Monday, July 31, 2017

Hidden Inside

"But I kept it to myself ... maybe because I didn't think it mattered,
but probably because, in a place where everyone knew my story,
it was nice to know there was a chapter that only I had read."
Ally Carter

In alignment, one balances all things forming a congruent stream from high heavens to the rich earth  with balance in between.  To do so, one must pick and choose what is of value and release the rest.  There is a temptation to hide intimate details in protection of self.

Comfort can be found communicating with special friends as we feel safe without judgment.  The confidant holds a private space and simply listens.  There are shards of glass or splinters of pain that remain lodged deep inside.  Excavating them might cause excruciating pain and the loss of alignment.

Hidden memories, communications or hideous incidents can cause not only pain, but illness.  These elements eat away at our strength causing us dis-ease.  It is far better to scream them from the roof tops; to pour the hot lava into the sea; or record them one last time prior to burning.  Whatever is hidden in you, my lovely, must be discarded or it will continue to do harm.  

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Star Light, Star Bright

"Night never needs a shade
but it requires to fade
into the grin of twinkling stars
where light is just a glint of scars."
Munia Khan

Staring at a night time star, I yearned to be connected.  My eye contact was secured pleading for a response from the singled out star.  I remember thinking I could escape into the star and spend hours, returning to earth with the loss of a minor minute.  

My eyes began to funnel the star's light, allowing it to pour into my body like  liquid brilliance.   A bridge was formed much to my delight and I knew I had returned to wallow in the sense of an original home.  The stream of star light increased in speed and I realized, it indeed was falling upon me.

Mesmerized, the star energy poured through my expanded human form.   The light grew larger with increasing speed.  I was encased by love and trust, never afraid.  In the last few moments, the streak of light streaked over me and I was encased in bliss.   The next day's news would report a meteor had fallen from the sky.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Cracked Open and Vulnerable

"What broke your heart so bad
That you had to close every door,
That you say you have a dark soul
And can't utter the word 'love' anymore?"
Sanhita Baruah

Mark Nepo shares that our hearts keep getting broken until they are permanently  cracked open.  This is a challenge we all experience, but may react to in various ways.  We can allow scar tissue to prevent love from every entering, and we  grow bitter and stunted.  The middle response would be to construct a swinging door open only when we feel safe.  We will still get hurt, and we will miss some important connections leaving life a little lack luster.

It is painful, indeed, to leave a heart wide open.  Just the vulnerable feeling is enough to cause a person to recoil.  If we, however, endure there is much to be learned and gained.  Love comes in many shapes and sizes so we need to leave our minds open to creative interpretation.

The greatest of love enters an open heart with streaks of light shining on our inner spirit.  This stream of light heals and highlights our sense of self.  There comes a time to embrace our self ... mistakes, sorrows, and defeats ... which in return allows us full capacity to love others.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Complicated Emotional Makeup

"You felt a deep sorrow, the kind of melancholy you feel
when you're in a beautiful place and the sun is going down."
Thrity Umrigar

There are numerous emotions we can feel at the same time even though they be conflicting.  Our emotional makeup is a complicated format forever changing.  A deep sorrow weighs us down, but it can also trigger a sense of completion.  A new beginning can be laced with sorrow of release, yet uplifting of joy for what may come.  

Our emotions are not only triggered by interactions with other humans, but our exchanges with nature as well.  To some, being alone in the woods is more comfortable than a family gathering.  Day by day, watching baby birds being fed in their nest may be more fulfilling than out of town company.  

What is it about a sun setting that blends tears, joy, sadness, and a sense of closure all at once?  Why does the sound of rolling waves  calm us and generate a sense of cleansing?  A gentle breeze may clear our  brain clean from chatter, opening windows of the soul.  Slow down and be gentle, as we are magnificent beings.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Articulation of a Face

"I have no more words.
Let the soul speak 
with the silent articulation
of a face."
The Illuminated Rumi
Coleman Barks

We share our wisdom to encourage and uplift those who are challenged.  Diverse conversation is inspirational with like minded friends.  A journal is a gate keeper for words we are not yet ready to share, but tender thoughts find their way onto a page of an intimate letter.

For spiritual revelations, words are not often adequate to capture the realm seen in meditations or the spectrum of color splashed throughout a vision.  There is a need to silence our words so we can be washed in the silent blessings of the Divine.

When the soul speaks, it is through silence using feelings, projections, and knowings. Riveting impressions fill us and they are displayed across the face.  Rapture, for instance, is a very heavy and questionable word, but as a bodily experience, the face says it all.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Garden of the Soul

"Won't you come into the garden?
I would like my roses to see you."

My garden of the soul is pristine and sacred.  Wild flowers adorn the space and ancient parchment is covered with wisdom.  Candles light the way and the air is filled with memories and I am buoyant. I am safe, limitless, and blessed.

The garden of the soul is different for everyone.  There are beautiful sculptures, water fountains, and choices between forest, mountains or sky.  Nothing is impossible, so you may choose birds, lions or creatures of any origin.

When we thoughtfully decorate our most inner space, it is done with praise, joy and thanksgiving.  When we are intuitively connected with others, we can visit their gardens of the soul where truth, integrity, and compassion prevail.  Won't you visit my garden? 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Doing Nothing is a Choice

"We are who we choose to be."
Green Goblin

Our journey twists and turns with gnarly barriers.  During our efforts to surpass limitations we play a variety of roles.  There is danger in giving up completely at any given stage as one would grow stagnant and never again change.

'The only constant in life is change' so we are given numerous opportunities to recreate ourselves. Depending upon our personal stamina, we can push forward to fine tune our characteristics or we can fall back and remain fixed in that time.

Labels are hurled at us throughout life, but we get to choose who to be.  We can give up and be the wounded victim or we can move forward branching out.  If we do nothing, that in its self is a decision.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Rejoice with Thanksgiving

"Found myself kneeling in Your presence
Seeking Your wisdom and embrace
Letting go all the fears and found peace 
You put joy in my heart that my soul endlessly rejoices."
Angelica David

In our efforts to remain aligned with our core spirit, we can stray from the practice of offering gratitude and thanksgiving.  We work so hard at releasing the negativity and developing positive actions, we often times forget to say,  "Thank you!"

At times, we may feel as though we have nothing worthy in our life.  Compared to others, we may not have enough, be enough, or do enough.  The irony, however,  is we all have abundance.  It just might not be in an obvious form.  

Every day make an effort to record five things big or small that create gratitude.  We begin to appreciate our favorite old shoes, or a painting from a child.  Our focus moves from grandeur to simple pleasures. Rejoice to the Divine with thanksgiving. 

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Valued Sense of Self

"Over the years, I have come to realize that the 
greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity or power,
 but self-rejection."
Henri J.M. Nouwen

Confidence and imagination flourish with toddling children.  They come to a stand still when they encounter an ant or stare stock still at the butterfly zipping by.  Nothing is more important to them than the present moment.  There is a clear intention to not miss one tiny element of the world surrounding them.

With the entrance of judgment and criticism, they begin to struggle with the absence of personal joy.  The focus moves from self-fulfilled moments towards the outside world. They create skills to impress others and move further away from the valued sense of self.

Rejection and abandonment convince them of their worthlessness.  In this dark space, they begin to hear their soul calling to them.  On their journey, they process lessons and release outside influence.  Their parts begin to create a fullness where they once again can appreciate every element of the world.  They get out of their own way and gently progress and prosper.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Core of the true Self

"Only by digging deep down to the core of the true self
can we come to a place of inner certainty."
Marian Deegan

The particles of information we place in our minds are all based on someone else's opinion.  We take these niblets and customize them to be more easily absorbed into our individual way of thinking. One word might be mistaken for another, but when adjusted the wording is fluent.

If we truly want to know who we are at the core, one must use education and cross referencing to determine what we want to hold dear.  "Does this resonate with me, " we may ask our selves.  Information not aligned with our sense of being, needs to be stacked on a pile outside of ourselves.

Challenges of life come dressed in costumes, giving us varying ways to respond to the same challenge.  If aware, we can build our inner certainty upon the lessons learned, holding them close and discarding the rest.  This process is repeated throughout our journey developing our spiritual strength.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Life Has Returned

"A poet is a nightingale who sits in darkness 
and sings to cheer its own solitude 
with sweet sounds."
Percy Bysshe Shelley

I sit in darkness searching for one small orb of energy to rekindle my exhausted body.  My skin and bones, my heart and spirit are painfully tired.  Both physically and emotionally, I am dissolved by the darkness.

I place so much anticipation, like a child, in a forth coming family event, it is inevitable that I will be disappointed.  The contained excitement bursts upon my children who are expanding with their own lives and anticipations. The focus has shifted and it abruptly becomes obvious to me.

I fulfilled my contracts as best as I could and the strings are taut ready to snap.  It is so very hard to let go, to release the ones who have taught me how to love and embrace.  The resulting emptiness, in spite of the growth of these loved ones, urges me to turn.  Life has returned itself to me.  To begin again, creating and filling the life once streamlined for parenthood when I was young, so long ago.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Weightless and Debonair

"Wrapped in the deep fragrance of the forest,
I listen to the flapping of the birds' wings, to
the stirring of the ferns.  I'm freed from gravity
and float up --- just a little --- from the ground
and drift in the air."
Haruki Murakami

Meditation gently lifts us up to drift above the worldly chatter, just as yoga glides us through a buoyant space of movement.  To be thoroughly engrossed in a project, we glide through time unaware of the outside world.  In the midst of nature we experience a sheer sweeping through invisible veils.

The physical body is similar to heavy armor, and in dream time, we become weightless, flying with freedom to places thought of as unknown.  Imagination released, we sample the variety of scenarios which will be indescribable in physical time.

As we return to the human experience, the impressions are fleeting and the messages scrambled as though we had never been aware.  Memories fade as though it all had been an illusion.  In the core of our heart, however, there is a longing to return to this unknown place, weightless and debonair.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Rewards of my Plight

"My plight has given me a strange kind of wealth,
the most important kind.  I value each moment that
is not spent in pain, desperation, hunger, thirst or loneliness."
Steven Callahan

I have never been driven by money itself.  I have been a child, an adult and an elder, but I have never been concerned about my age.  I don't want to be rich, nor poor, or young or old.  I want to be blessed with good health, a loyal companion, and a stimulating life in a casual comfort zone.

I desire my remaining days to be filled with the beauty in nature, connection with my circle of sisters, and the sense of making a difference in the life of those I choose to love as well as those whom I do not know.  I welcome a steady pace of casual living with plenty of time to be aware and responsive to the messages flowing through each precious moment.

Abundance flows through my thankful and grateful heart.  I have at long last gathered all parts of my self and I truly accept my emerging spirit.  I have done my best with what I have had, I have loved hard and I have become able to forgive.  Most importantly, I have discerned how to let go.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Unfolding of the Story

"The best part of your story is when it changes."
Bella Bloom

Happy endings are not necessarily lurking right around the corner.  As we make effort to transition from troublesome to fulfilling, it can take an infinity to pull ourselves from the stagnation.  There must be an idea to work towards or some level of hope to make the waiting bearable.   

When life feels like nothingness, we do best by focusing on one element and getting creative. Make a reasonable choice of one thing to begin.  The span extends endlessly for what change to consider:  redecorate a room;  find a new hair style;  mix up routine; plan an outing; begin an on line course.  Be reasonable and realistic while making this one selection.

Jot down a list of any items you may need.  Mark out a specific time on the calendar dedicated to this project.  Begin visualizing what this change will mean.  Allow the thoughts to take on various colors, scenarios, and feelings.  Get excited and begin!  (No criticism is allowed.)   Whatever we choose to creatively change contributes to the unfolding of your story.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Extending Goodness

"Though our gift may not always elicit the response we might desire,
when it is sincere and from the heart we giving to the universe and will 
receive it back, though it may seem to come from a different source."
Daily Om 

Let's not limit our sense of gifting no matter how large or small.  When we feel the urge to give we need to follow through.  God has an extended view of our needs and wishes and when Divine Spirit nudges us our response needs to assist in the plan.

We may share a favorite keepsake with a friend and then be disappointed when they do not seem to appreciate the item at all.  The friend might be a middle man and pass it on to someone who adores it.  Without expectation of a certain result, we can enjoy the act of extending goodness.

Whatever kindness we render to the world, returns to us.  It may not be in the exact wrapping we visualized and it might even be greater than expected.  The intention is to set a pattern of sharing kindness, just for the joy of it.  We trust as we pay it forward, that goodness in deed will be returned.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Indifference or Desire

"Desire is half of life;
indifference is half of death."
Kahlil Gibran

Living in the moment is not existing without passion.  It is with desire,  we activate moment after moment.  It is learning to live life fully without being stuck in the past or paralyzed by fear of the future.

Darkness is fed by indifference and light is fed by enthusiasm.  We chose which path to follow each moment of the day.  Positive input fuels our connection with all things; whereas, negativity dissolves relationships.

As we set our intentions to find the goodness and embrace the challenge, we are aligned with power and grace.  Spirit as a silent partner offers a vulnerability allowing glimpses of beauty, creativity and
oneness.  In this moment, what are you choosing ... indifference or desire?

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Apathy, A Potential Danger

"Science may have found a cure for most evils;
but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all ---
the apathy of human beings."
Helen Keller

Indifference is a major affliction difficult to modify.  To reach this state one goes through numerous emotions squashing any sense of hope or recovery.  To simply not care, to be detached or to be completely alienated from all persons, places, and things can create apathy with potential danger to the self or others.

When life presents a lesson or challenge, we often step back into isolation instead of stepping forward with a willingness to learn.  As we shut down, we cut off out side resources to assist or encourage.  The darkness grows and without intervention on some level, we can spiral into a vulnerability to harm.

When in the trenches of life, it is good to have at least one person to reach out to.  We can even create a word to signal our distress.  There is no need to divulge our darkest fear or inflate our drama.  The password is all we need.  Something as simple as "help" will generate a positive response affirming we indeed are not alone.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Random Message or Messenger

"Don't be indifferent about any random idea that occurs to you 
because each and every idea is for a particular purpose.  It may 
not be beneficial to you, but can be what others are craving for."
Michael Bassey Johnson

While searching for inspiration or guidance, we forget our own words may have importance to someone else.  We seek our messenger, forgetting we are a messenger in our own right.  Ideas or places floating into our consciousness may be vitally significant for one other.

While driving, I noticed a symbol written on the side of a large semi.  A few hours later, I saw the same image on a billboard.  As the day was ending, I was reading a novel and there was a reference to this same thing.  I contemplated on an anchor, but it simply did not resonate with me.  

Just prior to bed, a frustrated friend called me, as she could not decide on a symbol for a portion of her work.   Without thinking I said, "An anchor,"  as that is what had been waltzing around in my head all day.  She laughed with glee, "That is perfect!  Thank you so much."  We just never know.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Listen to the Tone

"When someone loves you, the way they talk about you
is different.  You feel safe and comfortable."
Jess C. Scott

Listen to the tone of the voice; not the pitch, but the tone.  It can generate a vast array of emotions ... harshness, criticism, admiration or encouragement.  When the tone is heightened or lowered we sense the change with anticipation.  If the tone is flat, it delivers a message accompanied by boredom or total disinterest.

Our circle of friends have blended voices, lulling us into acceptance and freedom to be whomever we wish to be.  Our lover has a singular tone of love, leading us  towards trust and ecstasy.   When the tone of acceptance washes over us, we are eager to be the best we can be.

It doesn't matter if we are a wee child or an aged teacher, the tone in which we are addressed can tell us more than the words themselves.  Good news may arrive on the tongue of bitterness and jealousy or the worst of the worst may be sugar coated hoping for a more palatable acceptance.  So when seeking safety and comfort, listen to the tone of the messages delivered to you.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Where We Need to Be

"I may not have gone where I intended to go,
but I think I have ended up
where I needed to be."
Douglas Adams

It is a good thing God does not act upon all of our requests as some times we yearn for paths that would guarantee defeat.  At other times, we humbly ask for the minimum when Divine Spirit is readily in a generous mood.  A wise teacher once told me to request in my own words, but to add "or whatever more the Universe wants to provide."  By including this last phrase, my life has been more deeply blessed. 

My journey has led me to a variety of dead ends, twists and turns, and seemingly impossible barriers.  Every opportunity, no matter how challenging, has shaped me into a wiser and more kindly soul.  I have learned to trust the silence of spirit to lead me through unexpected detours.  When I surrender my personal plan and observe the signals of nature and intuition, the road is no longer filled with debris.

Divine Spirit has given me far more than I ever hoped for.  My soul has been filled with love, light, and energy, while my heart has received the deepest form of recognition.  We are free to love and cherish in each moment of the day.   When we release our rigid expectations, Divine Spirit brushes the canvas of life with creative design and radiant color.  When we let go, we realize we are right where we need to be.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Completion of the Assistance

"Remembering to say thank you to our guides and helpers is important 
for the completion of the assistance they have given." 
Madisyn Taylor   

Hesitation never prevents me from whispering silent prayers to my guides, angels, helpers and all who are transitioned to the other side.  My pleading, I believe, is always heard leaving me to feel  protected and safer venturing into particular pursuits.  Rarely do I begin without an intimate request for light to cover me.

Reading THE DAILY OM this morning, Madisyn Taylor discusses an important point regarding our connections.  She emphasizes the importance of offering thanks and gratitude to complete the transaction.  I am deeply grateful and thankful for the recognition of my prayers, but sadly, I never offer my thanks until later in the day or at bedtime, hours after a completed task.

In the article, Trusting Spiritual Assistance,  not giving immediate thanks is compared to a phone conversation without a goodbye.   An ending is always necessary to release the connection between those we have called upon.  Offering thanks allows our spirits to go on to other things.  It is an acknowledgment that all is well.  I, indeed, will be more mindful.

Abundance Begins to Flourish

"Happiness will grow if you plant the seeds
of love in the garden of hope with
compassion and care."
Debasish Mridha

When we are in survivor mode, we are obsessed with the strategies to overcome the darkness and navigational routes for escape.  There is no time for hope as one continues to cautiously move forward.  All of our senses are on high alert avoiding bombs hidden by others.

Fleeing on automatic pilot, one does not have the luxury of pause.  There is no time access any of our resources. Our body is skewered with no relief in sight.  It is not until we completely crash that words of wisdom can be gently whispered. In this brief silence we pick ourselves up, and allow our damaged spirits to be drawn in by the light.

Divine Spirit intended for us to live fully, not just survive the obstacles we face.  Our planted seeds must be nurtured with tender care.  Light has to fall upon them encouraging them to grow.  Weeds of negativity must be pulled, while our gardens abundance begins to flourish.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Out of Nothing

"Magic is always pushing and drawing things out of nothing."
Frances Hodgson Burnett 

Those who are creatively intuitive never have a dull moment.  They can cast their eyes up into the sky or down a deep well and images surface.  While looking at the grain in the wood of the door, faces appear.  In the soundless night, voices whisper.

Little children regularly experience this magic, but well meaning adults talk them out of what the child believes to be true.  The child talks to an imaginary friend or casually reports seeing his deceased uncle at the playground.  Imagination one says, but no, I believe these things to be true.

As a child, I saw things appear and felt things vibrate in spite of what I was told.  I learned not to share what I would see, but believed more deeply in what I knew to be true.  As an adult, the flood gates opened transitioning from magic to visions.  Now, as an elder, my intuitive and creative mind experiences what was once thought of as beyond.  The present moment abounds.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Into the Soul

"The eyes are the most powerful social signalers 
that we have and hence are sometimes called
'the windows of the soul' " 
Glen Wilson

Our eyes are like a delicate lens in a camera.  We take snapshots and retain then in our memory.  It can be a look of longing, disappointment or confusion that flashes before our eyes.  The body language instantly supports or conflicts with the expression the eyes have silently spoken. 

The young woman smiles confirming a request while caught in her eyes is the word no violently flashing.  The man says, "I will call you soon," but in his eyes, he is running far away.  "I never loved him anyway," the scorned lover replies with her eyes filling with grief. 

Eye contact gives our secrets away.  Our body language may be displaying strength, but eyes will reflect our tired hearts or our unwillingness to stay.  The way we stand may show surrender, but our downcast eyes are looking for retreat.  If we really want to see to the core, we must look through the eyes into the soul.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Discern Importance

"In order to move on, you must understand
why you felt what you did and why you 
no longer need to feel it."
Mitch Albom

Patterns repeat themselves.  They may take on different shapes, colors, or sizes, but the pattern remains.  The same is true with our feelings.  Unless we understand what we feel or why we react, the situation will return over and over again until we finally discern the importance.

Our senses automatically react to situations based on prior experiences.  Repressed feelings can appear abruptly,  distracting from the reality at hand.  We may judge the current situation inaccurately based on the past experience.  

If we take the time to understand our actions, we will physically and mentally feel lighter.  We will be more invigorated and discover a beautiful depth to life.  We will no longer be tainted by the past.  No longer focused on the future, we enjoy the present.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Gnarly Tree or Straight Arrow

"What has happened to our ability to dwell in the unknowing, to live inside a question and coexist with the tensions of uncertainty?   Where is our willingness to incubate pain and lit it birth something new? What has happened to patient unfolding,  to endurance?   These things are  what form the ground of 
waiting."  Sue Monk Kidd

Fast cars, fast service, fast food ... our culture has grown impatient.  We expect immediate gratification and become offended and irritated by any object, service, or event slowing us down.  We are a throw away society as we replace items that could be repaired with brand new versions.  We don't want to wait, we want it "now"!

If we can pause in a moment of not knowing, we do not force the outcome.  When time is offered, the natural flow of life can emerge.  Tension is not entirely bad as it can get our juices running and bring forth an idea loitering in the back.  Discomfort is avoided as though we were entitled.  Forgotten are the ways of evening star gazing, running through a sprinkler, or hand picking a fruit in an orchard.

When we develop the skill of waiting, our body, mind, and spirit supplies us with remarkable experiences and knowledge.  We are open to appreciate the natural joys of living and to notice the abundance of goodness.  We take on interesting aspects like a gnarly tree, not boring like a straight arrow. 

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Step Away

"The secret of an abundant life is to expand it
with more beginnings so that the universe can
fill your world from many directions."
Debasish Mridha

Life offers us many options, but fear or negative thinking blocks our expansion.  We may love our work or build pleasure in favorite hobbies, but there are many more avenues to travel to broaden concepts of personal growth.

We can recall an activity we yearned to experience, but the timing just wasn't right.  It is exciting to unearth those early desires and bring them into the present.  If painting on canvas drew attention, and it seems impossible now, treat our imaginations by visiting an art studio of museum.  Earlier hopes may need a little kindling.

There is a woman who every morning upon opening her eyes, says:   "God, bring me something new today."  Throughout the day, she keeps both her mind and imagination open so she will not miss the new directive from the Divine.  She has shared that sometimes it is a new recipe to be shared with a friend or it might be listed in the newspaper as a creative gathering.  When we step away from under our labels, we are open to the prompts life provides.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Passion is Fuel

A true spiritual teacher will never
 guide you through the door,
only to the door."  
Nikki Rowe

Duplicating the actions of others may help us to determine a pattern, but like food, information needs to be digested.   Words of wisdom need to sink in and bounce around until we absorb how it pertains to ourselves, not others.  We are not parrots just spouting words, we are deep spiritual beings with much to learn.

Mentors can assist us on our spiritual journey, but at some point the path becomes a solitary walk.  We need the singular time to check in with our inner most feelings to determine our truth.  Unless we understand and recognize our strengths, we will aimlessly wander. When we discover our passion, it becomes fuel to carry us forward.

If we just acquire endless knowledge, and not apply it to life, we are none the wiser.  We need to put what we learn  into action.  We no longer need to stand in our teacher's shadow. We must use our authentic self to bring light into the darkness. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Freedom and Uncertainty

"Every body has their taste in noises as well as other matters;
and sounds are quite innoxious or most distressing,
by their sort rather than their quantity."
Jane Austen

Fireworks, fire crackers and cherry bombs were once my delight.  As a child, I loved the Fourth of July and craved the darkness bursting with sounds, colors, and shapes.  It was an anticipated time for gatherings and fun.

Fourth of July as a mother changed things completely.  Babies would scream at the noises and our dearest pets would shake and whine with fear.  It was a time to worry about burns, accidents, and crowd control with a strong desire to retreat home.

Fondness for this holiday has diminished.  Fireworks sound like bombs and I am self conscious about veterans or survivors of violence.  The celebration for freedom stirs an uncertainty of our country's status and just how independent we really are.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Three Had Wings

"Every woman that finally figured out her worth.
has picked up her suitcases of pride and boarded
a flight to freedom, which landed in the valley of change."
Shannon L. Alder 

       The ancient wings were tied to her side, bound by poverty, negative emotions, and fear.  She gathered courage and fled to a land far away where she could finally be the person she hoped to be.  Creative, but deeply wounded, her wings never opened.

          The elder wings remained cramped and closed until later years when mentors and experience pried them open.  It was not confidence, but stubbornness that spurred her forward.  Resilience to overcome pushed her  high  enough that she could glance backwards and see her value. 

     The new wings unfold as she takes flight towards her goals and accomplishes with grace stories untold.  Confidence wavers at times, but her desire to use her strengths propels her constantly forward.   Her education, encouragement, and love keep her fueled to happily reach her intended future.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Thrust of New Possibility

"My drug of choice was unworthiness."
Iyanla Vanzant

Amazing to listen to thriving people share stories of their struggle with self-worth.  Examples are endless of individuals rising from poverty to wealth and not forgetting to share with others.  I am especially drawn to those who have found recognition for individual use of authentic gifts or talents.

Communities house residents who give beyond their share, not through money, but by utilizing their gift of listening or growing or repair or comfort.  Humility abounds with common folks reaching out to assist others in distress.

The basic ingredient, I believe, is to over come the sense of not having any value.  The endless negative chatter prevents us from becoming whom we are most definitely meant to be.  Our lack of worthiness blocks the passage to any attempt of accomplishment.  Once we learn to step outside of our self-imposed disgust, we are released into a thrust of new possibility.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

From Earth to Sky

"And suddenly you know:
It's time to start something new
and trust the magic of beginnings." 
Meister Eckhart

Love has become a healthy reality, cleansing the negativity from my eyes, and washing emotional scars from my core being.  Energy soars through my bones and my mind fills with rich colors, images, and spiritual realms. 

Genuine love bolsters my willingness to become vulnerable and share hidden aspects of my lovely self.  No longer afraid, I release attachment to the human destruction of politics, environment, and the poor.  My focus is governed by hope to etch love in the hearts of others.

The gusts of wind rustling tree branches, accelerate my longing to soar like a hawk in the brilliant blue sky.  As I watch the hummingbirds at the feeder, I want to learn their patience and endurance so I can spread joy of my newly found love from earth to sky.