Sunday, March 31, 2019

Forgetting and Ignoring ... Not Tools of the Trade

"Among her other talents were forgetting what she did not like
and ignoring what she preferred not to see."
Anna Godbersen

As we strive to be a better person, we have the tendency to repress who we really are instead of adjusting our imbalance.   We have pictures of what a 'good' person looks like, their behaviors, and appropriate conversations.  We attempt to be like this stereotypical person which does not lead us in the right direction as it creates a great gap between who we really are and whom we are striving to be.

We may think being 'good' requires us to like everything.  Ignoring what we don't want to see does not propel us forward.  It creates a larger gap between projected images and our true core.  Our intention is to narrow the gap between the differences.

Developing our skills leads us towards a service that is worthy to ourselves and beneficial towards others.  We must be like the gardener pulling out our weeds and fertilizing healthy seeds.  We will grow where we are planted with the strength to face both feast and famine.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Unlearn the Habit

"You must unlearn the habit of being someone else
or nothing at all, of imitating the voices of others and
mistaking the faces of others for your own."
Hermann Hesse

Life seems so much easier when we can fall into a group of established people whether career or social.  We can relax and follow the gestures of those in the circle and duplicate behaviors.  This seems easier at first, but in time our inner spirit grows restless in search for self.

All of us have worn the face of another only to learn it is an ill fitting mask or disguise.  It becomes cumbersome as it misdirects others from our true nature.  It becomes stifling to stay between the lines and we begin to yearn to be our own true nature.

It is hard work to discover our unique skills.  It takes trial and error, but with persistence we gain an awareness of how much easier life becomes when we follow our own footsteps.  Mistakes made are our own and if our reaction is immediate, we can undo what we have done with lesser damage.  We begin to build a connectedness with all things once we are personally stronger.  We do not become sucked into others agendas as we are busy meeting our own.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Follow Through

"What good is it to have amazing ideas
if we never follow through?"
Virginia Carlson

If we explore history, we will find musicians, painters, scientists, and ordinary humans to have found brilliant ideas within their dreams or day dreams. Children can develop amazing projects as well as retired folks who love to tinker.  The difference between recognized personalities and ourselves is simple follow through.

Across the world, there are young people who are coming up with ideas regarding cleaning up waste, channeling energy and promoting charities.  These young people grasp an idea and take it to the next level.  They continue to invest their time to build momentum carrying them to a recognizable outcome.  They follow through.

Each and every one of us innocently stumbles across a valuable idea, but we sabotage ourselves with thoughts like ... this is silly, this would never work, or who do I think I am?  How often will we recognize an idea we had years ago, introduced currently by someone else?  At either stage, young or old, the person doesn't care about what other people think.  They are totally smitten by the project they pursue.  They follow through.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Lowering the Wall

"There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened
at the will of others.  My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me."
Jane Austen

Over the years, I knowingly mastered the ability to drop a heavy wall around me at will.  From an early age I felt the necessity of protection from others.  Lack of trust and zero confidence left me feeling easily intimidated by others.  It took great courage to navigate through younger years avoiding any form of intimidation.

Eventually, I understood my wall was not only keeping threats at a distance, it was also keeping nurturing experiences away as well.  Working with emotional intuition, I was able to better detect when to lift or lower the wall.  In time, I accepted the necessity of removing the wall all together.

When I was able to grow the light within me, my focus shifted to sending compassion and kindness to others, trusting I would be just fine.  Centering myself by loving others as they were, taught me how to embrace my self just as I was.  It is no longer about being frightened.  It is about balance between loving and nurturing myself just as I love and nurture others.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Witness

"The most precious gift we can offer anyone
is our attention.  When mindfulness embraces
those we love they will bloom like flowers."
Thich Nhat Hanh

We unfortunately assume we are required to have therapeutic responses when we are in the presence of someone who is lost in struggle.  As they speak, we are rapidly thinking of replies that will encourage, support and fix the problem being shared.  In truth, the struggling individual is needing someone who will quietly listen.

The person who is stuck in chaos is best helped when he or she can just release the pain, loss or fear that is causing discomfort within.  The one speaking needs to hear thoughts out loud so they can sort through random feelings and detect what is at the heart of the matter.

Our simple attention, eye to eye contact without interruption is a gift we can offer.  We give the troubled person a safe place to release without feeling judged.  He or she is wanting to be heard and to be truly seen.  They will appreciate and feel gratitude for us to simply be a witness.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Lurking Presencce

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear,
but the triumph over it.  The brave man is not he who
does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."
Nelson Mandela

Throughout my life, I have been fear based.  In the midst of challenges, I had hoped to conquer fear once and for all, but it never happened.   Although I promised my young self never to live in chaos, I was shown that life was chaos just as fear remains a lurking presence.  Fear creates chaos in my life when I do not have the courage to step through it.  

Fear is an excellent warning bell, meant to be alerting us, but it should not ring with the slightest breeze.  Our hearing becomes selective as to which is actually an alarm while our vision discerns what is a self imposed obstacle.  Fear is limiting and prevents the forward movement of action.

So the chaos often swirling around me, I must walk in the midst of it, aware yet unaffected.  The fear streaming through me is obvious, but my focus overrides the limitations and succeeds in spite of its presence.  So perhaps appropriate perception and courage lead me to a better balanced existence.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Hieroglyphics Etched in Heart

"I like other people's words.
They fill me up."
Jasmine Warga

When I speak to my inner self, I often do not project authority nor inspiration.  My sight inward is stilted, drab, and unwelcoming.  When I finally quiet my jabbering, the small inner voice is able to be heard extending kindness, acceptance, and the courage to continue forward.

Resisting the call of the day, I retrieve a small package of letters gently wrapped in twine.  I have saved them from over the years when friends and relatives took time to express life in lengthy renditions.  I allow the words of others from years gone by to lift my spirits and to feel connected again with those who have passed me by.

If I were to be asked who had the greatest impact on my life, I would have to say, "Words of other people".  The wonderful authors whose words I hold dear, the lyrics of the musician, and the testimony of those living in fear.  Just as hieroglyphics have been carved onto ancient walls,  kind words authored by others have been etched upon my heart.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Quiver In Boots

""We made the world we're living in
and we have to make it over."
James Baldwin

We experience life in so many varying ways with attitudes wavering and resistance prevailing, we tend to be surprised by outcomes.  To initiate change, we are required to temper the resistance and acquire healthier attitudes. Basically, we become accountable for what our actions or lack thereof have created.

When we are blaming others, we are the victim overlooking our portion of contribution or lack thereof.  We may sit back and demand the damage be repaired at no expense to ourselves.  Change will not come until we stand up for our lovely selves and take action ... even if it is simply a baby step.

We didn't just happen to arrive into a quagmire, we were either led like a lamb or duped by others; either way, we must accept some level of participation. When we stand alone, our feet may be quivering in our boots, but it is an initial position for change.  Creativity and wisdom become our friends as we begin to make a change.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Patterns Take Shape


                 "My life is so unlike what it was then.  I think and feel
so differently it seems to me I must have left my
former body and found another ... "
Harriet Hosser

It seems we are absorbed with our physical growth until we accelerate into gathering knowledge and finally arriving at the stage of applying all that we know.  By the time we begin to apply what we know, we often realize we no longer believe what was once our basic platform.

Flexibility in the physical, mental and spiritual realms assists us in making gentle transitions.  The heavier challenges in life require a greater deal of effort and demand a longer period for adaptation.  We tend to be unaware of changes constantly being made.

During later stages in life, we look back over our long and winding path with amazement.  We may be lifted by the collection of accomplishments and amazed at how long we had been directly impacted by an event.  We are educated once again by observing the pattern taking shape in a life that seemed so scattered.  


Friday, March 22, 2019

Spaces Between Seconds

"I don't know what they are called, the spaces between seconds ~
but I think of you always in those intervals."
Salvador Plascencia

My creative mind  floats through nature, art, music and time, hoping to find  elements impairing or enhancing the life I live.  The many phases of time illustrates expansion and contraction; acceleration and pause; elaboration and minimization.

Once on sabbatical, I removed clocks, calendars, and ruling structures from my routine.  I awakened and retired at will; ate when hungry; and filled spaces of my day according to my interest, desire, and passion.  As I would write and read, it became apparent that the simple mechanism of a watch was far less capable of proficiently regulating my time.

The constructs of time continues to mystify me.  Time is a trickster, indeed, using magical moments, and instances of splendor.  Time can be elongated periods of pain whether emotional or physical, and endless spaces with unknown descriptive markings.  My favorite of course are those seconds just outside the boundaries of time, where love flickers and holds me tight.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Stepping Out

"I honor every woman who has strength enough to step out of the beaten path
when she feels her walk lies in another.
Harriet Hosmer

As we travel on our journey of life, it is not easy to switch paths if we are making a major shift.  Those around us may not want us to change, and we might be required to give up our comfort zone.  It may seem threatening as we are vulnerable creating our new passage.

Our people skills become heightened as we find our way in a new neighborhood, office space, or perhaps needing to learn a new language. Boundaries are important until we learn the lay of the land, but they must be flexible as well.  We may feel discouraged, but if we focus on the reason we felt called, we can nurture it until it takes root.

Through trial and error, our pace finally picks up with assurance we have made the right choice.  It has not been easy, but every effort we invest, increases our worth.  Maintain reasonable expectations, be grateful for what is being learned, and value the woman of strength growing deep inside.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Celebrate Heightened Awareness

"Awareness is the greatest agent for change."
Eckhart Tolle

When we pay attention, we keep pace with our body, mind and soul.  We are immediately aware when a unique opportunity presents itself or if our body is begging for a change or if there are whispers of encouragement floating in the air.  Awareness enables us to begin a transition prior to becoming a difficult challenge.

If we are not paying attention in early stages, situations advance and frequently become more laborious than they were in the beginning.  Unattended health issues can lead to challenging illnesses, repressed anger can lead to depression, and neglecting the soul can lead us to a total sense of disconnect.

If we do not respect our bodies, harshly minimize our intelligence and fail to nurture our soul, we will wander from the depths of who we were always meant to be. If we are not monitoring ourselves, there are productive ways of instilling the practice of awareness without much effort.  In the morning jot down an intention for the day and check it prior to bed.  Engage a friend to daily share observations.  Gather a small group to focus on change and to celebrate heightened awareness.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Kicking and Screaming Down the Aisle

"Put your ear down close to your soul
and listen hard."
Anne Sexton

A mother was bent over cautiously speaking to her little child who happened to be rebelling.  "I thought we talked about this at home?"  She yanked the child's arm asking, "Are you listening to me?"  The child continued on, uncontrollably sobbing.

For whatever reason, this turned my thoughts to the relationship I have with the Divine.  I beg, I plead and I cry.  When there is silence, I falsely assume that things are good.  Sure enough, I receive exactly what I requested, and it turns out to be a terrible choice!

Is it trust that prevents me from bending down and acquiescing to 'Thy will be done"?  It is not wrong to ask, but faith  needs to be embraced  during the silence that follows.  Divine Spirit has far greater vision into my life than I do.  Besides, I want to be a soul that listens ever so closely, and not the child kicking and screaming down the aisle.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Generating Hope From Darkness

"Maybe we all have darkness inside of us and some
of us are better at dealing with it than others."
Jasmine Warga

Like attracts like, so if we are beaming goodness out into the world, we will be attracting it back towards us.  Maybe not right in the moment, but eventually our kindness will enhance us.  This does not mean that we will not have problems or challenges, but if we have been working through the lens of good intention, we will navigate through our challenges without unnecessary drama and negativity.

Thank goodness we don't all experience darkness at the same time, which allows us to have a reserve to emotionally support others during strife.  We may not be able to resolve the individual issue, but we will patiently hold our positive presence for them.  This generates hope and the desire to not remain stuck.

As we embrace the concept of everyone having both darkness and light, we are less apt to judge.  We will remember that is impossible to know how we would react given the exact same circumstances.  We are simply called to witness the challenges of others and offering a space for positive growth and improvement.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Seeing Beyond the Surface

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass 
under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur
of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky,
is by no means a waste of time."
John Lubbock

By nature, writing is an important piece of my life and it is greatly stimulated by being an observer under a great tree watching clouds in the sky or before an ocean noticing the distinction between the personalities of waves.  Gentle breezes tend to sedate me which allows me to see beyond the surface of what greets the eye.

Soothed by the sounds of water, I am lulled into a vulnerable state where Spirit fills my soul. When I become entirely lulled I can hear whispers of love rippling from the other side. As my physical definition slides away, my senses intensify and my energy stretches to a very fine line.

These moments with the Divine enable me to release words produced through the experience of being perfectly still and vulnerable.  To be in nature triggers my mind to paint with words, to sing  with my heart and to share from the depths of my soul.

Friday, March 15, 2019

The Owl Sitting On The Post

"I have found my way, step by step, proceeding from touch points
that have emerged, some through conscious choice and some through
dream state discovery."
Leonard Nimoy

While taking the back road home, I came to a dead end with an owl sitting on a post.  I backed up, turned around, and  traveled to another back road by passing the well traveled highway.  My thoughts drifted back to the owl, as it seemed to be sitting there waiting for me.  I knew an owl represented death and rebirth, but what did that have to do with me?

If we look at the above paragraph and read it as though it were a dream, we would learn a lesson.  In my relationship, I was at a dead end.  It was dying and there was no way to revive it.  In spite of this visual sign of an owl,  I backed up and tried it to get back with a different approach.  Notice that I avoided the highway where I could be exposed to more knowledge; instead I again chose a back road.  

Within two hours, my then relationship totally disintegrated and it wasn't until a few hours passed that I once again thought of the owl.  I believe it was a desperate illustration for me to stop at the end and begin anew.  The insinuation was to not invest more time and energy into a dead end, but to move forward through fear onto a new highway.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

An Inside Job

"Imagine waking up one morning and finding a piece
of yourself you didn't even know existed."
Jodi Picoult

Life focuses upon our outer self ... how we present, where we work, what car we drive, or religious and social affiliations.  There are those who are sent to 'polishing schools' or 'finishing schools' or private facilities for advancement.  Our skins are scrubbed, our waists cinched, and our head is held just right as we introduce ourselves to the world.

If we were to look on the inside of this person in the same scenario he or she would be experiencing the exact opposite of what was being projected out into the world.  They would lack confidence as they felt fake, anxiety would be building as they were not navigating with natural power,  and fear of being found out handicaps performance.

There are a multitude of characteristics within us, and they patiently wait to be discovered.  The gift we withhold may not be significant by itself, but when added to our other unique skills  we produce works of art.  Too often we are aware of our abilities, but falsely assume everyone else is just as capable. It is time for us to gather our interests and match them to our capabilities and begin to express our unique gifts.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Knee Jerk Reaction

"When you do the work, you will experience more inner freedom,
more joy, less anxiety and a real sense of how powerful you actually are."
Bethany Webster
The Mother Wound

If we approach inner work with a sense of adventure, we navigate through darkness anticipating the discovery of something good.  As we unfold our lovely selves, fear may crop up in our belly to discourage us.  But, is it really fear or is it excitement?  

If we are a fear based person, we may associate many other feelings with fear rather than excitement.  Fear is a natural response for some of us, so we need to reframe the scenario. Imagine pushing a door open, and a rush of fresh air hits our face ... but we keep on moving forward through the door.  The same is true for some situations with fear.

In an unfamiliar situation like a new a gathering we may experience what we call fear, but if we push forward it really may be excitement.  When we readily connect with someone we do not know, we may feel fear but is it blanketing the true response of anticipation?  Fear can be a knee jerk response so we need to slow our selves down, dipping a little deeper into our emotions.  To realize the over use of fear, one becomes more confident and connected.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Not Quite Knowing ...

"It's spring fever.  That is what the name of it is.
And when you've got it, you want  ~  oh, you don't
quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly
makes your heart ache, you want it so!"
Mark Twain

There is a longing within me, almost simplistic or child like.  I am yearning for mornings with dew on the grass and the hunt to find plants pushing up through the dirt.  I need to feel the sun on my face as my legs stretch along the path headed to no where.

From the porch I can watch the sun gently fall down into the horizon, a huge ball of burning orange.  I imagine the horizon is water, gently cushioning the fall of the sun.  My ears stretch to hear the sounds of the birds settling their young into their nests.  The silence that soothes before the night falls.

Securing my quilt around me, grasping my cup of hot tea, I find joy in spotting the moon.  There is such elegance as it simply floats across the darkest of skies.  The twinkling stars confirm my connection and I feel as though all is right with the world. 

Monday, March 11, 2019

Imagination, Dreaming, Presence

"Dreamers dream.
Readers read.
Writers write.
I was born to be all three."
Terri Costola

Visualizations, when revisited frequently can become a template for dreams.  Each time we visualize, we can make the sky a little bluer, the woods a little thicker, and our favorite day dream spot more comfortable.  We can bring in the sounds of nature or the presence of animals, even though we are physically sitting quietly in place.

In vision we can travel to a beach, foreign country, outer space or a magical place of make believe.  Our illustrative minds can create great things, especially when we are inspired by reading  volumes of saints, mystics, scientists or artists.  As we read books, we are adding to our own vaults of information which may spill over into authoring a few lines of our own.

My childhood escape into creativity expanded worlds, visions, and the sense of presence within.  Reading the words of others, prompted me to discover imagination for myself.  Writing down what my mind thought possible opened the veils to dreaming to my hearts content. Reading, Writing, and Dreaming, all three have guided my energies to the internal presence of me.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Justification Falls Short

"If I were a tree, I would have no reason
to love a human."
Maggie Stiefvater

Shel Silverstein wrote wonderful books for children, one of which was The Giving Tree.  This particular story gave examples of how a tree could be used over and over to please a human.  The tree had so much love, it even gave up life to be of use to the now grown child.

In addition to the moon and stars, trees have been an important influence in my life.  They were trusted friends, excellent listeners, reflected beautiful colors, protected often and inspired writing.   Whether a Weeping Willow or a White Birch trees shared magnificent energy.

In conversation with a tree, I apologized for the carelessness of our culture.  I shared the loss of trees simply butchered or cut down.  Attempts to explain why trees are sometimes disgraced falls short of justification.  I guess the same could be said about man.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Unfixable Requires Shift

"Life can seem awful and unfixable until the universe shifts
a little and the observation point is altered, and then suddenly,
everything seems more bearable."
Jasmine Warga

There are times life challenges us and we are struck still and overwhelmed.  It is not until we lift our heads to become aware of new options and fresh possibilities.  As we make the choice to move through obstacles and darkness we find shards of light. If we remain shut down and closed off, we miss new opportunities. 

If we wait for God to fix our problems while personally doing nothing ... well, good luck with that!  If we feel lost and unconnected, we can walk outside allowing nature to reawaken us.  We can bend in prayer requesting guidance rather than a simple fix to whatever we face.  

Instead of dwelling on what we cannot do, invest thoughts, creativity, and energy into what we can do.  We can push our lovely selves to accomplish little things as we wait for life to shift. When we are struggling in darkness, it is imperative to keep our eyes open for any small increment of light. Focus on specks of light as they will grow and lead us out of darkness.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Multi Sided Crystals

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
J.K. Rowling

Life is not meant to be lived willy nilly. Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually, we need to be centered, not regulating from one extreme to another. If our body is excessively trained, void of all other connections, ego will have us on lock down. If we are obsessed mentally, we will not necessarily maintain good health.   If we are extreme spiritualists, removed from the community of life, we would not be sharing our wisdom with others.  Balance is a necessity.  

We do need to have intention and focus, but if we are not cognizant of the present moment, we will not be completing the daily tasks which would lead us to our fulfillment.  Creative expression is necessary to enhance both our inner and outer lives, but we cannot be lost in our dreams.

The human being is multi sided and I like to imagine us as crystals.  As we turn, we notice numerous sides to ourselves just waiting to be enhanced or enjoyed.  We are not just one solid lump.  We are sparkling resources for endless observation and discovery of personal hidden reflections.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Music of the Soul

"There is a great choice that awaits us every day:  whether we go around
carving holes in others because we have been so painfully carved ourselves
or whether we let spirit play its song through our tender experience, enabling
us to listen, as well, to the miraculous music coming through others."
Mark Nepo

Music has played a vital part in all cultures whether it was created a breeze gently moving leaves in a tree or wooden pieces crafted into melodious tools. Rhythm has also been present throughout history as it has been used in marching, dancing, or singing.  As human beings, each of us have a vibration that resonates out towards others.   

We are aware of our own frequency, how it gets triggered and moves faster.  Even the tone of our voice accelerates when confronted with opposition.  We can label this rush in our cadence as adrenaline, but it is entwined with varying frequencies of emotions.  Additional information about others can be easily gathered as we listen to the tone of the voice and the pace of the speech.  

One word can be expressed lovingly or with loathing, so it is up to the listener to broaden the listening skills to truly hear what emotion lingers behind the words. Just as any individual portrays perception through personal skewed understanding, the listener can make the choice to open to the music or vibrations flowing from the soul of the speaker.  Less time preparing a response, and more time capturing the music! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Strength to Let Go

"Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of 
great strength.  However, there are times when it takes much more 
strength to know when to let go and then do it."
Ann Landers

Women tend to have a built in nature to be kind. They can be resilient and endure misfortune as skills to protect both family and children.  Although this sounds courageous, it can lead to the destruction of self-worth, destroy confidence, and silence the soul.

It is a loving gesture to offer our insights, but we have the tendency to slop over the boundary of rescue,  performing the tasks ourselves.  This is called enabling.  We are allowing the victim to be excused from the challenge as we take on the lesson.    When a victim does not participate in corrective action, he or she remains a victim and no matter how much we offer, nothing changes.  

Rescuing at all cost depletes our physical, emotional and spiritual strength. While we are all called to help others, we must be certain the victim is learning with us. If the learner chooses not to move forward, then we need the strength to respect his or her decision and let go. Let go, and let God.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Author Controls

"Write your dreams in a  journal, a note book or on a card. When
you pen down your dreams, an inner strength and divine power is
activated for you to work towards the fulfillment of your dreams."
Lailah Gifty Akita

In grade school, I discovered the pleasure of writing.  Diaries available to me were just too small, not leaving enough room to embrace my rather large unruly penmanship.  Black and white marbled composition books filled my need.

In high school I became more discreet about my dark writing, but treasured the outlet it had become.  Under the guidance of a college professor, my writing began to have a more positive direction.  Imagine my surprise thirty some years later, when I read "Journaling" had been educationally recognized and therapists reported journaling to be an important tool in healing.

Throughout my career, I have encouraged both young and old to pick up the pen and to allow the inner thoughts to flow uncensored onto the page.  One can write in phrases, poet's lines, or throw grammar to the side and express inner thoughts through sketching.  Save it, burn it, or savor the words expressed.  The author, after all, has absolute control to change names and places or rewrite history.  Pick up the pen.

Monday, March 4, 2019

No Apologies Nor Excuses


"Tears are shed for another person are not a sign
of weakness.  They are a sign of a pure heart."
Jose N. Harris

On a wintry and gloomy dark day, my Renaissance man and I ran into an elderly gentleman who had lived down the street for years.  He was sharing with us how his long time furry friend had slipped away peacefully in the night.  The man had awakened like any other morning, but his precious pet had not.

I was looking directly into his beautiful blue eyes as the tears brimmed and dripped down his aging face.  He went on to tell us this was the 11th anniversary of his wife's death and how much he still missed her.  More tears slipped from his eyes, but his words were spoken with distinction and he held his head high.  No apologies nor excuses for his emotional conversation were offered.

I admired this elder for allowing himself to be vulnerable, to express the sense of his heart breaking once again, and the lingering questions remaining in his soul.  In spite of his emotions, he stood strong honoring himself and not ashamed of escaping sorrow.  We felt privileged to be a witness to  the sharing of this elder.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Accelerating from Fear to Anger

"Anger is the ego's way of cloaking fear
to make what is frail seem formidable."
Alan Cohen

Anger is a secondary emotion which develops after we can no longer tolerate the first emotion.  We may feel sorrow or judgment first, but we can no longer control this energy it flows into anger.  When we are angry, we falsely feel a sense of control that is not felt in sorrow or judgment.

Our first emotions may erupt when we are most vulnerable which creates fear of not being able to handle the reality facing us.  So we push our energy forward into an angry reaction which temporarily releases our pain.  Knowing this, it is beneficial to have an appropriate way of releasing anger.

When we are feeling the full force of fear whether it is in regard to death, illness or catastrophe, we do not feel safe, protected, or prepared.  It is so uncomfortable we choose to hide behind an unleashed anger.  Often, that is exactly what anger is ... a way to feel some sense of power over feelings we have no control.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Tears, Segment of Natural Beauty

"Tears are words that need to be written."
Paul Coehlo

When tears run down our face, we have a tendency to hide and withdraw.  Our inner critic shames us for being too sensitive or for not being strong.  In reality, our emotions are a vital part of our daily activities.  They make us aware of what we are experiencing so we can act accordingly.

Whether we are embarrassed by any display of emotions or if we are a private person, writing down our feelings offer us a safe place for understanding and releasing.  Our written word, when reread, offers great insight to what is buried beneath the surface.  We may not be upset for the reason we think we are or be amazed at how deeply we had felt about a situation.

One of the benefits of writing is that it can be scribbled on a napkin or fancy journal.  It can be burned, discarded or saved for a life time.  Writing is a tool to honor our selves, to respect or forgive how we feel without repercussions.   Tears are a segment of our natural beauty and aught never be apologized for.