Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Defined Image

"It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, 
but it's another to think that your's is the only path."
Paulo Coelho

Years may be spent in defining a path. Months may be dedicated to research and discovery.  Days might  be given to isolation, while moments may have been reserved for silence.  It takes dedication to allow the process.

If we remember that we are more apt to learn from diverse opinions which challenge us, we create a need to listen to all people traveling upon an individual path.  This does not mean one must follow nor does it mean one must become ... well, one.

We are individual human beings encountering an authentic role to play in this time and space.  What a delightful image to think of each person traveling in their own way bathed in respect, honor, and compassion.  Perhaps this would be enough to remove fear, anger, hate and violence.  

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Empowerment Through Thoughts and Words

"If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them 
more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, 
we would prefer silence to almost anything negative."
Betty Eadie 

Endless mind chatter drones on with criticism and judgment.  It steals our energy and any sense of self-worth. The truly sad part is it runs on low volume and most of the time we are unaware of how it is negatively programing our mindset. 

Our thoughts can trigger insights, and creative endeavors, just as easily as shame and disgust.  Our words can be positive reminders rather than bullets slamming into unfortunate memories ripping us a part.

There is a need to alleviate stagnant thoughts of weakness, replacing them with reminders of strength.   Limitations can be replaced by storing joys in our heart and amplifying our connection with whom or what we revere as divine. Hear the inner voice calling! It is time for us to become empowered. 

Monday, August 29, 2022

Waiting ...

"I want you to get excited about who you are, what you are,
what you have, and what can still be for you."
Virginia Satir

Get excited, this is your life! Days are sliding by and not one can be wasted. It is now, with intention, that we move towards beauty, depth, and vision.  Come on! Lift one foot and then the other, inching towards dreams come true.

We have not lost the good parts, buried some where in our past.  The best is not simply lingering out there in some undefinable future.  The magic is right here, right now!  Pick up your magic wand, (sometimes called creativity or thinking cap), and do the thing you do.

If we do not know who we are, then let's get started by defining what kind of person we want to be, where we want to establish this vibrant living, and how to accelerate positive change.  Life isn't over and sometimes 'tomorrow' never comes, so begin ... TODAY!

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Provoking Ownership


"It's not your fault.  They're just being
who they're being."
Lee Harris 

A cactus, no matter how lovely, has prickles and if not careful, one can get hurt.  The same can be true of human beings.  We can be the target of projected negativity without provoking. Don't own what is not yours!

When we remember this, we will also be reminded that we are not necessarily responsible for the behavior.  Each one of us has choice as to how to react in any situation.  We have choice and personal behavior is just that ... personal.

Aggressive behaviors may have absolutely nothing to do with us. When we can deflect with compassion, accepting that we are all on a very individualistic journey, entanglement can be avoided. It isn't always about 'us'.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Propelled by Flow

"Flow in spiritual terms is not linear, 
it's not a smooth arc of ascent or evolution;  
it goes in jumps, in quantum bursts."
Jennifer Crokaert

When we gently float in water, we anticipate the rush of a wave.  As we follow a path, we impulsively kick a rock even though it was never in our way.  Such is life, never a simple linear straight-a-way.  

It is an inaccurate perception to think of a spiritual life as strictly free flowing at a mellow pace.  Change is triggered to initiate higher realms and deeper levels.  Inspiration and discovery are not attained by simply sitting in moon light.

Spiritual flow spins us in dance and song; in poetry and scriptures; and in levels of high vibrations or inconsistent frequencies.  Bursts of revelation shake us down to our very souls while excavating wisdom propels us in directions previously unknown.


Friday, August 26, 2022

Parcels of Light


"You are not the darkness you endured. 
You are the light that refused to surrender."
John Mark Green 

Therapeutic goals encourage the release of the past in order to make room for healing and creating.  Progression cannot be activated if we are bound by old barriers.  It can be helpful, however, to measure just how far we have traveled beyond said obstacles.

We can activate personal support by recalling resilience mustered in various scenarios and the use of determination to by pass others. As we focus on our previous proficiencies, we can become more determined to persevere while seeking positive outcome.

As we strengthen the image of being a light in our own darkness, we begin to create and fine tune skills that fuel, ignite and illuminate our passage.  We are more apt to find our way carrying parcels of light rather than wandering in the darkness.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Projected Inaccuracies


"You are important, you are beloved, and
you are everything you need to be, 
exactly as you are."
Shelley Young

The majority of our shame stems from not living up to an outside expectation created by others.  Too often, we are groomed to advance into a scenario that is not the best choice for the self, but driven by a peer or simple fear.

We may have professionals encouraging us to compete in arenas where our hearts have no interest in going.  This is not to say we aught not step out of our comfort zone as that is how growth happens; but, it reflects the importance of being connected to our inner hopes and desires.

If we hold our lovely selves accountable, we understand that our false projections driven by ego, project inaccurate information. Perhaps, it is time to start over, to renew, and to realign with who we truly are and who we were truly meat to be. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Sucked Into Dark Hole


"You either get bitter or you get better."
Josh Shipp

One does not have a human experience without challenge.  It is built in to the living process here on earth.  By constantly being aware of the choices before us and choosing what is for our higher good impacts each experience.

Devastation and disillusionment can suck us into a deep dark hole of depression.  If we allow it, we can remain in muck and mire indefinitely.  We can counter balance the negative, however, by remembering that we have choice.

As we view our options and remember the necessity of making choice, the movement out of challenge is key in both short and long term.  Action, no matter how great or small, initiates a change and begins to build momentum.  When we hold our lovely selves accountable, we control whether we become bitter or better.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Seeking Sunlight


"Stay close to people who feel like sunlight."
Xan Oku

One may define friendship as a loosely bound connection, while another may categorize it as tight unbreakable bond.   Some share that a friend is a frequently seen acquaintance while others may say a friend is the best gift in life.

Perhaps the most important element of friendship is how we experience the union.  Do we feel honored and respected?  Are we embraced whether we have succeeded or failed?  Is the feeling of safety waiting for us without criticism or judgement?

Friendship is a shared relationship where both members are uplifted, encouraged, and deeply bonded while being 'seen' and 'heard'.  Standing in the middle of a storm or seeing the eye of a hurricane, one must turn and run, seeking the warmth of sunlight!

Monday, August 22, 2022

Chosen Pathways

"Sometimes we forget how far we have traveled 
while we are looking ahead to the next steps."
Jeff Brown

Although it is important to not dwell on the past, there is significant benefits for briefly scanning it.  When we stand back for a quick review, we are able to see a more complete lesson.  We notice the beginning of the frequency, the duration of the vibration, and the hum of completion.

Awareness is often triggered by glancing at a photo from the past or reading an excerpt from an old journal.  We are reminded of situations that allowed us to sharpen skills, increase compassion or realign intentions enabling to grow deeper into who we are meant to be.

We follow a pathway with twists and turns, so we cannot always see the destination.  We may even choose to wander off into unintended adventures which can delight or generate sorrow.  The importance of the journey is to respect the self, embrace what is presented, and be aware of progress.  There is no right nor wrong, only opportunities for learning.


Sunday, August 21, 2022

Dark Becomes Conscious


"One does not become enlightened by imagining 
figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious."
Carl Jung

Perhaps, a true goal for life is the discovery of who we are personally and collectively.  It is with the intention of clarity, we begin to filter out what does not belong to us and highlight what resonates.

Life is about lessons and the level of student we choose to become.  Do we just want to get by or do we seek with intensity?  Life force is not determined by standing in a spiritual light, but rather how bravely we carry our light into the darkness.

We grow our personal light to see our own imperfection and to heal.  We begin to see how to resolve issues and the meaning that comes with them. As we reflect our own light, others will be encouraged to do the same.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Redirection, Not Rejection

"Every broken heart has screamed at one time or another,
'I want to know why!'"
Shannon Adler 

If I don't show up, will anyone notice?  If discarded, can I be recycled?  What is the value of being taken for granted?  If I become lost, will anyone show me the way?  These are questions, of course, our little 'me' faces when we are not nurturing and nourishing our body, mind, and soul.

If we invest energy into our well being, we will be prepared for the carelessness and lack of sensitivity from others.  When we exercise discernment, we recognize what does not belong to us.  The false projections of others can be deflected through the sense of self-appreciation.

We all have value, but not everyone will be open to receiving it.  If we hold our standards high, protecting our gifts and talents, we can repel what is not appropriate for this particular time and space.  When there is discord, it is not really rejection but rather redirection.

Friday, August 19, 2022

The Gnarly!

"The world needs you to be exactly as you are."
Midwives of the Soul

Give me the gnarly ones who struggle to untangle spoon fed fallacies and doctored accounts; for they are the interesting and thought provoking.  Send me the deep thinkers who are not afraid to explore old stale tales.

There is a tendency to build high walls to preserve limited information, but unfortunately stunt growth.  The light simply does not get in nor does fresh air and roots in time begin to decay.  There is protection inside the wall, yet limited knowledge and expectation.

To fulfill our intended destination, we must not hide, but rather shine.  There is a reason to disengage ... to create space for deeper insight and appreciation.  The outside might be unsolvable, but we have the power to untangle the meaning of authentic contribution!


Thursday, August 18, 2022

Emergence of Personal Power

"Don't let fear hold you back or allow a misguided sense that
feeling vulnerable is somehow a negative condition."
John Holland

Rational comprehension begins to be amended by intuition.  We begin to repel comments of being 'too' this or 'too' that which is just an attempt to distract.   When our personal power begins to emerge, do not expect a band of celebration.

People would rather we be a follower and not a thinker; especially if we think 'out of the box'. Gathered peers may embrace us as the perfect listener, but distance themselves from us when we begin to project our authentic observations. They want us to give undivided attention, not speak.

Once we begin to give credibility to our lovely selves, it becomes easier to be vulnerable in numerous walks of life, not just intimacy.  The stronger our self-awareness becomes, the more willing we are to face the unfamiliar and the unknown. 


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Discard Discrepancies

"From the very beginning you have been told how you should be;  
Nobody has ever told you that you are as good as you are."

In the beginning, we are told that thinking of our selves is selfish.  Expressing any kind of needs is unacceptable, as we should be thankful for what we have.  Our identity becomes based on opinions and actions of others and they are often not truth based.  

As we become a little older, we begin to recognize the discrepancies between what is preached to us and the reality we experience. First the misalignment between adults and the self, followed by an imbalance between relationships and neighborhoods.

After numerous detours, we begin to trust our lovely selves and listen attentively to our intuition, dreams, and desires.  We endeavor to unpack and discard what we no longer wish to own creating a healing light to discover what is authentically our own.


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Higher Resolution

"Your highest self communicates with you through your
imagination, meditations, and dreams via the medium of
personal symbols."
Athena Laz

Higher communication can be experienced beyond ego, restrictive doctrines, and false perceptions.  What is called 'the higher self' is a connection with a spiritual element through prayer, dreams, symbolism. It is a seemingly mystical guide.

The 'higher self' is the connector between the physical and spiritual and or Universe.  We often experience a communication during prayer or meditation.  A mystical message may also be seen or heard in nature or participation in various art forms.

The higher self knows life is impermanent and reflects a higher resolution. As we open to  spiritual communication, we can be propelled into higher understandings, receive creative inspiration, and unravel old packaging.  It is then we begin to live a higher standard of living.


Monday, August 15, 2022

Deep Dive


"Now is not the time to lose faith in who you really are
and what you are really capable of. 
Now is the time to go deeper."
Daniel Scranton

Our world is an ever changing place and increased turbulance can be causing doubt and fear.  It is not time, however, to give up on our dreams and desires. As in the throws of labor, when we yearn to give up, we are instructed to give another push.

As collective energy surrounds us, it may be more difficult to feel purposeful and proficient. We may begin to doubt what possible impact we can make in our life and in our world.  Let these times be a message to 'push' just a little longer.

Do a deep dive within forming a connection with the soul.  Align compassion with intention to be carried forward as a fully loving spirit.  No matter how dark, remain the light for the self and for others to follow.  

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Not For The Abuser


"Forgiveness is the intentional act of letting
go of something that's not serving you anymore."
Suzanne B. O'Brien

Many are resistant to forgive as they falsely believe it would mean burying or condoning past experiences.  For some, the misunderstanding is about no longer holding the offender accountable.  The truth about forgiveness, however, is about healing ourselves.

Forgiveness disconnects the strings attached to the past.  By severing the connection, we begin to heal eliminating the heaviness we have been dragging along.  Whether we  seek  forgiveness for our own mistakes or for the actions of others, compassion speeds the process.

Each time we review the error committed, it sinks deeper into our consciousness with the ability to impact us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Let it go.  It was then and not now.  Write a letter releasing the anger, create a ritual to absolve pain or seek the comfort of disclosure with a trusted friend. Action initiates the healing process.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Faced With Choice


"People have to choose the way they want to be
in the world.  It is important to give people the
space to find their way."
Daily Om 

Often, we find our lovely selves surrounded by negativity.  It may feel insurmountable to find new growth as all else withers around us.  We will be faced with choice to change subject, to withdraw or hold affirmative space right where we stand.

We can be thrown off course if we listen too carefully to others or give them priority above and beyond our own speculations.  If we mindfully maintain our own positive energy, we will be less likely to fall back into our own negative patterns.

We have an obligation to speak our truth in spite of resistance around us.  We may even be called to make the difficult decision to let go of those who no longer support our way of thinking in search of new support systems. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

Seek Refuge


"Our best friends are a warm refuge in which we feel  
free to be fully ourselves."
Daily Om

Japanese paper lanterns symbolize joy, celebration, good fortune, longevity, and they have roles as protectors from evil.  Traditionally, these lanterns also have a connection between human bodies and water, (the element of emotion), and usually hold a candle inside. 

There is something very emotional about watching Japanese lanterns floating upon water.  Each one with its unique design and floating at its own pace, can be symbolic for friendship.  Individual candles comfort, beckon, and connect just as the hearts of friends.

Friends have different personalities and interests and yet align with our very own soul.  They may float away to differing destinations, but a connection remains.  Individually remarkable,  but as they seek refuge from each other, oh my, how they glow.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Organized Procrastinator

"Procrastination is the art of keeping up 
with yesterday and avoiding today."
Wayne Dyer 

I am an 'organized/procrastinator'.  The fact is, we are all multi-sided and our behaviors are determined by our mind set of the moment.  What we resist, persists, in spite of our avoidance or denial.

If we are honest about our feelings, and maintain priorities, we can better manage procrastination which is passive/aggressive behavior.  While we obsessively remain focused on one form of success, other areas of life may be crashing and burning. 

In every situation, we have choice.  Granted, it may not be a great one, but we are called to make a decision.  What we focus upon stimulates aggression, and if it is at the cost of some other aspect of our  life by resistance,  the behavior is procrastination

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Prattled Euphemisms


"Positivity becomes toxic when it prevents us
from being able to speak honestly."
Kate Bowler

The repetitive message these days is regarding positivity during negative chaos.  We are now groomed to hold a higher image of how things could be, in spite of the heavy truth weighing us down.   It is necessary to speak our truth and not just prattle euphemisms. 

Identification of our negative triggers is imperative while reframing higher perspectives.  This does not mean, however, when we are in the midst of a specific opinion we abstain from voicing our truth just to maintain a positive conversation.

It is imperative, while sitting on a beach, to not extend the experience when our skin is being savagely burned out of fear of being disruptive towards others.  It is this very thing, the inability to say 'no' that ravages the freedom to be honest.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Becoming The Trigger

"I don't think being good at things is 
the point of doing them."
Kurt Vonnegut

How will we gather wisdom if we never explore? Where will we find the tools when we need them, if we do not collect them along our journey? How will the majestic universe provide for us if we do open to possibility?  

We are called to take advantage of opportunities to let our passions flow.  If we wait to pick up a pen, our discoveries may never be known.  If we do not pick up the brush, the masterpiece will never unfold.  

Whether novice or recognized master, we are enhanced by letting our creativity flow.  As we release our creativity, primitive or gem, we experience joy which is most needed in our chaotic lives. We are the trigger to our own innovations.


Monday, August 8, 2022

Naked and Afraid

"You can't become who you need to be 
by remaining who you are."
Kathryn Wheat 

As we glance into a mirror, we may not consistently view the same image, as we wear differing disquises.  Our body may appear to have modifying shapes as we adjust our apparel to meet undisclosed destinations or societal expectations.

When we have the courage to shed our masks and ill fitting costumes, our self-consciousness may heighten and our comfort zone may become highly altered.  Fear can interrupt our sure footed steps and cloud paths to our awaiting destination.

Longing to be true to the self, we release what no longer supports, including myths, theories, and masters.  Cautiously, we move forward with desire and endurance, willing to endure the unknown. We run the risk of being naked and afraid.


Sunday, August 7, 2022

Real Or Imagined

"There is a vast difference between listening to fear
and thinking you need to act in response to it."
Shiela Reynolds 

It is imperative to listen to our fear as it can trigger awareness about our safety.  To bring our focus to what is nudging us, can accelerate our ability to evaluate a situation.  What we habitually tell our lovely selves about fear, however, may hamper a fair assessment of concern.

To facilitate appropriate action we can simply decide if this is something we need to eradicate or control.  Too often, our energies are fed into the aspects of fear itself and not the situation at hand. We become handicapped by our definitions and degrees of fear.

Fear can be fueled by earlier trauma or existing pain from previous mishaps.  By all means, if the situation requires immediate help, proceed; but, if there is any doubt, one might want to regroup and reassess.  What we choose to focus upon frequently attracts fear whether real or imagined.


Saturday, August 6, 2022

Clean Up On Aisle 5

"Each person is your mirror offering you
a reflection of some aspect of yourself."

Our reaction to perceived rudeness can be in differing degrees.  It can range from minor irritation to a dark deep dive.  We can feel anger or  resentment build within us towards the assumed offending party.  We may choose to distance our selves or shut down.

When we feel discomfort in a person's presence, instead of giving them an evil eye, we might want to step back and ask what is going on with 'us' and not them.  As our mind holds ancient baggage and our perceptions may be clouded by previous experience, the fault just might be within us.

A distortion can be created by our own state of mind.  What normally would roll off our back on one day, might strike a deep inner cord on another.  When we find our lovely selves annoyed by others, it might be a good time to inventory our inner childish reactions.  We may be saying, "Clean up on aisle five!"

Friday, August 5, 2022

Blow Your Own Horn


"Our highest purpose in this life is to be 
a source of love and light for others."
Nick Polizzi

What if we were raised to honor and respect our personal strengths and weaknesses?  How would we be if we experienced life through a lens of lessons and discovered wisdom rather than trial and error?  Where would our focus be with the realization we were a gift to each other?

Can we imagine a life where we recognize the value in each other without any sense of competition?  Just think if we viewed each other as a piece to an on going puzzle or a ladder or a bridge, assisting others. Our creativity, capabilities, and accomplishments would heighten individually and collectively.

Rather than hiding our precious core, imagine blowing our own horn.  Think of the energy that could be redirected away from judgment, anger and fear and applied to an overall union as kindred spirits. Without distractions and years of unpacking, we could stand in our own power and simply join forces.  Go now, and blow that horn embracing personal recognition!

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Words Without Volume

"Raise your words, not your voice.
It is the rain that grows flowers, not thunder."

Virginia's Voice allows words to flow, not preach nor judge.  It is a safe place for thoughts to percolate and brew.  As thoughts are released, their sound often create an awareness of what no longer resonates and which ones will renew.  

When we listen, we can hear our soul speaking.  Even as we read, impressions and imprints are made within our hearts.  It is said that our eyes are the windows of our souls, so perhaps what we articulate are etchings from within the soul.

Each of us have an obligation to raise our words without fear of rejection or ridicule.  There is no need to be concerned about whether or not others agree or disagree.  What we share is not intended to change anyone, but to better define and reflect our lovely souls.


Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Life After Death


"You are the soul, the spiritual essence
which connects your lifetimes!"
Dr. Brian Weiss

Resources to life after death can be found throughout numerous cultures.  There is reference to when we meet someone and feel an automatic deep connection as though we have always known each other or when we visit a place for the first time recognizing it in every way.

While we  agree the physical body ends in death, we may disagree with the concept of the soul being eternal.  It is further believed by many that when we return to a physical body to experience a new lifetime, we reenter with kindred spirits, not coming alone.

Perhaps this is reason for our gratitude of kindred spirits or appreciation for messages we mysteriously receive in random conversations, books or day dreams.  Landscapes change, roles get reversed, and scripts may sound vaguely familiar. Then of course there is deja vu, intuition, and synchronicities.  Then our never ending desire to truly return 'home'. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Misperceptions Triggered


"Peace is the result of refraining your mind

to process life as it is, rather than how you

think it should be."

Wayne Dyer 

Once a strong sense of self is developed, we attract unique aspects of life to support and nurture our experience.  Acknowledging both strength and weakness, we fully move forward in harmony.  We present to others reflecting a harmonious image.

This is challenged, however, by life not always being as we perceive it to be. Misperceptions trigger old wounds that begin to fester.  Stale emotions become alive again and our vision grows even more distorted.  We may become discouraged and emotionally lost.

Discord is a signal that a new beginning is at hand.  It signals a turning point and a need to begin anew.  There is no reason to regress into negative posturing, as change can be pivotal towards excellent things. 

Monday, August 1, 2022

Uncomplicated Reprieve


"Step out of the turbulence of life
into the private sanctuary of peace within you."
Fran Wolf 

Our ego explains that we must persevere, be steadfast and strong, but is ego truly our best resource?  Ego spins dreams of deserving vacations, retreats, and other forms of escape, when all that we need is the peaceful quiet within.

Take five minutes or grab just three, simply being still.  One does not need incense, candles and bells. Just close both eyes and breathe creating a silent pause.  This effortless gesture creates a snip of silence in the body, mind and spirit.

Life is already complicated without us adding to it, but this slight pause repeatedly used throughout our day, extends our patience for coping.  It assists with alignment, clarity, and balance.  It is an uncomplicated reprieve by quietly closing the eyes and remembering to breathe.