Saturday, October 31, 2015

Our Deepest Fear

Our Deepest Fear 

Poem by Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves

Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small

Does not serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine,

As children do.

We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us;

It's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,

We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we're liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Soaring Towards Godliness

Be proud of your qualities.
Increase them, refine them
because they are the path
towards godliness.


A middle aged man attending a gathering sat at a piano, playing every suggested song.   He tickled the white keys with his enthusiasm and joy without sheet music,  He had a remarkable voice engaging the crowd and displaying significant talent.  When asked what he did for a living, his face automatically lost the inviting smile, and he unemotionally stated he ran his father's business.   Upon further questioning, he shared when he was a young man, his father told him he would never be able to make any money in the field of music to provide for a family and decent life style.  The elder pressured the son to continue the family business.

To ignore our god-given talents is fool hearty.  We are intended to create with our authentic tools and to hone our skills to our heart's desire.   It is through creativity we learn to incorporate our skills into a life style.  When we carve out a slice of time devoted to what makes us sing, we bring this sense of spirit into other segments of our lives. 

Through our personal version of creativity, we will experience a deeper sense of living.   Our authentic spirit will feel especially supported and we will find ourselves soaring towards godliness.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Touch the Heart of the World

"I want to be magic.  I want to touch the heart of the world and make it smile.  I want to be a 
friend of elves and live in a tree or under a hill.  I want to marry a moonbeam and hear the
stars sing.  I don't want to pretend at magic anymore.  I want to be magic."

Charles de Lint

When we witness magic in our lives,  we are tempted to dismiss it as being silly or imagined.  The adult part of us encourages thoughts to be more serious and to stop the foolishness associated with witches and things that go bump in the night.  We are also uncomfortable using the deeply religious term miracle, so we use a more commonly acceptable one, like blessing, instead.  We will entertain the idea of synchronicity or chance rather than accept the wonders  swirling in our world.

We may find our lives to be boring and uneventful when all we need to do is slow down and power up our imagination.  When we pry our minds open to broader perspectives, we being to notice all of creation dancing around us.   When we tone down our analytical minds, and truly observe life in living color, we begin to enliven our days.

Instead of dismissing a child as being limited in knowledge, sit with the youngster and ask what they see or what they think or what they hear.  Little children can teach us extraordinary things about re-entering the world we have long forgotten to see.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Etched In The Memories

"When we can give our full anonymous presence to what we touch,
life force glows through us and the work is fulfilling by itself."

Mark Nepo

Life is so impermanent and we desire to make our personal mark.  We long to be recognized or remembered for some great act or discovery.  In the process of honing our skills, our work fuels our desires, but we can become distracted by visions of success or short cuts offered by others.  When we return our focus to our humble offerings is when we begin to shine.

Mark Nepo states, "This can shift our quest for worth, from inscribing ourselves in history to releasing what is eternal by living a life of care."  Our life force shines through the way we live and this is how we will be remembered.  Long after we have transitioned, people on earth will be remembering the kindness we extended or our authentic compassionate approach.  

A delicate bird prepares for an unknown destination, taking nothing with it.  It leads a  purposeful life while singing a simple song.  It will not be remembered for its nest in a tree, nor will it be memorable for the tasks preformed.  The bird's graceful flight across the heavenly blue sky, however,  will be etched in the memories of those left behind.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fighting To Be Right

"You cannot find peace by avoiding life ..."
Virginia Woolf

A promise was made to never live in chaos, not realizing life itself was chaos.  A re-frame of this promise was to learn to live peacefully in the midst of chaos.  To not shut one's self off from the world, but to embrace the self so deeply, one could be in peace anywhere.

When we know our lovely selves to the depth of our souls, we open to the world without clinging or hiding.  We are exposed to controversy, accepting the challenge to either strengthen our belief systems or to expand them.  There is nothing to be feared.

We maintain peace by controlling our emotional investments.  We gauge how much energy we want to invest in drama or chaos.  The power of silence is discovered by holding our own tongue.  Instead of offering argumentative words, we offer respect for diversity.  Kindness becomes less chaotic than fighting to be right.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Establish A Climate

"Some things in life are out of your control.
You can make it a party or a tragedy."

Nora Roberts

The wisdom of Eckhart Tolle explaines a simple way to manage emotions.  An occurrence happens which can trigger a reaction or a response, and through pause we choose the best outcome.  We realize a reaction may feed into the fiery eruption; whereas, if we pause we can create a calm response which could  put the fire out.

We can decide how much energy we want to invest in any situation.  No matter if we are right or wrong, the question is whether we will value being right over being compassionate.  Can we set ego aside, and open our hearts with kindness?  Not judging does not mean agreement.  Withholding judgments reflects respect for all persons involved.

Ultimately the choice is ours.  Do we want to invest in a drama by engaging with anger or do we want to establish a climate of self-respect and respect for one other?  Our chosen action will be a reflection of our nature.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Whimsical Illusion

"I am rooted, but I flow."
Virginia Woolf

Know there are strong winds of opposition, storms of emotions, and the pull of the moon, but with bravery and extended roots, we can face the wear and tear of time.   When we proceed with feet deliberately placed, the warmth of the sun on our face and the wind to our back, we gain momentum into discovery.

It is harmful to navigate out into the world without first knowing who we are deep down inside.  How can we gather what is important if we don't know what supports our character? We can experience the unknown, but without roots, we can be swept away with any one's whimsical illusion.   

Through inner exploration, listen for wisdom and see glimpses of desires.  Notice what stirs inner creativity and where fear resides.  Weed out what no longer serves a purpose and  plant seeds with visions of insightful adventure.   

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Colors At The Crossroads

"When you are standing at a crossroads in your life,
realize that the greatest block that you can put in front 
of yourself is the idea that there is a 'right' choice."

Story Waters

Just for the sake of creativity, let's pretend we have to make a choice.  There may be several options or only a few to choose from.  Slowing our lovely selves down, we view one at a time.  Does the opportunity excite us?  Does it challenge us in a healthy way?  Can we have a sense of how it will expand our abilities and will we have room to grow?  Will we feel better about ourselves or will we be stifled?

Assuming we have integrity, our focus can be more beneficial if we expand the opportunity with vision.  If we are too restrained, we will ponder what is right for us rather than feeling our heart's desires.  Any of the choices might be good for us, but we must endeavor to seek out which correlates with where we dream of life leading.  Each option would simply be guiding us to a different aspect of life.  

In one sense, decision making can be compared to choosing colors.  Do we want forest green and a golden hue or something shiny like metallic silver?  In what colors do we want to decorate our lives? It is about determining our personal preferences.  Colors come in various shades because just one color is not necessarily right for all people.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Move Forward

"Life Begins at the end of your comfort zone."
Neale Donald Waslsh

Even though we have free choice, there are times we are forced to begin anew.   The movement is not always easy, but it is rewarding.  Events may arise when we do not feel  prepared, so we procrastinate.  While we do this, we get stuck.  Everything waiting to be released is jammed inside.

It is difficult to move forward when we are perfectly comfortable in our self-made nest.  It is even more difficult to move forward when we are totally uncomfortable in our self-made mess as it is at least familiar.

Fear of the unknown can be very frightening as we sense we will have no control and we are not necessarily eager to give up what little control we have.  If we can recall, however, times we have been curious enough to reach out to something new, we will remember that our positive and consistent actions brought us to a new level of comfort.  When we move forward, we are glad we did!


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Finally, Love Myself

"Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process
is the bravest thing that we will ever do."

Brene Brown

My story was committed to memory, every skin prick, scratch and scar.  The words to describe my self were crisp, clear, and colorful as though I would forget if they were any other way.  It was necessary to recall in precise detail as I still had not found the hidden meaning deep beneath my sorrow.

Part of me accepted the surrounding adults as wise and all knowing, but their assessments were not running parallel to my own.  God had rigid rules to be followed, and the church reiterated my existence as a born sinner.  It was overwhelming to align my emotional, physical, and spiritual parts. 

Bravery includes scenarios such as disclosing truth to a trusted other; reframing faith without a middleman;  distancing the self from those proclaiming to love you; and stepping through the illusion of fear.   Bravery teaches to use your voice and to see with clear vision.   It has allowed me healthy emotions by connecting with nature.  It has encouraged me to use my creative expression in spite of feeling vulnerable.  Bravery  has guided me in to the direction where I could finally love myself.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wandering Clueless

"Whenever I've been enervated or winded in my soul,
whenever I've felt there wasn't anymore to give or find,
a great love or suffering has broken me into a new depth."

Mark Nepo

When I find the courage to take an unfamiliar step forward and that action increases my understanding, I find myself celebrating.  I am so delighted to have moved forward, to have gained a new insight, I dismiss the trials that had kept me isolated and depressed.
Not to encourage lingering in past distress, but to include the challenging part in the whole is important to me.  When I join the phases of joyful living, wandering clueless, and breaking through to discovery, I can readily acknowledge the cycle of learning.

When I am stuck wandering clueless, I may feel desperate and unable to tolerate the strange disconnect.  I may not be able to deeply trust what I know, causing me to be anxious.  All of my perceptions are distorted and I feel invisible.  It is not until the piercing of spiritual light penetrates  my resistance and I allow myself to open.  Eternal presence calls me safely forward.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Damage To Vessel

"Anger is an acid that can do more harm 
to the vessel in which it is stored 
than to anything on which 
it is poured." 

Mark Twain

Anger creates disharmony in our body, minds, and spirits.  When repressed, it is like an acid spreading through us. We cannot prevent ourselves from feeling angry, but we definitely can make healthy decisions for releasing it.  

When our anger is unattended,  it is capable of distorting bodily functions (dis-ease),  discoloring our thoughts (distress), and repressing our spirits (depression).  The longer we allow anger to gain momentum, the more difficult it will be to restore ourselves.  

If we monitor ourselves, instantly feeling anger inside, we can choose to address it.  We can decide to not take something personal; we can use our voice in response honoring both ourselves and the speaker; or we can privately write out every aspect in our journals.  A trusted friend may help us to understand what triggered our reaction.  The reaction may have very little to do with the speaker, but be quite significant in our emotional makeup.  Simply uncover the emotion hidden beneath the anger ... disregarded; violated; or disrespected.  An opportunity for a lesson to be learned.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Navigate Peacefully

"Peace doesn't require two people;
it requires only one.
It has to be you."

Byron Katie

If we honestly conceive ourselves as being powerful, we can walk away from harsh attitudes, and associations.  If our feelings or belief systems are being disregarded, we can honor our selves by simply walking away.  It is not a matter of being polite.  It is about securing our sense of internal peace.

If we harbor a sense of peace within, we are called to nurture and protect it. It is a choice requiring follow through.  The inner sense of peace will accelerate our learning, increase compassion, and impact others.  This experience of internal peace is not dependent upon family, work, or friends.   The sense of peace allows us to embrace diversity, listen without judgment, and navigate through our life peacefully.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Price of Avoidance

"I was not born to be silenced or suppressed.
I was born to soar."

Anna Pereira

Family secrets impact the life of every family member.  It is difficult for a child to grasp what the actual secret is and he or she becomes more conflicted when no one will speak of the matter.  Unidentified fear holds us down, decreasing our ability to soar.  

An interview with Patrick Kennedy disclosed the pressure of his family secrets.  He took on the instant shame for behaviors of others without understanding why this would be so.  His father, Senator Ted Kennedy, did not approve of his adult son's decision to disclose his personal addiction and mental health.

Why do we turn our eyes and ears away from our loved ones when they need intervention?  How do we justify our denial and avoidance?  The family member who is suffering will eventually act out, so what then?  More fictional stories instead of the truth?  Excuses and redirection?  At what cost?

As a culture, we are in dire need to embrace mental health issues as a form of disease and invest in the lives of those who suffer.  Ignoring this need, our culture will continue to experience violence on all levels.  

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Dull The Sense of Fear

"I have been and still am a seeker,
but I have ceased to question stars and books;
I have begun to listen to the teaching
my blood whispers to me."

Herman Hesse
Demian:  Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend

When I extinguish my questions, and truly begin to listen,  I am brought to my knees by the presence in Mother Nature.  With awareness of life in all growing things, I begin to expand in recognition of the energy in objects that I usually do not think of as having life.  To touch the rough surface of a  boulder, I can feel the radiance beaming from within its large formation.  To watch the force of the raging river, the current begins to speak.  

As my eyes gaze up into the sky, I no longer seek answers to my random questions.  Just by watching the movement and shape shifting of the magnificent clouds there is a language longing to be understood.  The sun beams messages down to anyone willing to hear, just as the silvery moon speaks to those watching through tears.  The stars speak of hope and extend a willingness to be a nightly presence, dulling the sense of fear.

A rhythm silently beats in my head as all things join in unison.  It is difficult to say how all of this energy forms into the same, but in my blood, I know beyond a doubt that we are all the same.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Rigidity Becomes Flexible

"We live between the act of awakening
and the act of surrendering."

John O'Donohue

Each morning, we have the choice to begin anew.  Upon awakening, we can use our curiosity to blend our restrictive schedules with creativity.   With a positive attitude rigidity can become flexible.  If we create a change in the unfolding day, it will have the ripple effect.  Our spontaneity  will nudge against someone's rigidity and he or she may create their own sense of newness.   

Each evening, we face the darkness of sleep by surrendering.  The day is done, good or bad.  We can scan our actions and make note of the positive things learned.  Let go of anything negative.  In the mind's eye, envision what happiness may come tomorrow.  Send encouraging thoughts to the staff at work and see them brighten with the encouraging word.  If extreme challenge awaits, visualize the self responding in a humble but constructive way.   Sometimes resolution is slow in appearing. 

At night, we surrender into darkness and in the morning, we awaken to the light of day.  We can begin  our morning imagining what goodness we will bring into life and we can end our night with thanksgiving and gratitude.  If we stitch our awakening and surrendering together with creative attitudes, we are less likely to come apart at the seams.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Messages from Messengers

"When we dislike someone, or feel threatened by someone,
the  natural tendency is to focus on  something we dislike
about the person, something that irritates us. Unfortunately,
when we do this -- instead of seeing the deeper beauty of the
person and  giving them energy -- we take energy away and 
actually do them harm.  All they know is that they suddenly 
feel  less beautiful and  less confident, and it is because we
sapped their energy."  

James Redfield

We are encouraged to look through first bad impressions or initial dislikes when we believe every individual has a message for us,.  We remain more patient waiting to see beyond the surface hoping to extricate our message.  In the process, we honor the space the messenger holds.  This is supportive of the concept of being like crystals, many sided.  There is much we may dislike about someone, but there is also at least one little sliver to be recognized in a positive manner.

We develop a preference for friends, but this does not prevent us from appreciating uniqueness in strangers.  The people we have the hardest time accepting, may be our very best teachers.  We don't have to condone nor support a person in order to learn from them.  They may be teaching us through example.

When we shut down in the presence of others, we become the ones to miss the significance of the moment.  When we close ourselves off, we are stifling our own growth,  To be open expands our experiences and helps us to be creative masters in our own right.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Condescending Words

"If  something  seemingly bad  happens and your  reaction is negative,
you create more of the same.  Many people are trapped in a continuous
stream of 'bad' things that befall them.  At any moment you can change
your life by changing how your react or respond."

Eckhart Tolle

The condescending words were like an uninvited guest and I was ill prepared to receive them.  With laughter, I tried to diffuse the situation, while the biting words began to eat away at my heart.  Thinking I may have misunderstood, I looked directly into his face hoping for a reprieve, but found nothing but a sneer.

Being quick of wit, a thousand comebacks raced through my mind, wanting to beat this intruder at his own game. I felt my entire  body gathering harsh energy, red hot anger, and the intense desire to put this person in his place. As I took deep breath, however, there was time to remember that this fiery response was the old way, and the new way guides me through thoughts of compassion, forgiveness, and release.

If I engaged in a firestorm of negative words, no one would be better for it.  In time I would regret not taking the higher road by sinking into the depths of derogatory statements regardless if they were true or not.  Nothing would be resolved.  "I am sorry you feel that way," I heard myself say, "but, I like myself just fine."   I removed myself from the situation not judging him, but most importantly, respecting my lovely self.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


"Keep on beginning and failing.  Each time you fail
start over again, and you will grow stronger until you 
have accomplished a purpose - not the one you began
with perhaps, but one you'll be glad to remember."

Anne Sullivan

Very early on, we experience the judgement of two words: pass or fail.  The weight of the word fail implies extreme situations like collapse, deterioration, rupture, crash and imperfection which is a disputable reference towards the human spirit.  It is personally crushing to be told that we are indeed a failure.   It is completely devaluing to think of our lovely self as a failure.

Beginning and ending or regroup and renew are much kinder words.  The human spirit does not have to be entirely squelched when we have tried our hardest, but somehow missed the mark.  We all arrive at dead ends, only to be refueled into a new direction.  To be open to change or flexibility helps us to navigate through the challenges of life without ruining our self-image of dignity and worth.

In time, all of our endeavors fall together telling a story of the authenticity of life.  The tale reflects our resilience and originality.  If we knew how our stories would unfold, we would be spellbound.


Monday, October 12, 2015

Get Out Of The Way

"Know well what leads you forward 
and what holds you back,
and  choose  the  path 
that leads to wisdom."  


We can choose to live in an environment like a school of fish, blending in and hoping never to be singled out.   The 'v' formation ducks fly, (taking turns being a leader and then dropping back into formation for a while), is another choice.  We could step into prayer at a monastery closed away from the business of life to live in seclusion.  We could choose to participate in a retreat to strengthen our creative expression, whatever it may be. Actually, we could take a piece of each choice and form a sense of balance.

Alignment offers attention to different parts of our selves.  We may be called to be a small part of a greater picture or we may share leadership.  We can still find appropriate time to be in solitude and deliberately heighten our artistic endeavors.  

When our decisions are not well thought out and impulsively random, we may never reach a plateau.  If we think too long and too hard, we may never leave the starting block.  When we do not plan equal  distribution of energy, we will be overwhelmed.  It is when we remain aware of our choices in reference to the greater goal that we move forward with wisdom.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

One Precious Thing

"We feel most alive in the presence of the Beautiful
for it meets the needs of our soul."

John O'Donohue

A glimpse of beauty can be found in diverse things.  Beauty is said to be in the eyes of the beholder so be encouraged to be a seeker, explorer, or adventurer.  With an open heart and expansive observation, a simple view can be transformed into inspiration, calm, and peace.  

When our eyes capture something in particular, avoid words of description, and feel it inside both emotionally and physically.   Let the feelings spread throughout the body.  The body will begin to resonate with the view.  Open the mind to truly take in all that is present. 

One does not need to be in an art gallery, music hall, or museum to be inspired.  If there is nothing to inspire us in our immediate placement, there is something definitely lacking.  To have one precious thing in our midst is enough to keep us dreaming.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Uplifting Presence

"We rise by lifting others."
Robert Ingersoll

Old patterns of shame hold us tightly in place.  Past experiences of humiliation restrict us from reaching out.  Darkness grows until we experience change by the actions of one other.  It can be the tender attention from our favorite pet or the quiet embrace of nature, or the witness of a friend.  

It is a true blessing to have someone or something to be with us when we are spiraling down.  The sense of someone caring allows a small light to crack into our darkness.   The                          compassionate presence can silently encourage us to find a safe place to gather positive thoughts. Our emotions are once again bolstered by the uplifting of the generous presence.  

The remarkable element of this situation is that the person offering to be a silent presence, does not leave empty handed.  By freely giving awareness to another,  the person unconditionally receives an uplifting of his or her own.

What we extend to another returns to us then or in a future moment totally unrelated.   When we give to others, we, too, receive! 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Join New Forces

"People will notice the change in your attitude towards them,
but won't notice their behavior that made you change."

The Law of Attraction

A friend does not discourage our personal growth nor does he or she disapprove of our individuality.  Love for each other inspires us to look into a heart and listen beyond the words.    This takes time and if our friend  is not willing to invest in our relationship, then we must explore what exactly this friendship is costing us.

It is advantageous to step back when our feelings are continuously being squelched.  Create a slight distance to discover the reaction of the friend.  Do they inquire after you?  Do they ask what is wrong?  In this distance we may realize our friend is aware of a change, but not willing to accept responsibility for correction or improvement.  It may feel like once we stop 'feeding' them, they move on to another source.

When we are disillusioned with people, we need to expand our list of  friends to include those  who are willing to share in our common interests.  We may seek resources where we are able to come into contact with like minded people.  Through individual nurturing, we can maintain our dignity and peace of mind until we can join new forces.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Cultivate Strengths

"May I live this day compassionate of heart,
clear in word, gracious in awareness,
courageous in thought, generous in love."

John O'Donohue

Let us go inside of our lovely selves and take inventory just as though we were making a list for the store.  Any compassion in our heart?  Hmm ... it seems to be a little low.  What about clarity in thought?  A little muddled.  There is plenty of awareness, but is it lavishly focused on others, and not self-applied? Surveying love, it would appear portions are outdated.  They either need to be discarded or revitalized while others can be distributed in healthier ways.

There is a vital difference between being self-centered and self-nurtured.  We are not to  hoard our blessings, but to share them.  We must cultivate strengths in ourselves to be able to assist others and not become depleted.

We can strive for balance between being nurtured and a surplus for others.  There is an alignment between giving and receiving.  We may give to those in need who are incapable of returning the gesture, but in some form, kindness will be returned to us.  Over the years, many have reached out to help us personally, but they have relocated or transitioned.  A beautiful way of returning their gesture is through outreach to others.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Quiet Escape

"What is needed, rather than running away or controlling or suppressing or any other resistance, is understanding fear; that means, watch it, learn about it, come directly into contact with it.  We are to learn about fear, not how to escape from it."  Jiddu Krishnamurti

Neighborhoods of age have apartment buildings with fire escapes.  I grew up seeing these contraptions dotted with plants or people who were gawking, reading, sketching, drying undies, or simply trying to find a space outside of actual living quarters.  And that is an example of what escape is ... slipping into a place outside of the present circumstance.

Escape is not necessarily a  negative thing unless it encourages us to avoid reality.  Any pause in life, such as a brief escape, can help us to honestly assess what is factually occurring.  We can be aware of what we are feeling in our body and where.  We can ask ourselves if we are resisting the unknown out of fear.  We can make accurate decisions about which steps will best benefit us.  A quiet escape allows us to hear our heart and with our wisdom, re-enter life with a safe plan.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Deliberately Choose

"When you like a flower, you just pluck it.
But when you love a flower, you water it every day."


Our inspiration dries up, if we do not nurture it.  If we do not remember our dreams, they do not come true.  If we do not maintain a connection, we will slowly drift apart.  If we do not increase our efforts, we will get stuck.

If we honor and respect ourselves consistently, we will expand and grow.  We will unfold like a  blossoming flower, reaching for the sun while raindrops moisten our soul.  Enduring high winds and understanding the need to respect the fore warning of a storm, we will remain firmly rooted in our well maintained soil.

If it is our choice to not cultivate our heart and soul, we aught not be surprised when we end up like a prickly cactus.  It is simply the difference between glorious unfolding, and complete restraint.  The first welcomes the sharing with others while the other offers a warning to stay away.  With awareness, we deliberately choose.

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Elevated Scarf

"To be held above the earth and be brushed by the wind," she said,
"it's like your heart has been kissed by beauty."

Wendelin Van Draanen

In an extraordinaire moment, a silk scarf was caught by the wind and gently escorted up to the clouds.  It felt suspended in time as it easily floated on the breath of a breeze.  Billowing in the air, it felt as though it was performing a delicate dance.  Graceful movement was liberating and inspiring.  The aloft scarf was warmed by the sun as individual rays greeted the silk fabric with kisses of love and acceptance.  It had never felt more beautiful in movement, freedom or grace.  

No longer feeling confined nor restrained, the lovely scarf acquiesced to an endless ride into eternity.  As it was elevated higher and higher, it lost form and shape.  It blended into the colors of the sky, the touch of the wind, and the beauty of the stars.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Begins Within You

Doesn't require two people;
it requires only one.
It has to be you.

Byron Katie

While attending a dinner, two people were arguing over one subject, and neither were willing to back down.  It was clear the emotions had risen above the subject and now it was a battle of wills.  How different this would have been if they both had given room for both opinions.  Respect would have remained in place and compassion would have replaced competition.   A question arises ... How will we ever have World Peace when we cannot keep peace between ourselves and just one other?

If we are filled with anger, we are not very likely to initiate peace out in the world.  If we harbor ill feelings towards our neighbors, families, and friends,  we will not be feeling very serene.  In our need to be right, we develop the habit of being opinionated and close our minds to any idea non-supportive.

The more accepting we are of ourselves, acknowledging our weaker areas, but focusing on our strengths, the more secure we will feel.  The more secure we feel, the more willing we will be to listen to the ideas of others.  When we are aligned with our  body, mind, and spirit, we are able to embrace diversity and release judgment.   This kindles the concept of peace, and it begins within you.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Answer the Door

"I didn't pay attention to the knock.
Later I would remember
it didn't sound like an ordinary knock.
More like a fist pounding."

Sue Monk Kidd

Divine Holiness patiently waits for us to wake up, to open our heart, and to live a compassionate life. We get distracted and absorbed in busyness.  On the whisper of the wind, Spirit calls to us, but we do not hear.  Through written words a message innocently is deciphered in our minds, but we do not make the necessary connection.  Wisdom gently knocks on our door, but we are too disconnected to hear.  Divine Spirit craves for us to live a life of goodness, so the pounding on our door increases.

Divine Holiness patiently waits for our fears and resistance to be released.   When we step through these illusions we begin to not only hear wisdom, but we feel very strongly the presence of the sacred.  When the door is finally answered and we welcome Spirit fully into our lives, we experience freedom to articulate, decipher, and explore the wonders of our inner world.

Friday, October 2, 2015

The Living Truth

"Tell the whole truth.  Don't be lazy, don't be afraid.
Close the critic out when you are drafting something new.  
Take chances in the interest of clarity and emotion." 

Jane Kenyon
(May 23, 1947 ~ April 22, 1955)

Poet, Jane Kenyon, offers heart wisdom about telling the whole truth.  Her knowledge is aimed at poets, but it is applicable to every human action.  If we consistently choose truth, we are authentically  identifying ourselves.  We offer an honest projection of who we are in the moment.

Whether we are writing, dancing or creating a project, it is imperative for us to recognize our preferences.  The investment we are making into the creation should clearly reflect our true self.  It is a way of honoring and respecting our individuality. 

Each time we choose truth, our inner nature expands, leaving less room for a critic.  Our ability to rely upon ourselves grows rapidly and advances our understanding of how we want to be seen.  It is  a challenge to tell the truth, but  life becomes unnecessarily complicated when built on lies.  We are not only called to tell the truth, but to be the living truth.  The gifts of doing so are remarkable!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Degrees of Rhythm

"God has given us music so that above all, it can lead us upwards.  
Music unites all qualities:  it can exalt us, divert us, cheer us up, or 
break the hardest of hearts with the softest of its melancholy tones." 

Friedrich Nietzsche

Musical notes become a language awakening our body, mind, and soul.  It has a profound impact whether it is uplifting us spiritually, energizing us physically, or calming us emotionally.  Music can be inspiring as the mind  opens to lofty thinking or it can be invigorating as we move our bodies to varying degrees of rhythm.  Singing to a frightened child can be comforting just as harmonizing can bring  great joy when joined by others.

A stack of old Cd's I once used in my counseling office surfaced.  As I glanced at the plastic holders, I remembered them with great fondness.  While I centered into my daily reading, this old music played in the background.  Time passed before I  realized a heaviness around me.  I felt sad and weighted down by unidentifiable emotions.  After the fact, I understood this music had been in the background while I listened to the challenges of others for numerous years.

We are not always aware of our associations with music.  When our mood suddenly shifts and we observe the change, we realize the music is what triggered our thoughts. The song may be associated with a first kiss or college parties or weddings or funerals. Embrace the element of sound whether in the rhapsody of nature, the symphony of friendship,  or frenzy of sexual desire.