Thursday, December 31, 2020

Kindness in Unpredicted Restrictions


"It seemed as if the longer she lived,
the more was taken away from her."
Shelley Noble

New Year's Eve seems to appear more quickly than it used to.  Time is a master of illusion.  In the past I have spent hours perfecting new routines and goals for the next year, although unlikely to master any of them.  

This year I do not write about the forth coming year.  I sit in the present moment, thinking only of how I can expand and enhance my inner dwelling.  It has become my home base no matter where I am.  Loving my self, others, unknowns, and nature are the items on my 'To Do' list.

I do not withdraw entirely as that is not how human beings are meant to live.  I surface to extend and share what I have stored up, and then I retreat for more.  Christmas Day and the days following without gatherings, no cell phones/texting, no internet/messaging and no television/series, made me realize the importance of self-acceptance as ultimately, a solid resource.  Not to be self-serving, but being active kindness in unpredicted restrictions.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020



"Fumbling in the dark and watching now
For new light to help me find my way."
Kate McGahan

A few days prior to Christmas I promised myself to maintain focus of the light until the New Year appeared on calendars.  I was sincere and determined, but found my lovely self faltering as early as Christmas morn.  

To ensure success, I had an outline to spread across my day, eliminating pockets of potential darkness.  Resources were waiting and I was confident in creating an uplifting Christmas Day to begin substitution for traditional family ways.

Christmas Day began with squeals from the kiddo's response to Santa's visit.  A delicious breakfast was prepared and I even had time to send off some quick messages to the sister's of my heart and a few immediate family conversations, but not all.  Then communication of all kind went dead. Darkness came without notice forcing us into an even deeper adjustment to our 2020 holiday.  Baffled, I experienced both thankfulness for curtailed bombing impact and grateful to be with my loving family; however,  it definitely knocked me out of my hallucination of mastering the light!

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

No Communication on Christmas!

"It's terrible to have to depend
on someone else."
Jeff Lindsay

There was ample time to adjust to the idea of no family gatherings at Christmas.  Once the reality was accepted, one could move forward by making new plans such as: Face Time, Zoom or House Party to see familiar faces and exchange good wishes.

On Christmas morn, a bomb was released in downtown Nashville.  Fortunately only three people were injured.  There were no connections with cell phones or computers to follow through with replacement plans of Face Time,  Zoom or House Party or at the very least messaging. This triggered a deeper sensation of isolation.

The worst feeling was not being able to let family and friends know family was ok.  The phones were out until the next evening the 26th or the next day and internet clicked on late afternoon on the 27th.  This seemed like a very long time to be disconnected.  So Holiday plans seemed to go from bad to worse.  At least I was warmly surrounded by family learning once again to lovingly adapt to altered expectations.

Monday, December 28, 2020



"He who does not understand your silence
will probably not understand your words."
Elbert Hubbard

There is silence today.  I guess vibrations have lowered to a regular frequency relieving static annoyances.  Perhaps, silence simply follows greater activity and our emotions can settle back into a regular level.  Whatever the reason, silence is prevalent today.

As days stretch through the years, silence becomes a resident replacing distractions that once prevailed. Perhaps, silence becomes an additional friend of kindness without expectations or demands.  It is a presence that accompanies us buffering outside noise.

The shreds of loose ends from holiday remembrances can carefully be swept away for yet again another year.  The adjustment is made to surroundings rather plain no longer twinkling nor sparkling. A favorite chair awaits my return as I gather a candle, journal, and the last glass of good cheer. Silence surrounds me, bracing for the New Year.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Keep Trying


"It will get easier each time, I think.
I hope. I just have to keep trying."
jenny han

Days of Christmas are finally passing, and I turn to stare at the New Year.  I continue to rekindle my desire to remain in the moment, but I am experiencing a dread of New Year's Eve.  It has been an evening adjusted, redesigned and altered, but it has been a sign of new beginnings.

Here of late, I realize my thoughts are secretly hoping that 2020 will end and 2021 will bring a year of health and happiness; but, I know this is disallustional.  No matter how many candles I burn or how long I read and meditate, the clocks will turn and Covid will not have disappeared.

With force, I bring my intentions to aspirations that will continue to tolerate isolation and fear.  My ego must no longer lead me into stages of despair, but encourage me from moment to moment.  It is was it is and I must choose accordingly.  I can have hope, faith, and appropriate goals to continue forward outside of the 'poor me' mode or hiding in the darkness.  This too shall pass.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Choice Was Ours

"We live and breathe words ... "
Cassandra Clare

Christmas arrived dressed very differently and made an exit certainly not up to parr with the past.  In the evening I sat with the Holiday cards I had saved just for this purpose.  It seemed like more people sent cards this year in an attempt to at least announce maintaining their health.

One couple explained how they came to terms with not having a "Christmas" this year.  Their adult children were not traveling and fellow friends were keeping the holiday simple.  They accepted there wasn't any Christmas, so they were determined to create an entirely new day. It was time spent one on one celebrating the many joys they had experienced over the years.

It all comes down to choice.  We could either sit in our darkness with depressing words or we we could create new ways of communication to brighten our space.  Perhaps the newly defined day would never compare to previous holidays, but it still could shine with newly made memories.  The choice was ours.


Friday, December 25, 2020

The Beauty of Christmas

"The magic of Christmas 
lives inside of you, always.'
James Barbato

And so it is Christmas Day.  Endeavor to bring joy into every room, even if you find your lovely self alone.  Let us lift our perceptions, counting all of the gifts we have received in our life and recall the moments of past gift giving when the hearts of others were lifted.

If we are stuck with the dregs of hangover from sweets or beverages, we can make a choice to shed any negative filament and not be stuck.  We can find our selves thankful for all of the past holidays lived entirely different from this day.  We can gather the joy from the past and allow it to brighten our way.

With deep appreciation, we can sift through personal files of those who have touched our hearts in the past.  We can honor our recovery from days wandering off our path.  We can fill our mind with hope for time forming in front of us to be used in the best possible way.  Please ... unwrap the beauty of Christmas that lives within your soul. 


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Something Greater We Cannot Yet See

"Remembrance, like a candle, 
burns brightest at Christmas time."
Charles Dickens

"Tis Christmas Eve and emotions may be crowding in.  We may feel darkness in our hearts and a heaviness from the absence of those we love.  We may be craving the sacredness of being in attendance at church or the laugher of Santa prepared for children.  It doesn't matter what has caused us to be off balance, but it can be fun to realign.

All of us have individual memories of seasons passed, and there is no reason to snuff them out.  Let favorite memories breathe and be present, but not to the point of monopolizing all of our attention.  Each one of us can create a new twist to the holiday whether it is an original recipe or a newly released song.  We can choose to embrace our holiday with newness, facing the days ahead with joy.

Candles make me the happiest throughout the year and Christmas is not an exception.  I can lower the lights bringing an essence into the space.  There are many oils to choose from and there is also the cleansing ritual using sage.  If we can focus on one spark of light, we will no longer feel removed from, but rather a part of something greater we cannot  yet see.


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

We Have Choice

"The best gift you can open this Christmas
season is your own heart."
Toni Sorenson

Darkness falls so early these days and contributes to this sense of isolation.  We can address our physical sluggishness by resting to the sound of Christmas music or a fine sudsy soak in the tub.  Mentally we can write our sadness down and give ourselves permission to feel as we do.  It is natural to miss family during the holidays, this year in particular.

Christmas Eve candlelight service may not be available this year, but we can light candles and create new rituals in our own surroundings.  The night before Christmas can be just as spiritual as one cares to make it.  It can be a solid time for communing with the spirits or expressing our gratefulness for what continues to be dear.

It is challenging to remain connected during this time.  With festivities lacking, it may be easy to back slide into sadness, but we have choice.  We can simply sit, closing our eyes, and feeling our inner light extend outside of our bodies.  We can imagine it spreading throughout our home, community and state. Light can be projected into the earth, grateful for all she provides or lift it above us towards the sky where we can once again all be one.


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Darkness Crept In

"My dark days made me strong.  Or maybe 
I was already strong, 
and they made me prove it."
Emery Lord

Ten months ago, I relocated with my normal fears of transitioning.  Even when we choose to give up parts of our lives, it doesn't mean it is easily done.  I looked forward to living in Nashville, Tennessee, once again, recalling old friends, hang outs, and new beginnings. I felt certain as to how my life would unfold.

My projections, however, did not consider damaging tornadoes followed by Covid.  My personal property was housed in my new apartment, but I was residing with my daughter and her gracious family.  As the months passed, there were no opportunities to find old friends nor to meet and greet new ones.  Many of my favorite haunts had shut down and new adventures were put on hold.

Over the months, darkness crept upon me at unsuspecting times.  My kindred spirits lived far away and isolation began to challenge me.  Surrounded by books, nurturing my self, and writing were not enough to keep me afloat.  I finally learned to just sit with my self and ask, "What is it exactly?"  In time, answers became clear and I carried my rekindled light further into the darkness.  There is no way to totally avoid chaos, so it is best to recognize personal strength and be grateful. Continue to move forward.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Winter Solstice Decmber 21, 2020


"The planets Saturn and Jupiter will align on December 21
and will form a Christmas Star shape."

The unpredictable year of 2020 is drawing to a close. Planets Saturn and Jupiter will align with each other forming a shape of the Christmas star.  The winter solstice or the darkest/shortest day of the year will end with this seemingly magical image, the first appearance since the Middle Ages.

This year of 2020 seems to have lasted forever, and unfortunately, the disappearance of the Covid Virus is yet to be seen.  For most of us, we could create a long list of varying emotions and be able to check each one experienced within the last several months. Few have escaped emotional upheaval.

I have made a promise to myself to create new appreciations for this year's Winter Solstice by celebrating every day from now until 2021.  I will vow to hold my spirits high with appreciation for all that is in my life sustaining me and to pray vigilantly for all others suffering during this time.  May we all learn our intended lessons and begin the New Year as a bright light being carried into the New Year.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Ancestral Presence

"My mind is a neighborhood,  
I try not to go into alone."
Anne Lamott

With activities limited, we spend more time by our lovely selves.  It may have seemed unique or inspiring at first, but as the months have slowly passed, time is heavy in our hands.  We have the choice to fill open spaces with creative endeavors or unaccountable time slots of television, eating, sleeping or other addictions.

We have free will and an inner voice attempting to guide us.  We can consider fixing a dessert for a neighbor or unearthing years of Christmas in storage.  Which prompts will grab our attention?  What will we choose?  How will we rate our actions as accountable?

My mind is like a very old city library with aisle after aisle of gathered books.  The lights are usually dim, and comfortable chairs wait patiently wait to hold me.  The tendency to drift back into the old stacks provides me with memories, shifting in importance and  displaying wear.  Words are of a  great comfort to me whether my own or someone else's.  It's all about the tone in my voice and just how warmly I welcome ancestral presence.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

On the Other Side

"I believe it is the flaws that make us interesting,
our backgrounds, our hardships.
Jane Green

While day dreaming near a tree, I happened to notice how the bark was cracking, dislodged, and separating.  I could not help but wonder if this physically hurt the tree.  If I had still been a child, I would have tried to tape or glue this amazing tree back together; but, as an adult, I knew true healing comes from the inside.

To receive kind affirmations or condolences help, but authentic healing must come from within.  It may be a slow process, but if not dealt with in the present, the negativity will fester and demand greater attention as time passes.

It is vitally important not to bury that which bothers us.  We will do our best when we slow our stride and be gentle with what is going on deep inside of us where others cannot see.  Embracing our obstacles may seem relentless, but once we master the needed tools to pass the lesson, we will be stronger on the other side.


Friday, December 18, 2020

Diligent Investments


"Dear one, do you think
I understand you enough?"
Thich Nhat Hanh

What if we made a deliberate pause and asked our loved one, 'what do I not know about you that I should know?' Out of habit, we may listen to the first few sentences, but do we shut down prior to the important disclosure?  Do we disconnect from our loved ones just before they are ready to expose their burden?

We tend to quit listening to the people we care most about.  We unplug mired down by our own  routines and the gap between significant others widens.  We can be quarantined with our loved ones all day long, but never really check in on a deeper level of understanding.

How would our relationships improve if we determined a 15 minute space where every day we revered this time as sacred.  A safe harbor where one could be vulnerable and honest.  When was the last time we looked inside of our beloved whether to receive or divulge? Understanding and acceptance requires diligent investments of truth.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Restricted Expression


"Praying may be the most personal 
and intimate thing we do."

THE FEMININE FACE OF GOD, The Unfolding of The Sacred in Women by Sherry Anderson and Patricia Hopkins written in 1981 became a guide for women to redefine patriarchal prayer.  The book encouraged women to redefine traditional practices and to create authentic communication.  

In the 1980's a phrase was coined: "God is Dead".  The lapse of attendance at churches prompted many to believe that faith had fallen.  In truth, however, it was not belief in God that had disintegrated, but the exclusive practices of the organized church.

Prayer became a deeper and more authentic communication with all that was sacred.  Women in particular expanded prayer to be appropriate within the temple of the heart or on the sand of an ocean.  The power of prayer heightened and joined people together in spite of denominations, races, or gender. Church attendance may have hit a decline, but personal faith in Divine Spirit blossomed, impacting once restricted and singularly defined expression. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Kindness, Example and Love

"Mindful living is an art, and
each of us has to train to be an artist."
Thich Nhat Hanh

The width and depth of intention are immeasurable.  Our motivation can be a life long dream or an innocent hope floating through our subconscious.  We can be relentless in our focus or we can catch the slightest image of miraculous in any given reflection.  To experience either one, we must be awake.

As beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there is no competition to mute our personal flair.  We are  beckoned by Spirit to be the inventor of our own life, to be the artist of our own temperament and the designer of our own unfolding.

If we simply aim to bring the best of our lovely selves into the world, our purpose easily unfolds.  Our motivation is kindled by our own doing and satisfaction is our personal reward.  Our aim is to fill our unique spirits with kindness, example, and love.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Now and Everlasting

"Relax more completely with our environment and
appreciate the world around us and the ordinary truth
that takes place every moment."
Pema Chodron

We falsely assume that we must 'go' somewhere like a planned adventure in order to experience of higher connection, which is not true at all.  We do not require a special book, a Master Teacher, nor a perfect existence to be on the receiving end of authenticity.

When we become aware of the incredible knowledge surrounding us no matter where we are, our lives can take on a magnitude of strength.  We have the ability to connect with the tree in our yard as easily as  one in a forest.  Our connection with God is not limited to a chapel or temple. Our words are received in thought, word or deed.

When we learn to be open to messages arriving through the written word or on a simple breeze, we will be surrounded by presence.  When we anticipate uplifting experiences, we begin to notice how we are surrounded by spiritual support coming through activities in our chosen moments.  We are the Universe.   Our existence blends with all that is.  We are the now and the everlasting.


Monday, December 14, 2020

Both Gentle and Bold

"May you find courage to rise
above any circumstance."
Lailah Gifty Akita

We are powerful beings pretending to be small.  We cower instead of stepping up to the plate.  We may believe that someone will rescue us or bail us out; but, if this is true, the lesson will simply return again and again until we have directly addressed it.

We are masters when we learn to be flexible with our strengths.  We learn to bend with emotions but to be strong with our foes.  We must be willing to bend like a tree in the soft summer breeze and yet, be strong in the bold winter wind.

Indeed, the world needs more kindness, and personally,  so do we.  We must address our lovely selves with tenderness plus awareness of the strengths we behold.  When we can be fully aware, we can carry both gentle and bold strokes for whichever life calls.


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Positive Reconstruction

"Do you find that your mind is still centered on finding fault 
or are you able to keep it neutral?"
Rosie Molinary

Half of the battle is realizing the negative chatter streaming through our thoughts infringe upon our celebration of self.  Like water wearing down edges of a rock, criticism diminishes our authentic sense of self.  

When we worry about being too big or too small or too loud or too quiet ... it is all wasted energy.  If we take our hand and place it over our heart, we can kindly remind our brain to STOP!  Rather than worrying about what other people see, apply energy to what parts of the self one can generously give to others.  Perhaps it is our smile, humor, listening ability, or uplifting comments.

When we can feel more focused upon what we have to offer, we will begin to feel better about our lovely selves.  We will become more comfortable with life itself.  Perfect, not hardly, but definitely a work in progress ... positive reconstruction!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Students Learning

"I remember that I am still a student,
still learning every day that I am human."
Anna Quindlen

The knowledge we contain is rarely categorized as wisdom.  If our words happen to enlighten a listener, stranger or foe, we tend to down play the significance.  And yet, let a friend or acquaintance utter a snippet of interest and we fill them with praise.

What would our world be like if all peoples contained their insights?  What if Kahlil Gibran said, "Oh, never mind! It was just gibberish anyway ... throwing away volumes of his work.  And what if Georgia O'Keefe minimized her art work and never shared it publicaly?  

As vulnerable human beings, it is our mission to share with one and other.  By letting others see inside of us propels them individually to do the same.  The result would be for each of us to stand from behind our masks and let our light shine!  We are all students who learn from each other.


Friday, December 11, 2020

The Joy of Living

"We think we have failed when all we have really done
is to take one more step to learn our life lessons."
Betty Clare Moffatt 

If we do not honor our weaknesses or short comings, we will carry a sense of failure.  It is when we can identify our weakness and adapt our thoughts and deeds, the task of living gains momentum.  Rather than repressing a dark spot, we can choose to hold it up to the light and see how it fits into our lesson plans.

As we age, there is more room to turn around and glance behind us.  We can establish a better perspective, cleansing and forgiving the errors of our way.  We will also recognize these errors as our stepping stones which advance us in our needed direction.

If our hearts are cluttered with heavy rocks from the past, joy and calm will remain a destination.  When we love our selves enough, we have the compassion to reexamine events, admit to our misconceptions, and free our hearts.  We can at last make room for treasures to unfold; thus, the joy of living.


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Compassion for the Self

"Research shows that anyone can develop self-compassion.
All that is required is a willingness to practice."
Tim Desmond

Sometimes it takes years to quiet the voice of criticism buried deeply within our lovely selves.  We must first become aware of the voice itself, then discover the origin, and finally heal it.  We so freely distribute compassion to others, but tend to ration it within.

When we are in the presence of others or reading or viewing, we come across segments that annoy us.  It is a healthy practice to pause and label the exact disturbance.  Give the erupting feeling a name and put it in context of our own life.  Whatever it is, we have part ownership  as the other person is simply mirroring aspects we have yet resolved.

We can be in situations where we are perhaps insulted or judged, but when we interject a pause, we soon realize we have taken words too close to home.  The odds are the speaker had never even brought us into their equation.  We are reacting to unresolved personal issues.  To practice our listening skills,  we learn more about self-compassion and needed additional healing.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Float Into the Unknown

"Full body relaxation is the first step to emotional and
mental relaxation and is the beginning of the healing state."
Diane Stine

As we finally understand the importance of physical balance, nutrition, and normalized sleeping, we are ready to recognize equal importance towards mental health.  Relaxation is learned by the physical body, and then extends to our perceptions, visions, and ability to become totally calm.

The state of total relaxation with the body, mind and spirit, can be compared to our childhood experience of floating unafraid in water.  The ability to let go, to unclinch, to release all attachments creates the sense of freedom we so desperately seek.

To experience nothingness requires us to be in full relaxation mode.  It is not a matter of resting one appendage and not the other nor escaping into a singular demanding focus.  It is the ability to temporarily shed our physical suits, free our minds through deep breaths, and float into the unknown . 


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Journey of Life's Intention

"Embracing something you love opens your heart
as a flower opens when the sun shines on it."
LaUna Huffines

Inside of every heart, there is a passion waiting to grow in the light and awaken life to purpose and creativity.  Whether it is reading, calculating, designing, restoring, there is a spec of wisdom waiting to expand with what brings out individual talents and interests.

Instead of seeking out side of our lovely selves, we are encouraged to spend time alone to first discover what makes our hearts sing.  When we nurture our gifts with things we love, we begin our journey to carrying out life's intention.

As our recognition flowers, light increases and our hearts begin to sing.  These combined vibrations encourage healing and higher perspectives.  We experience the true sense of giving and we simultaneously prosper.  Effortlessly, we join together in the oneness of life on earth.


Monday, December 7, 2020

Uniqueness and Oneness

"At heart, hospitality is helping across a threshold."
Ivan Illich

THE BOOK OF AWAKENING by Mark Nepo is my morning inspiration.  This is probably my fourth time through the daily book as I always uncover a message I apparently missed the other times around.  Denial, illusion and fire, Nepo says, are road signs to authenticity ... a passage needed to be made alone.

In 'spiritual hospitality', a person can ask one other for guidance, to share experiences, and to point us in a direction; however, we must never impose, intrude nor expect rewards in return.  Equally, we can respond to a seeker with comfort and enthusiasm, but one who seeks must take his or her own steps.

As we follow our spiral journey deeper within our lovely selves, we begin to recognize originality and the repetition of patterns.  When we are expanding from within, we see with new eyes and stronger connections.  We begin to link our uniqueness with the oneness of all.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Uplifting Balance

"When you are in service to yourself and are committed 
to personally evolving and changing, you uplift everyone around you."
Barbara Marciniak

When we enter the elevator or board the bus, we may not speak to anyone or exchange eye contact, but our energy can be felt by others.  If we are in a good place, our impact may be that of harmony, but if we are angered our vibrations can be felt like a negative disruption.

Individually, we are called to hold ourselves accountable for our alignment.  We have the ability to balance ourselves at any moment.  Simple deep breathing can transform us within a moment.  Still, we tend to disregard this power we hold.

A friend approaches us with tears and trembling, so we embrace her or him in a giant hug which helps to calm them.  Blood pouring from a scraped knee, a child turns to the soothing words of the parent as they radiate the sense of safety.  As we internalize our mounting stress, we can turn inward with nurturing meditation, visions or prayer.  As we serve ourself as well as others with compassion, we will uplift the balance in our world.


Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Clock is Ticking ...


"Recognize what is in your sight,
and that which is hidden from you,
will become plain to you."
The Nag Hammadi Library

There was a time I read only fiction, then moved to only non-fiction and finally shifted into all materials my eyes were drawn to.  This morning, I have been revisiting authors such as:  Gregg Braden (Walking Between Two Worlds); Barbara Marciniak (Bringers of the Dawn) and Angeles Arrien (The Four Fold Way).  Three very different writings, with underlying themes of an inevitable earthly shift.

In the last few hours I have been scanning these dissimilar non-fiction writings to discover a harmony of thought trailing in all three.  To me, the message is that no matter how brilliant the minds of our world, we continuously miss the point of being caretakers of the earth.  

As I meld the information together, I find myself expectant of a shift impacting our earth, all peoples, and our personal accountability.  It is as though all of our materialistic gains, career successes and self-serving patterns have led us farther from the true meaning of life.  The constant in these books was a call to return to being dedicated keepers of a healthy earth, and reclaiming our one and only family with compassion.  Meantime, the clock is ticking  ...

Friday, December 4, 2020

Never Alone

"Fear is only looking in the mirror
and making faces at your self."

Fear is often times an automatic reaction that is baseless.  It is simply an applied emotion that is not necessarily appropriate for the situation.  The key is to acknowledge this emotional response and then move on to a more reasonable assessment.

When we program ourselves to dismiss unlikely fears, it becomes easy to move through it like intentionally blinking the eye.  If we do not maintain the awareness of our baseless fear reaction, we can become stuck or spiral into darkness.

Changing our response needs to be intentional until it becomes a normal reaction.  I have been fear based for the majority of my life and I have yet to master my automatic response.  I am fairly successful, however,  to remember to place my hand upon my heart, remembering that I am never alone. .


Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Tiny Teardrop

"When you find yourself teary in response ...
your soul is signaling recognition."
Janet Conner

It perhaps is time to pause from seeking and settle into private moments to receive blessings, mantras or visions.  These are the days we can gain more by simply being present with an open mind.  In order to hear or to feel a connection, one must pay attention.

Truth will bless us whether we are watching movies, reading inspiration or meditating.  Words can fall upon us as gently as falling snow.  When we are in the midst of nothing, we can be moved, uplifted or feel a connection although nothing appears to be there.

Even if we are tightly bound in prayer, are we listening for answers?  Do we hear the word of God or whispers from the stars?  If we do not pay attention, we will miss the magic intended for us.  A tiny teardrop can stimulate confidence, peace, and oneness if we are but ready to receive.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Center Intentions

"We have ideas about ourselves that we use
as limitations or resistance to changing."
Louise L. Hay

We can talk our lovely selves out of anything.  We can ignore, pretend, escape or convincingly believe we are too weak, worthless and frivolous.   The choice is ours, to create a new template for the days ahead or collapse under pressure.

When we rewire our brain with positive correction, we can excel with good intentions.  Will it be perfect? Probably not, but seldom is the unfolding of any given day.  The point is to get back into the flow.  Just jump in and begin again. Recreate with what is available.

Often, when we are trying to meet the needs of others, we overextend reality and perhaps over shadow honest anticipations.  Center intentions upon the joy of being present no matter the circumstances.  When we create a loose outline with realistic expectations, we can feel joy shining throughout our day.


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Emotional Uprising

"I want us to right our world, and
writing is the tool I feel helps us to do it."
Julia Cameron

December will require alterations in our traditions, impacting life as we have known it. Although we may be longing for the New Year, surviving Christmas or Hanukkah may need assistance.  We tread lightly around our elders and children, but we can respect our own emotional uprising through the written word.

To be accountable, we are careful with our language in framing what the holidays might look like; but what about our own inner sadness draped behind the plastered smile upon our face?  If we do not address our disappointment within, stress will soar higher.

For those of us who do not write daily, send an email expressing the frustration or determination one needs to shed or acquire. Reach out for suggestions of how others are dealing with the changes in our world, community or home.  Other than pouring out our emotions through the written word, we can heal by giving to others.  Use positive energy in creating new rituals or customs, rather than sinking into the sadness of loss.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Inner Nightmares

"I dream my painting 
and I paint my dream."
Vincent van Gogh

Dreamscapes have been sprawled across backdrops of everything but normal.  For months we all have been exposed to drastic changes not only physically but mentally.  We have been kicked out of our norm which is then reflected in our dreams.

Not only have there been dictates from the government, there have also been disruptions astrologically.  I am not inclined to the daily shifting of the skies, but I sure know what retrograde feels like!  

The full moon has always impacted the energy surrounding me and enhances my dream time, but retrograde is far more jarring and intensive.  It seems as though our personal energy increases either positively or negatively, impacting our atmospheres.   Words of wisdom ...  ride out the storm; go with the flow; see and look for the good in the midst of chaos; and believe dreams reflect our inner nightmares.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Progressive Progress


"I have found my greatest moments of joy and peace 
just sitting in silence, and then I take it out into the world."
Holly Mosier

The holiday celebrations are nearing the end, just prior to revving up for the next round in December.  I cannot help but wonder how we are all coping.  The holidays are emotionally challenging and now we have added the restrictions of quarantine.  With these worldly challenges, it is necessary to discover new ways of mentally and physically balancing.

Many of us no longer remember how to slow down and just 'be'.  Our culture pushes us to schedule and account for every moment which reality now calls us to do the exact opposite.  Imposed boundaries can help us let loose and just flow. 

If we do not adjust our temperaments, we will inflict invisible wounds on ourselves and possibly upon others.  Change cannot occur without movement and it is our responsibility to make that action uplifting and supportive.  We are called to utilize flexability in order to be the change we want to see personally,  and with family and other lives we touch.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

If Nothing Else, Sangria

"Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind.
Be led by the dreams in your heart."
Roy T. Bennett

Fear has the ability to keep us in a negative place.  It can prevent us from taking healthy or nurturing steps towards a positive life style.  An uplifting idea might surface, but prior to more thought, the idea is squashed by untrue facts.  We allow ego to run on automatic pilot while we sink further away from bright ideas.

It is necessary to encourage our lovely selves to tolerate a sense of vulnerability in order to experience undeveloped aspects of our nature.  Trust the gut and chase a few rainbows to brighten the surrounding space. Do not minimize nor disvalue personal points of interest.

CREATE:  Unearth ancestors recipes; dig out some old tunes; finger paint or find the boxed jigsaw puzzles; soak in the tub; sing as loud as possible, (scream if you must); cherish family photo albums; or my personal favorite ... a new batch of SANGRIA!

Friday, November 27, 2020

BLACK FRIDAY and Quirks of Nature


"The isolation spins its mysterious cocoon,
focusing the mind on one place, one time,
one rhythm ~ the turning of the light."
M.L. Stedman

Unlike previous years, rampant shopping and fighting crowds of people may have been replaced by the Covid Quarantine.  Surely there will be statistics regarding the family's shopping quota met on line, but  I wonder who will me monitoring the degrees of depression individuals will be confronting with either too much family or not enough.

Black Friday may have become quite literal. Rather than recuperating from gatherings with stranger overload, our restrictive boundaries may have started to take a toll.  Receiving validation or recognition is nearly impossible without the presence of others. There are those who thrive on unscheduled down time, but equally, there are those who do not thrive without outside input.

Other than beginning the Christmas Eggnog Tradition, one can navigate to areas of interest normally not allowed by schedules.  Borrow a series of books or movies.  Begin an intentional conversation with long lost friends. Get outside letting the wind blow off stagnant thoughts while laughing at the quirks of nature!  

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving Residing in the Heart

""Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy;
they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
Marcel Proust

Let us open our hearts with gratitude for those who decorate our lives with joy, happiness, and wonder.  With deep appreciation, let us count our blessings for the treasured gifts of family and friendship whether near or far.

There is much to be grateful for in spite of our shortcomings or losses.  We can shift our perspective and dwell upon the positive unfolding in life.  Inconvenience or disruption surely can be tolerated by embracing newly created traditions.

Get creative and use candles even if frozen dinners are the chosen entrée; participate in a creative project that will reflect ability to adjust in favor of love; and initiate conversations allowing each person or just the lovely self to give voice to Thanksgiving residing in the heart.


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Governed to Keep Safe


"Disappointment is really just a term for 
our refusal to look on the bright side."
Richelle E. Goodrich

The passing holiday may have altered our sense of calm and connection, just as the approaching holidays tend to disrupt our harmony.  This year, especially, may push us to the end of our patience by the demands of altering traditions and practices.

We know we are headed into altered schedules so it is important to plan now, to put safeguards in place to allow our passage through these difficult times to unfold smoothly.  We can implement our structure, we can lace it with private moments for prayer or meditation.  We can mentally prepare ourselves for the let down we are bound to experience.

The importance is to reinforce safety for all so that we may celebrate future  holidays with all family members still present.  To alter our family gatherings for the approaching holiday, knowing it is governed to keep us safe, can be earmarked by new traditions for mutual support, transition, and enhanced dreams to come.