Saturday, December 31, 2022

Prepare to Begin


"Light will find you from inside."
Lee Harris

The New Year is looming before us, waiting for us to create, trust, and proceed.  We can accomplish this by feeling the warmth inside of us, the element that triggers our desire and intentions. 

When we take action stemming from our inner objectives, there is more fuel to our fire.  If  we are able to let go of what others might think and the need for absolute control, Divine Spirit rallies to our side.  

In the absence of fear, we build our momentum, believing that the Universe is engaging with us. Inner dreamscapes begin to take the form of reality.  Small acts of intention lead to connections that empower our body, mind, and soul.  With a full heart, prepare to begin.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Release the Grip

"The only real battle in life is between 
hanging on and letting go."
Shannon L. Alder

The pressure of the holiday is passing, and we may feel relieved until we begin to rehash disappointment or sadness experienced during Christmas.  We may have had our feelings hurt or in hindsight, realize we have been misunderstood.  

Relationships can be painful, but as we enter them with an open mind, we can gain insight.  If we refrain from listening too closely, and embrace words as they are intended and not through personal perception, our exchanges can guide us more deliberately.

With a New Year approaching, we may choose to evaluate our personal choice of hanging on.  Perhaps the thought of letting go is too hurtful, so find a middle ground.  Release the grip, and be neutral until decidedly ready to let go.



Thursday, December 29, 2022

Divinely Heard

"Each of us has a unique way 
 to connect with the Divine."
Diego E. Berman

We are unique individuals experiencing life in our own way.  Each of us travel at a different speed, making observations to be deciphered with our own perceptions.  We color our memories individually, and words when compared often do not align. 

We can be spoon fed by our culture and religion, but how we digest these teachings needs to be reflective.  We are rarely successful when we unconsciously duplicate thoughts of others.  It is when we personalize our thoughts and prayers that we come to know the Divine.

Whether we are in the thriving growth of nature or solemn candle lit church, our words have easy access to sacred space. Apparel matters less, posture optional, and inconsistent word choice not graded.  When intention comes from our heart, our prayers are divinely heard.


Wednesday, December 28, 2022



"Peace visited me and reminded me that I may
remain calm through the storms of life."
Tahlia Hunter

We can liken our brains to Christmas bows, all tied up in knots or twisted into uncomfortable shapes.  Curious about the unspoken pleasure of flattening ribbons ... is it like unknotting the garble in our souls?

As Christmas slowly fades, we can cast streamers into the nearing New Year.  We can sever ties to our chaotic past and begin with simple twine.  As chaos dims, we can reclaim our sense of peace and project new found calm forward.

Slowly moving forward, we can lace strands of quietude into the tapestry of our lives. Avoiding abrasive tugs and pulls, we can sustain the ability to gently move through snags and snares.  Remember, resistance leads to tears. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Never Let Go ...

"I clung to books and words because, unlike people,
they'd never abandon me."
Ruta Sepet

There is a singular gift under the tree.  Curious if someone overlooked it or if it were deliberately abandoned.  It appears to be a book, and one begins to wonder if it were truly meant for them, just waiting to be claimed.

One can meet a soul mate at a book exchange or joy can be claimed by discovering  discarded fiction in a waiting room.  Books have a way of finding us, whether hidden on our own book shelf or gifted by a friend.

Once the inner world of a book is exposed, it is difficult to forget the characters, challenges, and lessons whether learned or aborted.  Our shelves may be filled with volumes that we cannot bare to let go. Unlike people, books never let us go.


Monday, December 26, 2022

Guttural Screams

"It took me a long time to develop a voice, and now 
that I have it, I am not going to be silent."
Madeleine Albright

Christmas is passing and emotions just might be compiled within us.  Things we didn't say and wish we did or things we did say and wish we had not.  It is necessary to articulate what lies within us, using creative expression.

The voice can be heard within silence or in guttural screams.  Words that are stockpiled need to be released whether finding escape onto paper or into the ear of a trusted friend.  The importance is in the honoring of our voice.

We have an obligation to speak our truth.  It is necessary to hear our words resonating within us.  There is a significant blessing in holding our words in chosen silence and liberation in freeing them out into the world.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Bravely Shine

"There is always light.  If only we're
brave enough to see it.  If only we're
brave enough to be it."
Amanda Gorman

In the midst of Christmas unfolding, seek a moment to hold peace inside the heart. Bring in an element of joy and then release it out into the world.  Allow good wishes to extend onto to others wherever they may be.

Gently feel the presence of Christmas warming the soul.  Allow this illumination to overcome heavy feelings of despair, loss, and uncertainty.   Disengage from disappointment or sorrow, and embrace life as it is.

It is not enough to simply know the love of Divine Spirit.  We must also be this love, extending and replenishing it bravely.  There is a calling for each of us to activate peace, light, and love within our very souls which then can be extended out into the world. 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Best Version


"Wisdom is contained within uncertainty."
Sheila Reynolds

On Christmas Eve, we find ourselves escorted through assorted memories,  diverse emotions and dread of the unknown.  We become riddled by thoughts of whether or not the gifts we provided will bring excitement, and if we will experience joy.

On Christmas Eve, we will find hidden insights by turning our thoughts to a religious tradition, spiritual belief, or world peace inspiration.  While glancing inward, we rekindle our own light. On the outside, lighting a candle deepens the experience.  

On Christmas Eve, the unknown can be unsettling, but when we remember our ability to adjust, we will remain in the flow. We gain momentum as we push through the feelings of uncertainty, and strive to share the best version of self.  


Friday, December 23, 2022


"Breathe deep, practice self-care and
know that you are loved unconditionally."
Jennifer Farley

Christmas draws closer heightening our expectations, fears, and challenges.  We may find our lovely selves wishing for a fast forward button, but it is within our power to move gracefully through each moment.

We unknowingly build emotional cages, rather than stepping through fear into freedom. We learn to empower ourselves by declining invitations, limiting time for visits, and disengaging from conversations we have no interest in sharing.  

When we reflect our unique self, we remain aligned and soar in the present moment. The exchange is not about the materialistic gift, but rather the intention it is given and the manner in which it is received.


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Beauty Awaits

"Choose the path of acceptance, presence, and wonder,
for there is beauty to be found in all of it."
Shelley Young

There is beauty floating through Christmas Carols and wonderment dancing in the reflection of decorative lights.  As we pull our attention to the positive around us, we lessen the focus on what we are missing, and increase appreciation for what is before us.  

We need to step back, and not look quite so closely.  As we listen, consider what is not being said, and what emotions are being repressed.  If we give ourselves permission to not have the perfect answer, we can simply be present.

When we find ourselves to be uncomfortable, gaze at what surrounds us.  Find one thing that generates a smile and be thankful. It might be a bird fluttering outside the window, a vintage frame hanging on a wall or the laughter of a child. Seek beauty, as it awaits.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Solstice Cocoon


"In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, 
an invincible summer. And that makes me happy.  
For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes 
against  me, within me, there's something stronger - 
something better, pushing right back."
Albert Camus

Winter, is a time to withdraw and become increasingly speculative about life and how it unfolds.  We take efforts to warm our lovely selves sitting by a fire, lighting a candle or wrapping up in a cozy blanket.  

Winter allows us time to physically and emotionally withdraw.  We can assess where we have been, where we are, and where we want to go.  It is a time to nourish the fire in our invincible core.

Winter provides time to unleash our creative spirits.  There is space to express what we feel through dance, music, or the written word.  In our self made cocoon, we formulate thoughts which will become the seeds we plant in the spring.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022



"There is no exercise better for the heart
than reaching down and lifting people up."
John Holmes

Possibility dances around us.  Whether we are in a grocery store, post office or waiting room, people will welcome a pleasantry.  A positive connection can be created by the simple exchange:  "Thank  you for working today!" Try it out, it's rewarding.

It is a tendency to look the other way when we view a person struggling instead of stating: "Here, let me help you with that!" Maybe we are not inclined to assist others, but be amazed by how much a smile with direct eye contact can change the mood. 

We are all spiritual beings, experiencing a physical life.  As human beings we are offered endless possibilities to create and engage with others.  It is together, through joint effort, that we are able to lift each other up!

Monday, December 19, 2022

Silence and Chaos


"To all that is chaotic in you,
let there come silence."
Jan Richardson

Emotions pop up unexpectedly in spite of our carefully orchestrated calculations. There is no escaping internal chaos, so efforts to eliminate it are futile.  It is wise to monitor what is going on inside of us, and have a plan as to how to self-soothe. 

Notice emotional triggers as soon as possible.  Deal with them head on, rather than stepping up the pace or implementing avoidance.  We can choose how to react.  Do we need to speak our truth, disengage or find seclusion for mindfulness?  

Try to maintain uplifting silence while moving through the day and especially while preparing for bed.  Return again and again, from chaotic thinking to silence. To renew and restore, chaos can be minimized. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

To Be True ...

"Hanukkah is about the freedom to be true to what we believe
without denying the freedom of those who believe otherwise."
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

When we truly believe in our own goodness, we are less likely to be threatened by others.  If we carry peace in our heart, our inner light beams.  As we maintain the vibration of radiance we will attract like minded spirits.

With integrity, we can respect rituals, rites of passage, and sacred scrolls, while candles beam love, the common link surrounding us all.  Just as there are many languages heard in our world,  Divine Spirit speaks to us in numerous and diverse ways.

Whether we offer a simple nod of respect or withdraw into private prayer, let us hold visions of peace.  As we light our candles whether in church, synagogue or sacred space, experience the warmth of love we all so richly deserve.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Speculation ...


"I honor myself with presence as I know that I matter."
Mitch Davidowitz

Speculating, I am certain we have never seen two snowmen exactly alike.  They may have a scarf, hat, and a carrot nose, but each are unique in subtle ways.  The same can be said for humans.

With humans, however, we tend to strive to duplicate, rather than expound with joy over uniqueness.  We worry about whether or not our hats and scarves match or if our buttons are made out of walnuts or coal.  And, oh my, when we begin to melt!

'Tis the season to strive to see beyond our self-doubt and to embrace our mishaps with compassion.  Open the heart and truly hear the sound of carols and reflect the glowing lights with each stride.  Believe in holiday magic and welcome our inner spirit home. 

Friday, December 16, 2022

Flame Passion

"Please help me to embody love
And radiate it to all whom I encounter
Regardless of whether they remain in my life
Or are no longer with me."
Tahlia Hunter 

With my early years in catholicism, burning candles and stained glass became embedded in my emotional makeup.  I loved the sacred feel of mass, holding a private missal and listening to the unusual rhythm of Latin words. 

Throughout my life, no matter the season, I burned candles.  There was an intimate connection watching a waffling flame endure unexpected breezes.  The warm light instilled hope and as the flame flickered, I came to understand how to withstand unexpected forces.

Candles became part of my spiritual ritual to embrace life.  They grew significantly symbolic for me with the projection of energy work.  My longing to illuminate others with light became my passion.  Spiritually, I continue to hold light for others, daily.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Reactive Choice

"Sit quietly and just be present."
Suzanne Giesemann

As soon as the feeling of overwhelm is detected, take a step back.  Pause, wherever we happen to be and simply breathe.  Assess where the emotional trigger is coming from:  news coverage, depressing weather, COVID, or the past.  

We cannot necessarily dodge  upheavals, but we can alter how we view them.  We can offer prayers, beam happiness and light towards others, sustain healthy prevention, and adjust thoughts.  What is imperative, however, is staying in the moment.

We can send love out into the world, joining the collective efforts towards peace.  Do not allow the self to collapse backwards, nor spring too far ahead.  Just in this moment, focus on extending love.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Sacred Crevasse

"Your sacred space is where you can find yourself,
over and over again."
Joseph Campbell 

Whether it is outside in the woods or inside the heart, a sacred space is mandatory for healthy breathing, loving, and understanding.  It is within the solitude, the disconnect from chatter and noise, where we experience the depth of personal evolution.

When we remember our sacredness, we stretch to be more honorable with our lovely selves and accept responsibility for living a more deliberate life.  As we have the courage to shine, we shed light upon others, helping them to find their own sacred crevasse.

In this safe place, we are apt to discover intricate inner parts waiting to be disclosed. We can reflect upon our intentions and create new pathways. Returning, over and over again, we will continue to thrive in our own sacred space.


Tuesday, December 13, 2022


"Open minded people don't care to be right;
they care to understand."
Buddhist Journal 

Share with me what you believe to be true. Give voice to what you hope to discover upon life's journey.  Shine brightly so I can respect hidden darkness.  I long to understand, to stretch, and be enlightened through diverse visions.

My intention is not to set traps, but to open spaces for expanded concepts.  Allow me to be touched by the challenges that makes you authentic.  Let me be inspired by the light emanating from your heart.

We can learn from each other without acquiescing. By blending our visions with honor and respect,  heightened clarity prevails.  Combined energies will attract greater insights into interpretations of the past, present, and future. 


Monday, December 12, 2022

Within ...


"It is not self-centered to love oneself.
It is heart centered."
Mitch Davidowitz 

Let us think of our lovely selves as a giant gift store. There are aisles we may want to skip while there are others where our desire is to stroll and be impacted by details.  We will view items pushed to the back, and some that need to be removed entirely.

Slowly, we become aware of individuals (sales clerks) trying to distract us while there are others directing us towards creativity.  It is through our awareness of freedom in choosing that we begin updated assessments.

Our inner gifts are meant to be enhanced and shared. How they are utilized for the greater good is hardly selfish.  As we extend our gifts from our heart center, we are doing our part in bringing peace and joy into the world.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Silent Shadows


"Darkness within darkness. 
The gateway to all understanding."
Lao Tzu

As the sun shines brilliantly upon us, a shadow is also created.  There is no light without the contrast of darkness.  It is within the darkness we can choose to explore, discover, and release to heighten our understanding.

When murkiness begins to descend, let it not be a signal to shut down, but an indicator to become aware of lessons, intuitions, and opportunities.  In spite of feeling the need to be cloistered, it really is a time to foster greater understanding.  

It is within the silent shadows that we become aware of what is restraining us. In the same space, we can be inspired as to what will project us into a life with deeper meaning.  Free will allows us to place our attention upon where we want to grow.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Worth Undeniable

"It's not what you gather, but what you scatter
that tells what kind of life you have lived."
Helen Walton

Throughout life, we consistently impact others.  In some scenarios, it is not what we say or do, but simply our presence can lift the energy around us.  Perhaps, when we walk into a room, we can experience a heaviness. We can immediately choose to extend goodness as a counterbalance.  

There are those whom we encounter that immediately lift our spirits, making goodness an attainable effort.  In spite of any darkness, we can kindle the small flame in our heart, allowing it to grow in the midst of shadows.

It is in the giving, not the receiving that we can experience joy.  When we offer the gift of our inner light, we can touch the hearts of others.  There isn't a  price tag nor a receipt, but the worth is undeniable.  


Friday, December 9, 2022

Mirror, Mirror ...

"I accept myself as I am and release what I no longer need."
Shakti Gawain 

If we look into a mirror, will we recognize the face looking back at us? Do we realize how much we have shifted and changed?  We can use our energy to either move forward or to delve into old roles played.

When we sit back, immersed in past memories, opportunities to create fulfilling exchanges are lost. It is our responsibility to share updates of our adjustments in order for others to be current and supportive.  Otherwise, conversations will be stagnant

If we are reacting on automatic pilot, it is no wonder others are not up to speed.  What no longer applies, needs to be removed.  This is a season to use our voice, remembering 'thank you' goes well with either yes or no.    


Thursday, December 8, 2022

Full Moon Shift

"Go slowly, my lovely moon, go slowly."
Khaled Hosseini 

Since childhood, I have watched the moon gracefully glide across the sky.  It has been a presence I could count on in spite of shifting in size with the lunar phases.  It was where I placed my secrets, encouraged by its warm glow.  

In adulthood, I added the stars to my vigil with the moon.  I would beam light up to these glistening portals, believing they were doorways to higher realms.  In return, I would feel their energy shining back down upon me with enlightenment and glee.  

Now aging, the moon and the stars are increasingly comforting.  They are a presence embracing my thoughts and uplifting my speculative dreams.  Reflections of peace and brilliance beam from the Full Moon, as I await for my soul to be propelled back home.


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Escape ...

"Books are an escape.  Books are a reminder that opposites
can exist at the same time, both good and bad, positive and negative."
Tif Marcelo

It is challenging to lift our spirits when our heart is weighted down.  We can remind ourselves of our ability to hold two opposing forces at the same time.  When we grant  the self  permission to feel both loss and joy, we can maintain a sense of balance.

Books are an available escape for when we feel overwhelmed or numb.  We can turn pages while escaping into different circumstances.  They offer us a reprieve or a safe spot, even if for a short while.  

When we retreat, holding a book in our hands, a portal opens to make life bearable. This act of escape offers us a much needed pause. As we advance into new chapters, we are reminded new days will come for us as well.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022


"You never know, just by looking,
what a person is hiding."
Sarah Morgan

As we glance into a home, we may see bliss and harmony.  We might observe a family dining together and believe they are the ideal.  Conversely, viewing from a distance, we do not accurately see what is hidden in the heart.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday set the pace of frenzied activity.  The busier we get and the faster we go, we fool ourselves into thinking we can bury emotions stirred by the holidays. We don't want to be labeled as being too sensitive or dramatically emotional.

Shifting from an inner focus, we can create outward movement to release pain. We can smile at others as it will extend hope.  Choose to assist others and feel empowered.  Give however we can, knowing we make a difference. Embrace the reflection as we engage with others.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Triggers ...

"One strain could call up the quivering expectancy of
Christmas Eve, childhood, joy, and sadness, 
the lonely wonder of a star."
Maud Hart Lovelace

Preparing the house for the holidays can be an emotional roller coaster ride.  Whether it is the old family ornaments or the lyrics to a Christmas Carol, we can find our moods quickly shift from joy to sadness.

Perhaps this is the first holiday without a loved one.  Maybe family dynamics have shifted impacting a traditional gathering.  Simply aging can trigger an awareness of limitations.  Christmas lights are reminders of other times and distant places.

If we are feeling transparent or maybe like a burden, we can gaze up at the stars for comfort.  They are forever present reminding us of oneness, peace and everlasting joy.  They are symbols of comfort when we yearn to be truly at home.


Sunday, December 4, 2022

Present Desires

"It's invigorating to put your attention towards something 
that feels good and to move towards it 
in whatever way you can."
Daniel Scranton

We may project into the future a space in time where we feel safe, comforted, and loved.  It may be housed in a particular scenario such as a beach, mountain top, or artistic voyage.  Instead of projecting our desire into the future, we can bring it into the here and now.

In this moment, we can create a place where we feel safe and uninterrupted.  Then we can add a sense of comfort and truly settle in. Instead of yearning for the future, we can kindle love into our hearts, right now, restoring our body, mind and soul.

It is imperative for us to capture our desires in the present, not waiting and longing for something that may never come.  By savoring thoughts of personal renewal, we can better maintain a higher quality of life, minimizing angst, fear, and transparency.  


Saturday, December 3, 2022

Soul Yearns

"The soul does not want to be advised or fixed or saved.  
It simply wants to be witnessed; to be seen, heard, 
and companioned exactly as it is."
Parker Palmer

It doesn't matter if you believe in the same things that I hold dear, but I would be grateful if you respected my right to be me.  It is important that you are willing to stand in the same space with me, where we can simply witness each other.

It is healthy for me to speak my truths, to hang them out there whether they are embraced or ignored.  It helps me when I can hear my words spoken out loud.  It is within this process, I come to realize what no longer resonates or what helps me to thrive.

My soul yearns to be one with all peoples, places, and things.  I can feel myself expand as it resonates with collective energies raising positive vibrations. As we join together, peace can be contained so our souls can become one.


Friday, December 2, 2022

No Longer A Destination

"Enlightenment is not the end of our path,
but a step on our path."
Christina von Dreien 

Enlightenment is not a destination, but an on going passage.  It is spacious and expansive, but if we are not paying attention, the short cuts we take, side step intended fullness. Too fast, our vision is blurred. Slow our pace, and various scenes of beauty appear.

If we notice a bird outside of our window, welcome it. When the sun is setting, be in awe of its hue.  As we glance up towards the moon, pull in the available light.  While cooking, deeply breathe in fragrances.  

Everything present in our life is a segment of enlightenment.  The connection of levels in our body, mind, and spirit work together for full embodiment.  As enlightenment ceases to be a destination, it wraps around us as life itself.


Thursday, December 1, 2022

Let It Come ...


"There is always a solution.
It will come.  Let it come."
Debbie Lynn

Our mind bulges with diverse thoughts loaded down with emotions.  We can feel the expanding pressure, leaving very little room for corrective resolve.  Responsibilities and expectations from others add to the complexity of personal desire.

We can invite our creative genius or Divine Spirit to come into our mental flow with solutions to what is weighing heavily in our hearts; but then we must pause with awareness holding fresh space for new input. 

Once we create a sense of peace, hold our hearts open to possibility, and trust there is insightful resolve, our life will move forward.  We will no longer be stuck in heavy negative emotions, once we get out of our own way.