Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Irritations and Understandings

"Everything that irritates us about others
can lead to us to an understanding of ourselves."

The world ... physical, emotional, and spiritual ... communicates with us daily, but too frequently we are not listening. If there were a knocker on every door of opportunity, we would be driven crazy by the pounding. If we would merely consider  broader possibilities, we just might be overwhelmed.

As human beings, we simply tune out.  We yearn for answers, we beg for insights and we wait for our preconceived responses.  When answers are not dressed as we want them to be, we miss the very guidance we seek.

Watch how a couple interacts and notice a resentment building inside our selves.  How does the scene apply to us?  Specifically, what is causing our emotions to stir?  Does this mini scene reflect rude conversation, control issues or disrespect?  Once identified, the trigger helps us to understand what irritates our lovely selves and our own relationships.  

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Understanding Dreams

"If you appreciate, perpetuate, and explore
your own dreams, then you'll know that
dream isn't a one way communication."
Toba Beta

Dreamers have been amazed by individual symbols  and then again collective symbols offering deep reflection.  On the surface, one may feel foolish sharing a whimsical dream, but when communication is exchanged with the dream, there is rarely anything silly at all.

A dream can stand on its own, but if a person maintained a dream journal, they would begin to see a grouping of dreams addressing one topic in differing ways.  There is a connection in the midst of multiple dreams, and the array of colors distract from the main principle.

For over 30 years, I have been working with dreams.  I kept a dream journal for seven years and I have untangled numerous dreams for others both old and young alike.  Deciphering Dreams is a Facebook page of mine and it usually creates the interest of dreamers.  I can  be directly approached as well.  Dreams are fascinating and if we are not paying attention, we are missing valuable information.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Space of Imagination

"I often wonder if my imagination is one of God's choicest gifts bestowed upon me 
to deliberately break me free from the frequent doldrums of my humanity."
Craig D. Lounsbrough 

Winter is wearing thin upon my creativity.  Maybe it is not so much the season of winter, nor the lovely falling snow, but the endless dreary days.  As I wait for my coffee to finish perking, I look out the window longing to see the sun shining.

There is something about the warmth of the sun that reminds me of being a young child with rounded face held in loving hands.  The simple warmth  spreads through my body releasing fear or stress and relaxing all my body parts.  I can only imagine the sunbeams triggering the same for streams, trees, and rocks strewn across pathways.

I return to my cave where I hibernate most of the winter.  There in my office waits music to suspend me in the realms of silence.  Books of the spiritual persuasion are waiting to be opened once again.  I light my candle, offer thanks for all that I have and enter my sacred space of imagination.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Drama Not Mine

"The sky grew darker,
painted blue on blue,
one stroke at a time,
into deeper and deeper 
shades of night."
Haruki Murakami

The words upon the page were quickly absorbed, but not fast enough to keep my heart from turning stone cold. The comments were hurtful even though they stemmed from over a decade ago.  They were just as untrue as they were during the incident, but I still gasped for air.

Anger was my first response followed by the horror knowing only one side of a story was being told and the artist painting the picture was not making me look very attractive at all.  Her personal anger absorbed her attention denying her the lesson at hand.

Life happens to us and we have the choice to stumble or propel.  Learning from our experiences, especially the painful ones, we eventually pivot towards the light.  How long it takes us to see the light is not as important as finally embracing what we were meant to learn.  This drama does not belong to me, and so I let it go.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Transition Into Reality

"Combing back to where you started
is not the same as never leaving."
Terry Pratchett  

Even though I was just waking from a nap, I knew I was not yet ready to rejoin the busyness of life.  I pulled the curtain open and pushed myself back on the couch.  The sky was filled with formations.  Just like when I was a child, I watched the objects in the sky shift and reshape.

At some point my eyes dropped lower taking in the tree tops.  To my surprise there were numerous birds who had already returned to the neighborhood.  Big and small, they  darted around as though their wings had been bound all winter.  They were scouting out bird feeders and bushes that may be forthcoming with little buds.

Watching out the window brought me the transition needed to move from dreamland to nature to reality.  The fanciful displays in the sky erased my rough edges and the birds in flight reminded me of peaceful living.  I was able to embrace my reality with a calm heart prepared to live in each moment.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Being Kind and Brave

"Just be kind and brave.
That's all you ever need to be."
Power of Positivity

Life becomes masterful when we accept we have an obligation to do our best.  Once we release the idea of having control over anyone, all of our energy can be funneled into extending our good actions and enhancing our contribution to all peoples.

When we are no longer worrying about what other people think or how we can change their lives, there is plenty of time and energy to redecorate our world within.  Our inner landscape may look like a junk yard when we begin, but as we become selective and specific about how we can best express our lovely selves, we begin our authentic creation.

What does authentic creation mean?  It means something different to each person and when we complete our self inventory, we will have a better awareness of who we want to be, what we want to represent, and how we can make a difference.  Being kind and brave accelerates our progress.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Tapestry of Peace and Love

"As my Popo used to say, life is a tapestry we weave day by day
with threads of different colors, some heavy and dark, others thin
and bright, all the threads having their uses."
Isabel Allende

The image of life being a tapestry has always pleased my heart.  I would be intrigued to sit in a circle of women to listen to the tales of individual weaving.  Instead of looking at a blaze of colors and shapes, the tapestry would take on a life subjected to hardship, challenge and gain.  The underlying story evokes compassion, deeper understanding of conflict, and the release of judgment.

I am enthused by the prospect of my very own tapestry as I know it would be inconsistent in design, color, and weight of the thread.  I would marvel at the beauty in places I remember as being brutal, as the richness of contrasting colors magically forms a sense of pride.

The twisting path winds throughout the artistically woven piece.   There are sections where it had been stretched so thin it can barely be seen.   Overall, I am moved by tears in appreciation to have moved beyond a survivor and eventually become a woman of peace and love.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Be Someone Who Makes You Happy!

"Be someone who makes you happy!"
Will Smith

Will Smith posted an interesting video on Facebook.  The content was about being responsible for our own happiness and to stop trying to make others happy.  When we explore who we are as an individual without judgment, and develop a true sense of self happiness is created.

When we fill ourselves with self-made happiness, others can be attracted by it and drawn to us to share our happiness.  It is our personal take on happiness and no one can take it away unless we give them that power.  It is when we build our sense of value, we learn respect for others and respect for ourselves.

As our perception shifts from doomsday to a life worth living, we begin to see unlimited happiness.  Our definition expands to embrace the small joys scatter in the midst of our day.  When we are happy, we view life as worth living.   

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Words Upon A Page

"My father taught me that you can read a hundred books on wisdom 
and write a hundred books on wisdom, but unless you apply what 
you learned then its only words on a page.  Life is not lived 
with intentions, but action."
Shannon L. Alder

As I entered the library, I spotted a quiet cubicle hidden in the upper floor and I claimed it immediately. My book bag held my iPad, thesaurus, blank journal and previously recorded material. I unpacked everything and settled into the chair.  

I had deliberately claimed this day for personal expansion.  I wanted to broaden my knowledge and open myself to new ideas.  I roamed the stacks of books choosing from sections on flower arrangement, landscape, and terrariums.  I was excited thinking of spring!

In my mind, the fresh breeze carried seeds of possibility ready to be nurtured.  I realized, however, all of this would be a whim if I didn't invest time and energy. Hours would be needed for research and then experimentation.   This sobering realization prompted me to pick up a cactus and small globe terrarium.  This was all of the action I was willing to invest at this time, and the rest would remain words upon a page.  

Monday, February 19, 2018

Sift Through Difficulty

"When life places stones in your path, be the water.
A persistent drop of water will wear away 
even the hardest stone."
Autumn Morning Star

As we have no control over the barriers or limitations in  our lives, it serves us best to determine what means of navigation are compatible with our selfhood.  We realize weeping serves little purpose and remaining stuck in a situation elongates misery.  When we hold ourselves accountable rather than waiting for the hunter in the woods to come save us, our reaction is more timely and persuasive.

Depending upon how long we wait for Prince Charming to arrive, impacts the length of our challenge.  Once we accept ownership of the problem, the more immediate the resolution will be forthcoming.  Gathering knowledge through each episode, we begin to form an impactful approach with precision.

When we can be like water flowing over stones rather than a fire destroying all there is, we develop a sense of patience and tolerance to sift through difficulty with a lesser degree of harm to self and others.  We will be less likely to repeat the experience or if so, transition through it more swiftly.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Know Thyself

"You create beauty with your attitude,
you make an impression with your behavior,
you make statements with your elegance
and scream out with your actions.
Sophia Elemara

Deciding what to do to make an impression upon others, is a waste of time.   It is a better investment to focus on personal strengths and how they best can be used.  The more we know and understand our lovely selves, the more we have to offer to the world.   Be comfortable with core values and change what is disliked.  A strong presence will attract more of what is desired, but it is imperative to know and understand that which one seeks.

When we are able to discern our gifts, and polish them with expertise, we will impact the lives of others. When we are unknown to our selves, we project inconsistent and conflicting views.   It is when we use our energy to align what we believe, the stronger impression we make.  We will project a solid image by what we say, how we act, and our level of authenticity.  As Socrates once stated, "Know thyself."
So as we stand, our energy is supporting who we are and not disintegrating into parcels others wish us to be.  In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Polonius shares: "This above all:  to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man."   

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Align the Voice

"A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman.
But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult."
Melinda Gates

There is a voice within every woman, but it can be difficult to locate, understand, and utilize.  If we are raised without any sense of self-appreciation, we may disregard our own voice believing it only spoke gibberish. As we grow into a sense of self, our voice no longer inserts darts of insight, but extends paragraphs for deeper meaning.  

Depending upon our life style, it may or may not be safe to use a newly discovered voice.  Whether we are threatened by our environment or by the people near us, self-censorship is beneficial until we can fine tune our thoughts.  If we express ourselves too soon, we can easily be squelched, never to try again.

The voice needs to be exercised whether through writing or confiding in a trusted friend.  This helps us align our thoughts, desires, and goals.  When we grow confident in our self we can begin to reinforce ideas by researching the words of poets, authors, and ancient scripts.  Although it is difficult to give life to our inner voice, it will be a liberating experience.  With practice, the voice aligns itself with our body, mind, and spirit. 

Friday, February 16, 2018

Never Ending Story

"A woman is the full circle.  Within in her is
the power to create, nurture and transform."
Diane Mariechild

Women are born with the potential to create, nurture, and transform, but this wisdom seems  delayed in dawning. Think of the reduction of anxiety if we began our life knowing we had all of the tools we needed.  How more tolerant we would be if we had the awareness of trusting our gut and not depending upon others for answers to the specialized questions we seek.

In my formative years, I received guidance to cope in an ever changing world:  Don't draw attention to yourself; Always smile; Don't speak unless you are spoken to; Keep your legs together; Don't sit on a wet sidewalk, it causes hemorrhoids; and Never wash your hair during your period. These golden incentives explain my delayed and distorted thinking process at a young age.

Perhaps if we were like pillows or mattress pads, we could be born with a label stitched into our side stating:  Powerful Human Being (Do not remove tag!), but of course the tag would be immediately scissored off.  Maybe a tattoo discreetly imprinted to immediately remind our lovely selves that we indeed are powerful, creative, nurturing, and transformable.  Even a small symbol could be an immediate trigger to remind us who we truly are ... a circle depicting our never ending story.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Finding Happiness

"By loving others unconditionally,
we open the door of happiness."
Debasish Mridha

In the presence of a loved one, our heart opens and we pull their light inside of us.  We are honored to be with them and it feels uplifting to share in their unconditional light.  We share a bond of valuing each other and our appreciation is reciprocated.  Life is good.

It is deeply harmful for us to lose this sense of love as we depart from our loved one.  It is wrong to let our self-critic destroy the joy within.  When we fear we won't be accepted or remembered, we find ourselves even further from the truth of the loving light.

We are made of loving light with intent to create an amazing life for ourselves as well as for others.  The only person who can deprive us from this shining power is our very self.  We experience lapses forgetting who we are, judging others out of our own insecurities, and overwhelmed by darkness. We must turn back towards the light and join in the happiness of others, for it is there we will find our own.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Greet Each and Every One on Valentine's Day!

"Love is something that you nurture every day
and every single moment, 
with every breath you take."
Angie Karan

What drives all of the hype around special days ... the opportunity to make a product and money.  Valentine's Day is an opportunity to sell cards, flowers, candy and jewelry, disregarding the true value of love.  Admittedly, receiving gifts is always fun, but it truly is not at the heart of the matter.

Love has a forever widening spectrum.  We can have a passion for art, nature, or travel and still maintain a love for sports, reading or cooking.  Love is not a singular piece to our heart's puzzle, but if love is not active in our heart, we will be deprived of the sense of thriving.

No matter where we are at this very moment, close both eyes and be silent.  Just for a second, feel the ounce of love being savored in the corner of the heart and expand it fully throughout the body.  Open the eyes and feel the tingle of love reverberating from the body.  Love is streaming from the eyes and through our hands and feet.  Our love has turned us into passionate light and this is how we need to greet each and every one on the Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Love Servant or Served

"Love those who appreciate you,
and appreciate those who love you."
Connor Chalfant

All of us are deserving of love, but often times we may be expecting the moon while the sun is reflected in the water.  Love tends to arrive when we open our hearts to possibilities ... and this is not about settling.  The kind of person we project may be based on fantasy which would never sustain us in real life.

At times, in an eagerness to make a relationship work, we acquiesce ... hide what is important to us in order to attract what is important in one other.  Early in relationship, we set the course as to whether we will be the servant of love or served by love.  If we refrain from investing in relationships that truly do not resonate, we would save our selves time and sorrow.

Friendships and partnerships are best honored when both parties are recognized and respected.  We invest time and feelings into helping each other reach the highest potential.  We all have flaws and they are to be noticed, but not focused upon.  Continue to highlight the good until the weakness has grown into a strength.  Engage in life together appreciating both the love received and the love given.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Spread the Love

"When we turn our faces towards love,
   We find the dancing parts of our heart."

Valentine's Day is coming and many face it with dread.  If we are without our partner for whatever reason or simply isolated from others, seeing  LOVE plastered everywhere can cause us to withdraw even deeper within our solitude.  We can begin to feel as though there is something wrong with us and the quick slide down to depression is an express ride.

We need to broaden our perspective and view the full picture.  Look beyond the trees and over the horizon for love is meant to be everywhere for everyone.  Merchants love for us to think of Valentine's Day as a romantic love affair as they pedal all of their wares; however, love is for all peoples and all days!

Instead of longing for what we might want to receive, turn the situation around and think of what others might want to receive.  We can bring a flower to a dear friend reminding her how much we love her.  We can baby sit the rug rats and let the parents run out for a quick meal.  We can go to our sacred place and pray for all of those not feeling love stirring in the heart.  We can give smiling recognition to those we idly pass by, and wish them a happy day! Let's re-frame the day and spread the love together!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Silent Partner, Steering Wheel or Spare Tire

"Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?"
Corrie ten Boom

There was a small space in time when all of my children were in school and I finally had some time for me.  There were very few distractions and concerns so I was able to leave myself open, but what was I to do?  After praying, I felt nudged to open a business surrounding things I loved and fellow craftsmen I thoroughly enjoyed.  I asked God to help me and provisions and providers began to appear.

Prayer was my catalyst for creating my small country gift shoppe, The Town Crier.  All of my offerings were one of a kind and I taught classes (quilting, candle wicking, basket making, stenciling and many other hand made crafts)  and made presentations to neighboring community clubs.  My little country shoppe became a safe haven for  women to stop for a cup of tea.

Divine Spirit was my silent partner and fulfillment was mine.  For five years, my life ran smoothly.   I was a witness to all who visited and created an atmosphere where one could feel restored. Unpredicted, however, my life changed and I sold The Town Crier.  I returned to my career in social services, and wandered unfamiliar roads for several years.  Prayer as my spare tire did not work nearly as well as when it was my steering wheel assisted by my silent partner.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Unspoken Sacred Language

 "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words 
than words without a heart."
Mahatma Gandhi

Words can expand and contract while taking on different meanings.  The meaning can be greatly reduced or significantly thickened.  Depending upon the use of sarcasm one word can be meant in a positive vein or harshly meant in the negative.  Even the pronunciation of a word can change from one geographical local to another.  The English language is one of the most difficult to learn based on literal exceptions.

While reading, our mind does not always intuit the appropriate emphasis. "The man ran this way."  Does this information give us a direction of exit or a physical description like an impairment or disability?  If we are simply listening, we may not be able to distinguish between two words sounding the same, but meaning two opposite things.  "The detective looked down at the body, saying only, 'prey' and the young novice dropped down to his knees to pray."

Life often calls to us to explain the impossible.  We may search  our hearts only to find them unexpectedly void of anything audible except for incessant wailing.  No matter how hard we try, nothing takes form, and our hearts are empty of prayer.  With these empty hearts, we stand before the Divine waiting for the unspoken sacred language of love for healing and forgiveness.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Knowledge is Limited

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon
my imagination.  Imagination is more important
than knowledge.  Knowledge is limited.  Imagination
encircles the world."
Albert Einstein

The child was born a genius.  He had vast knowledge about endless subjects, but he lacked the ability to express and apply what he knew out into the world.  He remained introverted, withdrawn and labeled as ignorant.  It was not until years later, a curious teacher at the institute peeked inside his saddened heart and taught the child expression.

Owner's manuals are perfect examples.  The shipping crate arrives, we unpack the item, and find the plastic bag containing all of the screws, rivets, washers, nails, and braces.  Next, we examine the direction booklet and unless we have the insight of a mechanic, we are no further along.

This application can be applied to any subject matter.   No matter how much information we have, unless we have the ability to express or display our strong suit, it will not enhance us.  Our responsibility is to master our individual interpretation and present in our authentic way.  We are all called to contribute to the world in our imaginary way.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

In The Light of The Moon

"Watch the stars, and see yourself
running with them."
Marcus Aurelius

Life closes in on us, especially during the winter.  Once Christmas Holidays have gone by, life can seem rather lack luster.  Gone are the bright and twinkling lights leaving our homes and landscapes drab from packed away decorations.  We each tend to withdraw into a smaller sense of community waiting for spring.

Flu rushes through families and fevers spike then decline, adding more reason to remain behind closed doors.  It feels more comfortable to stay at home then to bundle up to attend a gathering requiring us to go out into the cold.   

During these less active stages of the season, I maintain my nighttime ritual of looking at the moon and stars.  Even on a cloudy cold winter's night, I will stand by the window knowing my lunar friend  is present sight unseen.  I imagine the sky filled with stars twinkling at me.  As I gently close my eyes for a moment of contemplation, my feet dance with the stars in the light of the moon.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Thorn and The Rose

"But he who dares not grasp the thorn
Should never crave the rose."
Anne Bronte

Accomplishments that have come easily to us tend to fall by the way side while achievements we have sacrificed for remain in a place of honor.  The level of our investment reflects our connection to the project.  How difficult the challenge tends to coincide with the depth of meaning .

Whether we are building a house or creating a novel, our level of commitment will determine the quality of our work.  This is not to say there is no enjoyment as there definitely is reward in hard endeavors.  As we apply our knowledge we hone our skills.  If we invest in what we love, our involvement reflects our passion and desires.

We are exposed to both the Rose and the thorn.  We may be attracted to the color or the fragrance prior to feeling the prick on our skin or we may initially be focused on removing the thorn prior to discovering the delicate petals.  That which is worth experiencing may extract a toll from us, but enduring the unpleasant brings forth the reward.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Beauty in Truth and Honesty

"No matter how plain a woman may be,
if truth and honesty are written across her face,
she will be beautiful."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Little children are beautiful with faces of innocence and a radiance of magic wrapped around truth.  They do not know of deliberate deception nor distinctive manipulation.  The emotional responses are authentic and the tears are truly heartfelt.

We lose our 'toddler tenderness' as we grow more aware of the larger picture.  It is a painful revelation to realize not everyone can be trusted nor do they necessarily say what they mean.  How confusing the simple little life becomes as we grow more aware of the outside world.

If we manage to maintain a sense of our childhood imagination and honor our authentic gifts, the more likely we will be able to creatively expand and enjoy our adult life.  Our energy is focused on using our gifts to better our world, and we are less likely to obsess over the errors of others.   A full smile stretched across a happy face reflects the beauty of honesty and truth.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Remove Thyself ...

"Clouds come floating into my life,
no longer to carry rain or usher storm,
but to add color to my sunset sky."
Rabindranath Tagore

When high in the Smokey Mountains, my sister cried with her head extended from the car window. She had been anxiously awaiting the opportunity for my father to drive through a cloud so she could feel the soft cotton texture across her face.  To her dismay, there was only air.

In one of Shirley MacLaine's numerous books, she encourages the reader to look up at the sky and choose a cloud that pleases the eye.  The reader is to single out this cloud, thank it for its beauty and ask if it would disappear from the sky.  With eyes glued, the reader then waits for the magic to begin.

In my childhood, I would spread out in the grass next to my favorite tree and examine the passing accumulation of clouds.  I would watch them shift and take on differing shapes or just melt away in the sky.  Only once, as an adult, did I reverently ask a cloud to disappear.  I held my breath and within  five minutes, the cloud simply went away.  I felt so ashamed for asking a beautiful cloud to vanish I cried.  I vowed never to be so insensitive to any of the beauty in  nature.  It is all as it should be and I will respect the privilege of being an adorning observer.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

A Better Place

"We should try to leave the world a better place than when we entered it.  As individuals,
we can make a difference, whether it is to probe the secrets of Nature, to clean up the 
environment and work for peace and social justice, or to nurture the inquisitive, 
vibrant spirit of the young by being a guide."
Michio Kaku

Sociology and Psychology were equal in my education and prepared me with book sense for working in the world with those whom struggled.  Being effective, however, requires street knowledge and an awareness of the  depths of physical and emotional bruising.

Generations of families knew how to work the system and the state did not offer realistic family goals  to align resources with the disabled or displaced.  Living off the state programs was easier than pursuing positive change.  It seemed lawmakers did not have an in depth understanding of the limits and dynamics within hurting families.  Lawmakers were creating programs that the less fortunate would never be able to master.

Working with diverse populations, I adjusted my definition of success.  Those I served would improve by increments and I knew I would return to them repeatedly boosting them with one tiny step at a time.  I remained invested in my career by reminding my self that I was offering numerous opportunities to those involved and they had the choice to invest or walk away.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Across the Fence

"Let them judge you, but remain victorious.
Let them criticize you, but remain wise.
Let them misunderstand you, but remain kind.
Let them hate you, but remain exceptional."
Matshona Dhliwayo

We each have a voice to either project or withhold.  We have two ears to listen with if we decide to do so.  With miscommunication, there is plenty of room for being misunderstood.  No one likes to be confused, nor do they enjoy being misunderstood.  

We have our opinions for which  we are entitled, but so does everyone else even when they are contradictory to our own.  We maintain respect and listen with both ears, but others criticize  without the return of respect.

Currently, I am disgusted with behaviors of certain officials, but I find myself disenchanted by the name calling that is being cast back across the fence.  Do we really need to heighten the drama of  misconduct or could our energy be invested in positive action.  There are many who are living in the moment while preparing for positive change and I applaud them greatly.

****"It is a mere needless thing to fight with ignorance with all your true strength except you can educate and change ignorance with wit and wisdom."  Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Friday, February 2, 2018

Art With The Pieces

"If your heart is broken,
make art with the pieces."
Shane L. Koyczan

Mark Nepo shares that hearts are broken numerous times before they can remain open.  This seems to have truth to it an it encompasses all life situations.  It is not only love affairs that crack our hearts open, but actions of family, friends, career challenges or worldly posturing.

When we glance through history, we find differing artists completing a masterpiece after experiencing tragedy.  Soldiers returning from war with disabilities face great challenges in recreating a life with meaning.  A fulfilling focus can harness our pain into something positive or we can snap our heart closed as protection from the world.

The choice is ours ... do we use our pain to learn and prosper or do we cave in to our lesser selves allowing darkness to hold our heads down.  Do we forever live with despair or do we slowly begin to open once again to life and prosperity of the heart.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Undiscovered Gifts


                               "You can hide from others,
                                but you can't hide from yourself."

Human behavior reflects the practice of exposing segments of ourselves that we already understand as being acceptable.  There is a tendency to hide unique aspects out of fear of being judged as unacceptable.

This behavior is conflicted as the original parts we hide are what makes us noteworthy.  Our personal preferences become aligned with kindred spirits who do not hide true essence.   To disguise the heart's desire is to set sail for a fictitious destination wasting time, effort, and fuel.

When we own all parts of the self, we must have an open mind in the presence of others.  Our truths will not be altered unless we discover the need for expanding or deepening.  We can learn from the diversity of others without changing, unless we choose to adjust our thoughts.  Do not deceive nor hide the original self.  We are unable to freely give to the world if our gifts remain undiscovered.