Thursday, October 31, 2013

Increasing Wisdom


"Women always try to tame themselves as they get older,
but the ones that look best are always a bit wilder."
Miuccia Prada
While listening to a radio show about women who do not look their age, the facilitator made this comment:  "When you see the old woman coming, don't let her in!"  He was supporting the perspective that we are as old as we feel.  If we think we are 'old' this thought will impact our behavior.  Our attitudes will become limiting and we will ultimately lose the spark within.
How old we feel is pretty much dependent upon the given day.  So obviously our body follows our thoughts as to how we create our image.    Our environment also impacts how we feel, just as the people who surround us influence our image.
As we age, if we stay in contact with younger adults, we are more apt to stay current with changing times.  We hear opinions based on a different age group and whether we agree or disagree, the information will keep us informed.  The key is to continue to expand our mind, our light, and our essence.
Listening to younger women discuss their challenges is also interesting as it is clear they are asking questions normally explored by older women.  They have more career choices, but there is a price to pay for their freedom.  Child bearing ages are changing and adoption is more prevalent.  Attitudes towards marriage are also shifting as well as politics, religion, and environmental issues.
We all have an opinion with the right to express it and it is most important to use our voice.  By speaking out loud or through the written word, we respect and celebrate who we truly are ... not our bodies, but the spirit within.  The truth is we feel ageless inside.  At the core of our being, we are much the same at any age.  Yes, we grow wiser, but our sense of self does not become limited over the years, but expanded.

No matter what age we are admitting to, let's keep our light strong.  We have a great deal to learn from each other, so we need to keep fueling our fires, helping each other to find our way.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Listen to Recorded Dream Interview

Recorded Interview on DREAMS!!!

Past archived Shows can be listened to on
Special Guest: Virginia Carlson
Lea Chapin's Inspiration from Spirit Radio Show!

To schedule an appointment or
for further information,
please email contact information:

Deciphering Dreams assists others in aligning the dream world with every day experiences. Dreams are a form of language that is not only unique to each of us, but also intimate. We all have choice in declining or accepting information in our dreams and determining how to utilize this information.

Who We Are Meant To Be

"Deciphering Dreams was created to assist others in aligning
the dream world with every day experiences.  Dreams are a
form of language that is not only unique to each of us, but
also intimate.  We all have choice in declining or accepting
information in our dreams and determining how to utilize
this important information."
Virginia Carlson
When I developed VIRGINIA'S VOICE, I included three points of concentration: 
These three categories were deliberately chosen as I find them to be excellent tools for developing alignment with the body, mind, and soul.  When we use our voice, we hear our truth and honor the self.  As we pay attention to our dreams, insights surface that we may be ignoring during the day time.  Looking within ourselves, leads us to empowerment as we make a Divine Connection. 
It matters not what gender, religion, or political preferences we have, if we all follow a personal template leading us to love and compassion.  The real question is "Are you doing the best you can do?" 
My strengths are people skills, counseling background, hands on experience with aligning the physical, mental, and spiritual, with creative intuition.  To me, it feels necessary to use these skills in service to others.  There is no intention of forcing anyone to think or act like me, but there is intention to provide ways to enhance personal development. 
By using my voice, I can speak truths to hopefully spark an interest in others to awaken.  If we can explore personal dreams, using individual interpretation of symbols and messages, a person can unfold more gently.  I do believe in helping each other, but I also believe we are our own guru. ( gee-you-are-you ) We each have a purpose awaiting our personal touch, the application of our individual accent.  Competition is not in the equation, but celebration is vital.  We can learn to celebrate the accomplishments of others as well as our own.  We are called to serve and support others, by sharing and exchanging.
We are all on a spiritual journey.  Each of us has Divine Spirit dwelling inside of us.  We all have direct access to inner guidance that is more intimate than books, computers, or lectures.  Outside knowledge can encourage us, but the thread of life purpose is running through the soul inside.  As we strengthen our core, we are better prepared for the outside navigation of life.
Be inspired!  Move forward in personal growth ... whatever that means to each of us.  When we all open our hearts and minds, we step closer to who we are meant to be.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Special Guest: Virginia Carlson
Lea Chapin's Inspiration from Spirit Radio Show!

& click on
Inspiration from Spirit
to hear the show
this Tuesday at 2 pm
October 29, 2013
(Entire show recorded for later listening by podcast)

Virginia Carlson created Deciphering Dreams to assist others in aligning the dream world with every day experiences. Dreams are a form of language that is not only unique to each of us, but also intimate. We all have choice in declining or accepting information in our dreams and determining how to utilize this information.
The pathways into a deeper understanding of the self opens when the dreamer brings awareness to the dream scape where hidden desires unfold. Dream interpretation helps all of us to comprehend the message waiting to be revealed in vivid dreams from childhood, recurring dreams, and nightmares. By exploring dream time symbols, we not only discover our personal issues, but thoughts from the Universal Collective as well.

Virginia Carlson has been aware of the messages in dreams since childhood. As a mother of four, combined with her education in Psychology and Sociology she has a solid foundation for understanding creativity of the mind. As a professional in-home counselor for individuals, families, and young children, she has been provided with a broad spectrum of hands on experience. Her passion for helping others coupled with her unique approach, have attracted the enthusiasm and support of local and distant communities. She is a Master level energy worker, prolific writer, and seasoned presenter.

Deciphering Dreams with Virginia Carlson explores day dreams; waking dreams; recurring dreams; prophetic dreams; past life recollections; universal symbols; and dreams appearing to be positively silly and preposterous. She uses her intuition as well as established public research to assist in understanding the entire spectrum of dreams. By using dream time language, desires or repressions come to the surface. Dream interpretation is about the dreamer, based on the dreamer's own experiences, and uniquely linking the dreamer's body, mind and spirit.

Unraveling a dream with Virginia Carlson is a fun and exciting experience. A simple technique to unlock the dreams of the dreamer is shared with each participant through the interpretation process.
To schedule an appointment or for further information,
please email contact information:
For additional information:

Documented Dreams Throughout History


"Deciphering Dreams is a study of day dreams,
recurring dreams, prophetic dreams, past life recollections,
universal symbols, and dreams appearing to be
positively silly and preposterous!"
Virginia Carlson
There are a few movies regarding dreams that are my favorite.  FIELD OF DREAMS with Kevin Costner is based on a man's dream.  DRAGONFLY with Kevin Costner presents a connection through dreams to another person that hovers over him for a year.  PASSIONS OF THE HEART with Demi Moore is my favorite.  She presents as a woman living in Italy as a mother of two.  Her dreams become so invasive, she can no longer tell the difference between her two lives, one in dream time and one in real time. 
In 350 BC, Aristotle believed that waking dreams prompted night time dreams.   Galileo wrote many articles pondering the importance of dreams.  Dr. Otto Loewl, Nobel Prize Winner, woke up and jotted down what he was dreaming ... the exploration of chemical transmissions.  Robert Lewis Stevenson wrote, rewrote, and printed Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde in 10 weeks using his dreams.  Mary Shelley's dream became Frankenstein.  Isaac Newton believed the science age ignored important information found in imagination and dreams.  Louis Agassiz, founding father of Modern American Tradition studied fossils.  He had three dreams which assisted him in categorizing a yet to be discovered fish.  Madame C.J. Walker (1at woman Millionaire) dreamed of a potion for African American women.  Ramanujan was a math genius who received formulas from a  Hindu Goddess during dreams. 
In more modern times, we can record Elias Howe who finalized his invention of the sewing machine through a dream.  Jack Nicklaus dreamed of a new golf swing.  Paul McCartney woke up from a dream with the entire melody for his song, YESTERDAY.  Stephen King states that several of his ideas come from dreams.
For further documentation:
Henry David Thoreau:  Dreams are touchstones of our character.
Robert Lewis Stephenson:  Dreams occur in "that small theater of the brain which we keep brightly lighted all night long."
Carl Sandburg:  Nothing happens unless we first dream.
Thomas Jefferson:  I like dreams of the future better than history of the past.
Thomas Edison:  Best inventions come from dreams.
Carl Young:  Dream symbols and images affect waking thought patterns.
One of the best inclusive, user friendly books on dreams is written by:  Wilda B. Tanner, THE MYSTICAL MAGICAL MARVELOUS WORLD OF DREAMS. If only one investment is made, this book will teach how to develop procedure, understand inner landscapes, and define symbols  It is also a dictionary. 
Otherwise, contact me at to establish an appointment to sort through dreams.  Ralph Waldo Emerson:  "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

Monday, October 28, 2013



Special Guest: Virginia Carlson

Lea Chapin's Inspiration from Spirit Radio Show!

& click on
Inspiration from Spirit
to hear the show
this Tuesday at 2 pm

October 29, 2013

(Entire show recorded for later listening by podcast)

Virginia Carlson created Deciphering Dreams to assist others in aligning the dream world with every day experiences. Dreams are a form of language that is not only unique to each of us, but also intimate. We all have choice in declining or accepting information in our dreams and determining how to utilize this information.
The pathways into a deeper understanding of the self opens when the dreamer brings awareness to the dream scape where hidden desires unfold. Dream interpretation helps all of us to comprehend the message waiting to be revealed in vivid dreams from childhood, recurring dreams, and nightmares. By exploring dream time symbols, we not only discover our personal issues, but thoughts from the Universal Collective as well.
Virginia Carlson has been aware of the messages in dreams since childhood. As a mother of four, combined with her education in Psychology and Sociology she has a solid foundation for understanding creativity of the mind. As a professional in-home counselor for individuals, families, and young children, she has been provided with a broad spectrum of hands on experience. Her passion for helping others coupled with her unique approach, have attracted the enthusiasm and support of local and distant communities. She is a Master level energy worker, prolific writer, and seasoned presenter.
Deciphering Dreams with Virginia Carlson explores day dreams; waking dreams; recurring dreams; prophetic dreams; past life recollections; universal symbols; and dreams appearing to be positively silly and preposterous. She uses her intuition as well as established public research to assist in understanding the entire spectrum of dreams. By using dream time language, desires or repressions come to the surface. Dream interpretation is about the dreamer, based on the dreamer's own experiences, and uniquely linking the dreamer's body, mind and spirit.
Unraveling a dream with Virginia Carlson is a fun and exciting experience. A simple technique to unlock the dreams of the dreamer is shared with each participant through the interpretation process.
To schedule an appointment or for further information,
please email contact information:
For additional information:

The Art of Dreaming

"By exploring dream time symbols, we not only
discover our personal issues, but thoughts
from the Universal Collective as well."
Virginia Carlson
There are several dream categories:  nightmare, recurring, precognitive, lucid, visions, and waking dreams.  A nightmare can be created by emotions we repress.  It has no warning and generally no solution within the dream.  A recurring dream presents a definite lesson which will discontinue once it is understood.  A precognitive dream is a catalyst for the body to act or support wishes.  It offers information we normally would not have.  In lucid dreaming, we are aware we are dreaming and we can manipulate or simply be an observer as the dream plays out.  There are some visions that present themselves in dream form.  They can be calming, insightful, and can include deceased friends or relatives, or saints and angels for other realms. Waking dreams are the easiest dreams to work with and yet most people overlook them.  In these dreams, we are awake, aware and observing what unfolds around us.  We learn from the interaction of others or nature. 
It is important to define personal dream symbols.  What definition I have for an object or person may be totally different from your associations.  There are some symbols, however, that are vital to unfolding a dream.  For example, after any dream, it is important to note if we were in a vehicle, where we were seated, and what the weather was like outside of the vehicle.  If we were we in a house, were we in the attic, basement, kitchen, etc... Was it our own home,  someone else's or a different building structure all together?  It is also good to be aware if we are indeed our self or if we are someone else.  Are we masculine or feminine and what part are we playing and who is with us? 
Dreams contain many elements that our minds can be trained to record.  Being aware of background things in the dream helps with understanding ...  like the weather, illness, death, sex, pregnancy or accidents.  Often times, a person dreams of being pregnant and actually fears this could be a prediction.  Of course it could be, but more than likely it  is an indication that we are going to give birth to a new idea or relationship and we indeed may labor with it. 
Developing dream recall is like any other thing we are wanting to master, in that we need to have a procedure and practice.  We need to create a bedtime ritual to eliminate the chaos from our day and prompt ourselves to remember our dream upon waking.  Place a recorder or a journal on the bed stand so we will immediately be reminded to think of our dreams. 
If this all sounds like more than what is desired, begin with waking dreams.  Waking dreams are daily life filled with insight.   By training our mind to pay attention to the nuances within a day, we can gather deeper meanings we normally allow to pass by.
The Art of Dreaming is important as we need to come to understand our inner landscapes.  Dreaming is simply a language to be learned, to broaden and deepen our life experience.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Deciphering Dreams on Radio!

Special Guest: Virginia Carlson
Lea Chapin's Inspiration from Spirit Radio Show!
& click on
Inspiration from Spirit
to hear the show
this Tuesday at 2 pm
October 29, 2013
(Entire show recorded for later listening by podcast)
Virginia Carlson created Deciphering Dreams to assist others in aligning the dream world with every day experiences. Dreams are a form of language that is not only unique to each of us, but also intimate. We all have choice in declining or accepting information in our dreams and determining how to utilize this information.
The pathways into a deeper understanding of the self opens when the dreamer brings awareness to the dream scape where hidden desires unfold. Dream interpretation helps all of us to comprehend the message waiting to be revealed in vivid dreams from childhood, recurring dreams, and nightmares. By exploring dream time symbols, we not only discover our personal issues, but thoughts from the Universal Collective as well.
Virginia Carlson has been aware of the messages in dreams since childhood. As a mother of four, combined with her education in Psychology and Sociology she has a solid foundation for understanding creativity of the mind. As a professional in-home counselor for individuals, families, and young children, she has been provided with a broad spectrum of hands on experience. Her passion for helping others coupled with her unique approach, have attracted the enthusiasm and support of local and distant communities. She is a Master level energy worker, prolific writer, and seasoned presenter.
Deciphering Dreams with Virginia Carlson explores day dreams; waking dreams; recurring dreams; prophetic dreams; past life recollections; universal symbols; and dreams appearing to be positively silly and preposterous. She uses her intuition as well as established public research to assist in understanding the entire spectrum of dreams. By using dream time language, desires or repressions come to the surface. Dream interpretation is about the dreamer, based on the dreamer's own experiences, and uniquely linking the dreamer's body, mind and spirit.
Unraveling a dream with Virginia Carlson is a fun and exciting experience. A simple technique to unlock the dreams of the dreamer is shared with each participant through the interpretation process.
To schedule an appointment or for further information,
please email contact information:
For additional information:

Dreaming Is A Language

Unraveling a dream is a fun and exciting experience.
Virginia Carlson

As a child, I experienced recurring dreams.  Being creative by nature, my dreams were very colorful and intriguing.  Learning how to write enabled me to record dream content.  It soon became obvious to me that whenever I wrote something down in detail, my recall was increased.
The public library served me well.  It opened my world and created my personal desire to write.  By the time I was in eighth grade, I had written two books.  At the private academy I attended, English and Literature were my most favorite classes even though I did not favor some of the instructors.  Once in college, there was more freedom in writing for me.  Fortunately, there were several professors who encouraged me to expand my skill.  So this of course included my day dreams as well as night time adventures.
My four children inspired me to track even more dreams, as they would share their dreams and their friends would come to me seeking an opportunity to release a fear from a dream.  With a double major in Psychology and Sociology, my career in social services also increased my growing collection of night time occurrences.  Providing in home counseling to families, young children, and individuals also allowed opportunities to speculate about dreams. 
In the early 1990's I met a woman who had written her Master Thesis on Journaling.  At the time, the term was infrequently used.  Included in this thesis was her research about dreaming.  This was the first person I would meet who shared my passion with both writing and dreaming.
Many people I have shared energy work with have experienced dreams.  While working with energy, my understanding of the creative mind expanded.  As people understood their dreams, they experienced feelings of liberation.  They began to understand themselves and discover that what may appear to be frightful, may be seen in a different light.  
The fascinating realm of dream time is a powerful language easily  translated.  Dreams have been studied in the Bible, Native American Culture, Greek Myths, Egyptian Culture. Scientists, poets, song writers, inventors and presidents have documented learned through the process of dreaming.
It is my desire for others to understand their dream information so that they can be more authentic and intentional.  People need to look deeper within while searching for answers or merely trying to understand the path they are on. We each have our own symbols in additional to the ancient symbols that surface.  Dreaming is a language that will lead you into the depths of creative life.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Crack, Then Fear

"The moment one definitely commits oneself,
then Providence moves too.  All sorts of things
occur to help one that would never otherwise
have occurred.  A whole stream of events issues
from the decision which no one could have
dreamed would have come their way.
W. H. Murray
This morning upon wakening, I was in a very happy frame of mind.  I immediately wondered what I had been dreaming, and it all came back to me.  It had been a supportive dream, one of those where everything unfolds perfectly for me.  All of my quests were being successful and my connection with Divine Spirit was so strong.  No wonder I was beaming.
Happily at my computer accompanied by my favorite coffee mug, I scrolled through e-mails.  A few laughs, the absence of a few regulars, some an automatic delete, and then one I had overlooked.  A very dear friend of mine is facing a health challenge, in spite of just completing 25 radiation treatments.  This frightens me for her, and with this first crack, fear slips in.
As I complete my daily readings, my thoughts turn to a young woman who is still struggling after a lengthy search for what is wrong.  She is loving and kind, just learning to treat herself as so.  Then my mind drifts to yet another dear spirit suffering from her loss.  I can't even begin to imagine her pain.  The crack grows wider, and more fear enters.
Going through my morning stretches, my body is stiff and tight.  I try to be kind with my self and attempt to embrace this thing called aging.  I resent being physically limited and begin to feel overwhelmingly sad.  The crack is now wide open and fear marches in.
As I begin to withdraw, to crawl into my protective shell, the image of a flower wilting from the lack of sunshine floats through my brain.  Such imagery, but what does it mean.  It only takes a few minutes to recall how my day began, filled with amazing joy and light.  Where had that gone? 
It became very clear to me how I had allowed fear to wash away every good thought I had upon awakening this morning.  I didn't hold a balance, and too easily let my self  be swayed.   I focused on the heavy emotions rather than staying in the light.  I didn't bring my sadness into the light; instead,  I walked unprotected into the darkness.
I thought about the Universe as an artist preparing to paint my life.  In the early morning light, the artist begins with bright loving colors as this is what I reflect.  As the morning passes, however, so do my lovely colors.  The Universe becomes confused, wanting to paint my life in what colors I reflect, but I change like a chameleon.  And thus my point.
We begin the day with a bright and sunny disposition, filled with hope and dreams, but we do not hold them constant.  They become decayed by the overwhelming negative thoughts that crawl into our day.  The dreams and desires are diluted by the invasion of fear.  With this lack of clarity, how can anyone be clear? 
I will endeavor to hold my yearnings not only in my dreams, but in my daily thoughts as well.  I will strive to be more consistent and ground myself throughout the day.  When hardship falls upon me, I will hold it in the light and protect myself from fear.   My message to the Universe will definitely be more clear!

Deciphering Dreams on Radio Show

Special Guest: Virginia Carlson
Lea Chapin's Inspiration from Spirit Radio Show!

& click on
Inspiration from Spirit
to hear the show
this Tuesday at 2 pm

October 29, 2013

(Entire show recorded for later listening by podcast)

Virginia Carlson created Deciphering Dreams to assist others in aligning the dream world with every day experiences. Dreams are a form of language that is not only unique to each of us, but also intimate. We all have choice in declining or accepting information in our dreams and determining how to utilize this information.
The pathways into a deeper understanding of the self opens when the dreamer brings awareness to the dream scape where hidden desires unfold. Dream interpretation helps all of us to comprehend the message waiting to be revealed in vivid dreams from childhood, recurring dreams, and nightmares. By exploring dream time symbols, we not only discover our personal issues, but thoughts from the Universal Collective as well.
Virginia Carlson has been aware of the messages in dreams since childhood. As a mother of four, combined with her education in Psychology and Sociology she has a solid foundation for understanding creativity of the mind. As a professional in-home counselor for individuals, families, and young children, she has been provided with a broad spectrum of hands on experience. Her passion for helping others coupled with her unique approach, have attracted the enthusiasm and support of local and distant communities. She is a Master level energy worker, prolific writer, and seasoned presenter.
Deciphering Dreams with Virginia Carlson explores day dreams; waking dreams; recurring dreams; prophetic dreams; past life recollections; universal symbols; and dreams appearing to be positively silly and preposterous. She uses her intuition as well as established public research to assist in understanding the entire spectrum of dreams. By using dream time language, desires or repressions come to the surface. Dream interpretation is about the dreamer, based on the dreamer's own experiences, and uniquely linking the dreamer's body, mind and spirit.
Unraveling a dream with Virginia Carlson is a fun and exciting experience. A simple technique to unlock the dreams of the dreamer is shared with each participant through the interpretation process.
To schedule an appointment or for further information,
please email contact information:
For additional information:

Friday, October 25, 2013

Imagination Stronger than Knowledge ...


"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.”

Robert Fulghum

When I was growing up, we were one of the first families in the neighborhood to own a television.  The television was really rather small positioned in a hug cabinet.  There was a knob on the TV which could be turned to specific channels.  I remember the choices being:  channels 2, 5, and 7.  These memories also remind me that frequently, there would be nothing on a station.  I can remember waiting on a Friday night for BOXING to come on at 9 pm.  Otherwise, a test pattern would be on the screen with a really annoying sound.

The memory of the knob being turned to different channels is one I remember well and often compare it to my mode of thinking.  Sometimes it seems I can turn my brain to one channel and be obsessed with sadness.  Other times if  I turn my brain to a different channel I can be filled with thoughts of happiness and joy.  I always find it curious which channels I choose to tune into.

Eckhart Tolle often refers to our emotions as a hunger we can choose to feed.  If we feed an emotion, it can grow quite large.  He reflects that by staying in the moment, one does not feed emotions and therefore, can remain in better balance.  He of course is right, at least to my calculations.

So knowing this, why do we too often dwell on things that hold us back, rather than embracing each moment, moving forward neutrally step by step?  Why make things harder on ourselves by choosing the longer more difficult path?  What is it about our selves that repeatedly chooses the same negative pattern even while knowing the upsetting result?  Fear of error keeps us from making any choice at all. 

We really need to practice stepping through this illusion of fear much more often.  What awaits on the other side is rarely what we had imagined.  Turn the knob to a different channel, remembering that we have choice.  If we are unhappy with the pattern in front of us, holding us in place, then turn the channel by creating a new slice of life!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Divine Love as Impulse

"That we close off, jam up, spill over, and dry up are all part of the being human in the gravity of time.  That we feel compelled to stop and help even strangers move the heavy thing out of the way is an impulse known as love."
Mark Nepo
Mark Nepo was discussing how we allow things to get in our way.  In relationships, we may find ourselves between a rock and a hard place.  What do we do?  Instead of removing the stone, we may just shift it around.  Things eventually get jammed up, and together we can successfully remove the rock and unclog the flow.  We need to explore, however, what causes these formations between us.
"No doubt," states Mark Nepo, "they are infinite and particular, but often, they are made of habits of not:  not seeing, not hearing, not feeling, not being present, not risking the truth, not risking the heart's need to live out in the open."  In other words, we hide or deny what we are experiencing, closing others out.
Even though we may be living in emotional isolation, we unpredictably react to strangers in need of help.  According to Mr. Nepo, this is an "impulse known as love."  So it is easier for us sometimes, to react to the needs of a stranger as there is no debris damming up the flow of interaction.  We may have the same impulse with those we are in relationship with, but there may be too much 'stuff' warding off the natural response of love. 
If love is a natural impulse, we must be working very hard to erect walls and dam the waters of relationship.  How exhausting it must be to keep constant watch, fighting off what is supposed to come naturally.  So it is fear of rejection, loss, or pain that keeps us hiding our true nature.  This attitude clouds our perception of the Divine as well, assuming that our behaviors interfere with unconditional love. 
This realization is really quite sad, especially when it can be so easily remedied.  If we are truly created in Divine Spirit's image, then we really can step through fear and embrace Divine love.  Once engulfed in Divine love, we can respond impulsively with love towards others.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Nature Inspite of City

"I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance."
E. E. Cummings
Growing up in a large city, there were birds and flowers, but one noticed them only in passing.  It wasn't until high school when I went on canoe trips portaging up into Canada that I began to sense the offering of nature.  I had always been highly connected to the outdoors, but when you live in the city and walk out of the apartment building, one goes some place.  One does not sit while life is zipping by, as there is no porch  with any one idling by. 
The apartment building did have a large yard and I loved to lie down on my back in the grass and stare up at the sky.  I would run barefooted and rest under the shade of the large old tree.  When I was high school age, I learned to ride buses to the lake to meet friends and become mesmerized by the water.  Each summer, canoeing in Canada, brought me closer to my love for trees and water ways.  There were so many trees, birds, flowers, berries, and bears, oh my!  These adventures nurtured me away from the city and to a small college town by the Mississippi. 
As years unfolded, life was divided in many ways.  There were pockets of time to teach my children respect for nature and to enjoy just being outside.  While vacationing in Wisconsin, offerings remained the same ... trees, water, and things that stirred in the woods.  My boys were fishermen, not hunters.  They fished from the pier  at the boathouse indulging their younger sister while I watched from my perch upon a very large boulder.  Sitting on top of this huge rock, I would read or write or watch the birds.  I will never forget the call of the loon.
In the evening, the boys would build a fire in the one hundred year old log cabin.  When it would grow too hot to stay inside, we would wander down to the fishing dock and watch the sky.  Frequently, there would be a meteor shower, discovery of configurations in the sky, and shooting stars.  As much as I enjoyed the excitement of the sky, I could never ask for one of the stars to fall.  I so loved watching them dance and I felt so humble in their magical presence.  If one fell from the sky, it was certainly a gift to be seen, but never requested.
There is an abundance of knowledge to be obtained from nature whether it is from land, water, or sky.  The messages are usually so subtle, but everlasting none the same.  My years growing up in the city taught me well, but the time with nature led me to the Divine.