Monday, November 30, 2020

Inner Nightmares

"I dream my painting 
and I paint my dream."
Vincent van Gogh

Dreamscapes have been sprawled across backdrops of everything but normal.  For months we all have been exposed to drastic changes not only physically but mentally.  We have been kicked out of our norm which is then reflected in our dreams.

Not only have there been dictates from the government, there have also been disruptions astrologically.  I am not inclined to the daily shifting of the skies, but I sure know what retrograde feels like!  

The full moon has always impacted the energy surrounding me and enhances my dream time, but retrograde is far more jarring and intensive.  It seems as though our personal energy increases either positively or negatively, impacting our atmospheres.   Words of wisdom ...  ride out the storm; go with the flow; see and look for the good in the midst of chaos; and believe dreams reflect our inner nightmares.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Progressive Progress


"I have found my greatest moments of joy and peace 
just sitting in silence, and then I take it out into the world."
Holly Mosier

The holiday celebrations are nearing the end, just prior to revving up for the next round in December.  I cannot help but wonder how we are all coping.  The holidays are emotionally challenging and now we have added the restrictions of quarantine.  With these worldly challenges, it is necessary to discover new ways of mentally and physically balancing.

Many of us no longer remember how to slow down and just 'be'.  Our culture pushes us to schedule and account for every moment which reality now calls us to do the exact opposite.  Imposed boundaries can help us let loose and just flow. 

If we do not adjust our temperaments, we will inflict invisible wounds on ourselves and possibly upon others.  Change cannot occur without movement and it is our responsibility to make that action uplifting and supportive.  We are called to utilize flexability in order to be the change we want to see personally,  and with family and other lives we touch.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

If Nothing Else, Sangria

"Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind.
Be led by the dreams in your heart."
Roy T. Bennett

Fear has the ability to keep us in a negative place.  It can prevent us from taking healthy or nurturing steps towards a positive life style.  An uplifting idea might surface, but prior to more thought, the idea is squashed by untrue facts.  We allow ego to run on automatic pilot while we sink further away from bright ideas.

It is necessary to encourage our lovely selves to tolerate a sense of vulnerability in order to experience undeveloped aspects of our nature.  Trust the gut and chase a few rainbows to brighten the surrounding space. Do not minimize nor disvalue personal points of interest.

CREATE:  Unearth ancestors recipes; dig out some old tunes; finger paint or find the boxed jigsaw puzzles; soak in the tub; sing as loud as possible, (scream if you must); cherish family photo albums; or my personal favorite ... a new batch of SANGRIA!

Friday, November 27, 2020

BLACK FRIDAY and Quirks of Nature


"The isolation spins its mysterious cocoon,
focusing the mind on one place, one time,
one rhythm ~ the turning of the light."
M.L. Stedman

Unlike previous years, rampant shopping and fighting crowds of people may have been replaced by the Covid Quarantine.  Surely there will be statistics regarding the family's shopping quota met on line, but  I wonder who will me monitoring the degrees of depression individuals will be confronting with either too much family or not enough.

Black Friday may have become quite literal. Rather than recuperating from gatherings with stranger overload, our restrictive boundaries may have started to take a toll.  Receiving validation or recognition is nearly impossible without the presence of others. There are those who thrive on unscheduled down time, but equally, there are those who do not thrive without outside input.

Other than beginning the Christmas Eggnog Tradition, one can navigate to areas of interest normally not allowed by schedules.  Borrow a series of books or movies.  Begin an intentional conversation with long lost friends. Get outside letting the wind blow off stagnant thoughts while laughing at the quirks of nature!  

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving Residing in the Heart

""Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy;
they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
Marcel Proust

Let us open our hearts with gratitude for those who decorate our lives with joy, happiness, and wonder.  With deep appreciation, let us count our blessings for the treasured gifts of family and friendship whether near or far.

There is much to be grateful for in spite of our shortcomings or losses.  We can shift our perspective and dwell upon the positive unfolding in life.  Inconvenience or disruption surely can be tolerated by embracing newly created traditions.

Get creative and use candles even if frozen dinners are the chosen entrée; participate in a creative project that will reflect ability to adjust in favor of love; and initiate conversations allowing each person or just the lovely self to give voice to Thanksgiving residing in the heart.


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Governed to Keep Safe


"Disappointment is really just a term for 
our refusal to look on the bright side."
Richelle E. Goodrich

The passing holiday may have altered our sense of calm and connection, just as the approaching holidays tend to disrupt our harmony.  This year, especially, may push us to the end of our patience by the demands of altering traditions and practices.

We know we are headed into altered schedules so it is important to plan now, to put safeguards in place to allow our passage through these difficult times to unfold smoothly.  We can implement our structure, we can lace it with private moments for prayer or meditation.  We can mentally prepare ourselves for the let down we are bound to experience.

The importance is to reinforce safety for all so that we may celebrate future  holidays with all family members still present.  To alter our family gatherings for the approaching holiday, knowing it is governed to keep us safe, can be earmarked by new traditions for mutual support, transition, and enhanced dreams to come.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Pinpoint the Nugget

"Happiness is a direction."
Sydney J. Harris

We cannot control our life entirely.  No matter how carefully or thoughtfully we plan, there is a tendency for life itself to get in the way.  It is important, therefore, to continue striving for the outcomes we desire, in spite of interruptions altering our progress.

So even with our intentions veering off course, we can keep an open mind as to what appears before us. As our sight adjusts to darkness that may befall, we can pinpoint the nugget of wisdom just waiting to be discovered.

If we can walk between the stereotypical pollyanna and Debbie Downer, we are open to learning no matter where we are led. The environment, intimate or worldly, is multi-layered with discoveries, if we but take the time to be quiet and observe.


Monday, November 23, 2020

Blessed Connection

"Live every act fully, as if it were your last."
Jack Kornfield

The Covid Pandemic has limited our way of life, sometimes moving chaos from one location  to another. After months of adjusting, hopefully we have developed a balanced cadence to support us physically as well as mentally.

Intermittently, we have found spaces throughout the day easily utilized for a prayer, brief meditation or gazing outside at the fall colors.  When we take short breaks, we can equalize our temperament to best adjust to the unfolding of our day.  

We can no longer use the virus as an excuse for repeated disruption.  Learned flexability allows us to ebb and flow.  Greet every task with positive attention, creating the presence of a life filled with love. Our vibrations will spread throughout our space to uplift and maintain a blessed connection .

Sunday, November 22, 2020

At the End of the Arm

"Remember, if you ever need a helping hand,
you'll find one at the end of your arm."
Sam Levenson

If we give up too easily or turn to others for a rescue, we are giving up our power.  Our personal power is to be used in spite of the challenges that arise before us.  We underestimate our ability, accompanied by feelings of being overwhelmed, forgetting that whatever comes to the surface, teaches us.

Life is not a game of dodge ball.  If we duck or side step, we may have safe space, but the lesson will return.  Perhaps it will be disguised as something else, but avoiding an issue will not allow us a free pass.  If anything, a simple lesson may turn into a major crisis to finally get our attention.

The lessons in life can empower us as they are not intended to crush us.  If we believe, we are more apt to succeed.  "He who helps himself first" will gather enough strength to not only face personal disappointments, but to stretch his or her hand out to help another.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Limp Precariously

"Life isn't about finding yourself.
Life is about creating yourself."
George Bernard Shaw

As time passes, experiences are shuffled into our memories.  Like a cluttered desk, one needs to sort and organize to allow clear focus.  Some activities are readily shredded while others are carefully sorted into a separate file.  Often, there are some we cannot understand why they even happened.

When we discard events mentally, this does not mean they are not logged somewhere else in our body.  Exposure makes an impression both emotionally and physically.  Our scars are both emotional and physical.  These cannot be discarded as easily as a picture image.

The images logged within  our being continue to impact our actions in the present.  Whether we are aware or not, we project distortions either increasing or decreasing the cost of the exchange. The impairments can either challenge us to do better or to limp precariously. Please, let us do better! 

Friday, November 20, 2020

Instruction Booklet

"It becomes a way of life to stay awake, 
slow down, and notice."
Pema Chodron

In her book, WHEN THINGS FALL APART, Pema Chodron encourages the reader to "...witness our emotional chain reactions, and understand how they work."  By being aware of our automatic negative and positive reactions, we can adapt our behavior for enhanced results.

If we do not have the knowledge of how to turn the faucet on, we will be parched without water.  If we do not know how to turn the faucet off, we could drown.  So how realistic is it to live our life unaware? We are not born with a booklet of instructions, so we will prosper if we learn hands on.

How will we avoid falling into a dark pit if we are not careful to watch where we are going? Will we be able to avoid depression by remembering to reach out?  If we choose to journal, we will create our own instruction booklet.  In order to make healthy adjustments, we must first pay attention to how our mind thinks and the way our bodies react.


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Midst of Chaos

"The world is mud-luscious 
and puddle-wonderful."
e.e. cummings

Earlier in life, I made a commitment to my lovely self to live in a world without chaos.  I vowed not to anger or fight, but to live peacefully.  As time brought experiences, I began to realize that life is chaos and my intention would never withstand the on coming turbulance.  I reframed my intention to live life peacefully in the midst of chaos.

Facing hardships and overcoming shortcomings, I kept a small nugget of peace in my heart.  This sheltered treasure gave me hope to continue on.  I had choices to make, whether to dodge the forth coming upheaval or face it head on with imagined strength.  Over the years, I learned to blend my choices to avoid slipping from one extreme to the other.

The importance of asking, "What am I to learn," expedites the passage and increases my success in learning how to navigate the curves.  I am not always successful, but lessons now appear as building blocks ... sometimes I stack them too high or they tumble on their own ... thus, I find myself approaching life peacefully in the midst of chaos.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Mirrors in the Course of Life

"Enlightenment is intimacy with all things."
Jack Kornfield

Not wanting to get too involved or unnecessarily committed, we find our lovely selves living on the edge of the outside world as well as our inner world.  Our intention to stay once removed is a gesture to keep us protected and allow a sense of control.  By avoiding experiences, however, our longing to connect deeply with life will be unmet.

Life will invade our carefully built walls of protection.  No matter how careful we may be, challenges confront us, as this is how we learn.  In the course of life, we develop a rhythm to reflect the ebb and flow which creates alignment and allows us to become stronger.

If we succeed in climbing elevations of the mountain, we must go within to master the cliffs and ridges of our layers of incompletion.  If we successfully dive into depths of water pulled by the current, we must also  master the ebb and flow of inner emotions.  If we play with fire, we can face our inner flames. The choices we make in our outer world are mirrors  to what awaits us inside.


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

"This or Something Better" ...

"This, or something better,
now manifests for me."
Shakti Gawain

Prior to my intentional journey, while I was storing information in preparation for my solo quest, I came across the author Shakti Gawain and her book, CREATIVE VISUALIZATION.  In the late 70's and early 80's her work gave me free license to expand and flourish in the depths of imagination.  Her helpful words and encouragement led me to the positive experience of using affirmations and imagery.

Years later, I embraced LIVING IN THE LIGHT by Shakti Gawain which escorted me into a shift of personal and planetary transformation.  Working with light encouraged a sense of oneness and increased awareness of my personal strength.  Blending my instincts with desire, I learned to petition the Universe for 'this or something better.'

Often, what we ask for is not in our best interest and hind sight shows the blessing in not having a dream fulfilled.  God always has a plan, but it unfolds in its own time and space.  We must be patient in preparation for our creative blessings to unfold as they stream to us from the Universe.


Monday, November 16, 2020

Beginning, Again ...

"The first step on the journey to our calling in life
is to listen to our internal voices and respond
to the knocking universe at the door.
Madisyn Taylor

The first step taken on our Journey does not occur only once.  Every day we begin anew.  A fresh approach, a different angle, or broader vision will assist us in evolving as we travel unknown roads.

It is easy to feel lost or separated, and much more difficult to continue to place one foot in front of the other. Action, however,  is necessary for advancement.  Positive progress can be acquired by attentive listening and the gathering of small pieces. The knocking on the door is meant to attract our interest, not to startle us away.

Too often, we walk right by what we need whether ignoring signs of opportunity or being too narrowly focused.  We may feel a gut reaction, but fear easily distracts us. It matters not how many times we return to our path.  The importance is to  begin, again...and again...and again.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Unsettling ...

"The truth is that each living spirit we encounter 
is a depth to gently swim in, a miracle 
that can quench our thirst."
Mark Nepo

Kindred spirits pass through our lives bringing opportunity for new insight or experience.  It is not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing, but the opportunity to reenforce what we believe or to choose to change.  The exchange between us definitely is not limited by words or actions as often times just being in the  presence of a person's energy can impact our being.

Indeed, we have spent years within the bonds of 'sisters of the heart',  but there are incidents where an individual simply passes through our life, but for unknown reasons, we remember them forever. It is as though we were messengers silently sharing a piece of spirit, aware only subconsciously.

When a person moves away from his or her circle of friends, whether deliberately or changed by life, we promise to stay in touch, but we are unsuspecting of the mourning that follows. We miss the gatherings of friends, the private communications, the impromptu larks, and the touch of a trusted hand or a smothering hug.  It can be unsettling to not be in the presence of the lights who once made our lives so radiant.


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Shards of Genius

"Genius is a crisis that joins the buried self,
for certain moments, to our daily mind."
William Keats

The great Irish poet, William Keats believed all people had clashing moments in which opened shards of insight communicated by spirit.  He believed we were all capable of experiencing flashes of genius.  According to Mark Nepo, "The original sense of genius means being in the care of something unseen." This concept aligns with our constant connection with God providing insight on a daily basis.

It is understood that crisis in our life eventually leads to a change.  The interruption of chaos disturbs stagnant thinking while insight rises to the top.  It may require hindsight to be able to view the gifts that had been buried in the debris.

The importance of remaining aware is to be able to glimpse opportunities of genius.  If we kindle a sacred presence within us, we will feel connected rather than facing the world on our own.  In unison, the spirit can assist us in thought, word, or deed.


Friday, November 13, 2020

Untangle the Wrapping

"One of the greatest regrets in life is being
what others would want you to be,
rather than being yourself."
Shannon L. Alder

In childhood, we learn to hide parts of our lovely selves that adults do not seem to approve.  The hiding of the self begins early and become repressed into darkness.  What we perceive to be unacceptable aspects link together forming something similar to a strand of yarn.  The attached pieces begin to roll into a large ball. Eventually, the large wad leaves no space to breathe.

Not being aligned with the self causes conflict not only within, but on the outside as well.  What happens to be hidden can trigger physical discomfort, mental unrest, and spiritual conflict.  It is at this point we begin to pull upon the thread and untangle the wrapping of the gift within.

Individuals build strength as they unfold.  Bearing the truth is uplifting and sharing it with the world can be exhilarating. Our unexpected fullness can lead us into unimaginable destinations beyond our earlier dreams.  

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Individual Worth and Integrity

"I am a woman who is proud of her history,
aspires to use her creativity positively,
and looks forward to her future."
Rosie Molinary

The Dove company conducted a study entitled, "The Real Truth about Beauty" revealing 2 percent of women around the world thought of themselves as beautiful.  The company then began a campaign to encourage women to better define beauty.  (; Features and Videos; "Onslaught", "Evolution")

My photograph resource responded to a request for "Women" with snapshots of women shopping, models with high end apparel, and an overwhelming amount of bare bottoms and exposed breasts of young women.  There were a few respectful cement statues, but obviously they were not alive nor current. 

So where in our culture are women highlighted as scientists, inventors, doctors, CEO's, government or community leaders?  Where are the photos of professional women with appearances reflecting the true  diversity of women?  Women must discover and honor all aspects of themselves to present a whole impression of individual worth and personal integrity. Now that's beauty!


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veterans Deserve More than One Day

“They were all in and they were all together, 
one nation, under God, indivisible, 
with liberty and justice for all.” 
― Bob Richardson

Today our Veteran's are honored, but why just today?  Instead of just one day, why haven't we been utilizing resources  for standard living?  In reference to war Brene Brown states:  " For soldiers serving in Afghanistan and Iraq, coming home is more lethal than being in combat.   From the invasion of Afghanistan to the summer of 2009, the US military lost 761 soldiers in combat in that country. Compare that to the 817 who took their own lives over the same period, and this number does account for deaths related to violence, high-risk behaviors, and addiction.” 

We ask Americans to serve in our wars, and their families are deeply impacted as well.   Honorable men sit safely behind desks predicting, projecting, and plotting the course  while other honorable men follow orders into atrocities, physical disabilities, chemicals or torture, becoming scarred human beings.  These courageous men return home expected to be normal and carry on with the American Dream.  If we cannot support honorable men impacted by the horror of war, then as Americans, we aught not send them.

More effort needs to be placed on recognizing we are all made by the same God and God is not on one side or the other.  When we can respect each other as fellow earth dwellers, perhaps we can find peaceful ways to share, care, and distribute equally with respect and honor for all.



Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Return of an Old Friend

"You expect to be sad in the fall.  Part of you
died each year when the leaves fell from the
trees and their branches were bare against
 the wind and the cold, wintery light."
Ernest Hemingway

Fall has forever been my favorite season.  Artistically painted trees in every imaginable hue; the presence of birds lifting spirits with song; crisp fresh air carrying the earth's fragrances; pumpkins and apples; and being mesmerized by an evening fire.

Autumn is the return of an old friend dressed in many colors, seeding inspiration and gracing the heart with wholesome affection.  Time spent outside is highlighted by the rustle of falling leaves, the crunch on pathways and everything pumpkin stirring childhood memories.

The young maple tree across the way has been my calendar.  I have watched it bud in the spring, sprout green growth in the summer, and now gently let go of precious leaves. Sadness creeps over me as I acknowledge the last of the hummingbirds have fled and the lonely cry of the crow reverberates in my head. The valley is turning into a stick drawing as I face winter with dread.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Numbness Leads to Pain

"You haven't seen a tree until
you've seen its's shadow 
from the sky."
Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart experienced numerous sightings as a pilot flying through the skies.  Looking down upon the world, she was able to view things from a different perspective.  To observe from various angles, one becomes aware of the entire picture, not just one glance at still life.

We each can hold a perception based from our memory banks, colored by our past emotions.  It is our truth from how we viewed it.  Another person may have observed an entirely different rendition of truth as seen from his or her vantage point.  Gathered information contributes to discovering the full truth.

Gossip  rarely contains the entire truth, but we allow our thoughts to be influenced.  If the rumors in the community are about our lovely selves, we may bury it deep inside and become numb to all feelings.  This is when teen agers begin to cut on themselves, longing to feel. In extreme cases, the state of numbness can drive one to violence in order to feel ... even if it is pain.


Envisioned Outcome

"Love hurts only when the choice of doing so
Renders a negative consequence; therefore,
you can choose your intentions but not the outcome."
VaeEshia Ratcliff-Davis

We desire to be a good steward of the earth, a helpful addition to community, and a loving member of family.  We gather our energy to take action towards our goal, but the unforeseen swiftly diminishes our best laid plans.  We step back, realign our intentions and find space to begin again.  Hope accumulates as we hold our vision, imagining a positive outcome. 

They say it is best to focus on one thing and do it well, rather than splintering energy across several endeavors.  There are suggestions regarding the arrangement of a short time table rather than a lengthy project, ensuring completion.  The fewer the details, the wider the margins for editing change.

In the midst of our intentions, additional limitations curtail our efforts ... monitoring contact with the outside world ... measuring six feet between all peoples ... wearing a mask preventing any exchange of a smile ... and the production of isolation both emotional and physical.  This is not the outcome I envisioned.  


Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Bond of Love

"The real story comes from a love source
that cannot be understood with intellect, but
known only as a person is known."
Coleman Barks

There are times we may gravitate towards superficial relationships to avoid emotional connection or risk of suffering.  A boundary such as this may distance us, but it also prevents the deeper levels of exchange to occur.  

It is when we become vulnerable with one other person, that we see the impact of drama, recoil, healing and love.  It is when we have witnessed the damage to the heart that we can truly appreciate the expansive joy of healing.

Once we are familiar with patterns different than our own,  we begin to understand the diversity of every situation and the range of results.  When we take time to observe and not judge others, we have room to sink into the deeper wisdom of the spiritual and physical aspects of life.  Intellect alone does not qualify us to understand the depths and expansions of the bond of love.


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Spiritual Exchanges and Human Suits

"The spiritual life is about becoming
more at home in your own skin."
Parker J. Palmer

The life of spirit is forever gliding around us, just waiting for one of us to tune in to the available wisdom. When we are too distracted by the craziness of life, we do not hear nor understand how easily we could be uplifted.

Moments of inspiration appear unexpectedly, delivered in the strangest way.  We can see the wisdom in the behavior of an animal or hear it in the lyrics of a song.  We could be reading a passage for the 150th time, yet understand words in a new way.  We can be at our lowest emotional state of existence and be pivoted into a sense of connection by a random act of a stranger.

One of the interesting parts of adding to our spiritual life, is the element of the unknown.  Frequently the random stranger has no idea of the impact he or she just made upon a stranger.  The stranger may not realize the spiritual gift received until hours after the occurrence.  Indeed, if we would be more inviting to spiritual exchange, we would be wearing our human suits in a more flattering way.


Friday, November 6, 2020

Unfolding of the Gift

"You are unfolding with profound purpose;
your purpose is revealing you, to yourself."
Bryant McGill

The new born baby was safely placed into the arms of the adoptive parents. They were asked how they imagined the baby boy would be.  The newly appointed father laughed, saying that the child was a gift that would continuously unwrap himself.  Together, the parents perceived the baby would strive to meet his purpose, and not theirs.

Even with honored individual purpose, life's journey swerves with surprise turns or dead ends.  We can project how we want our life to be, but outcomes are rarely what had been predicted.  Just as the four seasons remain constant, they rarely are identical to the year before. Patterns may continue, but often change in texture as well as color.

It is human nature to create an image of how we want to be, but we must never omit flexibility or stop listening to our soul.  God has a plan which often is far better than what we have in mind. Communication is always key!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Sorely Needed

"When we make things into a competition, 
we create a situation where there are always
winners and losers."
Rosie Molinary

Whether a National Baseball Playoff or a third grade Spelling Bee, a competition includes a winner and a loser.  Rarely is a participant overheard saying, "Well, at least I got second!" When people are matched against each other, the purpose often shifts from the needed outcome to individual ego application.  

Early in my career, I learned the benefit of allowing choice over dictating assignments.  My boss approached the committee and gently placed an outline of an agenda that would secure her needed outcome.  "Choose a category that best meets personal abilities and interest," which allowed the business major to choose finances and the PR rep to develop the contact list.  If two people chose the same category, the boss asked them to work together as a team. Each person was eagerly invested as they felt they had something significant to bring to the task.

By having choice and being able to apply strengths, allowed us to improve and unfold.  We were able to come together as individual skills where we would all succeed, rather than a contest producing an outcome of criticism or judgment. The concept of team effort is sorely needed in our society today.  


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Adjusting the Frame


"If a problem can't be solved within the frame it was conceived,
the solution lies in reframing the problem."
Brian McGreevy

When a crisis falls into our lap, we can become overwhelmed and frozen into place.  Denial or avoidance frequently come in with a rush, but they do not bring us any closer to appropriate solutions.  It is beneficial to break the problem down into pieces, creating steps that feel reasonable.

It becomes imperative to ask our lovely selves, "What can I do?" or "What am I willing to do?"  As we calm down, we can also ask, "Who really owns this problem?" or "How much am I willing to take on?"
When we accurately define ownership of the problem, reasonable correction can arise.

When we are able to set aside emotional attachments and objectively examine the situation, we can be more effective in problem solving.  If, however, the gnawing reality is that the situation is too large for us to resolve on our own, the sooner we reach out for assistance the better. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Floating in Spiritual Space


"All that is necessary to make this world a better place to live
is to love ... to love as Christ loved, as Buddha loved."
Isadora Duncan

Darkness is beginning to fill in the spaces left by the setting sun.   I want to be in oblivion with just my eyes connected to the pathway of the  moon.  I gently release all fact and fiction with fragments of the unknown.  My desire is to be empty of all thought perceived or conceived during my time in this place.

Inside of my lovely self I envision a balance of dark and light, creating an alignment of safety to protect me as I discharge all sense of of my body.  I awaken to an untainted space filled with love without any justification or defilement. There are no boundaries nor expectations for free floating in spiritual space.

I breathe in tenderness; I sense the diminishment of fear; and I am shifted into the embodiment of love.  Gone are the self-expectations and uncertified imperfections.   I  am unleashed with this limitless love of mine with the promise to simply shine.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Thrive not Survive

"The mystery of caribou migration reveals to us
the emergence of living over hiding, of being 
over thinking, of participating over observing, 
of thriving over surviving.
Mark Nepo

When we step down from our pontificated egos and experience life on an equal plain, rhythm, admiration, and wisdom overflow.  If we choose to respect and share with all beings, isolation begins to diminish.  We enter the space of equal participants of the planet upon which we live.

With recognition that all earthly inhabitants contribute significantly, we can focus on our own purpose.  In using our energy to develop and enhance our individual knowledge, then blend it with the capabilities of others, individuals grow together requiring very few boundaries between.

No longer will there be a necessity to hide behind false images.  Our focus stretches to excel for the good of all.  Perhaps, we will stop thinking so hard, using our energy for productive and peaceful action.   Instead of survival mode, we can appreciate the blessings of thriving together.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Stories Not Connected to Truth


"When a culture's stories are honest, authentic and connected
to the truth, the culture is strong, productive, and progressive."
Derek Rydall

As a conscientious human being, it is difficult to go back and research the underlying stories hidden by the fairytales written in history books.  When the years pass bringing an awareness of prejudices against gender, age, race, heritage, religion ... well it is appalling.

We as a nation have unleashed torture, starvation, and disease upon others from ancient to current times.
Too easily we are distracted as we are pointed to the wrong doings of others.  We are so busy criticizing and casting judgment, there is no time for the larger picture to be revealed.  We hold others accountable for their doings, but not our lovely selves.

Avoiding politics, organized religion, segregation, or patriarchal manipulation, my head has been turned to see individuals with stories recorded in the creases of  heartbroken faces.  War is not 'over there', but kindling in the souls of all peoples, here.  Each of us has a choice as to how we want to release our anger, whether it be working for the good of all or continuing to make others fall.