Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Grace of Struggle

"Sometimes it takes a good fall 
to really know where you have been."
Lessons Taught

Focus not on the fall, but upon the information gleaned.  Become stronger every time the energy returns and do not make the same mistake.  Use energy to newly create or change approach.

Accept responsibility from personal error and endeavor not to repeat it.  Explore random approaches and zero in on resonating ideas.   Be flexible to broaden opportunities.  Boundaries reinforce our decision making, but self-imposed limitations contract imagination.

Strive to excel without missing the grace of struggle.  Realize when to push and how to pause.  Follow the rhythm as it unfolds and allow the heart to feel reborn.  Spread wings and begin to fly, liberating thought, word and deed.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Insignificant Facts

"When one feels seen and appreciated
in their own essence, one is instantly empowered."
Wes Angelozzi

When we are unexpectedly praised, we experience a rush of energy and a sense of being uplifted.  This usually occurs in a chance meeting or catching the smiling eyes of a stranger.  We beam when the slightest skill is noted or a tender comment is given from an unknown.

It is a heart warming experience to take notice of others.  In a store, compliment a woman on the great color she is wearing.  Watch her beam!   Look the cashier directly in the eyes and thank them for doing a great job.  Smile at the mother with the screaming child, and drop of few encouraging words.  These small interactions uplift ourselves as well as the receivers.

Before we tell ourselves we are not very good at exchanges, think again.  One does not need to know a person's history, accomplishments, or challenges to utter a small exchange.  Actually, the less we know the easier it becomes.  Simply glance at a person and notice one thing ...  an action, an emotion, glowing or scowling.  Choose one insignificant fact, and offer a response, and both involved will feel empowered.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Broken and Beautiful

"The most beautiful souls are often
the most broken."
Spirit Science 

It is impossible to surrender to  death without experiencing some level of distress.  Broken bones are easy to recognize, but emotional chaos and damaged spirits can be difficult to detect.  Fine lines of  distorted memories haunt the best of us.

In the darkness, one feels that one disturbing thought unattached to an event.  It is pregnant with shifting emotions unrelated to facts at hand.  To bring the undiagnosed to the surface is much like labor in the birthing process.  We keep pushing the undiagnosed element to the surface in hopes of release and new life.

Coping skills propel us through trauma, but the residue remains.  The memories scream out of the darkness in the form of nightmares, illness and depression.  Resolve occurs when we carry our light into the darkness and peer through distortions to discover clarity.  These broken threads once again connected add beauty to our soul.  Brokenness is restored to heavenly hues.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sense of Liberation

"The truth is always exciting.
Speak it, then.  Life is dull without it."
Pearl S. Buck   
When we are clear about truth, support it and protect it, our emotional stability becomes healthier.  If we tell lies, we are disguising our essence and pay a price.  The further we move away from our truth, the more disingenuous we become.  

We tell ourselves a story when we hide our inner thoughts.  We say we are protecting others or maybe the listener would not understand.  Often there is a price for truth that we are not willing to pay.  Boundaries surrounding our truth support us in deciding the extent we are willing to share.

To offer the truth is indeed difficult, but the reward is self-respect and appropriate alignment with body, mind, and spirit.  New energy pumps through us as we expose who we really are and we are propelled into deeper connections.  When we are honest with ourselves at all times, we experience a greater sense of liberation.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Finding Home

"During my life journey I've discovered an interesting thing;
once you stop seeking outside you discover what already resides within."
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Holidays approach accompanied by a level of amnesia.  We trick ourselves into thinking of how this year things will be different.  We promise to behave better, to not make waves, and to say just the right things.  Unfortunately, for many, home has never been emotionally safe.

When we enter into the world of adults, we begin to realize the dysfunction of our family. The space inside of us grows darker in the absence of any sense of acceptance, encouragement or respect.  A sense of being unknown and unseen dampens our spirits.

When we turn inside with honest intention of self-discovery, the sense of belonging is birthed.  As we recognize our uniqueness, worthiness grows.  The impossible happens ... we learn to love our self as we settle into our internal safe home.  With a sense of wholeness, we finally can turn back outside of ourselves with appreciation for all others who are following their own quest.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Be Diligent

"God sends us despair not to kill us;
He sends it to us to awaken new life within us."
Herman Hesse

Trial and error escort us closer to our intended purpose.  Change and unsuspected detours guide us even more deliberately to destinations.  We must be open and flexible to what is in our best interest and not our tunnel vision views.

Focus needs to be on creative possibility within and without the perimeters of goals.  Living to our fullest is not a joy ride.  It is a perilous venture into the unknown.  We are accompanied by faith and inner wisdom which requires us to be awake and aware.

All of our journey is accented by the blessings of others.  Gratitude for our comrades, all peoples and living things triggers change in our hearts.  When we have compassion and respect with a broad range of trust,  our goodness impacts everyone.  Be diligent and awaken to a new way of living.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thankful Heart

"Be thankful for the sacred life."
Lailah Gifty Akita
Pearls of Wisdom

Surrounded by friends of all ages, my heart is thankful for a sacred life.  It allows me to accept changes I never thought I'd see ... in my family, my home, and the life I would lead.  I have gained  flexibility allowing life to expand and contract shifting nests from where I expected them to be.

My heart is held in faith, believing there is more to life than what I can see.  There is comfort in connecting with loved ones no matter where I find myself to be.  I find peace in believing great kindness is spreading today amongst people who are lost, alone or unseen.

Homes have been opened to strangers and strangers prepare food at shelters.  Prayers float across the land for all living things and light workers spread soothing energy opening hearts of the sad, desperate, and lonely.  I pray and send light to each and every person, knowing they really are somehow connected to me.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Attitude Will Guide

"Our life is what our thoughts make it."
Marcus Aurelius
When life becomes difficult, it is hard to imagine what I had been thinking to create such an unfortunate mess.  No longer do I immediately ask, "Why me?"
I ask, "What is the lesson?"  It is helpful to acknowledge all of the negativity I had unknowingly unleashed in my head.  By not remaining awake, I sabotage my own desires.

It is helpful for me to discern what good could come of my mess.  I look for the door that is now open as a corrective option.  It is difficult to believe goodness rises out of debris, but I know this to be true, even if just in hindsight.

My worst enemy is the tape in my head criticizing, minimizing, and twisting perceptions.  Encouraging words of a mentor or supportive resources does not turn the tape off, but new phrases can be recorded over the old.  I remain determined to embrace whatever comes, knowing my attitude will be my guide.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

"Do Over"

"What if life is not just about the goal?
What if it is not even just about the path to the goal?
What if it is not even the bounce back?
Omid Safi
"Fail Better"
On Being

The work I struggled most with seemed to return to me with an elementary teacher's red pen instructing a "Do Over".   This sequence seems to run through life ... work hard, fall; work harder, fall harder; bounce back, improving.   This really isn't about failure, but a push to be more.

This cycle seems to be present in relationships as well as career and spirituality.  Moving through life,  relationships, career, and spiritually  come together providing a sense of calm.  Finally, we get to feel comfortable with ourselves. 

The journey is never over, however.  Just when we sigh with completion, another sequence begins.  All of this appears to be a route to becoming fully our lovely selves.  With each spiral, we deepen inwardly and shine outwardly.  The passage leads to the Divine. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Release ...

"Forgiveness is not an occasional act,
it is a constant attitude."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

There were many reasons for individuals to release connections with organized religions.  Once distanced from an institution, the intimacy, sacraments and rituals of the church were noticeably felt.  This was remedied by creating sacred spaces to fill the void.

BRAIN PICKINGS offered an interview with Leonard Cohen stating,  "So it is in our time that certain spiritual mechanisms that were very useful have been abandoned and forgot."  This is especially true of confession and forgiveness which needs to be addressed in our personal spiritual practices, if no longer connected with a church.

Self-forgiveness is one of the most difficult actions to take, and if we do not, we can  harm body, mind and soul.  Physical ailments, mental health issuers, and spiritual disconnection are often based in lack of forgiveness.  Forgiveness requires confession  to our selves through prayer,  journal for release, or share with a trusted friend. By doing so, we feel resurrected.    

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Clear as Mud

"Sometimes we have to make a complete and absolute disaster
of our lives in such an epic, unavoidable way so that it can
become absolutely clear to us what we have been doing all along."
David Whyte

Playing in the dirt is such fun until we realize we are neck deep in muck.  Things start out innocently, and then collapse.  It is only with hindsight do we see the regression.  At what point did we fall asleep or let our inner self down?

We fill our gas tank up in our car and we monitor our usage.  We discern how long we can drive our car before we need to refuel.  If we do not monitor our supply, we could end up stranded and out of gas.  We can go to church or a meditation circle to heighten our awareness for compassion and forgiveness, but somewhere during the week, our mindfulness has gone astray.  

I do not believe in perfection, but I do acknowledge the need for awareness and commitment. To hide in isolation is avoiding reality.  Physically, our anger or disappointment can create strife.  If we can accept responsibility for both our decisions and actions, we can steadily improve our integrity and position in this world. 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Food for the Soul

 "Don't be eye candy,
be soul food."
Mentors Channel

If I receive an invitation to a gathering, my mind may automatically shift to 'what shall I wear?'  I might feel excitement and anticipation or anxiety and resistance. However, whether visualizing a quiet dinner or a huge reunion, physical appearance is no longer my concern.

In an effort to be the change I want to see in my life,  I now respond from a deeper level.  I can visualize safety and calm traveling to and from the party.  I can mentally imagine the air  filled with stimulating conversations and attentive listeners.  I can watch affection and appreciation spread from face to face.  Love and laughter abounds.

I set my intention to have an open heart and to be present for others. I find myself eager to receive new messages or to share experiences.  My focus is on feeding souls.  If my intention is not  fully realized, then perhaps I need to seek new friends.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Culture Shock


 "Culture change is neither quick nor easy - it will take a long time to find
our way through the smoke and mirrors.  But all long journeys begin with
one small step, so her's a modest proposal:  let's reclaim 'disillusionment'
as a word that names of blessing rather than a curse."
Parker Palmer

As I slowly thaw from the frozen state of shock, I find myself facing fear reminding me of my emotional reactions to the plane crashes years ago in New York City.    Disillusioned, I am forced to face the reality of our culture.

I refuse to be cynic or a hater.  I listen to differences without acting upon them.  We are free to create our belief systems as long as they harm no one.  I need to move over and give more room to those who do not think like me.  Isolating myself only weakens movement towards peace.

In order to continue to move forward to a sense of oneness, I must remain resilient in compassion and respect.  I can open myself to the truth of others and actualize discrepancies in our knowledge.  The focus must allow space for each and every person, to com-exist in a peaceful atmosphere, and step through the illusion of fear.  Change occurs together, as we recognize blessings rising from negative clashes. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Light Within

"... enthusiasm was derived from the Greek adjective
entheos, meaning 'having the god within, ..."
Leonard Bernstein

When I live my life with Divine in control, life is still challenging but it is accented with synchronicity and enchantment.  With spirit in my heart, my vision begins seeing opportunities with deeper insight and opportunity.  My energy vibrates on a higher level, attracting good things to me.

My thinking shifts from outcomes to impacts.  I accept I cannot change or control any other person, but I can touch a heart with my compassion.  I no longer think in terms of winning or losing, but in supporting and encouraging.

As change rolls through my life crushing dreams not meant to come true, I start over.  I align myself with my strengths and prepare to be matched with others.  I no longer worry about finding my way, as I know how to follow the light.  Enthusiasm for what might come, trumps any surfacing darkness.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Tending the Fire

"The mind is not a vessel to be filled
but a fire to be kindled.

Discouraged by the world, I wonder what kindling I want to use for my fire.  The temptation to let my passion slowly burn out comes from ego, not the heart.  With hope, I recall strengths from the past and gently blow on the smoldering coals.

A page from my gratitude journal reminds me of blessings in my life and the flames in my fire begin to dance.  The darkness hovers around my fire allowing only a portion of life to be seen.  I continue tending to my light as only Divine can fully see purpose and outcome.  

Filled with new strength, my fire turns into a blaze.  Willingly, I let go of control and Spirit directs my energies to where I need to be.  It is difficult to remember  life is not always what it appears to be and winds of change must never be allowed to blow any fire out.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Taking Measure

"For years, I was deathly afraid of my own weaknesses,
but when I closed my eyes and let myself be vulnerable
to them, it allowed miracles to take place."
Bethany Brookbank

The positive strides taken in life are overshadowed by the memories of falling.  Grab an old journal or a once favorite novel, discovering as you read, the growth in perspective.  Unless measure is taken, it is too easy to overlook our personal progression.

Change occurs slowly, so surveying our perspectives is an excellent way to acknowledge how small seeds of inspiration from previous insights have grown into solid concepts.  With a personal inventory, one begins to realize the strength gathering within and the need to keep moving forward.

Hindsight allows recognition of individual risk where the authentic self forged ahead.  Lists can be made of progress no matter how small or insignificant.  Every heartfelt action contributes to integrity when we include all peoples in the decided action and outcome.

Monday, November 14, 2016

keeper of the light

 keeper of the light
bone sigh arts

"what if you were asked to be
a keeper of the light?"

A light worker or energy worker carries light into the world.  The kindled light extends out towards others, into the community, and all parts of our world.  The light is visualized in different ways, but it is easily extracted from nature:  the sun, moon, stars, or water reflections.  It is also rekindled through eye contact or an emotional exchange.

"to hold the light in darkness,
to remember and believe in
and stand up for the talk about 
and spread that very light?"

When darkness falls upon us, we strive to protect our inner light as it will lead us into deeper truth and understanding.  Fueling our flames helps others to be drawn to the light where calm and peace restores goodness.

"to understand the connection between love and light
and to keep your eyes focused there
even when your head is swimming with fear?"

As we stare into the light, we absorb love that warms the heart.  The brightness reduces the dark and keeps our fears at bay.  Our focus invites more of the light within to uplift our spirit.

"to agree to get up again and again
after crushing weight that the world throws on you?"

To carry light does not exempt one from difficult times, sorrow, and grief; but, it does strengthen our ability to face what is brought before us without denial, addiction, or loss of self.

 "what if you were asked to love over and over and over?"

Part of the human experience is to be betrayed or deceived to teach us never ending forgiveness and to build trust in personal integrity and character.  The light leads us through difficult times, especially when they are repeated.

"to shine light everywhere you could?"

We work with our light unseen and anonymously.  We extend it without being invasive or intrusive.  We don't have the need to understand or participate, just share the light without recognition.

"would you?"

There is choice to use anger and violence or light and love.  In disagreements or diversity, we don't have to agree, but we can foster love by respect and honor of the individual self.  Light can be extinguished by fear or illuminated by love, 

"maybe it's time you listened for the question.
maybe it's time you listened for your answer.

terri st. cloud, bone sight arts

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Method of Change

"Can we remain humble enough to know that one method that works
for one soul may not recharge another?  Each of us needs to recharge
in the means that are right or best for us.  And that means may change
from stage to stage of life."
Omid Safi
On Being

There was a time I believed I would uncover one doctrine to guide me through life. This was prior to understanding constant change and the realms of inconsistencies.  At the time I was unaware of my multi-sided persona and the multiple directions I would be drawn.

Clearly, I am not who I used to be and as the heart of the earth beats beneath my feet, I understand I will continue to be beckoned forward.  I tend to seek experiences to increase the depth of my understanding, especially on the inward path.

My sense of self is vibrant, and yet, I shift as I travel the inward spiral.  My human suit is well worn and routinely altered, but it gravitates towards expiration.   My spiritual self?  Ah well, it remains in the midst of the stars shining brightly forever more.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Counter Balance the Flow

"Every new place we visit -
be it a foreign country,
a budding friendship,
a child's birth,
or a new job -
evokes a new world within us."
Harriet Lerner

When I am present in a moment with an open heart, newness is birthed. With clear vision, I see the beauty in all that surrounds me.  As the only constant in life is change, nothing is what it once was.  The physical, emotional, and spiritual are in a continuous stream of flowing change.

I first notice change in energy and how it vibrates around me.  Emotions splayed across the human face are detectors of the internal movement.  Listen for the message even if it is unspoken.  Can I hear hope, surrender or devastation?

My world responds to those near and far.  I am impacted by decisions or lack of decisions on the part of others.  I am not helpless, however, as my own energy can counter balance the flow approaching me.  If I choose to engage in the chaos, I will be pulled into drama.  If I simply stand present allowing light to flow from me, I can impact another world too.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Survival in Two Sacred Worlds

"I disappeared into books when I was very young,
disappeared into them like someone 
running into the woods."
Rebecca Solnit
Brain Pickings

In her essays, interviews, and poetry, Mary Oliver addresses the childhood need to escape. She speaks of two sacred worlds ... nature and literature ... where she was seeking experience, not self-description.  Whether running into the woods or childhood books, Mary Oliver was able to experience beauty and mystery of the world. I have never wanted any person to speak for me, but this poet expresses my relationship with reading and nature perfectly! 

Mary Oliver's devotion to books and the woods, helped to develop her passion for writing.  Whether she journeyed with books into the outer world or into the solitude of the woods, she found healing and a way to save her own life.  

I, too, discovered sacred worlds in reading and nature.  These worlds fueled insight into creative expression and my imagination flourished. Finding solitude in nature revealed the candle in my heart which led me into my darkness.  The sacredness of words increased my passion for writing and it has been my salvation.  

***Special thanks to BRAIN PICKINGS, 
      Article on Mary Oliver, Staying Alive

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Glory in the Hues

"The art of being happy lies in the power of
extracting happiness from common things."
Henry Ward Beecher

Fall is filled with a special fragrance I willingly inhale.  It is the season I feel most alive and awake to the beauty of mother earth.  Why waste precious time dreading the soon to be winter when you can glory in the hues of color or in the crunch of the crisp fallen leaves.

The birds no longer hidden by leafy branches now can be easy to spot.  The songs they sing linger in my heart as I wonder what is being said.  Squirrels scurry to bury acorns and I too feel the urge to gather within.  

The safety I feel in the midst of the trees pulls me forward, deeper into the unknown.  The experience of the cadence lulls my weary soul.  My feet meld into the earth connecting with gnarly roots while my arms reach for the branches extending themselves in respectful prayer. This is the joy that welcomes me home.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Reflections for Others

"It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty
or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to
him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being."
John Joseph Powell
The Secret of Staying in Love

A young woman is facing crisis in her life and I feel her fear for herself, her children, and her livelihood.  My empathy is deep and sincere as I struggle to find a beneficial way to support this remarkable human in need. 

The passage of life is filled with challenge and it is not in her best interest nor mine to attempt to fix her lesson.  I readily admit I do not know the best resolve, as I cannot discern her highest good.  What I can do is reflect  strength, value and worthiness back to her

I randomly send her supportive quotes, and encourage her to remain connected with the Divine.  I hold her in my heart covered in a blanket of love and light.  I whisper words of prayer while I remind this young one that I care.  This reciprocates a favor from long ago, once extended to me.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Motivation and Behavior

" ... he was trying to prove how different he was 
from everyone else. He did it in the hope of 
attracting the attention of somebody else ...
somewhere, someday ... who was the same."
Michael Chabon

Life can be a lonely process in spite of the people surrounding us whether nurturing or annoying.  The motivation to be the same is a hopeful gesture to blend in and be accepted.  The outcast, motivated to stand out side of the norm, reflects the desire to be recognized by a kindred spirit.

To blend in suggests being smoothed into a greater mixture.  It infers the gain of self-recognition through group effort.  The individual standing alone pays the price of isolation and runs the risk of turning against himself.  The loner also has the choice to focus on personal skills attracting like minded wayfarers. 

Whether praised or broken, we gather insight as we move forward.  Conflict or disharmony produces detours, but our yearning remains.  The motivation is to create definition of who we are at this time and our behaviors will be remembered by those whom shared our space. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Inward Journey

"I believe the greatest gift I can conceive
of having from anyone is to be seen by
them,  heard by them,  to be understood
and touched by them."
Virginia Satir

Relationship is my greatest teacher, offering either harsh conflict or a heart warming lesson.  Guidance is received from the well dressed or the worn and weary.   I find myself either forgiving while distancing myself or embracing with endearment.

To great extremes, I will hide my inner self, so when another soul truly sees me or hears my message between guarded words, I am deeply touched to be understood.  Great love soars in my heart with the realization, no matter right or wrong,  my presence is being valued.

Fueled by the energy of a mentor's hug, I eagerly return to my inward journey.   Even in the darkness, bits of wisdom gently folded into the creases of my mind, sparkle like lighted sparklers against the sky.  My spirit spins as I reach for Divine connection and I remember how good it is to be me.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Hardened Hearts

"Don't let life harden your heart."
Pema Chodron

If we do not heal our real or imaginary wounds, our heart becomes hardened locking us deeper into our own misery and preventing the goodness of life to penetrate.  We remain enclosed or bound without fresh insight, broader perception or ability to move on with life.

The words "let go," immediately trigger resistance within me.  Possession clamps harder upon what ever it is that I am to release.  Even knowing I will be better off to not resist,  I cling to the need of hanging on.  My hesitation in releasing is neither healthy nor honest.

Pema Chodron suggests a different wording ... let it be.   This releases me from ownership and allows me to walk away, making room for new experiences with honest expansion.  To let it be does not provoke harsh attachment or judgment.  It instills the resilience to use compassion for myself and others as a stepping stone.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Integrating Both Sides

"It is fatal to be a man or woman pure and simple: 
one must be a woman manly or a man womanly."
Virginia Woolf

In today's world, men are stepping forward with appreciation for the aesthetic nuances and women are using personal (not physical) power to voice opinions and intended actions.  A balanced world needs both men and women to be able to respect the earth and its inhabitants without the threat of  physical destruction.  As men and women align themselves, empowerment guides us to the path of healing both personal and earth wounds.      

Eastern philosophy informs that our right side is our masculine side whereas our left side is our feminine side whether we are a man or a woman.  Either way, individuals possess both the masculine and feminine energies.

The masculine side can be assertive, active and physical, while the feminine side is creative, sensitive and emotional.  If we align our masculine with our feminine we are prepared to embrace life balanced.  If we are not stuck on one side or the other, we are able to shift fluidly, creating positive energy for all parts of life.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Time for Tune Up!

"Make what you feed yourself, in thought, in feeling,
as well as in your belly, a positive experience and the
change will be electric."  Kristin Fontana

Bodies need to be fed more than a healthy diet.  They require fresh input, digestive thought, and clarification of feelings being absorbed.   Negative information needs to be extracted, clearing space for uncovered dreams or desires to be manifested.

Exercise awakens the body, and it also clears the mind.  Walking in nature, yoga or meditation assists in overall body strength.   Creating music or poetry, sculpting or sketching or visuals of the mind  assist in maintaining health. The potential for longevity is greater when our body, mind, and spirit are aligned.    

This is not new information for any of us.  We know this in our hearts and minds, but we neglect to delegate energy or time to follow through.  We have choices and hoodwink ourselves by thinking the perfect time or space will magically appear.  Our personal commitment is needed today ... not tomorrow, next week, a designated month or next year.  The time for a tune up is now!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Shadow Is Cast

"When the going gets tough, may I look for
a door to step through rather than a wall 
to hide behind."  
Katrina Kenison

Stones are heavy, yet we drag them around anticipating the need to put up a wall.  The barrier leaves us isolated and in darkness, not to mention the time it takes to  dismantle it. Throw away the stones and notice the uplift of freedom. 

Maintaining awareness indicates we are awake and capable of noticing the first sense of challenge.  We have ample time to observe the chaos and turbulence taking shape.  We do not waste time asking "Why me?" or "How will I proceed?"  Instead, we discern the lesson and the simplest way of mastering it.

There are many options to any given circumstance.  With wisdom we determine the most simple remedy.  Using any fear as energy, we propel ourselves forward to embrace the lesson at hand.  When we walk around boulders, a shadow is cast upon our path.  

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Dia de Los Muertos or The Day of the Dead

Dia de Los Muertos

The Day of the Dead

The journey begins with building safety in a group circle, passing the talking stick.  We prepare a sacred altar to honor ancestors.  We listen to an artistic singer work her magic fingers upon a guitar and weave her meditative words around our hearts and minds.  The experience deepens, learning  to place attention with a Toltec Wisdom Keeper.  Guided by two esteemed Shamanic Breathwork Facilitators, we cross over into other realms. 

In the midst of gathered energy with distractions eliminated, one is able to fall deeper inside of the self, to discover the expansiveness of our existence.  The Day of the Dead weakens the veils separating us from the magic of life, death, and rebirth.

In the darkness, we walk to the fire, chanting with the beat of the drums. The fire master encourages us to release fears into the red hot fire.  As we walk our naked feet across the bed of coals, there is death of the old and birth of the new.  The crystal dark night, and the sparkling stars reflect empowerment, as the coyotes call out from the distant darkness. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Belonging to Me

"The greatest thing in the world
is to know how to belong to oneself."
Michel de Montaigne

What does it mean to belong to oneself'?  Aren't we just stuck with our self?  Isn't life a long quest  to join with others?  To think of being alone with oneself can suggest anxiety, loneliness, or depression.  We have yearnings to belong to a family, friends, a mate or community.  

Passages of time are spent identifying the self, aligning beliefs, and defining preferences.   How can we possibly belong to ourselves when life churns such uncertainty? The process of personal discovery constantly changes recognition.  So does belonging indicate an emotional attachment, not physical?

Belonging is to love the self unconditionally; to recognize the connection with all living things; to accept Divinity; and to value who self is ... ever changing.  When my core is solid, there is safety in belonging to me.  When I honor myself as I am,  my view of the world shifts without fear .  Out of respect for my lovely self,  I nurture my skills, reflecting the joy of belonging to me.