what we want to do, but then it is sabotaged by thoughts of hurting others or making mistakes or simply being wrong.  We second guess ourselves, our boundaries ripple and we cave in changing the decision and finding ourselves seething.

I find this to be especially true with people who long to please others.  Inside, they clearly have a negative reaction to an invite, but they don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.  A lengthy internal discussion follows about putting the wants and needs of others before the self and obliging others so they won't be hurt.  It seems like the 'christian' thing to do.

When we turn against our lovely selves, we do damage.  We hurt ourselves emotionally and warp well positioned boundaries.  We send out false impressions and then we have to match our behavior accordingly.  Then there is the angst within as we have let our selves down.  We have hurt our own feelings and disregarded personal needs.  Ultimately it is not the Universe that rewards or punishes us, we do that all by ourselves!

Sunday, June 23, 2019

No Longer a Pupa ...

"You need a name for every state of your life.  Butterflies don't go by 
'caterpillar' forever.  And they certainly don't go by 'pupa' longer
than they have to.  You, my dear, are no longer a pupa."
Sasha Martin

Education teaches us the developmental stages of childhood, but tends to neglect the charts for adulthood.  If we were more cognizant of adult stages, life might not be as overwhelming as we transition.  The slightest outline of adult progression could assist during passages.

The role of a woman has advanced and guidance or recognition of development would be helpful.  Once we bring understanding into a situation, it becomes more tolerable and correctable.  Awareness during a transition assists us in learning to a greater depth.  

Our society is very mobile moving families away from long standing traditions.  In most cases, the elder who would listen, encourage, and understand our situations resides far away or perhaps in a nursing home.  Living in a new environment, we may not see the reflections that once lighted our paths. 

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Parts Frozen in the Past


"By healing the parts of ourselves that are frozen in the past,
we are able to bring them back into the present ... and each
time we do this we become less fragmented and more whole."
Jessica Moore

Whether knitting or crocheting, if a stitch is dropped it will create a hole.  Unfortunately, the hole is not noticed until the piece has advanced several inches.  It is frustrating to pull apart the completed rows to get back to the error, but it must be done.  Once corrected, the piece looks amazingly better.

The same thing is true for ourselves.  We have been hurt and even with forgiveness, the hole remains frozen in time.  Just like needlework, with precision we need to return back in time to absolve the pain so the hole can be patched.

Pockets of pain are heavy and weigh us down, so much so, that moving forward may be a tremendous struggle.  When there is a hole safe passage is questionable.  When we make adjustments, we may still remember the incident, but there are no more pangs of sorrow to distract us or weigh us down.  If we can construct ourselves to be whole, we are better prepared to navigate our life with joy.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Summer Solstice, Let the Summer Begin!

"The first day of summer 2019 arrives with the solstice on Friday, June 21st at 11:54 a.m.
EDT.  For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, this marks the longest day of the year
and the moment when the Sun reaches the Tropic of Cancer, its highest point."
Farmer's Almanac

The summer solstice is surrounded by folklore, mythology, and various celebrations. 
Ancient Druids believed the Summer Solstice marked the marriage of the Earth and the Heavens which prompted weddings to take place in June.  In Ancient Egypt, it was the heralding of the arrival of the brightest star, Sirius.  China celebrated YIN the feminine side of life during the Summer Solstice and Yang the masculine in winter.  The Vikings deemed this time as having great power which generated trade and legal transactions.

Ancient Romans celebrated by honoring the goddess Vesta who was sacred to women and protector of marriage and virginity.  Native Americans celebrated with great feasts and dances to honor the sun.  The people of Ancient Mesopotamia referred to the Summer Solstice as the 'dead season' with intense heat, disease and famine.

We, too, can celebrate Summer Solstice which showers sun beams to provide for our crops or bodies; increased light to overcome darkness or mind; and offers time for sacred rituals or soul.  Mother Earth and the sun provide for us so this is a perfect day to gather and honor  the abundance we receive with gratitude. 

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Standing in the Sun

"Understanding who you are within
creates invisible changes in a man's character."
Sunday Adelaja

There comes a time when we begin to discard concepts no longer reflective of our personal understanding of the world.  Perhaps we are not ready to expose the conclusions we have drawn based upon our life experiences.  If we have accepted our own nature, we realize others may not want us to change.

We all feel more secure if everyone stays the same, but that is not the tilt of the world.  Chaos is daily present interfering with levels of energy and understanding.  We can numb ourselves and not face reality, but at some point, the distance between our selves and others is too great to ignore.

With confidence in the alignment of our body, mind, and soul, we allow others to do the same.  We want to be respected and not judged, just like everyone else.  Peace happens when we become a meadow of flowers, blending together, diversely fragrant, and having our own place standing in the sun.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Dandelion Connection

"Get yourself grounded and you can navigate 
even the stormiest roads in peace."
Steve Goodier

Simply allow the feet to connect to the ground while your spirit reaches upwards towards heaven.  As we honor the earth, and we are grateful to the heavens we engage in a connection that will ground us.  There are those who will make this effort into a lengthy meditation or some will crave it as a morning ritual completed in the blink of an eye.

In childhood, we ran barefooted absorbing energy from the earth and in adulthood cover our feet with the finest and thickest of shoes causing a disconnection.  Even barefooted in the house, there is generally a layer of carpet beneath our feet.

Grounding brings the Dandelion to mind as it is determined, persistent, and deeply grounded into the earth.  It is amazing to notice a Dandelion growing strongly in the oddest places, like crack of a sidewalk.  If we allow our energy to bury deeply into the earth and we continue to stretch towards the sun, we too will be closer to peace.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Just One More Quest

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;
the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."

The flame of a candle readily draws us in.  Our vision can become blurred as we are mesmerized by the simple light of fire.  It dances, moves in the wind or remains perfectly still, and yet we hesitate to go deeply within.

As the moon floats across a black sky, we are drawn to wonderment.  We may find ourselves thinking of our dreams.  We may be reminded of the sacred that has previously touched our lives and the follow through we never supplied.

We tend to adjust to darkness with the tools we have honed over the years, and even though the light enhances us, we begin to shy away from the promptings discovered in the light.  Maybe we just do not feel as though we can handle one more quest, but stimulation would ignite the explorer or adventurer or dreamer.  Step into the light and see where it leads.

Monday, June 17, 2019

What Message Can You Give?

"What is the one message that only I can give?"

After integrating the visualization of being multi-sided like a crystal, I began to realize how I would shift my persona depending upon what a person expected from me.  If a professional approached, then I used professional knowledge.  If a spiritually inclined person questioned me, I would easily slip into my spiritual frame of mind.  At some point in time, I learned to be just who I am at all times. 

There was relief in learning I did not have to respond with a perfect message.  I removed the energy I used to evaluate what the person wanted to hear and relaxed into being aligned with my lovely self.  So it was not about accommodating others or dissecting my presentation.  It was learning about when to be still.  To allow silence be my answer.

When I am fully my self, I extend my authentic message, whether speaking or not.    When I actively participate in my life, my energy extends around me.  The shards of my life story carve me into who I am today.   I yearn to hear the quests of others as this is how we learn.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Uncluttered Mind of the Child

"Peace comes within the souls of men
When they realize their oneness with the universe."
Black Elk

To join someone or something suggests an interaction or common interest.  Think back over life and be amazed at how many random things that have been joined...neighborhoods, churches, clubs, organizations, chain letters, prayer chains, department stores, gas stations, super saver cards, etc..... As we fill our space with commitments that do not enhance our inner beauty, it is a waste of time.

When the bill arrives, the cost for joining ...  do you feel elated and reinforced about the connection?  Does it give any sense of enhancement or purpose?  When we review what we have joined, has it expanded the material world or the intimate relationship with self?

Life is a spiral or a pattern than circulates from the time we are born.  At the onset, we are uncluttered and the family reflects attitudes, belief systems, and a way to survive in the world.  As little ones we creatively seek our own experiences in spite of being herded by the guardian.  Throughout life we fill ourselves with commodities not supporting our inner spirit. As we age, we begin to let go of all we have collected so we can once again have the uncluttered mind of the child, to be in a state of oneness with all there is.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Exempt by Choice

"It amounts to behaving ethically ... 
a sorely maligned concept in many circles."
Jon Kabat - Zinn

If called upon, we would be able to write a quick definition or present the  concept of having ethics.  We all know what it means, but do we apply it to ourselves.  Ethics are like rules or laws we are to honor or follow, but there seems to be some people who just disregard ethics if it personally involves themselves.  Do they never look into a mirror?

There is a man I used to know who is a heart felt respondent to any handicapped person, yet feels free to park in designated handicap parking spaces.   Stated at all parks are rules for everyone's safety, except he is an exception as the guidelines were meant for others.  He quickly discovers there is an error on his bill, he does not make strides to correct it as it was the other person's error, not his.

One of many definitions for integrity is "Who you are when no one is looking."  That really speaks to me.  The same is true for ethics.  The ethics we choose for our lovely selves may differ from what others choose and that is personal choice.  However, respect and honor needs to be offered in all situations, rather than making our selves exempt by choice.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Grand Old Flag

"You're a grand old flag,
You're a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave."
George M. Cohan

As children, we often carried little flags secured upon wooden rods with a small gold dome on top.  They were prevalent at parades, funerals, and days of celebration like Flag Day or Fourth of July.  A certain generation will remember the monument of soldiers erecting the American Flag while others recall small John Kennedy Jr standing with a small flag at his father's funeral.  Then others recall the American Flag and backlash of Vietnam War.

When we were taught geography,  flags for other countries were displayed. We saved images of flags for a school or scout group or fraternal organization.  Other cultures have differing uses.  The Tibetans use prayer flags, but it is believed the wind would blow peace out across the people on earth.    The Native American tribes used prayer ties or flags as well including healing or dream catching flags to carry wishes to Spirit.

It would be of interest to sit in a classroom of any age to listen to individual associations with the American Flag.   Curious as to what questions might be triggered and what specific answers would be supplied.  The American Flag remains the same, but what it represents may have become frayed.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Keeping Inner Sparks Alive

"A thing is might big when time and distance
cannot shrink it."
Zora Neale Hurston

When we do not have the strength to embrace challenges in life, there is more to lose than to gain.  There are varying degrees of dreams and they need to be supported by our own observations and powers.  There needs to be a strong belief in one's self and the ability to be powerful.

History reflects the agony of the scientist or inventor who represses brilliant slips of insight.  The concept or idea may not make sense at first, but as it rolls around in imagination, the dreamer can stretch the power of it being brought to life.

If we share our dream prematurely, the criticism and doubt may weaken our resolve.  Often it is better to let a dream incubate until the foundation grows stronger.  To take the first step is required action.  One must have the patience to continue to move forward whether using baby steps or long strides.  When encouragement is needed, look up to the moon and stars.  The slow paced movement of the moon reminds us to be patient and the twinkling stars keeps our inner sparks alive.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Where You Are Planted

"Every woman that finally figured out her worth, has picked up 
her suitcases of pride and boarded a flight to freedom, 
which landed in the valley of change."
Shannon L. Alder

Transitions are difficult for many reasons.  We take our lovely selves out of our comfort zone and we set ourselves up for criticism from friends ... who don't like change either.  At first we are mildly aware of a shift, and carefully move forward.  As time passes, we become aware of our passages forward  as our old life is but a reflection in the rear view mirror.

Friends may encourage change, just as long as the alteration does not effect them.  There are women who find themselves in dysfunctional relationships and yearn to better themselves.  Unfortunately, the unhealthy relationship does not encourage dreams or desires.  

This is not to say one has to leave present life in order to change.  It is ideal to be able to enhance our selves in place bringing our friends along through our stories of experience.  If we are surrounded by those who truly love us and support us without feeling themselves threatened, we can make great head way where we are planted.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A Gift Deserved

"If you want your  children to be intelligent,
read them fairy tales."
Albert Einstein

Little children have the most wonderful imaginations.  They can be convincingly descriptive and remarkably informed.  These children are very observant and see beyond what others ignore.  If they use their lovely voice to share, adults are often  embarrassed and will quickly shush them.

Fairy tales are a wonderful escape for little ones and reading books can enhance their own interests.  Yet, our culture strives to divert imaginative thinking.  Reading with a child  increases the foundation of discovery and confidence for the curious tyke.

Children don't need to be counseled to color within the lines or to not make an animal purple.  Their creativity needs to be encouraged and fueled.   To have access to various forms of playing with chalk, paints, collages, will expand ideas.  To listen to a child's fantasy, to their dreams and  speculations  without interruption or correction is a gift deserved.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Book Marks and Yardsticks

"There is a certain part of all of us that lives outside of time.
Perhaps we become aware of our age only at exceptional
moments and most of the time we are ageless."
Milan Kundera

The importance of age declines once the first date, drivers license, and age twenty-one passes us by.  It becomes a book mark or a yardstick, but certainly does not demand riveting attention.  With each passing year, we can open our minds to original thought and mentored speculation.

When our children become adults and successfully move on in their own lives, life returns portions of time to us.  It is not ear marked for cleaning, extending socially, or isolating.  It is an opportunity to dig out unfinished projects, enroll in a workshop, or enhance awareness of the silence outdoors.

When I just had the two boys, I can easily remember feeling the pinch of trying to work all of our individual interests into a schedule.  I clearly remember thinking, " I will give my interests up for now to spend time with my kids,  as one day they will be gone and free time will be given back to me."  Total of four adult children later, time was generously given back to me ... expanding and contracting... and it was joyfully spent on exploration and discovery!

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Decorating Inner World

"I don't believe in aging.  I believe in forever
altering one's aspect to the sun."
Virginia Woolf

As a person ages, he or she releases things that no longer feel suits, skate boards, and old manuals.  Interest may be lost in some things, but the mind may use  space and time to focus on one of life's many mysteries.

When we are no longer chained to routines of career or family, our mind broadens to entertain what was once unthinkable.  Our interests expand into wisps of thoughts once perceived in a day dream.  One begins to relearn the art of freedom by watching children or enhancing  the spirit through prayer, meditation or nature.

As I age, my mind has been eliminating Robert's Rules of Order and Society's Expectations of Etiquette.  Without the binds of routine, my time keeper is the sun. When it is hidden, I tend to stay indoors creating or reading or meditating.   When beams shine down upon me, I day dream and speculate outdoors with the wind, trees, and singing birds.  Either way, I am busy redecorating my inner world.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Unexplainable Communication

"The universe will always be much richer than our ability
to understand it."
Carl Sagan

Astronomy and Astrology can assist us in understanding  the workings of science.  As Carl Sagan said, "The Universe will always be much richer than our ability to understand it."  Walt Whitman quoted "science does not yet know and perhaps may never know" the magnitude of nature and science.  Albert Einstein's COSMOS advanced the understanding of space and time.  

My understanding of science is quite limited, but I flourish being present in nature.  I could not explain the richness of the earth, nor the developmental growth of plants, but I have never had a desire to know the scientific aspects.  My life long admiration of trees has lined my core with connection.

My intention with nature has always been to be present and observe, but not for specific understanding.  I found pure pleasure by traveling with the moon as it gently floated across the blue sky.  I could spend hours watching the clouds take shape and then disappear.  I do not have a scientific yearning to understand the stars, as my years of connection have blessed me with an unexplainable communication.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Transport to Unknown Places

Rebecca Solnit, in her beautiful meditation on the life-saving vanishing act of reading, wrote: “I disappeared into books when I was very young, disappeared into them like someone running into the woods.” Oliver disappeared into both. For her, the woods were not a metaphor but a locale of self-salvation — she found respite from the brutality of the real world in the benediction of two parallel sacred worlds: nature and literature. She vanished into the woods, where she found “beauty and interest and mystery,” and she vanished into books. In a sentiment that calls to mind Kafka’s unforgettable assertion that “a book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us,” Oliver writes:

"I disappeared into books when I was very young,
disappeared into them like someone running into the woods."
Rebecca  Solnit

Mary Oliver shared her practice of reading as 'self-salvation'.  To avoid the harshness of life she emerged into books while deep in the woods.  There she was inspired by both her reading and nature. When she would vanish into her sacred world of trees and literature, she found "beauty, interest  and mystery". 

Franz Kafka was a 20th century major literary figure.  He was a German speaking  Bohemianand Jewish novelist. One of his well known quotes:  "A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us."  His work reflected the need to master the worlds within us and how reading became a tool to explore inner worlds.

Books became my sacred space even when I could not read the words.  I can easily recall the joy of turning pages and holding the book knowing it would transport me to unknown places. I have  been an avid reader for as long as I can remember.   With honor and respect, I explore numerous authors in various subjects as the shared information triggers a journey of my own.

An article from BRAIN PICKINGS by Mary Popova prompted this writing.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

A Closed Book, Releasing Decay


"The beauty of being human is that we are incredibly, intimately
near each other, we know about each other, but yet we do not
know or never can know what it is like inside another person."
John O'Donohue

Imagine ourselves each being a book in a library and we are in close contact, but moved around a lot. Over a period of time, we would feel a sense of community, but we would prefer to be next to certain  books.  As a book, we might never be exposed to the wisdom written between the book covers.

As humans, we are much the same.  We can grow up with siblings or spend years with a best friend, yet still not know how they feel on the inside.  Our inner selves can be filled with drama or horror that will never find a language to appropriately express our inner landscapes.  Even in our minds, we subconsciously temper memories or hide them altogether, until we are aligned to face them.

Even in intimate relationships, it is difficult to reveal certain parts of ourselves.  We are afraid of judgment, concerned that love will be conflicted or personally be overcome by shame.  We cannot always imagine others embracing the darkness within us, especially if we continue to struggle with it ourselves. It is wise to seek a therapist or a mentor; art class or workshop; physical activity or journal to express what is decaying within.  It is important for our physical health, emotions, and spirituality to participate in an activity to release these hidden parts.  


Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Push Forward

"We can't be afraid of change.  You may feel very secure
in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out
of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as 
an ocean, a sea.  Holding onto something that is good
for you now, may be the very reason why you don't 
have something better."
C. JoyBell C.

Happiness arrives in our lives and we are ecstatic!  Our minds are filled with security, and our hearts feel as though they will be bursting with joy forever.  Eventually, however, the excitement wears off and we are living in a state of contentment. We do not want to present as being selfish by wanting to add more.

There is nothing wrong with pursuing situations continuing to expand and enhance our minds, bodies, and souls.  We have been made to be multi purpose, with varying degrees of skills and visions. Underlying our desire to pursue fear lurks. We don't want to risk disturbing the contentment in our comfort zone; but we can push ourselves forward.

If we happen to be young with little to no personal time, claim a point of interest and begin to make a collage on a large piece of cardboard.  Stick on a picture reflecting the goal representing the future, and repeat over a period of time.  If we have free time in our lives, let's claim it and strike out on a new adventure...go back to school, participate in local artistic workshops or plan a visit.  Utilize empty spaces and watch the dynamics of life begin to free flow!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Depth of Books vs. Impact of Movie

"You have to write the book that wants to be written.
And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups,
then you write it for children."
Madeleine L'Engle

Madeleine L'Engle wrote numerous books for children that adults quickly devoured.  Perhaps her best known was A Wrinkle In Time which sold in 1963.  There were a total of 5 books.   The same holds true for J.K.Rowling.  Harry Potter was written for children in 1997, and her audience immediately spread to include adults. Harry Potter became a book series and movies thereafter.   Film producers Steven Spielberg (ET)  and George Lucas (Star Wars) captivated children and then adults as well. 

Madeline L'Engle is quoted as saying, "And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write for children."  Children are swept away by magical stories while adults have lost the sense of imagination or become critically focused missing the story line.  Whether it is a book or a movie, the child or adult willingly clears the mind fully prepared to be lost in a story.

Books are often preferred to movies as the written word is enveloped in the reader's imagination.  Characters gain depth supported by the author's additional information shaping personality.  As we read, the story unfolds within us close to our heart.  When we watch a movie, the characters are already formed and then transferred to our cognitive thinking which can down play creativity.  Books allow us to see beyond the scenes on the screen.  Reading is enhanced by our personal thoughts where movies our impacting our visual aspects.    The best of both worlds comes when first the book is read and then the movie follows.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Destined To Be A Lighthouse


"Some people are destined to be
a lighthouse for a lost comrade."
Erin Forbes

When we are moved out of our comfort zone and no longer surrounded by like minded companions, our values, preferences, perceptions, and insights just might wither.  When there is no fuel for the passion, it may be reduced to a gentle simmer.

While in isolation from what we know to be true, we can be still to absorb new experiences and bask in the wonderment of new discoveries.  As time passes, however, we notice a decrease in the depth of life experience.  We yearn for the presence who carries the same inner knowing.

Eventually our paths will once again cross with someone who draws our attention.  The opportunity to connect may be overlooked by simply being shy or hiding the true self.  Imagine the surprise, however, when one finally discloses the inner light, immediately sparking the depth of a kindred spirit  and our flames return to brilliance!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

God, The Landlord of Life

"Life is a lease and God is the landlord."
Sarah Strohmeyer

We are given life to create the person we were meant to be.  Years may be spent delving into random areas hoping to surface with a greater sense of self.  The world itself is such a mystery, our attention is enamored by what all we see.  We travel up hills and down darkened roads becoming lost with hopes of rediscovery.

We eventually pull back in realizing the need to hone our particular skills advancing us into original human beings.  We then begin to attract others similar to us and with strong boundaries join a force to better the inside and outside of the  community where we live.

Some are guided by alcohol and drugs, while others may use religion or politics.  There are those who become obsessed with their own family status or an image falsely created by ego.  There are numerous individuals who march to their own music, even when blended with instrumentalists.  All of these scenarios exist and can fluctuate with a blink of an eye, but in spite of how hard we try to establish our life, God remains the landlord.                               

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Ascending Upon A Moon Beam

"The moon is a loyal companion.  It never leaves.
It is always there, watching steadfast, knowing us
in our light and dark moments, changing forever 
just as we do."
Tahereh Mafi

The moon is present even when it cannot be seen.  It changes shapes creating configurations and alters the strength of its glow. It is alone and perhaps uncertain.  It has a bright side and a dark side with imperfections.  With grace, it moves across the sky.  

Throughout life, the moon has been a loyal companion.  In childhood and in adult years, I have spent many evenings simply watching the moon gracefully move from one side of the sky to the other.   I learned to trust when clouds would hide its beautiful face.

The phases of the moon set a wonderful example for us to follow.  We need a dark time, to shut down, cleanse, and create new segments to our being.  We can gradually emerge and continue to expand.  Waxing and waning is movement fluctuating to fullness.  

I am a June baby, a Moon Child, and my attachment to the Moon grounds me until I can once again return ... ascending upon a Moon beam.