Friday, October 23, 2015

Move Forward

"Life Begins at the end of your comfort zone."
Neale Donald Waslsh

Even though we have free choice, there are times we are forced to begin anew.   The movement is not always easy, but it is rewarding.  Events may arise when we do not feel  prepared, so we procrastinate.  While we do this, we get stuck.  Everything waiting to be released is jammed inside.

It is difficult to move forward when we are perfectly comfortable in our self-made nest.  It is even more difficult to move forward when we are totally uncomfortable in our self-made mess as it is at least familiar.

Fear of the unknown can be very frightening as we sense we will have no control and we are not necessarily eager to give up what little control we have.  If we can recall, however, times we have been curious enough to reach out to something new, we will remember that our positive and consistent actions brought us to a new level of comfort.  When we move forward, we are glad we did!


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