Monday, October 12, 2015

Get Out Of The Way

"Know well what leads you forward 
and what holds you back,
and  choose  the  path 
that leads to wisdom."  


We can choose to live in an environment like a school of fish, blending in and hoping never to be singled out.   The 'v' formation ducks fly, (taking turns being a leader and then dropping back into formation for a while), is another choice.  We could step into prayer at a monastery closed away from the business of life to live in seclusion.  We could choose to participate in a retreat to strengthen our creative expression, whatever it may be. Actually, we could take a piece of each choice and form a sense of balance.

Alignment offers attention to different parts of our selves.  We may be called to be a small part of a greater picture or we may share leadership.  We can still find appropriate time to be in solitude and deliberately heighten our artistic endeavors.  

When our decisions are not well thought out and impulsively random, we may never reach a plateau.  If we think too long and too hard, we may never leave the starting block.  When we do not plan equal  distribution of energy, we will be overwhelmed.  It is when we remain aware of our choices in reference to the greater goal that we move forward with wisdom.

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