Saturday, August 12, 2023

Rekindle Hope

"Our human compassion binds us the one to the other - not in pity or 
patronizingly, but as human beings who have learned how 
to turn our common suffering into hope for the future."
Nelson Mandela

Research has shown our heart rate slows down, when we experience compassion. In the regions of our brain, oxytocin is released when we kindly relate to others. Compassion is not a matter of agreeing, accepting or condoning. It is a matter of recognizing a situation with kindness with the absence of judgment.

As we travel our unique pathways, it is inevitable that darkness will be experienced. It is with the application of compassion for the self that we are able to learn and heal. Once we experience self-compassion, it is easier to extend the same kindness to others.  When we engage with others, we build a better world.

Using compassion as an approach to life, we are called to a higher level of exchange. There is no pressure to understand or fix, as our intention is to respectfully offer kindness.  Whether we simply smile with our eyes, anonymously assist, or hold safe space for others, we rekindle hope for the future. 

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