Thursday, August 31, 2023

Shut Up And Dance With Me!

"Oh don't you dare look back,  Just keep your eyes on me.
I said, your holding back and she said 
Shut up and Dance with Me!"
Walk The Moon

There are so many voices in my head, beginning with parents, followed by teachers, joined by friends, and the loudest of all, the critical self. When they are all commenting at the same time, there is no space for new thought. I can not hear the voice of inspiration, insight from the higher self, and definitely not spiritual direction.

Recently at a festival, the song "SHUT UP AND DANCE WITH ME" poked, prodded and screamed until l finally opened my ears to an incoming message. By pulling myself out of the diatribe of my mind, I enjoyed a sense of freedom to let go and become lost in the flow of music amplified around me.

Since then, I have been instructing myself to get out of my head.  It is refreshing to step out of dark stagnant thoughts and into the expansive realm of music. A new cadence moves my feet into an invigorating sense of freedom. My ego balks and resists, but I joyfully exclaim, "Shut Up And Dance With Me!"


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Fear Living, Not Dying

"I have absolutely no fear of death. From my near-death research 
and my personal experience, death is, in my judgment, 
simply a transition into another kind of reality."
Raymond Moody

Years ago, authors Raymond Moody, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Helen Wambach, Michael Newton, and Brian Weiss  captivated my attention regarding life after death. I became mesmerized once I discovered additional documentation of near-death experiences. Research has provided a broad base for believing in these concepts, 

Added to the subjects of near death and life after death is the concept of reincarnation which seems to be an insightful link. As we experience the unexplainable like deja vu, coincidences, synchronicities, and 'knowings', our minds open to greater possibilities with the realization there is more to the story.

The spiritual world suggests  we are spiritual beings having a human experience, here to learn lessons and expand. I believe the life before me is a chapter to be added to a larger book in another realm. Death, it would seem, will be the end of my human form, but my spiritual self will simply return to its original realm. I tend to fear living more than dying.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Character Flaws

"The absence of good traits exposes the 
ultimate flaws in our nature."
Michael Newton

While busily noticing the flaws of others, we side-step accountability of our own. We can learn from wrong doing, whether it is created by others or our lovely selves. With awareness, some of our behaviors begin to reflect a pattern. If we choose to examine these with curiosity, the original cause for 'lesser than' traits surface.

Behavior is based upon experience. So what circumstances taught us to react in such a matter? Theoretically, the actions of today may have more to do with our past than our present. Lessons are buried within the uncovering of knowledge and when we are able to tap into them, our integrity grows.

We cannot help witnessing unacceptable behavior from others. Instead of sitting in judgment, we can step back and ponder what these actions have to do with us personally. Could they be mirroring parts of our hidden selves? Maybe life is simply showing us the need to hold ourselves more accountable for what we say and do.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Projecting Desires

"Never let your mind talk you out of your dreams, trick you into giving up."
Roy T. Bennett

In dreams, we allow ourselves to create fantasies filled with limitless creativity. We project desires of how we want to live, be seen, and contribute. Perhaps, our vision is only half-believable, but there is joy in the projection of possibility. We may be clueless as to how these scenarios can actually become reality, but we maintain faith in the Universe.

Positive energy attracts more of the same. So if we do not keep our dreams hidden, we can continuously attract aspects to build upon. When our dreams begin to appear in real time, our mind may limit the impact by disbelief. If we entertain thoughts of not being worthy of the miracle before us, well then, it simply may slip away.

When we rigidly describe our dreams, progress may be slow. It is when we remain open to experiencing them on various levels, they can present in unsuspecting ways. Fear or inability to embrace joy will  tamper the depth of our dreams. Fantasies held in a loving heart flourish; whereas, dreams cloistered in the mind falter. Hold high the dream!

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Beauty and Love Intertwined

"Since love grows within you, so beauty grows.
For love is the beauty of the soul."
St. Augustine

Our culture, fortunately, is moving away from beauty being defined by physical attributes Artists have long established a reverence for loveliness found in the eyes of the beholder. Whether painting with a brush or jotting down words, loveliness is reflected in highly creative ways. With new eyes, attraction can be defined in numerous ways. 

As we begin to see the beauty in all things, we also recognize and respect the same within our selves. The elegance inside is laced with love, triggering our inner light to shine brightly. When we all choose to do this, our level of seeing  heightens, creating a sense of connection, acceptance, and awakening.

Beauty and love are intertwined and resonate within the soul. As we slow down, noticing elements of beauty, love stirs within our hearts. While these feelings of appreciation increase, our own sense of worth develops. We are bathed in the elegance found in all living souls as well as hearts found in nature.


Saturday, August 26, 2023

At Long Last!

"There will always be people who see your best trait as weakness. 
And there will be others who see it as a joyous sight to behold."
Donna Ashworth 

For years, I projected my image through my professional career. Secure with my educational degrees and career accomplishments, I presented as an accomplished leader and entrepreneur. On a personal level, I was deeply connected with a large circle of friends. Then there was my private self that I safely tucked out of sight.

I wonder at what age we become aware of being different and seeing this as a negative. Criticism of our unique nature creates a need to cultivate walls to hide behind. Our early passion is frequently snuffed out and deemed as an embarrassment.  It can be frightening to stand strong, alone.

It wasn't until I was in my 40's that I experienced the joy of being the same person no matter where I was. Adventure towards who I wanted to be became more important than unsolicited judgments. Energy work wrapped all of my parts together, and at long last, I could be me!

Friday, August 25, 2023

Breaking Bonds


"I take this idea, I look at where would that idea lead
 if I would now start with my current situation to invest in the idea."

Break the bonds of repetitive negative behaviors. Stop reenforcing actions that keep you small and uninspired. Initiate fresh perspective about the possibilities before you. Disallow expectations of others to narrow your scope.  Determine where your interest falls, how to interact on a greater scale, and explore measures available for advancement.

Collect fresh ideas and ponder where they might lead. Envision how these thoughts might be entered into the main stream of life. How would altering expectations impact levels of passion and accomplishment? Current episodes, once redirected, can lead you into a new reality filled with our heart's desire.

As you invest energy into fresh possibilities, scenarios expand and approaches become  imaginative. With new vision, you begin to see what is waiting right in front of you. Insightful communication increases and builds healthy connections When you trust your intuition, you will feel joy as you move through the unveiling of authentic purpose.


Thursday, August 24, 2023

Hell On Earth

"I think hell is something you carry around with you,
not somewhere you go."
Neil Gaman

Discord, whether personal, physical or spiritual, can trigger hell on earth. When allowed, the fuel for the fire is created by doubt, criticism, and judgment. The heat intensifies when we close in on ourselves, allowing the smoke to cloud our vision. Amplified emotions distort the path to escape and scars occur.

There are many facets of hell, some of which can be regulated. It is our preparedness that impacts the degree of heat. During the normal course of life, we experience mini fire drills. We can sniff out the smoke before anything is ignited, simply through awareness. When we ignore or become careless, degrees of intensity are amplified.

We cannot side step the heat of fire, but we can learn to regulate it by the actions we choose to take. When we first feel the flames, we decide to either stomp them out or allow them to escalate until we scream out for help. The burn helps us to be more diligent while seeking the aspects of heaven upon earth.


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Thoughts to Realities

"The fact you cannot see something yet does not mean
it doesn't exist as a potential reality."
Sheila Reynolds 

Desire stirs deep within the soul. When given room to grow, interpretation stretches into a configuration of the brain. Inviting spirit, creativity enhances shape and form. The process is not seen with the eyes, but with the heart. The realm of possibility expands, while the Universe aligns the stars. 

It may be forgotten that  the seed requires time to build strength in order to push up through the ground. Impatience spreads fear, causing the self to begin to doubt. Criticism may cause damage to the very core of what is meant to be built.  Lacking the element of trust, judgment erodes the soil, preventing the perfect vision from materializing.

Momentum increases with the decision to remain open to possibilities. Spirit orchestrates behind the scenes as visions are held fast to attract what is needed. The desire for 'dreams come true' guides us towards manifesting in the physical reality. The internal focus paired with elements from other realms, creates in physical form that which we seek.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


"They are saying goodbye to their past, and realizing that they are
getting ready for their end of life while your are beginning your life."
Melissa Vaughan

The topic of down sizing has been bubbling to the surface during conversations. It is not a topic exclusive to the elderly, but current with others adjusting to change.  It may be easy to discard other's possessions, but it becomes more challenging when there is personal attachment. 

Whether browsing through black and white photos or baby clothes, detachment is helpful. As we discard, it can feel as though we are throwing away parts of the self. This action can trigger thoughts of the ending of life or creating room for new chapters. Either way, time needs to be allowed for this process.

As an elder, we can embrace the perspective of not being what we own. Perhaps we have a greater spiritual concept of existence to comfortably utilize time. When we are younger, it is a season to reevaluate the importance of people, places and things. In either scenario, we can  gently embrace both the ebb and the flow.


Monday, August 21, 2023


"You can be less than perfect, and still 
be deserving of compassion and kindness."
Daniell Koepke

As we are confronted by discord, there is no need to become critical about our entire presence. Challenge is just a bump in the road, demanding our intention to apply what we know. It is not meant as a means to negatively evaluate the self. A struggle allows us to put to use what we have already learned with intentions to expand.

We are having this human experience to stretch and grow. If there is an absence of conflict, we can become complacent, relaxing into the status quo. It is when we experience strife that we gather our tools and create anew. Even if we fall apart losing all sense of self, we eventually begin to rebuild a better sense of harmony.

Loving kindness from others brings us comfort, but self-application of honest respect heals our wounds. When we embrace the self with acceptance of flaws, attention can be equally given to our worthy offerings. Love returns when we shift our perspective to the totality of who we are, rather than limiting beliefs of inferiority. 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Gratification and Delight

"At the end of the day, review in your mind what you did to create
something that gratified you or delighted your senses."
Sheila Reynolds

When we commit to creating beauty in each day, we can elevate our mindset. We may not have any control over life unfolding, but we do have choice to include something that pleases us. Creativity is not about being a performing artist. It is the ability to find a means to express what triggers joy within our waking moments.

Notice small sparks of interest. Instead of instantly dismissing them, hold them in consciousness, expanding the sensation of pleasure. Consider how these moments of pleasure can be heightened from a singular moment into a repetitive appearance distributed throughout our routines.

When we begin to recognize aspects of what pleases our nature, we can create more of it. We can set an intention to invite a broader range of delight throughout the unfolding day. As we link small particles of beauty together, segments becomes beautiful in their own way. What can be done to initiate joy within this very day?

Saturday, August 19, 2023

In the Midst of Muck

"Our wounds are often the opening into the best
and most beautiful part of us."
David Richo

Shift your perspective about the challenges presenting before you. Withdraw the energetic investment in what has wounded you while gravitating towards a small opening of light. You may not have numerous choices, but you can begin moving towards options of possibilities to reconnecting with your higher self.

Address your wound with loving care, using your energy to gently heal. Establish what part you played, no matter how great or small. What did you overlook? Were there behaviors you normalized? Did you ignore the vulnerable voice within? Be steadfast in your desire to understand and improve.

Devastating experiences can generate the authentic depth of your existence. Strength increases as you nurture and explore.  Have you invested the time in sketching an image of your desires? Recall past events where you overcame pitfalls, and truly believe you will soar again. Beautiful aspects of your lovely self will be revealed when you remain diligent. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Pathways to Higher Frequencies

"So what do you wish to create, via your thoughts, 
words spoken and actions?"
Amanda Lorence

We become stimulated when creative thoughts lead us to introspection about our life experience. If we find ourselves to be bored with activities or bound in stagnant relationships, avoid the mindset of victim, and push forward into change. Life offers numerous options, so it may be time to discover new pathways, leading to self-fulfillment.

When we stop reacting and start to observe with a willingness to change, shifts can occur.  While exposing the self to diversity, we can have a greater awareness of what deeply attracts our creative spirit. We can explore passages leading to personal concepts of beauty. We then establish a greater sense of harmony.

With new vision, we can begin to align our body, mind, and spirit. Our actions feel constructive and contribute to the greater good. The peace we foster within ripples out into the collective. As we view ourselves as authentic and significant parts of the whole, we replace lower emotions with vibrant frequencies lifting the soul.


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Sprinkled Synchronicities


"When you're about to do something that expresses your inner power,
or share a part of you that's connected to your deep wisdom, it's
extremely common to experience surges of self-doubt."
Sophie Bashford

Too often, we entertain random thoughts without extended projection. We may tell ourselves our brain storms are silly. Time passes and we come across this very idea spoken by someone else, who gains positive recognition. As we learn a higher degree of self-respect, confidence increases and we are willing to take calculated risks.

When we choose to act upon our inner knowings, supportive information can be gathered increasing our intentions. We may even decide to share our inspiration with a trusted friend, who eagerly supports us. Even then, we can become slammed by our inner critic and flooded with mantras of ridicule.

Remarkably, if we choose to ignore these false insinuations, the universe begins to sprinkle us with synchronicities. As we gain momentum, positive energy continues to propel us forward, deepening our experience. Our voice grows stronger while wisdom repeatedly makes an appearance continuing the inspirational flow.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Reversing The Spiral

"Opening and closing spirals constitute the heartbeat of the universe."
Walter Russell

Waking from a deep sleep, a spiral began to take form in my mind. First, I saw the small dot in the middle. Instinctually, I understood it was the doorway we, as light energy, entered through birth into the earth formation. As individuals, we would follow the spiral out into the world, experiencing and collecting. 

Then I experienced the reversal of the spiral experience. At a certain time, we begin to move back towards the center dot, releasing much of what we had once collected. Shedding unnecessary material objects and old emotional patterns, we gently flowed back through the spiral to the gateway, exiting the earth plain.

This struck me as a new way to view living and dying without emotion or physical sensations. These spiral projections were offering a spiritual insight which sincerely resonated with me. They were demonstrating how to have the courage to step into the unknown, to learn, and then reversing to let go. I find myself aligned with this concept. 


Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Lead By Example


"The world is changed by your example,
not by your opinion."
Paulo Coelho

When we gather with others, numerous opinions are voiced, laced with criticism and judgment. Sit patiently, not interrupting the tirade. When the steam runs out, quietly ask what the orator is personally doing to address these very problems. Excuses may include: not having money; no political influence; and not having the time.

When we hold ourselves accountable, we can break down almost any issue to a level where we can contribute or become involved. As we stop focusing on what we cannot do, and decipher what we can do, corrective measures begin. With any form of behavior, the first step is often times the hardest.

If we have done nothing about a situation, what gives us the right to criticize others? We may not be able to resolve discord, but there is certainly an element of support within our means. Both donating and volunteering are free. We may not have millions, but a few dollars is better than zero!

Monday, August 14, 2023

Heart of the World

"The heart of the world is opening."
Lee Harris

As hearts open, we are called to face change as it triggers instability, vulnerability, and exhaustion. There is a rotation between grieving and heightened awareness. We begin to understand how we must hold ourselves accountable personally while assisting others. There is a need to move forward together with compassion.

While observing current levels of disharmony, there must be new action towards peaceful alignment. We are all beckoned to help each other transcend into an equal path of sustainability. While facing our own upheavals, we also notice discord in others. It is vitally important to nurture and support our own boundaries, in order to effectively assist others.

As hearts are opened, the illusion of separateness dissipates. Together we can  build hope for our future respecting diverse aspects of life.  With a focus on healing and regeneration, all peoples will begin to thrive with new worldly perceptions. We are all in this together, no one survives alone. 

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Spiritual Energy


"Spiritual energy is not apart from us, it is not in front of us,
it is not something to be bought or gained - it is already
our memory, it is already our beginning."
Chris Griscom

In the 1980's, the New Age Movement took America by storm. Although classified as a religious organization, participants chose to refer to the practices and beliefs as spiritual. The emphasis was the connection between the body, mind, and spirit. Communication with angels and masters, alternative medicine, and uniting science with spirituality prevailed.

Fueled by ancient wisdom, followers experienced a sense of empowerment as an alignment became formed with all things sacred. Terms were interchangeable such as: God, Divinity, Universe. Religion was associated with control and dogma; whereas, spirituality was aligned with sacred communication and freedom.

The light from God enters this world within us and increases as we recognize it in each other. Discovering light energy in the beauty of nature, art, and science,  links us all together. Spiritual exchanges trigger the sense of oneness and generates peace. What we seek is within us, surrounding us, and readily available upon embracing the light in all there is. 

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Rekindle Hope

"Our human compassion binds us the one to the other - not in pity or 
patronizingly, but as human beings who have learned how 
to turn our common suffering into hope for the future."
Nelson Mandela

Research has shown our heart rate slows down, when we experience compassion. In the regions of our brain, oxytocin is released when we kindly relate to others. Compassion is not a matter of agreeing, accepting or condoning. It is a matter of recognizing a situation with kindness with the absence of judgment.

As we travel our unique pathways, it is inevitable that darkness will be experienced. It is with the application of compassion for the self that we are able to learn and heal. Once we experience self-compassion, it is easier to extend the same kindness to others.  When we engage with others, we build a better world.

Using compassion as an approach to life, we are called to a higher level of exchange. There is no pressure to understand or fix, as our intention is to respectfully offer kindness.  Whether we simply smile with our eyes, anonymously assist, or hold safe space for others, we rekindle hope for the future. 

Friday, August 11, 2023

Splayed Open

"A spiritual warrior always has a crack in his heart
because that is how the mysteries get in."
Tibetan Tradition 

Your heart gets stomped on numerous times as part of the human experience. Determined, you may put the pieces of your heart back together, promising never to open it again.  Mark Nepo, amazing non-fiction author, repeatedly states the importance of allowing the heart to remain open in spite of complications. 

While following a spiritual path, it may take you years to navigate with an open heart. If you are a highly sensitive person, coupled by intense knowings you will be open to the vibrations of others. By maintaining personal alignment, the depths of despair and the ecstatic trance of others will not take a toll.

If you happen to be trained in energy work,  you are able to just be present extending light to those encountered whether troubled or prospering. Without investment in outcome, your heart is splayed open with nothing but love. Unspoken spiritual knowings become the heightened gift transmitted from soul to soul.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Limitations Decrease

"The religion of the future will be in cosmic religion.
It will transcend a personal God and avoid 
dogma and theology." (1931)
Albert Einstein 

Albert Einstein did not believe in a God who rewards or punishes human beings. He believed highly achieved individuals operated from a level of spiritual awareness. Musicians and artists, as well as scientists and inventors, he believed, experienced an unusual sensitivity to mystery.  

Albert Einstein believed that everything was energy, capable of changing from one form to another. He believed reality matched energy fields which we create through our thoughts, and actions. Acknowledging the energetic connection between all things, opening to the unseen, and witnessing beauty, elevates our earthly experience.

When human perception blends with spiritual awareness, there is a potential union with all things. With increased energies, positive intentions attract opportunities to help fulfill visions and dreams, personally and collectively. Limitations decrease and there is new found freedom to be an instrument of peace. 


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Truth Be Told

"I can see your heart struggling, your mind battling, 
with the weight of truth you swallow back down each day."
Archaeology for the Woman's Soul

Behind your eyes, lingers the truth waiting to be told. Like a bird perched upon a pedestal, it is ready to take flight. Perhaps you wait for the tears to dry or for solution to magically clear the air, but you know this isn't wise. The weight of the untold truth begins to take a heavy toll inside and no longer can you proceed in this way.

It is said that 'truth will set you free', but it doesn't mention the turmoil, the passage, the challenge that follows in the quake. You may hope for new beginnings, but this doesn't occur until you boldly face the destruction of unhappy endings. Unable to change others, you must hold the self accountable examining the part you played.

Whether your truth is quietly uttered or comes gushing out, you begin to breathe again. No longer do you feel oppressed, stifled, and powerless. The time for thinking small has finally passed, and with new found courage you reclaim the life you are wanting to live. Truth springs from the heart, coats the throat and calms the mind. Indeed, a new day begins.


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The Wisdom Within


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are
small matters compared to what lies within us."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

An infant may scream for food and human touch, but within this new being, wisdom patiently waits to unfold. No matter what our environment offers, we interpret it based upon our perceptions. We experience knowings resonating with truth, and we begin to create lives of growth and fulfillment. 

Inner insight guides us to a higher source nudging us towards a path of unique purpose. Our soul continuously guides us to see the connection between all peoples, places, and things. It encourages us to walk upon the earth with reverence. Life is the teacher and as the student, we begin to hold ourselves accountable.

Embracing lessons as a means to correct and heal our learned patterns, we create space to hear our intuition and see the blessings in disguise. As our awareness expands, we readily connect with spiritual realms, releasing fears and stepping into a sacred cadence.  As inner peace flows, we experience a greater sense of oneness with all.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Adjusting Vibrations

"When we are in a centered, peaceful, 'available' state,
the vibration of all we are transforms to high energy."
Caroline A. Shearer

Raising our level of vibration attracts beneficial components in the mental, physical and spiritual realms. As we choose positive thought patterns, we lessen negative responses such as fear, gossip and falsehoods. Tuning down our ego, allows our higher self to guide us and attract to us to a elevated living experience.

Motivation for this resides in the outcome of attracting positive people, increasing intuition, and encountering more synchronicities. This contributes to a higher sense of peaceful living. We experience happiness and joy which allows us to move through life with greater ease. Our connection with all things increases.

When we notice our heart racing, attitude backsliding and decreased drive, we can stabilize our frequency through the use of crystals, essential oils, epsom salt baths, calming music, meditations, and spiritual practices. Simply be still as the heart knows the way and the soul is prepared to sing!

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Learning in the Dark

"Understand that healing and growing can distance you from people
who you once had a bond with, and it can also bring you closer
to those who will heal and grow with you. The time between 
can be difficult, but there is so much to learn in solitude."
The Moon Tarot 

With an open heart, we allow potential friends to be themselves. We offer a space of safety where they can thrive and heal. We have no intention of changing them, and offer positive input to strengthen his or her wings.While all of these intentions are good, they cease to be so when nothing is offered in return.

While longing for deeper relationships, we may find it necessary to step away from lack luster situations. Although the present may feel empty, we can rekindle our own soul as we wait for greater possibilities to appear. Whatever it is we seek from others, we can offer to our lovely selves, being our very own resource.

Learning to raise vibrations, we begin to heal and to attract like minded beings. Transitioning towards our higher selves, we no longer seek recognition. However, there is delight in the discovery of new relationships that offer unconditional love, wisdom, and intentions for peaceful living.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Unavoidable Grief

"I can be changed by what happens to me,
I refuse to be reduced by it."
Maya Angelou

Grief is an element of life appearing in numerous forms and reaching various levels of intensity. Our focus is best placed on how to cope, as grief itself is totally unavoidable. When we repress or avoid it, we are only elongating the experience. It is best to meet it face on, feeling the loss deeply, and then gently adapting.

Clearly, we cannot simply replace what had been, nor should we try. Each experience provided us with a gift whether negative or positive. If we can shift our thoughts from the painful thoughts to what was shared, we can retain a sense of continuity. Healing from grief is not about forgetting.

Loss of any kind contains a segment of grief. When we are able to capture loving memories, we can gently move towards healing. If we can carry a piece of what we have lost within our hearts, we will find it easier to move forward. As we learn to trust that there will be happier unfoldings in our future, we will not be overly detained in our sorrow.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Sanctuary Within

"The inner world of imagination becomes a sanctuary of hope and promise, 
a place of retreat for feelings and thoughts 
where seeds of individuality and creativity incubate."
Jean Shinoda Bolen

Imagination offers a safe place where we can release, recreate, and set positive intention, all without outside intervention or judgment. It is a quiet area where we can release tension and regain balance. We can sort through debris and cleanse our hearts. Projections can be made for better tomorrows.

Inner Sanctuaries are a retreat where memories of violence, abuse, or alienation can be released. The silence encourages the incubation of courage to rediscover our true spirit squelched by oppression. A healing inner life begins to take form. The goal is to remember our authenticity, and envision the return to spiritual alignment. 

In our inner world, we shed the false myths of being 'bad' or responsible for others failures. We resurrect our sense of goodness and build courage to begin again with love. Our value is once again unearthed, and slowly, we experience a sense of value.  The life forced upon us is no longer acceptable and we set out to discover worlds seen and unseen.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Exposed Layers

"May you ignite your power to make choices that 
align with your soul. May you find the 
courage to heal, be free, and grow."
Tanya Markul

There is a part of us that we project out into the world in our professional exchanges and community commitments. Then there is a personal covering that is shared with our friends and family. Various layers ultimately cover and hide the most intimate parts of our being.  In fact, our authentic self is often repressed and buried beneath a thickness of wounds.

This template of looking outside of our lovely selves is counter productive to embracing personal power. When we are able to ignite the fire at our core with honor and respect, we become a force to be reckoned with. Our inner strengths escort us out into the world, choosing projects, and relationships that align with our soul.

As we reclaim the energy previously used to project a false self, our passion grows and hurtful histories loose their grip. No longer evaluating through the script of right and wrong, lessons are understood and our courage builds to continue our journey forward. Layers of false identity are shed and we are nurtured by the freedom of our newly exposed spirit.
