Friday, November 30, 2018

Perception of Waste

"An ocean of blessings may rain down from the heavens,
but if we're only holding up a thimble, that's all we receive."

Two women traveling on life's journey greeted each other as they rested upon a rock.  They sipped water and shared experiences, and although they did not know each other,  they had been walking the same path.  It was surprising to them that one woman had started weeks prior to the other woman.

"What on earth has taken you so long?" gasped the faster woman. "Did you fall or take a wrong turn?"  This woman was determined to figure out what had caused the other to waste so much time and not maintain a steady pace.

The other woman's face lit up with delight. "I lingered at the water fall listening to the rush of the falling water.  Then at sunset I paused to watch the blinding orange energy sink into the far  horizons.  As if this wasn't enough to fill my yearning soul, darkness crept across the sky exposing a moon so bright with magical  twinkling stars."  By moving more slowly, this woman was embracing the depth of her journey while the faster woman skimmed only the top layer.  Perception of waste is in the eye of the beholder.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Get Out of the Way


"We don't feel deserving of life's blessings,
we end up sabotaging ourselves."
Dan Millman
Peaceful Warrior

Elevated opportunities and options are available, but we don't realize they are meant for us.  We do not believe we could tackle such a gateway leading to support of our dreams and goals. We are so focused on one particular plan, we shut out the possibilities of something greater.  Negative self-talk nips it in the bud.

When I survey my accomplishments with two self-owned businesses, I remember embracing creative ideas with realistic awareness of pitfalls.  I followed my outline marking areas that I couldn't possibly fulfill.  I did not give up however, I asked for help.  In my community I shared my proposal with others and asked in what way could they help.  In prayer I expressed, "If I am really meant to do this, please continue to lead me to what or whom I need."

As I reached out to others, I listened to what they could provide and adjusted my needs accordingly.  Spiritually, I kept my dream flexible to truly be led and not to bull dose myself into rigid thinking.  If we tell ourselves, "I can't!" then we won't.  If we welcome sunshine, weather the rain, and remain grounded we will persevere.  We will be provided with what we need or something better, but we must remain expectant while reaching both outwards and inwards.  The synchronicity of life will blend pieces together if we get out of our own way.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Sustaining Strength

"If you saturate your mind with positive thoughts,  it will sustain you in any situation."Lailah Gifty Akita

Distinction between our original thoughts and emotions absorbed from others, will assist us in maintaining a positive outlook.  People can only make us unhappy if we allow them to penetrate us.  Boundaries need to be flexible to allow ourselves the ability to expand or retract, but they need to be strong enough to hold our own in the presence of overbearing or negative people.

In our heart, we may feel strong as we accept our limitations.  We grow stronger as we heighten our strong points.  We learn to be comfortable in any situation as we have developed the ability to discern between our personal makeup and the emotions of others.

While others choose to be unhappy or focused on drama, we can respect their space and still disengage.  Kindness allows the others to speak, but respect for the self nudges us to resist negative energy.  If we develop a strong sense of kindness in our heart, we can move smoothly through most any situations.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Action to Make Choice, Propels

"Everything is within your power,
and your power is within you."
Janice Trachtman

Once we discover how to empower our lovely selves, life has a steadier momentum.  When we discontinue the search outside of us, and explore what is within us, our energy builds in a more positive way.  The stronger we feel, confidence assists in decision making.

If we feel powerless, we are not cultivating our inner strengths.  We may think allowing others to make our decisions is easier, but in fact, it simply elongates the challenge.  As humans we will never entirely escape hardship, but as we begin to make healthier choices in our lives, and address problems head on, we are taking action which will escalate our ability to change.

As we face life with calculated action, we feel more in control and better prepared to find our path as we journey.  One does not rest on his or her laurels when blessed with light.  We use the light to strengthen our discoveries so as darkness settles in, as it will, we will not be riding an emotional roller coaster.  We will know when to pause or rest or regroup.  We will not fall into the depths of despair as our strengthened ability to make decisions will propel us back into the light.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Depression ... Normal Part of Emotional Cycles

"Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame 
by an encounter with another human being."
Albert Schweitzer

To transition into fall may feel lengthy as the time changes, the sun shines less, and rain is lengthy.  There tends to be more darkness and we begin to spend more time inside.  Enclosure can wear down our feelings as we begin to isolate.

With less time outside, we are not aware how closed off we become.  We haven't yet adjusted our routine to the depths needed for support.  By the time winter rolls around, we are ready to hibernate and our support system is readily in place.

Depression is a normal part of emotional cycling ... clinical depression is not.  So as we begin to put into place ways of stimulating and nurturing, let sadness or feeling somewhat down be a sign to access friends, neighbors, or occasional gatherings.  Being in the presence of others, even just at the grocery store, can elevate our feelings as we adjust to seasonal change.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Powerful Question

Instead of asking, 'What do I want from life?' a more powerful 
question is, 'What does life want from me?'"
Eckhart Tolle 

In dream time, a flat tire would reflect all of our air had leaked out. When a tire is out of air, there is no moving forward nor backwards. Perhaps the dream is showing we were unmotivated, spent, or gently depressed, going no where.  

If we believe God communicates with us, a flat tire in real time might carry the same message.  Are we going too fast, in the wrong direction, or not tending to our needs?  Physically, it seems we get stopped in our tracks when we seem unable to stop our lovely selves.

We exhaust ourselves by running in circles, seeking things which might lead us to purpose.  There comes a time when we must simply stop, sit in the moment, and ask "Blessed life, what do you need from me?"  To become aware of what is needed, we then are able to  move forward applying our gifts and talents.  

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Worst Nightmare

"When we are stuck  in our convictions and personas,  we enter into the 
disease of having good ideas and being right ... We think we have a lock 
on truth,  with our burnished surfaces and articulation, but the bigger we  
pump ourselves up,  the easier we are to prick  with a pin.  And the bigger  
we get, the harder it is to see the  earth under our feet.
Anne Lamott

As a younger woman, I was approached by a group to run for the position of a representative leader.  I was flattered and amazed to be asked.  I began questioning what good I would be, but the compliments kept coming as I was encouraged to seek the position.  Soon I was caught up in the rapture, and indeed, I won.

After graciously accepting the position, reality set in and I was overwhelmed by what lay ahead.  Expressing these feelings to the women who supported me, they laughed and said, 'No worries, we'll be calling the shots."  It became apparently clear I was no more than a pawn.  These people had used me to seek control and power.  They had expected me to be a good little lamb and follow along.

By nature, I am a loner or independent with a curiosity of all peoples.  I gathered information from other leaders and researched unbiased opinions for what I was to accomplish.  In the end, I was proud of the progress and improvements that I made and cherished neutral contacts who assisted me along the way.  I am sure I was this group's worst nightmare when I refused to become a puppet, but it was an amazing lesson for me ... understanding the hopes and desires of the people I represented and improving their lot, not mine.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Fly Out of the Flames

"The best part of your story is
when it changes."
Bella Bloom

The people of the world are like an everlasting library. We are each a book telling our own story. Some of us may have the same theme, but the chapters distinguish the uniqueness of experiences. We are all learning from life and every individual is entitled to his or her interpretation.

There are books telling stories that can be hair raising , flooded with darkness, riddled with horror or violence. Within each book, however, the chapters may teach us how to overcome tragedy or describe the results of giving in to the darkness. Every author experiences life through their own perceptions.

If we, indeed, are all authors writing our own books, we need to remember our power to edit. If our life chapters are not adhering to our main theme, we have the ability to change the words of action. We are not powerless and neither are our words nor our actions. It does not matter if we are in the early chapters of our life or if we are in our twilight years, a plot can always be thickened or diverted, with drastic character change ... so become the phoenix and fly out of life's flames.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Who Will Brush Off Your Wings?

"You always drop by, to enlighten my mind,
when my wings are feeling heavy and I've
forgotten how to fly."
Curtis Tyrone Jones

It matters not which path you are following and you understand personal growth is a reflection of the beautiful parts of the self;  however, you cannot advance alone.  Those who are dear to you, can supply hugs, sweet memories, and encouragement.  Then there are those who challenge you to master weakness in order to strengthen the soul.

If you depend too much on those who love you, there is the chance you may become too complacent or radiate from a false sense of ego.  On the other hand, if you indulge too heavily in the whims of others, you may become shutdown in darkness and not hear the songs of your soul.

When you have gone astray and feel lost, remember to return to the special sisters in your life.  They are the ones who make you feel good about the self, who celebrate your place in this lifetime, and mirror back to you the path you seek.   They are the ones who will brush off your wings and encourage you to fly!  

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Blessed Singular Flame

"Seeing that I would never manage to fall asleep, I arose,
lit a candle, and after dressing went outside."
Boris Sadovskoy

My morning ritual includes flooding my body with light, washing out darkness lingering  to trap my ego, emotions, or simple distraction.  It is peculiar that I do just the opposite ritual at night.  I enter the darkness, reducing my light to a simple flame in hopes of hearing or seeing Divinity taking shape in the stars and moon. 

These two rituals are sacred to me.  One represents the intake of light while the other encourages presence in the darkness.  Opposite ends of a coin, but together these actions help form my rhythm of giving and taking while streaming in the flow.  Too much of one or the other pulls me out of alignment.

My morning intake of light is used throughout my day.  I invisibly share it with strangers, randomly send it to friends, and creatively layer it across life in general ... here, there, and everywhere.  By nightfall my light has returned to the blessed singular flame and I await a humble connection with spirit in hopes of restoring my desire to be light in my world.

***Light can be a form of energy such as Reiki

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Brainstorm to Refuel

"Sometimes to escape the noise of haunting memories, you need your
best friends hand in your own, to help erase the sound and fill you with
a sense of peace, even if it's temporary."
Andrea Michelle

It is true we each discern our unique journey.  Through trial and error we discover the direction that best supports our needs.  It is important to listen to the advice of others, but we are called to make our own decision.   It is important to understand not only the smallest aspect, or hidden aspects, but how the largest picture would  present as well.

As we attempt to manage our unfolding scenarios, we experience self-doubt, lack of confidence and fear of the unknown.  All of these aspects are part of the process while we seek our paths and journey alone.  

There are times we truly need to refuel by reaching out towards others.  Brain storming may trigger new ideas or personal discussions may bolster our self esteem. We may wish to keep our incubating ideas silent, but we still need to reach out to friends or mentors to bolster other parts of our lovely selves.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Adjusted As Needed

"Impeccability and integrity are two buzzwords
when it comes to leadership, but if you're not
careful they can take you away from your greatest
commitment ~~~ alignment."
Peta Kelly

There apparently are many truths based upon a mixture of history, memory, and adaptation.  We can experience a sense of overwhelm and at some point we need to step back and evaluate our personal truth.

If a person has integrity and shares his or her heart with you, it is their truth; however, it may not be our own truth.  There are leaders who willing share step by step their truth for successful living, but they may not be the steps to lead us where we need to go.

The process seems to best unfold when we know our lovely selves.  If we choose to live a life of honesty, compassion, and integrity, we can listen to others and apply what resonates, leaving the rest.  We must hold ourselves to a level of respectful accountability to be applied, shared, and adjusted as needed.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Reflect The Standard of Up Keep

"You are not your brain."
Schwartz Gladding

At the risk of insulting intelligence, let's compare ourselves to a car.  The car has a motor to make it run, but it also needs gas to keep the engine running.  Many cars have computers in them which allows additional gadgets:  automatic start, smart phones, automatic locks, electric windows, seat warmers, etc...  The exterior of the car must be cared for as well to avoid rust spots, broken mirrors, dented bumpers and flat tires.  Then of course insurance is needed and perhaps a payment plan.

As a human being, we too need energy (gas), physically fit (motor), and check ups (maintenance).  We need to keep ourselves cleaned/healthy and stimulation with our interior/mental, as well as the exterior shined and repaired.  Our mind is like a computer and our ego perhaps is reflected in the cost of the car.

All said and done, both the car and the human needs to be guided.  We are not our egos nor are we our brains.  Our essence is what brings life to the physicality.  Ultimately, we have choice and those choices must be determined with great care shaping our ego and brain activity.  Our cars may even reflect the standard of up keep with our body, mind, and soul.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Authentic Rhythm


"Be with the flow, take the flow with you,
align and make a rhythm out of it."
Kriti Twin

As I float upon the water, my mind calms down and my imagination opens up to the clouds in the sky.  Configurations entertain me while lofty thoughts of creativity flush through my blood.  My feet begin to kick and my arms regulate purposeful strokes.  The intention is to reach shore maintaining the buoyant sense of flow supported by the rhythm of my discovered creative energy.

When I am out of water it is key to maintain the cadence of the newly created rhythm.  My physical body needs to be grounded to the earth just as my arms remain stretched towards all the realms above.  Alignment is established when I pull equally from above and below.

The outcome of my creative endeavors hopefully ignites a spark within thoughts of others.  I long to trigger other's neglected desires, and to transport them to their own flow where once again they create an authentic rhythm.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Reinventing History

"Reality is what we take to be true.  What we take true
is what we believe ... What we believe determines 
what we take to be true."
David Bohm

In our culture, we are bombarded with information and we can search knowledge through the use of our computers, libraries, research centers and human experience.  There are elders who have lived in different circumstances and they, too, have wisdom to share. 

I have never been very good about documenting sources of knowledge as I have been extensively searching all of my life.  I can retain the substance, but it blends with all of the other information I have gathered.  I have added, subtracted and multiplied my belief system.

Recently I have become aware of history being changed in our educational series for schools.    The horrific invasion upon the Indian cultures have been adapted to draw a picture of tribes being gently taken to shelters.  I find this offensive and disrespectful.  It makes me sadly aware of  how long we have been dabbling in the reinvention of history.  

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Blessings from the Unseen

The more you go with the flow of life and surrender  the outcome 
to God, and the less you seek constant clarity, the more you will find 
that fabulous things start to show up in your life."
Mandy Hale 

Our expectations need soft edges and be pliable to bend with application.  We can be certain with our desires, but flexibility is also required.  If we hold tightly to our dream, and close our selves off from additional options, the possibilities shrink.

It is wise to let our dreams take flight.  If we hold them too closely, they can become stagnant and loose luster.  Our expectations will be churned like water if they move with a gentle flow and circulate with unexpected possibilities.

Spin a dream into the form of a kite and let it catch the wind.  Hang onto the string loosely, allowing it in flight reacting to imaginative elements.  It is the wise kite flier who chants .... "This is my dream, flying gracefully, waiting to gain depth and blessings from the unseen!"

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Tribute to Louise ...

Sophia LOUISE Hill Sosamon
October 23 1931 - November 11, 2018

"Death ends a life, not a 
Morrie Schwartz

Louise was one of those Earth Angels who stayed anonymous while spreading little acts of kindness, especially in crisis.  Personally, she deeply loved her six children and served nearly 50 Foster Children passing through her home.  She was an excellent cook and shared her endless servings of food with her open door policy.  Professionally, she minimized her successful input without crediting herself for the wisdom gathered during years of life experiences.  Her expertise guaranteed the success of our work.

Louise would never dwell on a crucial challenge.  She would immediately get busy on solving the problem.  She was a worker bee.  Her fingers were constantly helping while her mind worked forward to what else could be done.  Young and old alike were able to trust her as her heart remained fully open without judgment.  Oh, she had her opinions, but she would release them later, not in the presence of those who could be offended.

During 28 years of friendship, I knew her as  'Weezie'.  We shared both joy and  sorrows on her white porch swing and we would encourage, support, and accept each other unconditionally.  She was hysterically funny and her laughter was salve for the soul.  After years of cancer, her physical body has come to an end.  The spirit of this Earth Angel will linger in the memories of those who knew her.  The relationship between Louise and myself will  forever remain lovingly in my heart.  

Configured with Originality

"Looking but not seeing is the hearing
but not understanding of the eye."
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

We gather perceptions though out our lives and they can lead to misconceptions.  If we base reality on the past experience, we can easily be mislead.  Our perceptions become false, either enhanced or tainted based on our history.

We are similar to an electric outlet with multiple plugs demanding our energy.  If we would unplug from other thoughts, and solely observe what is before our eyes, we would gain clarity and precision. If we have released preconceptions, we are able to see the pristine picture before us.  

When approached for guidance, it is a greater gift to dismiss our personal experience and openly listen to what is being said.  We are then able to respond with what may be best for that individual and not our lovely selves.  Strive to hear what is being said and to see with clarity.  Every situation is unique to an individual and deserves to be configured with originality.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Eckhart Tolle and Choice


"Life isn't as serious as my mind makes it out to be."
Eckhart Tolle, A NEW EARTH

Eckhart Tolle is an accomplished author and teacher, who has shared his life experience and insightful wisdom with the world.  I especially broadened my awareness from his book, A NEW EARTH, Awakening to your Life's Purpose.  I read it over a decade ago and the content continues to impact my life.

Eckhart Tolle talks about becoming stuck based on not making a decision.  He says we get stuck in an emotion about the decision and allow it to build to the extent of emotional and or physical paralysis.  Not making a decision is a choice.  Incorrectly, we begin focusing on the feeling rather than the situation.

When I am faced with a decision, I first sense how I emotionally feel as each particular sensation can alter our course.  Change occurs and what do I feel .... fear.  Fear is not factual so I must not allow it to govern my actions.  In spite of fear, I will make a healthy choice.  I will funnel my energy into choice and not become distracted by emotion.  As Eckhart Tolle recommends:  "Rather than being  your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them."

Monday, November 12, 2018

I Have Heard What You Have Said ... But I Choose To Disagree

"When we choose to operate on the frequency of compassion and kindness, 
we create, and reinforce our own reality."
Raphael Zernoff

Before we invest in negative activity, it is important to remember that we have choices!  The momentum of group mentality can easily sway us prior to alignment with our values.  We, too easily, can be swept away without any sense of compassion or kindness.

As sensitive human beings, we feel passionate about issues and if we believe injustice is occurring, we can just as easily find affirmative action rather than negative reaction.  Instead of reacting, we can use our energy to discover resources or continue to focus on the positive aspects of the situation. 

The same holds true if someone is unacceptably speaking down to us on a more personal level.  It is not acceptable to be demeaned, but it is also unacceptable to respond on a negative level.  Let us be examples of compassion and kindness.  A wonderful response to avoid further confrontation is:  I have heard what you have said, but I do not agree.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Wherever His Spirit Resides

"Be the sunshine in someone's cloudy sky."
Debasish Mridha MD

On this beautiful fall day, we are beckoned to attend the passing of an elderly man.  Although I have never met him, I have heard numerous stories of his quips and donations.  Together, we face a family bearing the loss of their loved one.

What does one say to those overwhelmed by grief?  Which words will lighten the heaviness of the day?  How will antiquated words extend any sense of compassion?  I fill my eyes with loving kindness and I search the eyes of each family member, gently gripping their hands.  The brief sincere eye exchange is the best I can do.

As I sit quietly in the row of chairs, and listen to the music being played, I extend my awareness to the essence of this man, now so quietly on the other side.  Does he spiritually view his beloved family and friends or has he long crossed over into a different realm?  I pray this man will find God's blessings wherever his spirit resides.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Message Greater Than The Messenger

Eckhart explains that the ego wants to be seen as special and fears not being seen as great. To work through this, he suggests gradually desensitizing yourself to performing for an audience by first playing for a child, then an adolescent, and so on.

"Ego wants to be seen as special and 
fears not being seen as great."
Eckhart Tolle

The majority of people would probably prefer to be in an audience, rather than presenting on the stage.  Those who thrive on live audiences need to be infectious with their delivery of hope, insight, and possibilities.  The speaker can be easily fueled by ego, but must learn to resist.  The quality of the message is far greater than the messenger.

Personally, I have been speaking in front of people literally, all of my life.  I am comfortable with  television or radio interviews, small groups, or on the stage.  While I prepare, I always ask spirit to speak through my messages.  Just prior to delivery, I ask ego to sit over there in a chair.

I have a lust to share what I know, believing my words are infiltrated by our highest good.  It is also my belief that the listener will hear words they need, not words streaming out of my mouth.  I desire to share what I know in the hopes of inspiring others.  I have always been blessed to know that it is my inner source projecting inspiration, and I am simply the tool to deliver.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Fences with Gates

"Boundaries are good, but without a gate,
all that you have are fences."
Anthony T. Hincks

It is difficult to set boundaries at work and socially, and it is even more challenging with family and friends. The key is flexibility, being able to extend without getting swept away or pull back without becoming isolated.

Initial stages of learning boundaries teach us to use our voice and remain vigilant with our choices.  This is great practice, but in the long run, we must learn to adjust without losing all of our control.  Like a successful diet, one might be tempted to taste just one small bite of dark chocolate ... knowing the risk of relapsing into food fantasies ... discretion must be exercised.

Obviously, flexibility is the key when we have maintained our sense of protection.  Situations differ from time to time so with mindfulness, we can choose to walk away or open the gate for this particular experience.  Gates swing both inward and outward so that we are not rigidly denying opportunities meant to enhance us. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Negative Crowd Mentality or Positive Support

"You create better energy when you are FOR something,
rather than AGAINST something."
Madisyn Taylor

Our perceptions of situations trigger our responses.  If we choose to support a situation, we use our energy to move the project forward.  If we are not supportive of the situation, we have the choice of using our energy for negative responses.  Why invest negative energy into something you oppose when the same energy would be best used in positive support?

When we display affirmative action towards a project or issue, others become hopeful for positive change.  As we focus on creative ways to improve the issue, we are not caught up in negative actions.   When we ask ourselves which is more important, being against something or supporting a positive alternative, it is a no brainer.

It does take courage to stand up for what we believe, but it strengthens our ability to remain aligned with our values and purpose.  If we get sucked into the negative, our integrity becomes challenged, and our actions are not pivoting towards positive progress.  Unfortunately, the negative responses are always the most obvious.  It is best to become creative with positive resources rather than give into readily available negatives.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Gift or Insane

"You'd be surprised how often you doubt your own sanity
when you don't understand your own capacities."
K.M. Mac Aulay

To have conversations with young ones can be an extraordinary experience.  They might mention a connection with you from a different life or could comment upon an angel standing behind you.  There are other children who seem to know exactly what you are thinking and might zero in on a part of you that is ailing.  Too soon, these children are judged and silenced and probably question his or her own sanity. Unfortunately, some of these gifts are silenced by the desire of the child to just blend in. 

There was a mechanic who owned a business on Peoria Road.  The garage was a constant hub as curiosity brought people in to have the family car worked on in hopes the insightful mechanic would share his unique knowledge.  The mindful mechanic stated that he had awareness of  people's illness ever since he was a child, but family threatened him to be silent.  As a successful adult, he felt free to share what he would physically see within a person's aura.  

A gift or skill might originally be confusing and trigger doubt in our self, especially if it is not affirmed by others.  We may feel shamed or embarrassed by skills that were meant to be shared.  Those with potential to be poets, artists, or musicians excelling in early stages of life have been deliberately discouraged.  Let us stop telling others what they need to be and begin to support what the gifts and talents they bring into our world.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Meant to be Loved

"You are not an option, a choice or a soft place to land after a long battle.
You were meant to be the one.  If you can wrap yourself around the idea
that you are something incredible, then you will stop excusing behavior
that rapes your very soul.  You were never meant to teach someone 
to love you.  You were meant to be loved. "
Shannon L. Alder

If we observe a nonverbal toddler, it is disheartening to watch them experience numerous outbursts without substantial knowledge to comprehend the emotion being directed at them.  They perhaps gauge the situation by the tone of the voice or the expression on a face.  They are basically told what and how to feel.

As the child grows, he is introduced to situations differing from the immediate family.  He or she has minimal life experience and can grasp some level of situations.  Still, however, there are various situations imprinted on the adolescent mind that have no clarification.

As the child evolves into adulthood, life experiences are stacked together forming patterns.  He or she may assume all incoming data best describes the sense of self.  The child turned adult strives to fulfill expectations, not necessarily their own.   So when does it happen .... college, career, marriage ... that we ultimately realize the necessity of turning inward to honor who God intended us to be.

Monday, November 5, 2018

NLP: Reframe to Focus on Positive

"The mind moves the body and the body follows the mind.  Logically then,
negative thought patterns harm not only the mind but also the body. "
H. E. Davey

Our mind believes everything we say. It traps whispers of self-loathing and freeze frames any negative image we hold of our lovely self.  If I am constantly saying, "I am so clumsy," my body eagerly strives to fulfill my intentions.  I will trip, bump, and fall as the mind reacts to my thoughts.

In the grocery store, I attempted to help a struggling woman.  She told me, "I have a bad heart!"  Seizing the moment for kindness, I teased her saying, "Oh I bet you are a wonderful woman with a very good heart!"  She reacted as though she were offended.  "No!  I HAVE A VERY BAD HEART!" 
And you know, I just bet she did. It was her label and it had become her focus. I wondered how long she had been telling her heart just how bad it was, leaving no options for improvement.  

If we have an obvious weakness, we have the choice to focus on our strength.  NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programing)  is a respected practice of reframing our statements, making them more positive and honest.  If someone were to ask us if we played pickle ball and we were totally uncoordinated, we could respond by saying most of our energy goes into gardening.  This way we avoid shaming ourselves, restrain from placing energy on negatives and reminds us of what we are good at.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Activated Knowledge Becomes Wisdom

"The most profound personal growth does not happen while reading a book or meditating.  It happens in the throes of conflict, when you are angry, afraid, frustrated.  It happens when you are doing the same old thing and you suddenly realize that you have a choice."
Vironika Tugaleva

Our minds are filled with knowledge, but unless we apply what we know, we will be no more the wiser.  When we add movement and emotion to knowledge, we create experience which is needed to activate what we know.  What is that saying, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome."

It is healthy for emotions to trigger action as long as we do not become stuck.  Anger serves a purpose, but we are not to reside in our fury.  To be afraid is part of the human experience, but we must never remain stuck in fear. It is how we learn and advance.   The challenge is to use our knowledge to stretch and grow.          

Information by itself does not project us forward.  It is when we face the challenge, wrestle with the options, and embrace change that our spirits begin to stretch and fly. Knowledge transforms into wisdom enhancing our personal makeup and fueling our soul.  

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Hood Winked by Those in Power

"Many abused children cling to the hope that
growing up will bring escape and freedom."
Judith Lewis Herman

Conquering childhood issues is no easy matter, but we can heal and move beyond them.  As we build better boundaries and strengthen our core, we are able to participate in healthy relationships.  Some aspects of trauma, however, will never recede.

As an adult, I am triggered ... distrusting global events, doubting political integrity, and questioning motivation of those wielding power above the heads of those who struggle.  In one sense, I am revisiting the feelings of distrust from childhood, but this time I am grounded, healthy, and seasoned.

The uncertainty of society swirling around today does not diminish my self-worth nor does it corral me into an invisible line of dumbing down.  My eyes and heart are open and my heightened intelligence is listening and watching.  I overcame false images in my youth, and I am certain my integrity will not be confused by the falsehoods displayed in the actions of those in power.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Answers with Imagination

"Our sanctuary was the outdoors, but over time, 
I lost that magic.  I stopped hearing the voices of 
a created world an instead heard voices of rules 
and lessons on how to be productive instead of 
imaginative.  I lost myself."
Kaitlin Curtis

Four ingredients sustain my alignment with the world:  journal, spiritual connection, body stretches, and creative expression.  Each one stands on its own, but when coupled with the others, I live a no fail cycle.  Inevitably, I find myself stuck in my own emotion, worldly drama or simply stagnant behaviors.  If we know what guides us, what is required for best performance? Why do we so easily lose sight of the perfect equation?

As stress rises and we are pulled even further off course, we do not rely on our energy to seek what will best nurture us.  How time consuming would it be to step barefooted onto Mother Earth and breathe slowly in and release on exhale ?   How costly would it be to stop at the neighborhood park to simply look at the leaves turning on the tree?  So, no time consumption and no costly fees; and, yet, we still resist.  We are overflowing with reasons not to tend to our lovely selves.

We yearn for answers to our questions, but seldom creatively open to wisdom.  We can shift our energy from singular focus on questions to be open to messages floating in the wind, babbling from a brook, or spontaneous warmth from the sun.   Please, the world needs original light from each of us, so we must not stay lost.  Seek answers with full imagination!