Sunday, July 16, 2017

Indifference or Desire

"Desire is half of life;
indifference is half of death."
Kahlil Gibran

Living in the moment is not existing without passion.  It is with desire,  we activate moment after moment.  It is learning to live life fully without being stuck in the past or paralyzed by fear of the future.

Darkness is fed by indifference and light is fed by enthusiasm.  We chose which path to follow each moment of the day.  Positive input fuels our connection with all things; whereas, negativity dissolves relationships.

As we set our intentions to find the goodness and embrace the challenge, we are aligned with power and grace.  Spirit as a silent partner offers a vulnerability allowing glimpses of beauty, creativity and
oneness.  In this moment, what are you choosing ... indifference or desire?

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