Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Beams Radiate Before Me

"What's important is that you see yourself,
you understand yourself, and that
you value yourself."
C. JoyBell C.

Today is my birthday so I am taking liberty to address the two parts of the whole: the masculine and the feminine, and the end result. 

My masculine side (right) has been resilient and dedicated.  It has been instrumental in providing services to those who were in need in spite of their age, limitation, or circumstance.  Both my voice and commitment were strong, recognized and accredited.  

Then there is the feminine side (left) that has been more or less a hot mess.  Primarily sensitive, observant, and loving, I tended to fill everyone's beating heart, but my own.  I loved so thoroughly, that my mates were elevated and I was minimized if not obscured.

Combining the masculine with the feminine I have created an alignment.  My path has stretched me when I was fearful and enhanced me  as life unfolded.  As I pull all of my parts together, I can finally look in the mirror and love who I see. Reflected is a flame  groomed to spread light into all hearts across the world.  And when I shall pass, I will follow the beams of light radiating before me.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Feeling Safe

"What do I need to feel safe right now?"
Kristin Neff/Christopher Germer

Perhaps we are not as resistant to the changes that occurred a few months back and we have adjusted accordingly.  We have altered our routines, life styles, habits, and needs at first thinking it would be a slight inconvenience, but finding change to be the new foundation of living.

Minimizing the sense of overwhelm, we have grown somewhat comfortable within our new framework.  There have been blessings that have appeared in the midst of sacrifice, and even surprise.  We have broadened our selves in ways we might not have ever attempted if life had remained the same.

The major issue is whether or not we feel safe.  This of course includes physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual as all of these levels are impacted by our sense of security.  As we stay in place, it is vitally important to remain aligned.  Don't get ahead; don't fall behind; live fully in the moment occupied by positive thinking.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Nature's Examples Speak Volumes


"The vibrating hum of the hummingbirds wings and
their lightness seem to symbolize the subtle energetic
healing which essences can provide."
Ted Andrews

    In route to the hummingbird feeder, two hummingbirds flew by my head, one on each side.  The unexpected vibration seemed to awaken every cell of my body.  I felt as though I had just been touched by an energy introducing me to the very sweetness of life.  

These tiny birds impacted a human form which is a message for sure.  The delicate way they maneuver through life is the very replica of peace and harmony.  It is amazing to grasp how far these birds fly over the course of their lives.  Is this nature once again telling us of the power within no matter our frame or circumstances?

Ted Andrews in his wonderful book, ANIMALS SPEAK, mentions that hummingbirds are messengers of "hope and jubilation".   He also comments that these particular birds "aggressively seek out those who need inspiration and renewal." I want to be more like the hummingbirds.  I desire to make my presence    gentle and peaceful, yet willing to go great lengths. Yes, they inspire me, but then they always have.   
                        (Does anyone remember the song "Hummingbird" by Seals and Croft?)

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Honest Expression to Succeed

"There is undoubtedly a close connection 
between your thinking and creation; however,
creating from ego severely limits the scope of
your power and enjoyment."
Eckhart Tolle
A piece of art created by ego will display colors and objects we think other people might be drawn to.  An artistic display of our own imaginative powers will be pleasing to our inner self, not to win the approval or acceptance of others.

When we are operating from ego, relationships whether at work or home, we eventually grow tired of not being fulfilled ourselves.  We are not fulfilled as our partner or employee probably have no idea of what our true desires expect.

In many situations, we may not even know we are working from ego and we may not be aware of our personal wishes.  It is not difficult to lose our way while trying to move forward in life.  We make promises such as,  "Once I get a promotion I will ...".  We put our needs or acts of nurturing on the bottom of our prioritized list.  This must change.  We must honor our inner self in order to know how to truly honor others.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Little Eyes and Unconditional Love

"Love is the most important.
The most necessary human
emotion. Not just romantic
love. Love. The ability of 
human beings to connect."
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

There is much to be learned about love from children.  They want to engage us so they use their imagination to create wonderful stories.  Unexpectedly, they throw little arms around us smothering us in kisses or tight hugs.  The wee ones are also truth tellers as they have yet to learn about lying to please others.  

The kiddos learn from compassionate parents.  They learn  to share toys just as they share food.  The team of partners are scrutinized by the little eyes watching every private and social behavior.  All of this, of course, is to be housed in unconditional love.

Toothless and drooling babes are magnets to strangers.  The unknown person immediately breaks into a warm smile and responds with loving words.  This which is displayed is common human love that all people deserve.  For a moment, imagine, our world if all of our exchanges were offered unconditionally. Let us revive our natural human instincts of love towards one and other.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Jump Start A New Opinion ...

"When you take care of yourself,
it helps us all."
Nick Ortner
The Tapping Solution

The once promoted idea that taking care of your lovely self was selfish is thankfully being replaced by the practice of nurturing personal values and needs.  If you assist your self into becoming a better  individual, the goodness will reflect on to others.  You will set an example and perhaps, you will inspire others.  The best part, however, is the connection you develop between body, mind and spirit.

Receiving gifts from one other is wonderful, but how many times do you wish it had been something else?  If you had used your voice asking for a massage instead of a dozen roses, everyone is impacted.  The person giving the gift might feel more on target and together you please each other.

Dig out an old piece of jewelry you love and wear it as a reminder that you are under construction  refurbishing your inner glow.  Each time you become aware of the piece around your neck or arm, immediately pause to speak to your inner self.   Things like:  "I am beginning to see the real me," or "My compassion is growing," or "It feels so good to be extra kind."  Placing your hand over your heart will jump start a new opinion of you!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Shattered Pieces Fall From the Sky

"Rain makes me feel less alone.  All rain is,
is a cloud-falling apart, and pouring its shattered
pieces down on top of you. It makes me feel better
to know other things in nature can shatter."
Lone Alaskan Gypsy

Fear is usually the culprit keeping me from venturing forward.  My cycle continues to be an astonishing high that slips into disillusion, then leading to a darkness while liquid criticism leaks between the cracks of my well being.  My creativity and witnessed imaginings become crushed beneath the weight with barely a flicker of my flame.

Rain falls from the sky and I spontaneously plant my bare feet on the sodden grass.  I allow the wetness to soak my hair and run down my arms as the wind spirals, spinning droplets to cleanse my body.  I feel so alive and connected. My face lifts and welcomes the shattered pieces pouring from the sky.

I feel whole once again, so I align my values and needs to guide me towards creative expression.  My sense of connection easily releases layers of self imposed blankets of protection.  I experience the power of being me ... still imperfect, but spirit driven!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Harsh Flash Back


"We cannot be effective if we continue to cling to the old ways, 
the old strategies, the old assumptions."
George Barna

This morning I heard the plea of a friend for the world to go back to the way it was, and as I respect her, for an instant I agreed.  Then after a pause, I disagreed whole heartedly.  I have no desire to go back to the way the world has been politically, religiously, and socially.

When I now look at the past I am looking through a broader scope encompassing the injustices.  I did not know at the time that bombs were being dropped on Blacks in the USA.  I did not know that legal immigrants were treated with unnecessary cruelty.  Nor was I aware that Native Americans were being corralled and intentionally killed.

On a personal level, I had already been programed to believe that men were better than women, that women belonged in the home as property of the male.  Women did not need to know about politics or make religious decisions.  I have been told repeatedly that only Roman Catholics were going to go to heaven.  I was aware of the undercurrent between priests and altar boys, as well as sexual abuse by relatives, neighbors, or strangers to females of all ages.  Why would I have any desire to return to witness Mother Nature's gifts being raped, polluted, and destroyed?

Monday, June 22, 2020

Connect the Dots

"Life is a sum of all your choices. So what are you going to do today?"                           Albert Camus
There is a major difference between allowing life to just happen, and being in the present as life unfolds.  Our choices impact our perceptions.   With an open mind and an awareness for direction we must be curious and creative with what unfolds.  Rather than painting by number, life is more about connecting the dots.                                                            
Gathering new ideas or suggestions as they occur, begin to create a weaving. We can use discernment to discard which threads are too coarse or too faded.  We need not hesitate in choosing some contrasting colors as we want a life with character and depth.  A few bright ideas outside of the box stirs the magic of life.  
When we hold our lovely selves accountable, becoming the master of our unfolding, we will still find loop holes and stumble upon snags.  Trusting our version of life can attract others to assist in propelling us forward.  Stay awake in each moment while gathering and creating the life that stirs the soul.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

No Longer Waiting

Poem by Mary Ann Perrone

I am no longer waiting for a special occasion; 
I burn the best candles on ordinary days.

I am no longer waiting for the house to be clean; 
I fill it with people who understand that even dust is Sacred.

I am no longer waiting for everyone to understand me; 
It’s just not their task

I am no longer waiting for the perfect children; 
my children have their own names that burn as brightly as any star.

I am no longer waiting for the other shoe to drop; It already did, and I survived.

I am no longer waiting for the time to be right; the time is always now.

I am no longer waiting for the mate who will complete me; I am grateful to be so warmly, tenderly held.

I am no longer waiting for a quiet moment; 
my heart can be stilled whenever it is called.

I am no longer waiting for the world to be at peace; 
I unclench my gra
I am no longer waiting to do something great; 
being awake to carry my grain of sand is enough.

I am no longer waiting to be recognized; I know that I dance in a holy circle.

I am no longer waiting for Forgiveness. I believe, I Believe


A lovely poem by Mary Anne Perrone, NO LONGER WAITING offers new affirmations.   
We must begin to live again without fear.  
We can all adjust life styles to meet healthier living for a better future. 
Change begins with me......
Virginia's Voice

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Shift Allegiance

"We must shift our allegiances from fear to curiosity,
from attachment to letting go, from control to trust,
and from entitlement to humility."
Angeles Arrien

As time slowly passes, we begin to unfold our wings with upmost caution.  Is it really time to return to what was normal or are we courageously adapting life style to avoid further health issues?  Some households have taken one step back into a healthy routine, but caution hovers. 

If we can emotionally and physically rearrange our routines or at the very least creatively approach life through newer projections embracing diversity, we will be helping all others realign.  How hard is it to reduce approach to simple kindness? Can we listen without desire to change opposing views?   If we can shift fear out of the control seat and hold trust firmly, it would be possible to become  family dwelling upon sacred ground.

If we can shift our allegiance away from fear, the status of life situations will be less distorted and therefore, enhanced.  If we hold our individual self accountable, change begins.  One by one, we can base our life upon trust and kindness.  Let us shift our focus and begin ...

Friday, June 19, 2020

This Will Be My Peace

"The very least you can do in your life is figure out
what you hope for. And the most you can do is live
inside that hope.  Not admire it from a distance but
live right in it, under its roof."
Barbara Kingsolver

There is nothing worse than a person being carried through life as though he is riding on an escalator.  Maintaining tunnel vision or simply not caring about anything, he is moved through life as though he were a puppet.  The opposite would be if he were to unrealistically cling to impossible fantasies with repetitious disenchantments.  He would create a life filled with drama.  So, how does one determine purpose and interject it into every day life?

I no longer sit and wonder, 'what if' and then try to imagine the future.  I have given up wondering when leadership will finally be for the good of all men.  I have discontinued calculating what major event would initiate everyone to wake up.  I live a life with hope for peace beginning with my self.

Within my being, I kindle light to be shared outwards towards others that hopefully will trigger some uplifting thought or action.  I visualize sick friends wrapped in layers of warm love for healing.  For all children, I pray for no more abuse and for appropriate nurturing, covering their wounded little souls with light and love.  This is my peace cultivated under my own roof. It is my hope that I will  carry this compassionate light out into the world and that this will be peace.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Silence Louder Than Words

"When truth is replaced by silence,
the silence is a lie."
Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Communication is the key to relationships whether personal or professional.  No matter near or far, people create bonds through sharing words.  There are instances where we may not connect with a person for a lengthy time, but if our sharing of words have previously been strong, we will remain in sync.

When words do not flow and a silence quietly enters.  If it is not addressed, the presence of silence  becomes louder than words.  As space expands, our suspicions may become excessively over exaggerated or denial and avoidance settle in.

As we read this, perhaps certain people pop up in our memories.  Life is too short to not reach out.  It doesn't matter who was right or wrong, but a final gesture will bring closure to the deadly silence.  We can reach out in prayer, a brief note or secure a well over due lunch date.  It doesn't matter if we bid each other farewell or begin again, our communication will close the void and the energy can be used elsewhere.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

I Get to Choose!

"Live, then, and be happy, beloved children of my heart, 
and never forget, that until the day God will deign to 
reveal the future of man, all human wisdom is 
contained in these two words ... Wait and Hope."
Alexandre Dumas

It was not enough for me to unplug from National News.  It was impossible to ignore posts on Facebook that did not criticize Trump or Trump supporters.  I truly felt that if we are beginning to hate the haters, where will it all end?   I do not classify my lovely self as connected to any political or religious grouping.  I am a human being who is battling the fight to stay positive and hopeful.

My father was a detective in Chicago and I knew a cross section of officers.  It seemed to me my thoughts about police were the same about firemen or ministers...you just can't trust all of them.  Some are exceptionally worthy, some struggle and some need to pursue a different career.

This is my life and therefore I get to choose what I believe, in spite of violence, corruption, and prejudice. I was broken hearted at the killings of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr.  I was horrified by the loss of friends in the senseless Vietnam War. I was caught off guard by the extreme measures during protests for equality.  I was disheartened by the reaction of friends who were hostile during 9-11.  I will use my personal resilience and my life experiences to continue to be calmed by the trees, the moon, and the stars while visualizing peace in the hearts of all.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Gift of Time

"Remember then that there is only one important time,
and that time is right now."
Jon J Muth

Over the past few months, we have learned the only reliable moment is the one right before us. We can plan on getting married, furthering our education, or expanding our home, but nothing is more important than the space where we stand.

The inability to plan impacts each of us no matter where we live, how old we are, or whom we may know.  We are allowed to live in a sheltered space, restricted from numerous tasks we once listed as vital, and find it increasingly difficult to account for our daily time.

Hopefully, we have chosen to invest our time in things that have some level of importance.  The most obvious is the home .... interior or exterior repairs; lawn and garden nurtured; or enhancing family relationships that had subtly drifted away.  This opportunity of time would allow us to focus on our passions or research.  The only important time is right now ... so how are we using it?

Monday, June 15, 2020

Unexpected Emotional Responses

"Alone with thoughts of what should have long been forgotten,
I let myself be carried away into the silent screams of delirium."
Amanda Steele

Upon opening a taped box, I found  old CD's once used for my business, 
OPEN DOORS which interacted primarily with woman facing challenges such 
as family dysfunction, divorce, career, relationship or enhanced spiritual development.

On impulse, I stacked the discs into my BOSE and continued on with my 
routine.  Awhile later, I discovered feeling unsettled, heavy with emotion,
and definitely not aligned.  Then it dawned on me!  This music had 
constantly played in the background of private sessions dealing with 
traumatic episodes.  Listening to them again, triggered memories of my
emotions obtained by witnessing one other.

Our senses are quite extraordinary!  A fragrance can stir memories, an 
object can flash us back to another time and music can be associated 
with episodes from our past.  There are many of us who are unaware of 
repressed emotions that might not appear until later in life.

(PTSD is an extreme example of this situation)


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Flag Day and Hoodwinked

"Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep
down below the surface of the average conscience a still
small voice says to us something is out of tune."
Carl Jung

The American flag hangs half-mast in my heart.  It hasn't always been that way, but anymore there seems little reason to be prideful.  From kindergarten through eighth grade the Pledge of Allegiance was recited without fail or ever a slur of words.  Then Viet Nam brought terrible destruction to human beings who are still suffering.  Destruction upon unsuspecting humans with 9-11 leaving scars. The violent damage of war continues to impact the bodies, minds, and spirits of soldiers and separate those who once stood beneath the one flag.

As a citizen of the United States and the freedom it brings, I find myself to be continuously disillusioned by the responses of 'we the people'.  The altering symbolism of the Statue of Liberty;  the disrespectful response to immigrants established in our country; our disregard as a  respected nation or the inappropriate reflections of the government, impacts the sense of pride.

Where is the clarity between the government elected and the people they are meant to serve?  At least now everyone is trying to cleanse both the left hand and the right hand. Can we truly continue to point our fingers at others while ignoring the cries of our own children? Our flag needs to be respected and fly high, and  'we the people' can no longer allow ourselves to be hoodwinked!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Navigating through Life

"Words can be twisted into any shape.  Promises
can be made to lull the heart and seduce the soul."
Karen Marie Moning

Never foolish enough to seek perfection, my intention was to develop kindness and compassion.  My inner strength and value seemed to increase as both compassion and kindness became a way to navigate through life.  Unfortunately, I falsely assumed everyone else was on the same page.

It is, at least for me, difficult to appreciate myself as easily as I embrace others.  There is something exciting about seeing a person's inner light with all of its radiance.  It is my flaw to not remember we are in human suits and lessons are to be learned through misunderstanding the intentions of others.

Often, I offer my truth assuming others maintain the same level of integrity.  I believe the words being spoken are truth which frames the goodness of the heart appearing before me.  As it happens, I can be misled by false intentions.  Disappointing, yes; but I will endeavor to navigate through life offering compassion and kindness to all peoples.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Holding Space Fully In The Moment

"Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation.
They deepen and widen and expand our sense of life;
they feed our soul."
Ann Lamott

I have been quarantined for over 4 weeks.  Prior to that were the Nashville tornadoes, and I took shelter in my daughter and son in law's lovely home.  My conversations have been limited to them or with my grandson of 3 1/2 years and granddaughter 18 months.  I have learned from all of them.

When I realize I am regressing in a certain area, I can revisit one of my books or delve into journaling.  I can express my self fully without concern of judgment or reprimand.  I am not imposing on any one nor am I hiding.  I can just be fully in the moment without censors.

It will be a few more weeks before a person of my 'age' can be allowed on the streets and stores again. I question where I might go.  Truth be told, there are very few destinations in my mind, for the risk of bringing contamination home to the family would devastate me.  The definition between want and need have become quite clear determining where I hold space.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Sheltered in Place


     "I'd like to have enough time and quiet, 
         to think about absolutely nothing."
                            Albert Caeiro

To think about nothing sounds like an easy task, but indeed it can be challenging.  The more emphasis we place on clearing our minds, more thoughts tend to appear.  Releasing built up words onto paper before beginning or playing soft music to drown outside noise can be helpful.

If we can determine a time when we can return to a certain spot every day, it assists in the development of clearing the chatter from our mind.  Like most any endeavor, we must train our body, mind, and spirit.

To be sheltered in place, time has been available to learn to be still.  As my adult children work, and my grandchildren nap, the afternoon offers me quiet time out on the covered deck.  Watching the birds, floating clouds, and rolling hills of Nashville, it is easy to lull myself into stillness.  I wish the same for you.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

I Honestly Do Not Know ...

"The great enemy of clear language is insincerity." 
George Orwell

If we hold ourselves accountable for our words, we will choose wisely in sharing comments.  To speak words of truth resonates within us and also extends clarity to the listener.  When we utter false statements, just to be nice, we are misleading not only others, but ourselves as well.

Recalling words spoken sincerely are easier to recall than falsehoods created in a given moment.  We build honor and respect within ourselves by speaking and acting honestly.  When we are known for our word, that we speak truth, we reflect integrity.

It may be difficult to put our truth into words, but we learn from these experiences.  Our honesty can hurt another person, but in the long run, they will be hurt less through the primary encounter.  If we falter not knowing our answer, it is best to still be truthful ... "I honestly do not know."

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Uncharted Horizon

"An infinite horizon is like a strong current in the sea;
it drags you to unknown places before you even notice it!"
Mehmet Murat ildan

As life can be so overwhelming, we can benefit from falling into the infinite horizon by loosening our focus. Just as we learn to let go, we can be pulled by a strong current of wonderment and be refreshed. The body begins to feel like a vessel floating in still waters. 

Imagine a clean palette without an image or one drop of paint and a piece of pottery holding ample brushes.  Infinite tubes of colors are stretched across the table waiting to be blended.  Our assignment is to ignore all shades of the past or projected futuristic tones, and create upon this palette what surfaces from the infinite horizon as the vessel in still waters

If we can adjust our focus and deregulate routine, we begin to witness  things we had not yet seen.  If we don't listen quite so closely, it may be easier to catch wisps of wisdom hidden in mindless chatter. As we learn to lessen our expectations, we can enjoy smaller miracles unfolding along the way.  Be willing to float into the uncharted horizon.

Monday, June 8, 2020

To Be Calmed by What We See

"Above all, I wish to see."
Donna Goddard
Circles of Separation

Enjoying my morning coffee from the deck, I watched the clouds of Nashville leisurely form one design and then float into another.  They were enormous, appeared to be fluffy and weightless.  The beautiful blue sky was the backdrop for this entertaining display.

Hummingbirds loitered in the hanging flower baskets after a quick flight to their feeder.  The Eastern Blue birds were restoring a nest in their wooden home aging on the fence next door.  

It was a quiet morning of perfect peace.  The sun shining on my face nurtured me into recalculating my cautionary perspective of the world.  The slight breeze reminded me to remain still but awake.  My slow breath reminded me  of the necessity to appreciate life.  

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Spiritual Nature Expands

"May you see, with consummate clarity of nature moving through you,
that your voice is not only necessary, but desperately needed to sing
us out of this muddle."
Toko-pa Turner

My passion for rocks and trees has been equal to my love for the sounds of water and configurations    in the clouded sky.  Often, I watch the moon while listening to the twinkling stars.  Growing up in Chicago limited my time outside, but once I left I found boundless freedom encouraged by landscapes with singing birds, scampering bunnies, and the deer.   

Mother Nature relaxed my body enabling my mind to slow down to hear the messages from the four elements: earth, fire, air and water.  Breath work, yoga, or meditation teaches how to be still to absorb gifts from nature.  When we locate a private inner space, our spiritual nature can expand with delight.

With mindfulness, we begin to experience the flow which connects us, enhances us, and delivers creative thoughts or projects to better the world.  It is necessary for each one of us to contribute in an unique way.  It will take all of us to better this world.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

This is my Sandbox!


"Freedom wanders in the landscape of the mind, 
 and nourishes the deepest yearnings of the soul."
Beth Kempton

There is that push at our back, intending us to lunge forward towards perfectionism.  It doesn't seem to matter if we are already excelling or failing, the pressure for forward movement feels real.  There are both artists and writers who deliberately leave a creation with a slight imperfection.

When we adjust our thinking to accept there is no such thing as perfection, we can continue to strive to be our very best using our own individual talents.  If the goal is to be a better me, we can often advance with a healthier perspective.

I visualize sitting in a small sandbox, shored up with four wooden sides.  My sand is a mixture of wet, dry and clotted sand.  I may invite you to come in if you have colored sand; but, if your dream is not congruent with mine, I will ask you to leave.  This is my sandbox! I may never create a castle, but I will utilize the freedom of my soul to create to my heart's content.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Quiet Dimension

"I've begun to realize that you can listen to silence and
learn from it.  It has a quality and dimension all of its own."
Chaim Potok

The mind needs to be decluttered just as one would unpack a suitcase.  The intention being to empty it, we can stack thoughts on different piles to be revisited at a later time.  Some items can be cleansed or totally discarded.

It is in silence when we can hear our heart speak.  When we can be still, wisdom or sacred thought surfaces.  To quietly listen with an open mind, we can begin to receive. 

As we are in our silent space, the message sent to us may arrive as a sense of peace or calm.  Too often we expect words when there are other ways to connect.  Be still, and allow attention to come to us.  We will attract and receive when we release  intentions and expectations.