Saturday, October 17, 2015

Dull The Sense of Fear

"I have been and still am a seeker,
but I have ceased to question stars and books;
I have begun to listen to the teaching
my blood whispers to me."

Herman Hesse
Demian:  Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend

When I extinguish my questions, and truly begin to listen,  I am brought to my knees by the presence in Mother Nature.  With awareness of life in all growing things, I begin to expand in recognition of the energy in objects that I usually do not think of as having life.  To touch the rough surface of a  boulder, I can feel the radiance beaming from within its large formation.  To watch the force of the raging river, the current begins to speak.  

As my eyes gaze up into the sky, I no longer seek answers to my random questions.  Just by watching the movement and shape shifting of the magnificent clouds there is a language longing to be understood.  The sun beams messages down to anyone willing to hear, just as the silvery moon speaks to those watching through tears.  The stars speak of hope and extend a willingness to be a nightly presence, dulling the sense of fear.

A rhythm silently beats in my head as all things join in unison.  It is difficult to say how all of this energy forms into the same, but in my blood, I know beyond a doubt that we are all the same.

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