Thursday, July 13, 2017

Listen to the Tone

"When someone loves you, the way they talk about you
is different.  You feel safe and comfortable."
Jess C. Scott

Listen to the tone of the voice; not the pitch, but the tone.  It can generate a vast array of emotions ... harshness, criticism, admiration or encouragement.  When the tone is heightened or lowered we sense the change with anticipation.  If the tone is flat, it delivers a message accompanied by boredom or total disinterest.

Our circle of friends have blended voices, lulling us into acceptance and freedom to be whomever we wish to be.  Our lover has a singular tone of love, leading us  towards trust and ecstasy.   When the tone of acceptance washes over us, we are eager to be the best we can be.

It doesn't matter if we are a wee child or an aged teacher, the tone in which we are addressed can tell us more than the words themselves.  Good news may arrive on the tongue of bitterness and jealousy or the worst of the worst may be sugar coated hoping for a more palatable acceptance.  So when seeking safety and comfort, listen to the tone of the messages delivered to you.

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