Saturday, April 30, 2011

Going Nowhere

Walking around an
early spring garden
going nowhere.


The Same God

I have practiced all religions - Hinduism, Islam, Christianity - and I have also followed the paths of the different Hindu sects.  I have found that it is the same God toward whom all are directing their steps, though along different paths... Wherever I look, I see men quarreling in the name of religion... But they never stop to reflect that He who is called Krishna is also called Shiva, and bears the name of the Primal Energy, Jesus and Allah as well.     Sri Ramakrishna, Hindu Saint (1836 - 1886)

Friday, April 29, 2011

We Have Forgotten ...

If we have no peace,
it is because we have forgotten
that we belong to each other.

Mother Teresa

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Not A Mistake!

A mistake is simply another
way of doing things.

Katharine Graham

Do not make haste when judging your self or others.  What may initially look like a disaster, may in the end be a blessing.  It may be the long way around or it may be a shortcut through the thick of things, but it quite possibly is just another way of doing things...not right or wrong!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When You Give

You give but little
when you give of your possessions.

It is when you give of yourself
that you truly give.

Kahlil Gibran

Where The Light Enters You

The wound is the place
where the light enters you.


When I make presentations to various women's groups, I have them take a sheet of paper and draw a line horizontally across the page, from left to right.  Then I have them draw vertical lines pointing up from that base line, for each happy moment in their lives, such as life celebrations (graduations, marriage, birth, anniversaries, retirement).

This task finished, I instruct the women to draw vertical lines down from the base line, for each difficult moment in their lives, such as life challenges (death, divorce, moves). 

With these directions being completed, I then ask the ladies to go back and place a star at every turning point in their lives.  Slowly, chatter begins to build with interesting insights.

All of the stars symbolizing turning points are discovered to be placed in life's challenges and not in life's celebrations.  It is through our struggles that we learn and gain wisdom.  It is from here that we alter our course and change directions.

Harshness can crack life wide open, leaving the sense that nothing will ever be the same again; but when the challenge is faced allowing light to enter the wound, healing and empowerment follow.

Note from Nancy ...

"We have not come into this exquisite world to hold ourselves hostage from love. 
Run, my dear, from anything that may not strengthen your precious budding wings. 
We have not come here to take prisoners or to confine our wondrous spirits, 
but to experience ever and ever more deeply our divine courage, freedom and Light!" 

~ Hafiz

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Creating New Stars On My Journey!

“Be careful what new (perceptual) markers you put into place, for these ideas and beliefs will be the stars in the new sky of your mind, and you shall navigate your way into these new times by the stars (thoughts and beliefs) that you have placed in the heavens of your own consciousness. So be wise when you go about creating new stars, our fellow navigators of the mystery.”
     © 2011 Tom Kenyon. All rights reserved

In the morning, I leave for a 5 day women's retreat outside of Asheville, North Carolina. There are about 12 women from this area traveling to this destination.  I am packed and ready to go! 

This is the sixth year for this retreat and I really do not have false expectations, but I do look forward to being in the presence of perhaps one hundred spiritual women.  I want to sit in the moment with vibrant energy pulsing around me, to open my heart for my highest good, and to place both of my feet firmly on to my spiritual path.

Wise sages will be present and there will be so much to learn from each other.  My intention is to focus on a new alignment of stars for my moon lit sky where I will navigate anew into the last years of my life.  I can feel the excitement from the prospect of clear perceptions that will replace the old ways and crystalize the new passage into the mystery of my sky.

The words of Tom Kenyon, "There are new stars in the sky and new worlds to discover. Be bold. And have a good journey," inspire me as I prepare for this spiritual quest. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Listening To Your Heart


To genuinely discover your spirit,
stop talking,
stop reading,
and start listening to your heart.
Be silent long enough
to feel your Divine self within.
There is no other way
to truly live.

Sonia  Choquette

To figure out life, time is spent listening to the advice of others like good friends, relatives or spiritual advisers and devouring self-help books which can be expensive.  Ironically, the best advice is free and can be accessed at will.  No appointments necessary!

Guidance comes from within and can be accessed in a variety of ways: meditation, therapy, going within, prayer, journaling or dream analysis.  It is important to discover which technique is most compatible and then get started!

To listen to the desire of the heart,  false masks and expectations of others can be removed and replaced by authentic life purpose.  All energy can be invested in new direction that supports unique skills and original dreams.  It is never too late to begin.

Slow down and pay attention to what becomes of interest.  Make notations of opportunities that arrive out of no where.  What may appear as coincidence can be the first step to greatness.  A friend of mine frequently says, "Divine Spirit has a special plan for us, before we ever conceive the idea."

Made in the Creator's image, wisdom resides within each individual and it is the responsibility of each person to develop a rapport with  the Divine.  It is only then that genuine life purpose can be understood, created more fully, manifested out into the world and satisfy the heart's desire.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thoughts on Easter!

Thoughts on Easter!

May the sun shine on all who are cold.
May the homeless find a pillow for their head.
May the hungry sit at a table with food.
May the unattended child find a hand to hold.

May all eyes be blessed with inner sight.
May all those who dream create a new view.
May nightmares end with signs of rebirth.
May all hands join and follow the Light!

We are never alone if we look inside,
for that is where Spirit really resides.
Let go and become all that you can be,
and remember how special you are to me.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Catch A Falling Star

A brilliant idea,
like a falling star,
burns out when left in a free fall.
It is nothing more
than a streak in the sky
before it becomes fragmented.

author unknown

Over the years, I have frequently heard the saying, "Trust your gut".  The saying has been explained to me as the need to act on your intuition before the thought floats to your mind where ego talks you out of it!

One way discoveries and inventions arrive is in the form of dreams.  If the dreamer stays focused and follows through, creating and developing the idea, the rewards can be unbelievable.  Songs, golf swings, mathematical formulas, machines and appliances have all been triggered by a creative thought whether awake or dreaming.  The key is in the follow through, to turn down ego's volume, and to believe in possibilities.

If we disregard a burst of brilliance, it will dissipate.  If we do not capture the moment with the innocence and imagination of a child, unique insight will vanish.  If we limit our own creative growth by thinking we can't, then we won't.  If we dare to catch the falling star, we will become more than just a streak in the sky!

Friday, April 22, 2011

What Is The Message

Physical or moral suffering... is a call, an invitation, a pressing exhortation to improve, to change our life, to be reborn, to convert.  Nothing happens by chance.  In every circumstance we must ask ourselves:  "What does the Lord want from me?  From my situation, from this forced inactivity, from the people I encounter - what is the message that will enable me to purify my feelings, raise my spirit, and hear the voice of truth and conscience?       Pope John Paul II

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Our Richest Resource

When 'body', 'mind', and 'spirit' are exercised harmoniously, the 'spirit' elevates the body and mind consciousness above the level of the selfish and egotistical and enables us to function as a true 'whole'.  CENTERING, A Guide to Inner Growth.

All people desire a good life and as part of the human experience, we all face challenges.  Our culture depends upon doctors to tend to our bodies, and education to support our minds, but in comparison to other cultures, our spiritual development falters.

Ideally, we travel through life balancing the body, mind, and spirit.   By nurturing our bodies with healthy foods and massage or energy work, by stretching our minds through experiential learning and meditation, and by exploring spiritual beliefs through vision quests or extensive retreats, we develop a natural way to navigate through life without selfish motivation, greed, lust, or ego dominance.

For some of us, there comes a time when we desire to take the leap into nothingness to discover a more personalized rapport with the Divine.  Various opportunities are open to all of us for extending our spiritual experiences, but we must not over look our richest resource...our inner self.

By traveling inward through meditation or communion with nature, loving kindness enhances our self-image and as well as our perception of others.  In embracing others as fellow travelers, we not only support our own spiritual path, but also the roads others choose to travel.   The void within begins to fill and we create the sense of being whole. 

We can draw teachers to us from Omega Institute in New York, Gatherings in Santa Fe, Hidden Retreat Spas all over the country or local seminars,  It is important to remember, however, a true teacher will prepare us to walk on our own path.  Once again, we are led inward, to our true nature.

We need not wait until we have enough money to take the next course or to wait for the perfect opportunity.  We can feed our passion by building a bridge into our own center where we will, at last, be at home.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Outward Reality Mirrors The Self ...

 The world "out there" responds immediately
 to the world "in here" ~  In other words, outward reality
 mirrors the self.  Physically, light is what you see
 when you wake up in the morning.  Mystically, it's
 what you see when you wake up to your soul. 
 Light gives life, and it shows the way through the darkness.

"You are the light of the world."  (Matthew 5:12)  Making others enlightened was the purpose of Jesus.  His whole life amounts to one long struggle to make people see that they were in darkness and had to wake up.

Esentials for a spiritual life:  meditation, contemplation, revelation, prayer, grace, love, faith, salvation, and unity. 

THE THIRD JESUS, by Deepak Chopra

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fear Not ...

Fear not.
What is not real,
never was and never will be.
What is real,
always was and cannot be destroyed.

Bhagavad Gita

Who Are You?

I'm nobody, who are you?

Emily Dickinson

There are times I get lost in self-doubt, allowing darkness to fall around me.   It is difficult to see who I really am when there is no light to reflect my image.  I get frozen in place, unable to move forward, forgetting who I am.  

When I do not trust in the beauty and depth of life, I am governed by fear.  (F.E.A.R. is false evidence appearing real.) To step through false perception, strength and courage are the rewards waiting for me on the other side.  Delusion prevents full realization, keeping my life small. 

There are other occasions I feel empowered through trust as though I were making a difference in this magical world.  I feel spirit led, insightful, and pure hearted.  I hear all of the beautiful sounds found in nature and view my surroundings in wonder. 

So there is choice in how I navigate through life.  If I select fear, I stay stuck and unproductive, basically a victim.  If I embrace trust, I move forward with deeper awareness and action creates confidence. 

To support myself with like minded friends, books of wisdom, and meaningful meditations, I will find the strength and freedom to be who I am meant to be.  I will call to the Universe to meet me part way, helping me to discover what I need.

Who I am, is up to me.  If I think of myself as 'nobody', then I will be 'nobody'.  If I think of myself as a beautiful creative spirit, then I will be that and more! 

Monday, April 18, 2011

This Amazing Day

I thank you God for this amazing day,
for the leaping greenly spirits of trees,
and for the blue dream of sky
and for everything which is natural,
which is infinite,
which is yes.

e. e. cummings

In the morning, as you open your eyes,
give thanks for all of the gifts
that will arrive to you on this day. 

While you eat your lunch,
let your heart fill with love,
allowing the love to spill completely through you.

Before you end your day,
jot down three things
you are grateful for.

Good days don't just happen.  We must carry a positive intention, support visions of happiness, and be grateful for all that is bestowed.  All is good!

Invisible and Small


Sometimes we deceive ourselves and mitigate our sincerity through good intentions. Often, when insecure and off-center, we love in the way we want to be loved.  Often, when caught in this way of caring, we think we are answering the needs of others,when in fact we are giving them what we would cry for, if we were in their position.  When more centered in ourselves, we tend to truly ask and give what others need.

In all of life, I have endeavored to be a truth teller.  To be otherwise was too confusing for me.  In my opinion this was the right way to navigate through life, but as all peoples are not perfect, I too found the necessity to lie.  Unfortunately, the lies I told were to my inner self and I kept them neatly bundled, building my foundation upon stacks upon stacks of self told lies. 
I was exceptionally good at intuitively knowing how a man wanted to be loved.  Not how I wanted to be loved, but perfecting his desires and dreams.  I eagerly adapted all of my energies into making his life bliss which seemed to be his singular focus as well.  The man and I were totally compatible as we both loved him.
So his needs having happily been met, I told myself lies to survive the loneliness and darkness growing inside.  I told myself that one day he would be interested in my own desires and dreams, and that he would ask and give whatever I might need.  And when this didn't happen, I told myself more lies about how I really didn't have needs and that servitude was a more humble kind of love, making myself invisible and small.
Through many challenges, I eventually learned to love all that is within, to meet my needs, and to tell lies to myself no more.  Life continues to offer me opportunities testing my resilience to remain true to myself.  Staying centered does not come easy for me and when I lapse I awaken to find myself repeating the error of my ways.  I do find joy in giving to others whatever it is they need, but I have discovered to first fill myself and to endeavor to never again be invisible or small.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Through the Crack ...

A spiritual warrior - one who faces life on earth
as a life of transformation - always has a broken heart,
for it is through the crack that the eternal mysteries enter.

Mark Nepo

Mark Nepo says that "without the places cracked and softened by experience and time, we remain too hard and fixed to be affected by life".   To be open or vulnerable to the wear and tear of life, we allow transformation to take place.  If the cracks are sealed we misrepresent ourselves and the mysteries cannot find there way within.

Too much of life is spent in hiding our blemishes rather than trying to embrace and heal them.  The goal must be to look on the inside of our own self, to discover and learn through our own flaws.  When looking on the outside, we must not judge others, but rather look through their cracks to see the mysteries they behold. 

Search For Self

Like the moon,
come out from behind
the clouds!  And Shine!


We are all called to step out of our darkness and be present in the moment, being fully all that we can be.  It is a calling that will prompt the shedding of all that no longer serves, and at last placing those old burdens down. 

We are being asked to love, listen, and accept others whether we are aligned with them or not, as this would be called respect of diversity.  There is no obligation to fix, change, or persuade any one else to a particular way of thinking.  We need to live by our own example.

Suffering occurs when we resist the change that brings new growth.  To resist new growth is to in a sense die as the fear of change triggers despair and aborts the search for what we seek to know

Fear encourages us to react when ultimately we need patience to wait.  It is in the waiting that what we seek can become clear and generate affirmations to carry us forward again. 

Release the pain that resides within, and in that space fresh light comes in to help begin anew.  Do not give up this search for self for it is what you are here to do.  Step out from behind the clouds of your life and stop hiding this very special 'you'!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Don't Look Down!

Imagine the skill needed to walk a tightrope;
each step is in the NOW.
If the walker allows themselves to think
about the steps beyond the current one,
they lose their focus
and they lose their balance.

It is by staying in the now,
all energy focused on the current step,
the task in the moment,
that they complete the walk successfully.

Peggy Black

With a very heavy heart, I walk the tightrope encased in fear,
placing one foot in front of the other.   

Don't look back!  
Don't look forward! 
Don't look down! 

There is an absence of a net beneath me.  Only darkness is stretched there.  I teeter on the high wire, never balanced rightly so.  If I fall, I will be falling into nothingness.  Falling into a pitch black void. 

One foot in front of the other.    
Don't look back! 
Don't look forward! 
Whatever you do ... don't look down! 

Ecstatic Experience

The soul should always stand ajar,
ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.

Emily Dickinson

There is little one can do just prior to an actual ecstatic experience as it always seems so spontaneous; however, there are numerous practices that can enhance such an experience.

Train all of your senses to be awake and aware at all times.  Deeply breathe in aromas and fragrances that float through the air.  With the tips of your fingers, feel the velvet softness of the petals on a flower or the tickle of blades of grass beneath your naked feet.  Look with new vision upon your standard route, seeing the beauty in all things.  Open your ears to the chirping of birds, the whistle of the wind, and the sigh of a new born babe.  Taste the salty desire of passion upon your sweet lips, sharing a kiss with your lover.  Open your heart and your mind's eye, awaiting creative insights or visions. 

If you blend the heightened awareness of all your senses, you will be in the best position possible to embrace an ecstatic experience.  Make sure you write down every little detail afterwards, so that you can relive it again and again.  

Friday, April 15, 2011

Master - Gardener of the Soul

The man sooner or later discovers that he is the master - gardener of his soul, the director of his life.

James Allen

A gardener places seeds into a dark rich soil, and then fertilizes, waters, and weeds out any stray growth that may choke out the new sprouts.  With the gardener's loving care, the earth supports the growth of the plant in this process.

Divine Spirit plants intentions and insights into the master - gardener's mind for nurturing, growth, and flowering.  If the mind becomes cluttered, creative perceptions do not survive the incubation period.  Lacking the gardener's tender loving care the sprouts of expression no longer thrive or grow. The natural process of personal growth becomes stunted without investment and the Universe ceases to support the unfolding.

A gardener selects plants that will tolerate the surroundings.  He or she may even put up small fences of protection to ward off invasion from little critters.  This keeper of the land will monitor the moistness of the soil in addition to anticipating the predicted temperatures to further protect the processing of the plant.

As master - gardener of the soul, ideas must be chosen that best support inner thinking and strong boundaries need to be created to protect thoughts that are still incubating.  Through discussions emotional climate is tested and results indicate which new insights will be kept in our personal green house while others might be mature enough to be displayed in the public garden of friends. 

As seasons of life pass, the master - gardener of the soul views the rewards from the well manicured mind.  An abundance of enhanced colors of thought randomly dance across the fertile soil.  All debris with potential to choke out brilliance now resides on the compost pile.  Tears irrigate memories, keeping them from growing parched, brittle or dry.  A sunny disposition maintains the warmth in friendships preventing the potential of isolation or erosion.  The excitement of what will germinate next expands, and the master - gardener cultivates visionary meditations that open gates to all future possibilities.


Attitude You Bring To Life

Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you
as by the attitude you bring to life;
not so much by what happens to you
as by the way your mind looks at what happens.

Kahlil Gibran

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fallen from the Stars

"Reading about nature is fine,
but if a person walks in the woods
and listens carefully,
he can learn more than what is in books
for they speak with the voice of God."

George Washington Carver

Nature is my inspiration as well as my connection with the Divine.  I try to walk three to four miles per day and not because of any dedication to fitness.  When I slowly explore my surroundings, I grow aware of the little buds on trees, flowers sprouting up, and the grass turning green.  The sunshine feels so good on my face that it brightens my spirits and uplifts my soul.  The sounds of the birds make me feel happy and light hearted.  The beauty of nature is unmistakable evidence of the miracles created by the Divine. 

The brilliance of the sun and the magic of nature distract me from responsibilities of my day, and a flow of inspiration begins to cascade through my mind.  Elaborate words rich in texture and rhyme begin to take form in my mind.  They gently link together as though they were old friends embracing and falling into symmetrical lines of excitement and joy.

I walk faster to my home, propel myself through the door, and let the outpouring of sentences spill onto the page, knowing that all will be lost if I pause for long. The words that come tumbling out in perfect time and space bring me delight and my place in the Universe springs alive!  I am blessed with a magical connection that cannot be denied. 

As the sun sets and darkness falls, a silent cadence spreads through nature in preparation for sleep.  The moon begins a haunting song, a lullabye just for me.  The wind whistles through the trees beckoning my body into a sleeper's pose. The twinkling stars keep perfect watch as I fall into my dreams.

A new dawn arrives reflecting light on my window sill.  With eager heart I shed my gown and jump into my clothes.  I stretch my body and descend the stairs, each step carrying me deeper into the essence of the natural world.  I breathe my heart open and embrace the pregnant silence anticipating nature's new message that in the darkness has fallen from the stars.


The Moon ... Hafiz

"The moon starts singing
 when everyone is asleep."


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sending Out Thoughts ... Alan Cohen

"A friend of mine arrived early to work one day, and while waiting for the store owner to arrive to open up, he decided to silently send out thoughts of good will to each person who passed by him on the street.

After he was doing this for a few minutes, a shabbily dressed man walked up to him and told him, "What you're doing with your mind is good."


We are all aware of how we feel when we leave a meeting or a meal with a boss or a friend.  If it were a positive meeting with our boss, we feel supported, insightful, and renewed.  If it were a very emotional meal with a friend, we feel drained, exhausted, and in need of renewal.  Most of us pay attention to how much time we spend with people who support our energy, seeking out those who make us feel good.

What about us?  How do we make people feel?  Are we always complaining, criticizing, and being a 'little black cloud' floating over everyone's head?  If this is true even to the smallest degree, we must endeavor to change our energy.  We must focus on gratitude, appreciation, and thankfulness for what is right in our lives.  What we focus on is what we attract.

So let's try to be more like the person Alan Cohen describes.  As we travel through our day, we can smile at strangers, do a random act of kindness, or just send love, energy, and light out into the world.  If you are at home all day, say a little prayer for everyone you happen to think about.  Not only will it make a difference in other people's lives, it will make us personally happy as well! 

Go on!  Give it a try!  Pass it on.

April Day

"The sun was warm,
but the wind was chill.
You know how it is
with an April day."

Robert Frost

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

'Shape Shifter'

"Behold the turtle!
He makes progress only when
he sticks his neck out."

James Bryant Conant

There are times I feel much more like a turtle than a hawk flying in the sky.  Life becomes challenging and instead of facing it head on, like a turtle, I neatly pull my head in to hide under my shell.  Of course this works for awhile, resting within myself, but progress it does not make.  So when I feel safe, I slowly stick my neck back out, only to discover that challenge still awaits.

To soar with freedom in the sky, like a hawk in flight is much more my desire.  I would view life from a higher perspective, spread my wings, and float above the negative thoughts that seemingly hold me anchored to the ground.  I would greet the clouds, embrace the morning sun, and blend into the whisper of the wind. 

Honestly, both creatures have appeal.  The turtle, once a Far East symbol of an invitation for the blessings of both heaven and earth, would slow me down and keep me grounded; while the hawk, a visionary of the air, would facilitate through flight, communication with humans and the great spirits of the sky. 

Perhaps it would be best to choose the life of a 'shape shifter'!  I would then enjoy all enlightening qualities of both the turtle and the hawk! 

Everyone's Given Seeds

"It's like everyone's given seeds that are capable of growing into the garden of their dreams, but no one's been told they even have them. Then, when they see their neighbor's garden growing, whether it's because their neighbor actually found their seeds or accidentally spilled them, there's a rush to see what's happening. 

There are seeds that grow into private gardens. Seeds that grow into best sellers. And seeds that grow into happy families.

It's quite a riot, and often good fun, but Virginia, would you believe that one of the biggest impediments one has to discovering their own seeds, these days, is their fascination with the gardens of others? "

  The Universe

Monday, April 11, 2011

Being Normal ...

"When will you understand
that being normal
isn't necessarily a virtue?"

unknown author

All of my life, I have longed to be 'normal'.  In early childhood, I clearly understood that I saw things and heard noises that others clearly did not.  In elementary school, I observed behaviors that were never congruent with the lessons being taught.  In high school, the superficial goals of friends turned me in other directions.  In college, I learned for certain that my family of origin did not meet the criteria for normality.  Through marriage and parenting, being 'normal' continued to escape me. 

Webster's Dictionary offers this definition of the word normal:  usual/regular/expected.

Based upon this definition, I am no longer certain I desire to be 'normal' at all!  Maybe 'normal' is whatever I make it.  Maybe the true quest is to discover what is normal for me. 

Webster's Dictionary offers this definition for not being normal: 
having unusual features. 

If I had a choice of being usual/regular/expected or having unusual features, I feel pretty certain that I would embrace the latter. 

Just like anyone else, I have been created with unique gifts and talents.  So individual focus needs to be on authenticity rather than duplication.  If I honor my differences, rather than being synonymous, the Divine fully opens within me, ending any sense of competition and creates calm rather than strife.

As I speculate, I realize friends that are most endearing to me have rather unusual characteristics themselves.  So in these final years, I will embrace not being 'normal' and give up all intentions to be otherwise while surrounding myself with inspiring kindred spirits! 

Courage Is The Quiet Voice ...

"Courage doesn't always roar.
Sometimes courage is the quiet voice
at the end of the day saying,
'I will try again tomorrow.'"

Mary Ann Radmacher

A Little Word ...

"Once I only knew darkness and stillness ... my life was without past or future ... but a little word from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness and my heart leaped to the rapture of living."  Helen Keller

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Be Gentle ...

"Be gentle with your self.
You are a child of the Universe,
no less than the trees and the stars.
In the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul."

Max Erhmann

Out of the darkness

"Out of the darkness" is a phrase that once inspired me to move forward on my spiritual journey.  I longed to leave my shadows behind, to run into the light.  As years passed, I realized that the opposite is more applicable.  I must walk into the dark corners of my mind carrying my light, facing whatever I fear in order to achieve the spiritual connectedness that I long for.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Song In Your Heart ...

"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart
and can sing it back to you
when you have forgotten the words."

author unknown

While attending a Native American gathering, I listened to a story being told about learning a person's song.  The song comes to a young woman while waiting the conception of her child.  Throughout the pregnancy, the woman sings the song to her unborn child, teaching it to the father, midwife or any other woman who would attend the birth.  As the child was brought into this world, the women would sing the song in honor of the baby.  Upon delivery, the infant would be presented to the tribe for the first time and all members would sing the baby's song.  At every significant stage of the child's life and all though adulthood, this particular song would be offered by every member of the tribe.  Upon the death of this person, the song would be offered for the very last time.  Everyone had a song.

There is another story that I have heard about a little boy who sat on his mother's lap throughout the pregnancy of his soon to be born little sister.  He would sit and sing to his unborn sister, patiently awaiting her arrival.  When the sister was born, however, she failed to thrive.  Hospital rules prevented the little boy from visiting the baby, but relented only when the impending death seemed unavoidable.  Finally, the little boy sat in his mother's lap, holding his baby sister for the very first time.  He sang to her, just as he had during the months of pregnancy.  The surrounding nurses were amazed at the stirring of the infant.  She became animated while listening to the songs of the little boy.  She began to nurse with vigor and soon displayed a will to live.  The boy continued to sing her song.

Does anyone know your song?  When did you allow yourself to be vulnerable enough to open your heart releasing a melody?  Have you ever looked deeply into the eyes of a loved one and heard a distant chant or tune?

I believe that we all carry a song in our heart and those dearest to us learn to understand the unspoken words.  When life disappoints or we grow discouraged, and cannot find our way, friends can sing the unsung song, soothing emotions with the unknown lyrics just like a lullabye.


A Spirit of Youth

"April hath put a spirit of youth in everything."
                                                      William Shakespeare


Friday, April 8, 2011

Be My Friend

"Don't walk behind me;
I may not lead.
Don't walk in front of me;
I may not follow.
Just walk beside me
and be my friend."

Albert Camus

Extroverted Hermit and Organized Procrastinator

Definition of oxymoron:  a figure of speech in which contradictory terms are combined, as in:

deafining silence
mournful optimist
living dead
original copy
controlled chaos
pretty ugly
military intelligence
sweet sorrow
freedom fighters
educational television
silent scream

The term oxymoron came to my attention when I was in college.  Upon hearing the word itself, if you will excuse my ignorance, I wondered if it were a 'zit' cream.  I soon became fascinated, however, by the real definition.  The class was instructed to create personal oxymorons that embraced in a positive fashion differing sides of the 'self'. 

The first personal strength that came to me was being an extrovert.  So what was the opposite, but not negative.  As I explored my inner landscapes, I knew that I was gregarious with people, but then I quickly remembered my need to withdraw and have my own quiet space.  Ah, a hermit!  Thus my very first oxymoron was an extroverted hermit.  It best describes me even after all of these years.  I thoroughly enjoy people, but oh buddy, I need my cave time!

Searching for another oxymoron, I thought of how obsessively organized I was with projects and commitments, but quickly recognized that the opposite was true as well.  Even though I loved outlines and diagraming sentences, in some areas of my life, I was very much a procrastinator.  I once had a book about how to overcome procrastination sitting on my desk.  It sat there for at least two years.  People would come up to my desk and pick the book up asking, "Is this any good?"  I was embarrassed to report, "I don't know.  I have never read it, but I intend to!"

It is very important to recognize all sides of our self.  We are like crystals, multi-sided.  When we try to be one dynamic to all people, we silence areas of self and dishonor the true beauty of 'all our parts'.  As we slide on a mask rather than show our true nature, we are depriving the world of our unique personality.  In order to stretch and grow into all we are meant to be, one must explore within and be cognizant of the dark shadows as well as the brilliant light. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Something Is Out Of Tune

"Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves,
but deep down below the surface
of the average conscience
a still, small voice says to us,
something is out of tune."

Carl Jung

We come into this world as babies screaming our heads off and as children we squeal with delight.  As teens we are animated and talk endlessly, but somewhere in our development we begin to refrain from articulating what is dearest to our heart.  

The awareness of our own silence hangs heavily during times that our voice needs to speak out.  To give away our power by assuming that the opinion of another is greater than our own does significant damage to our spirit.

There are times when we do not project our thoughts out of fear of being wrong.  No one wants to appear needy and so we don't ask for what should naturally be ours.  For some it is a matter of being polite and not wanting to be considered too out spoken or rude.  So our words are stifled inside of us, hiding our truth and needs, and in time we begin to feel invisible.

We have a right to voice our thoughts, beliefs, and opinions, even if we are wrong.  We are entitled to speak what is on our minds to honor our inner self.  Speaking personal truths is liberating and empowering, even if our words are not embraced.

When 'a still, small voice says to us, something is out of tune,' it is a signal that should not be ignored.  We need to take the time to evaluate feelings and thoughts lingering  in our mind while we inhale courage and exhale fear.  Speak up and be fully present in your own life.  Articulate your silence!

The Human Voice

"Words mean more than what is set down on paper.  It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning."

Maya Angelou

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Kindle The Fire Of Passion

"A year from now,
you may wish
you had started

Karen Lamb

Garden of Eden, Maui 

My parents were of the generation that disallowed children to have voice.  "Children were to be seen and not heard."  So through writing, I found a way to express myself.   I journaled dreams, fears, and sadness, just as I do today.

Writing has been a way of life for me, and yet there have been so many times I have sabotaged my own development.  I have allowed fear to paralyze me, disabling any advancement that would reap rewards.  Procrastination discolored my dreams, making them fade from my view.  Negative opinions of those around me dissolved my heart's desire. 

With determination, however, life purpose can gain momentum at any point in time.  It is always waiting to be discovered and to be brought into the flow. When appropriate support is cheering the baby steps of initial success, self-esteem will increase its glow, casting a light onto the path where one must go.

The fires of passion are waiting inside of every human being, wanting to be discovered and explored.  The individual journey begins when gifts and talents are used with creative flair to express all that hides within.  Kindle the fire of passion today!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Behold, I am here ...

"I existed from all eternity
And behold, I am here;
And I shall exist til the end of time,
For my being has no end."

Kahlil Gibran

Monday, April 4, 2011

Stone Walls Do Not A Prison Make

"Stone walls do not a prison make."

Richard Lovelace

So often a person feels imprisoned never realizing that the door is unlocked. 

Once in a dream, I found myself in a cage.  I wept for my freedom and was starving for nourishment.  My spirit kept growing smaller like a light fading into the darkness.  Fear was draining all of my energy so I could not imagine trying to escape.  I grew cold and put my hands into the pockets of my jacket and to my astonishment, there was the key!

Prisons are frequently self-imposed as we unknowingly give our power away.  Our voice grows silent further stiffling dreams and desires.  Depression triggers a withdrawal from support and isolation completes the disconnect. 

Why is it that we tend to withdraw when we most need to reach out?  What makes us trust the power of others over our own?   How is it that we close both eyes and ears when we know the truth in our heart?

Reach into your pocket and hold the key in your hand.  It is a key to opportunity allowing personal, emotional and spiritual security.  Unlock your hidden fears and unfulfilled desires through therapy, energy work, or journaling.  Rediscover what lays beneath the debris of life.  Your authentic self is waiting, do not delay!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Your God Is Too Small

While I attended a private college prep academy, the chaplain encouraged the freshman class to read a small book entitled, "YOUR GOD IS TOO SMALL" by J. B. Phillips.  The first edition was in 1961 and it was in the fourth printing by 1963. 

This little book created a huge opening for me which I jumped through and never looked back.  It brought freedom and imagination to my personal faith and initiated a search for religious understanding.

Baptized a Lutheran, Sunday School painted a vision of God as a grandfatherly man with a long beard.  I didn't have a grandfather, and the stern image in the stained glass stared down at me disapprovingly.  This portrayal of God stressed perfection and disallowed any sense that I could be worthy, reinforcing feelings of being separate. 

Although a Lutheran, I attended a Roman Catholic Elementary School.  The basic foundation in the missal and mass increased my sense of shame and guilt, but intrigued me with candles and rituals.  With the endless list of saints and angels, my search for acceptance deepened, but the supposed doom of not being a catholic was difficult for a child to bear.

The mystery of the life of Jesus the Christ and His out pouring of compassionate and unconditional love gave me hope, but also brought to my awareness a sense of hypocrisy in organized religion, Lutheran and Catholic alike.  God was an entity to be feared, I was taught, and totally unapproachable by the common man; therefore, I did not court His presence.

My childhood concept of God failed to assist in the many challenges I faced in life.  The spoon fed biblical stories blocked my ability to catch sight of God.  As a result, I began an open hearted search for the real all knowing Spirit willing to lead me through religious futility and frustration. 

My high school years broadened the path of faith, introducing world religions and universal love.  I came to believe that evil could be destroyed by loving kindness towards others, rather than through control and power or shame and guilt leading to submission. God seemed to be telling me, "You have a mind, use it!"  So my search led me onto a spiritual path that I have followed ever since.

 "Happy are those who are real in their thoughts and feelings:  in the end they will see the ultimate Reality, God."  I have not had to wait until 'the end' as Spirit appears to me in all things and in all peoples.  The great Spirit breaks through the small concepts of men and loving kindness expands into eternity.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Life Reveals The Magic

Life needs to have purpose that is supported by genuine interest, natural gifts, and a touch of humble service. By combining these elements, self-esteem is strengthened and spiritual awareness heightened. The sense of contributing to the better good of the world nurtures and renews.

The lessons in life present obstacles and barriers that at first glance appear to keep dreams unrealized; but by overcoming these difficulties, emotional determination revitalizes hope. Gather more knowledge to master a plan, and allow it to be tempered by inner thoughts and guidance.

Life purpose is cultivated over a period of time, so balance must be added through socialization and play. Sharing with others is very important to maintain the harmony of give and take. Providing periods of rest or meditation is necessary for the physical body, and it is good emotionally and spiritually as well.

The worst enemy resides within, criticizing and sabotaging personal brilliance. In spite of professional approval or peer praise, too frequently mental negativity can escort a dream to ruin. Family conditioning in childhood all too often creates patterns that are carried into adulthood. The human spirit must be personally affirmed by a positive attitude so that intentions can safely sprout and blossom into reality.

Mystery and magic dances through the creative spirit that resides in each and every human being. There is a uniqueness to each life waiting to be discovered and unfolded. It readily appears in silence and nature. So slow down to appreciate the beauty that surrounds life and in return, life reveals the magic

Friday, April 1, 2011

Air We Breathe ...

"Angels are all around us
all the time,
in the very air we breathe."

Eileen Elias Freeman

Like A Shadow

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought.
If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought,
pain follows him.
If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought,
happiness follows him,
like a shadow that never leaves him."