Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Big Leap

"Sometimes all you need is a big leap of faith."
Sean Bean

This day will not return until February 29, 2028, so do something outlandish! You can choose action radically out of the norm making this day stand out from the rest. You can engage or withdraw, commit or let go, while stepping out of your habitual routine. Come on, what are you going to do? 

View today as a blank page waiting for creative illumination. Will you seek a safe haven for introspection or a jazz bar to feel your self let go? Can you meet up with a friend from the past or gather 'besties' for full blown fun? Come on, come on, choose to walk on the wild side and have a little fun.

Four years from now when February 29th rolls around, you can think back to what mischief you created. You can smirk and not define the twinkle returning to your eyes. You will easily recall the leap of faith you took to unleash your fiery soul. So what will it be? What is your heart's desire? Reclaim that childish spark and celebrate this day!

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Empowering Light


"There is always light. If only we're brave enough to see it.
If only we're brave enough to be it."
Amanda Gorman

In the midst of chaos, I have the comfort of working with light. When I am handicapped by lack of resources or lengthy distance, I can still make a positive impact projecting positive energy to people, places, and yes, things. Too often, we forget that objects surrounding us hold energy that is reflected back to us.

An unidentifiable inner knowing nudges me to release energy. I have learned to trust these sporadic pokes without questioning my abilities. I act in faith which strengthens connections without claiming any super powers which I do not have. My light is filled with love and compassion without any attached outcomes.

We are all light beings needing to step out of our own shadows. As we unleash our brightness, we become physically stronger, mentally empowered, and spiritually enhanced. Light takes on many forms and never ceases.  Just let it flow from inside and it will find its needed destination.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Get Going!

"Inaction is not only the result, but the cause of fear."
Norman Vincent Peale

We may have the best plan ever, but without planning, there may not be a healthy outcome. If we make hasty decisions not taking into consideration the body, mind, and soul, we may be setting ourselves up for failure. Dreams help us break through limited reality, opening to possibility and  capturing fulfillment.  

Too much time can be wasted if we simply project goals into the future without beginning to prepare presently. It is when we take action that energy begins to propel us forward. No matter how grand our intention, actualizing a starting point is imperative. Discovering resources, and regulating expectations, form a sturdy foothold.

When we invest awareness daily, our planning stimulates stronger connections. Rather than focusing on an end result, we can experience excitement on a regular basis. Building momentum increases the odds of becoming successful in what we long to attain.  Instantly we begin to live our dream rather than awaiting undeclared achievement. 


Monday, February 26, 2024


"Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving
forward. If you want to fly, you have to give
up what weighs you down."
Roy T. Bennett

Spring is coming and all of nature is showing us it is soon to be time to fly! We need to prepare now, gently spreading our wings in preparation for flight. Lingering shadows need to be exposed, cobwebs cleaned out and negativity set aside. Aspects of the self require refurbishing to increase power for ascent.

We can address the physical by doing morning stretches with yoga or pilates or getting outside for a simple walk.  A healthier diet might also assist us in preparation. Best yet are meditations, visualizations and reconnections with mentors. Create a consistent sleep routine and monitor dreams.

Demonstrating all of these changes, we move forward. Personal power increases and we find our lovely selves expanding both internally and externally. We are prepared to listen and to be heard. With curiosity we allow ourselves to be lifted into uncharted terrains. All is good in our world and we are perfectly prepared to fly!

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Lion's Roar

"Every renaissance comes to the world with a cry,
the cry of the human spirit to be free."
Anne Sullivan

How many years ago did the saying, "I am woman, hear me roar," surface? Although at that time it was a comical upsurge amongst friends, the words continue to linger in my mind. My inner landscapes get too jammed with memories of old wounds, and I long for fertile ground for new seeds to grow.

With the death of old thoughts, I experience a mighty shift ... a renaissance of sorts. As the cycle of time silently presses on, space opens for renewal. Seeds secretively take root and my inner light pulses with excitement. My heart welcomes visions, discovery, and stimulating experiences. 

All of my senses slowly adapt as I remove my mask. Creativity is activated and intuition is heightened. There are no barriers once I step out of my own way. Life purpose increases in meaning and I walk out into life with deeper meaning. Minimizing my fear, I am willing to trust that I can make a difference. With a lion's breath, I roar!

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Sacred Space

"Your sacred space is where you find yourself again and again."
Joseph Campbell

There comes a time when we need to retreat to a sacred place whether it is in our mind's eye or a neighboring park. We can invite spirit guides or animal totems or loved ones from the other side to nurture and uplift our soul. When we routinely visit this private space, the entry is faster and the experience grows deeper.

There is no need for a memorized mantra or list of affirmations for it is in the stillness that messages are heard. As we are surrounded by silence or the sounds of nature, we are instantly comforted and transported to places otherwise unknown. We begin to sense an element of healing while reclaiming our power.

Upon returning from this sacred space, we once again feel connected to life with a stronger sense of communication which impacts our emotions, mental states, and behaviors. Rather than feeling restrained, we begin to flow and trust that we are being called forward towards manifesting a sense of sacred in our every day lives. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

Page Turner

"Life has many different chapters for us.
One bad chapter doesn't mean the end of the book."
Edenia Archuleta 

We can visualize our life as a book containing numerous chapters which reflect physical growth, mental challenges, and soul searching. We can browse back and forth between chapters, experiencing the content in a different context. As we reawaken to our words once spoken and our actions once made, we become stronger and more determined.

Wherever we are, be it ecstasy or sorrow, the situation will not last. Each chapter has an ending, but this does not mean the same subject matter won't appear again. We begin to see how our character shifts from one page to another and how our words do not always align with what we carry out into the world.

Like any book, we may favor one chapter over one other, but there is an overall image created by the entire volume. It is when we remember that we are not just one thing, rigid, and tainted. but an accumulation of life experiences impacting us personally, collectively, and yes, even globally. 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Shining Light

"Your balance of wit, charm, and intelligence ...
Your measures of endurance, strength and stamina ...
Your depths of sensitivity, passion, and leanings ...
They were not proportioned accidentally."
The Universe

Standing before a magnificent painting, the artist readily points out tiny errors barely recognizable. Viewing a remarkable memoir, the author highlights passages poorly written. Embracing the light from the rising sun, one does not hear, "Oh, this morning I am totally off~centered and way too bright!" 

What skill do you have and how do you ridicule it? Do you ever hear your lovely self say, "Wow! I rocked it!"  How often do you hide your creative expression from others? Does it take the same amount of energy to project criticism as it does to offer praise? Does the Divine appreciate how you minimize the gifts you are born with?

If you are not honoring personal desire and consistently ignore yearnings, life is probably not creatively supporting you. If you are not shining light upon your strengths, darkness will create shadows hiding elements that could bring you inspiration, fulfillment, peace, and communication with all there is. Your abilities are not an accident.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Give Up

"Complete healing depends upon your ability to stop struggling."
Deepak Chopra

Whether you are a man or a woman, you have both a masculine side and a feminine side. If we are aligned, we can fluidly move from one side to the other.  The masculine elements are associated with physical movement, decision making and perhaps aggression. The feminine side is labeled as creative, flexible, and gentle. With flexible boundaries, you can adjust your masculine or feminine approaches.

When you are relaxed and feeling secure, you may utilize your creativity and blend with the flow of life, trusting. If you are faced with challenge, you may be resistant to the point of becoming stuck. When you can gauge what blend is best for you, balance is present which offers safe ground for healing what is tampering with your power. 

It is counter productive when you believe hiding or repressing issues is the mature response as this disallows any sense of healing. If you can be gentle with the self, let surface what is truly bothering you, and sift through the debris of causation, you will be on your way to better health. When you choose to blend the masculine with feminine, you will experience the transition to wholeness. 


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Distributing Light

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.
Nothing can be done without hope and confidence."
Helen Keller

Writing is my passion and it matters not to me, if it is accepted by others. Reading is also a passion of mine as it provides inspiration as to what words might need to be heard by others. As I put pen to page and words dance in my head, I am confident in what I feel needs to be said.

The exciting part of splaying words across sheets of paper is what develops through the process. If I get out of my own way and allow unsolicited words to stream through new awareness, unexpected revelations gently float across the page. In this way, the process itself is what triggers hope of relating to others. 

The process becomes the inspiration, when I allow myself to be redirected,  pivoting into layers of thought previously concealed. Highly motivated by the sense messages are flowing through me, it is as though I become a light distributing energy out into the world. Then the reader hears his or her own version of what is being said. I do remain optimistic.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Seeds of Peace

"We can learn to locate the seed of peace inside ourselves
in order to have a reliable source of serenity."
Daily Om

The means of nurturing the self need to evolve and be appropriate for our changing circumstances. Our bodies, minds, and souls are in a state of constant flux and applying the same thing repeatedly loses impact over time. It is imperative to discover new ways of cultivating seeds of peace to enhance the life experience. 

When we learn alternative ways to nurture, our inner peace grows.  By reclaiming our voice a greater sense of control is created. No longer remaining silent, we are expanding the sense of balance. Maintaining a sense of authentic calm assists us when we face personal or collective chaos.

Inner peace builds a fortress where we can reside in harmony in spite of discord. We are less likely to be filled with fear for ourselves, loved ones or global conflict. When we remain mindful, we can access our inner core of peace no matter where we are or whatever situations we face. Peace within lessens anxieties and enhances serenity. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Dreams: Guidance and Insight

"Sometimes, if you have a strong dream at night, when 
you wake up, it affects your emotional state in the morning."
Stephen LaBerge

The first dream of the night is the shortest, lasting only 5 to 10 minutes while other dreams can last as long as 45 to 60 minutes. Some dreamers my have no recollection of their dreams, while others vaguely remember or savor only little snippets of fantasy. It is scientifically proven that dreams unfold every single night for all.

The content of our dreams directly impact our moods and relationships in the waking hours. We can make a significant impact upon our dreamscapes by following simple directions such as: 1.) hold a positive scenario in your mind prior to sleep; 2.) establish a signal form morning recall; and 3.) maintain a Dream Journal.

For seven years, I set a positive intention prior to sleep; wore a ring on my finger (annoying) to trigger instant recall; and kept a morning Dream Journal, recording every incident and feeling from the dreams. Linked together, dreams connected messages throughout the days, weeks and months creating a tool for guidance and insight.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Second Hand Trauma

"Regardless of whether your trauma is small or big,
it affected you. Move past that with love."
Jess Carpenter

Simply standing in line, I was waiting to check out of the store. I heard this thud next to me accompanied by howls of pain that tore through my heart. Next was uncontrollable screams from a mother looking down at her maybe 6 month old child who had fallen out of the cart. I stood frozen taking in the scene as store security rapidly took measure.

I was propelled back in time when I had heard my own children bellow in pain. Too easily old motherly fears resurfaced cutting through my heart.  The mother now sprawled upon the floor cradling her injured baby, panic coursed through my trembling body. Whatever damage had occurred, I was frozen still, unable to move.
The store fell silent with everyone in place. Realizing I was absorbing the traumatic vibrations, I began to send Reiki energy. I held both mother and child in light, praying they would be comforted and resilient. They were whisked away. I returned home, lit candles, and meditated with light, hoping second hand trauma would pass on by.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Palms of the Hands


"A way has now been shown. Clarity arises. Messages 
are being received. New paths are being formed.
Feel the hope and the renewal."
Sophie Gregoire

For years, we may yearn to learn our life's purpose. We may spend countless hours trying to put the pieces of our puzzle together. And even then, when chaos begins to calm and confusion turns to clarity, it may be difficult to move forward. We hesitate for an affirmation to assure us we are on the right path. 

It has been said that our life is written upon our hands. If this is true, does creative expression know the way? What if our choice does not align with what is displayed in the palm of our hands? We desire to complete our life's mission in exactly the right way, but what if we misconstrue information and lead ourselves astray?

When we allow our lovely selves to take a deep breath and set our worries aside, a better sense of direction can be detected. There is no need to know every detail at once. If something seems right, be flexible and creative until directed otherwise. When we allow things to authentically unfold, the picture becomes more clear.  

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Quietly Falling In Love

"True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights."
Erich Segal

Once learning to love my imperfect self, I was capable of believing someone else might love me. Instead of using energy to assess what the other person needed, I could install 
flexible boundaries protecting what I needed. I did not have to project a certain image nor did I try to minimize. I did not idolize this new person nor did I criticize.

Aligned, I can notice the fullness of others. No longer do I race ahead to a fantasy dream land, as there is comfort in watching and appreciating all that authentically unfolds. Much can be learned by observing. Question inconsistencies without accusations. Know who you are, and let them be as they are. 

I have learned that the beauty of love is the ability to allow 'me to be me and you to be you' while together we can move forward. Manipulation and control fell by the way side when I learned to speak up. Expressing the self, personal needs are more readily met. As I quietly fell in love, simply holding his hand felt sacred. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Loving the Self ...

"Valentine's Day simply shines a light on the degree
to which that didn't or hasn't yet materialized ... yet."
Tracy McMillen

The journey towards self-love has become a beneficial passageway for each individual who dares to travel. It isn't decorated with roses or chocolate candies as both would be distractions. Rather, we encounter large boulders and snakes slithering in the shade to say nothing of the shadows trying not to be seen.

Rather than running through the maze of past histories, we slow down noticing who we are right in this moment. To sit by a stream, we catch a glimpse of ourselves being mirrored back to us. We recognize it is time to change as we may not like what we see. As the gentle water flows by us, we yearn to move slowly towards who we want to be.

It is when we love ourselves with an open heart that we are capable of attracting what best meets our needs. If we do not seek the purpose for our life, how in the world can we attract lessons to guide us? Allowing ourselves to be opened with light, we can attract the very things we need. Genuine love fills the heart and we feel prepared to proceed.


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Switch Colors

"Identifying the pattern is awareness,
choosing not to repeat the cycle is growth."

A woman had been seeking a new residence for quite some time, unsuccessfully. While contemplating her frustrating situation, she was distracted and made a wrong turn. As she drove down the unfamiliar street, before her very eyes was the dwelling which would become her new home. 

Too often, we are unhappy with results, but resist changing routines. We continue to do the same thing repeatedly, expecting different outcomes. If we would simply allow ourselves slight diversion, we would delightfully experience synchronicities. Strangers become friends, opportunities are unveiled, and diverse discoveries prevail.

It can be as simple as changing directions on the way home or visiting a new park or writing with the non-dominant hand. Spontaneous actions lead to new growth. When we feel sluggish, switch it up! Enroll in a new class, explore random job opportunities, and discover all of the other colors in the box. 


Monday, February 12, 2024

Demand Change

"I believe it is better to tell the truth than a lie. 
I believe it is better to be free than a slave.
And I believe it is better to know than be ignorant."
H. L. Mencken

It is difficult to think of Lincoln without his connection to slavery and freedom. Anymore, however, I am overwhelmed by thoughts of all peoples impacted by manipulation and suppression. Where was the origin of this ignorance that resolution is best attained by aggression rather than discussion? 

Extreme suffering has been perpetrated in the name of religion, righteousness, politics, and entitlement. Triggers seem to be the craving of power to control, manipulate and pontificate. Whatever happened to the truth? History is filled with falsehoods and present day conflict is more of the same.

Numerous individuals seem to be waking up, extending his or her awareness, and articulating the need for change. Hippies and 'new age' groups have been ridiculed over the years for wanting peace and respect for all peoples. Thankfully, the desire for harmonious change is being voiced by across the board. It is time to open our eyes and demand change.


Sunday, February 11, 2024

It Is Time ...


"Walking the stacks in a library, dragging your fingers across the spines ...
it's hard not to feel the presence of sleeping spirits."
Robin Sloan

Dreams sends us messages to broaden our thinking.  They  expand possibilities and allow us to view people playing differing roles. They enable us to view others with compassion which replaces judgment. We become aware of how we might be our own worst enemy, throwing up false barriers to what might make us whole.

It is time to quit repressing unresolved emotions and finally grieve losses. With a lighter sense of being, we can move forward to create a stronger sense of being. Eliminating what no longer makes us feel worthy, the weight is lifted and replaced with a strong sense of buoyancy. This of course encourages us to move forward.

Conformity matters less and we take strides away from the older version of the self. When we surrender to not knowing, we begin to sense the sleeping possibilities awakening. No longer tethered by constricted unions, our devotion kindles the longing to be fully ourselves.  With each new step, we draw closer to the joy of being true to the self. 

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Invitation Declined

"Thanks so much for inviting me, but I can't be there."
Carole Unter

The first time I declined, I sincerely worried about the outcome. Would there be backlash and rejection? Stepping away, am I really headed in the right direction? The fear of leaving what is familiar deepens with every conscious thought. Am I ready to accept responsibility for my actions?

Within me resides an inner critic continuously telling me which way to turn and what needs to be remembered. It keeps me small by narrowing opportunity and limiting recognition. It makes up stories clouding my judgment and confusing me beyond reality. I have firmly declined the invitation to stay small.

Instead, I am dedicating myself to be alive and active, to pursue new situations, and embrace the unknown. No more scrutinizing and complaining, just introducing fresh prospects and putting my lovely self out there. I am sincerely ready to truly be 'me' in every living moment.


Friday, February 9, 2024

Black Sheep

"The black sheep are the artists, visionaries, and healers of our 
culture because they are the ones willing to call into question
 those places which feel stale, obsolete or without integrity."
Toko-pa Turner

The black sheep stirs up wisdom followed by introspection. New information creates curiosity which leads to separation from others. Old beliefs are eliminated, making way for a more sacred reverence for living. These eliminations make room for a healthy body, mind and spirit.

Surveying alone, the black sheep eventually is led to a new level of healing. With greater understanding, one begins to articulate what has been buried beneath unsubstantiated beliefs. Breathing becomes a balanced flow regardless of disagreements or exclusion. Chaos is far less likely to disturb this way of living.

The black sheep frequently uses creativity to further illustrate new found ways of perceiving life. Using self-expression, the boring rhetoric of mainstream thinking is diminished.  Recapturing the magic of living, there is a sense of finally loving the self and no longer willing to walk within the stagnant maze. 


Thursday, February 8, 2024

Naciststic Vultures

"I forgive myself for viewing someone's lack of reciprocation 
as a challenge to convince them of my worth."

Suddenly, I noticed that the conversation had become one sided. The person sitting across from me, clearly, was not listening, and was focusing on others around us. Immediately, I felt like a dim bulb instead of a radiant light. I recalled how the interest suddenly shifted causing me to feel at fault.

Subconsciously, I wanted to be responsible for the sudden silence, as then I could repair it. The truth, however, had nothing to do with me. As time passed, I could stand back and reevaluate why words had gone flat. It started when I gently declined the opportunity to support this individual in a quest that I did not believe in.

Encounters that grow stagnant often are the result of someone driven by the need for manipulation and control. It has nothing to do with self-worth. It is important to reframe social situations like this by realizing it simply is not a good match. Walk away and find kindred spirits who are genuinely interested, not narcisstic vultures. 


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Hearts Open

"You are an incredible human being,
and I'm grateful that you exist in this world."

There are incredible human beings in this world and my life is blessed because of them. They are women and men who are unique and driven by compassion for others. Are they perfect? No, not hardly, but they are amazing in nature and profoundly impact my life. Whether they are shedding tears or laughing whole heartedly, they are real.

These souls, disguised as human beings, interact with life holding his and her hearts open. In spite of experiences with sorrow and loss, they persevere, moving forward with a trust that goodness will prevail. They will be the first to stretch out hands to steady and support without expectations of repayment or reward.

These glowing spirits are usually unaware of how deeply they touch my heart by their integrity and trust in human nature. It is not that they are naive, but they allow for error in human nature. Hope fills their hearts, while they sincerely believe each one of us can do great things for the betterment of all.


Tuesday, February 6, 2024


"When you can't control what's happening, challenge
yourself to control the way you respond to what's happening."
Motivational Quotes

When we were children being curtailed, we promised ourselves that when we became adults, we would never be restricted. Somehow, we believed that once we were all grown up, we would have the freedom to do whatever we wanted. We would make all of our choices with total freedom to coincide with our desires.   

And yet, here we are all living with numerous restrictions. We are governed by the government, guided by religious or spiritual beliefs, and at the mercy of our aging bodies. We may not be able to over ride our limitations, but we do have choice as to how we respond. Our attitude can either enhance or crimp the experience.

When we choose a negative response, we are building a greater firebed of destruction. Hate begets hate. If we can objectively view what is before us and cultivate a best case scenario, we will feel more comfortable in our own skin. There are always options. Granted, they may not be the best, but there is always choice.


Monday, February 5, 2024

This Urge ...

All of my creative yearning has turned into a loud voice saying, "Dammit girl, do something!" Historically, I have made candles; printed my own Christmas cards; weavings with knitting or crochet; water color, acrylic and oil paintings; interior decorating; drum making; and various diverse projects.

This inner voice says, "Yes, but what exactly are you doing now? For months, I have been feeling the urge to create, but I distracted myself waiting for circumstances to be just right. I even loitered thinking I needed more supplies prior to taking on a task. Oh wait, maybe I need to sign up for a class!

Today, with the hope of a forthcoming spring, I have decided it truly is time to begin. I tell my lovely self to just jump in! Inside I know it is a simple matter of picking up a paint brush or grabbing my sketch pad. My heart recalls how if I would just start, it would all magically unfold. What is that saying, "If not now, when?"


Sunday, February 4, 2024


"I love people who make me laugh."
Audrey Hepburn

People who make you laugh aught to be a part of your support system. Notice how they differ in appearances and in mindsets.  Make note of individual qualities that you most admire about each individual. Recall incidents when he or she greatly contributed to your peace of mind, especially through belly laughs!

Those who surround us might be from all walks of life reflecting diverse definitions to  humor. You grow from shared laughter, especially when it leads to tears. Friends need to put fun back into friendship. If you no longer experience laughter while pairing with kindred spirits, perhaps it is time to expand your circle.

There are times when your friendships could use some bolstering. When was the last time you shared with your friend just how much they had touched your life? Share the qualities they have that touch your heart. Confirm that in spite of differences, being friends facilitates deeper meaning within your soul. Let laughter strengthen your bonds.

Saturday, February 3, 2024



"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are."
Carl Jung

It is important to notice when our feelings are hurt or when we are hurting others. It is equally necessary to notice when we do something good for ourselves or for others. When our intake and outward actions become balanced with our inner senses, we begin to feel the power of being aligned with body, mind, and soul.

We can no longer wait for government or religion to change our world. Whether our personal consciousness is internal or radiating outward, we are being called to be change makers. Recognizing personal worth, we are shifting actions to better our earth through prayer, assistance, and reverence.

Resentment, anger and hate produce nothing but the same. It is through compassion and forgiveness that we begin to move forward with positive improvement. By creating personal intervention, we move forward rather than standing still, believing we cannot be the change we want to see.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Just One ...

"It only takes one person to change your life ... you."
Ruth Casey

The biggest barrier blocking your way is your lovely self. Opportunities may arise, and you talk yourself out of participating. Wisdom creeps  in, but you discredit the source. The surroundings are shining brightly, but you choose to look the other way. In grief, we shut our eyes, close our minds, and become stationary.

It is time to create a new pattern. Just for today, allow schedules to be more flexible and routines dotted with change. Just for today, turn down the voice of fear and listen for what is new. Remove the cloudy film from your eyes, and take in the natural beauty just waiting for your eyes. Breathe in clean air and release the stagnant.

Do you sincerely want change? Then be that change. Just for today, be open to embracing life in positive manners. Minimize worries by focusing on the blessings in your life even if they are few in number. Hold an image in your mind of how you want to look, feel, and experience life with joy in your heart. Just for today, begin!


Thursday, February 1, 2024


"It does not matter how slowly you go
as long as you do not stop."

To constantly analyze thoughts and deeds, one can grow exhausted. It is imperative, however, to recognize stories we tell ourselves in order to adjust and heal. Negative patterns cannot be altered if they are never recognized.  In order to move forward in life, one must be willing to leave a limited pathway.

Even with a willingness to change routines, one can become discouraged without opening to new connections. Whether physical or spiritual in nature, we need to gather new information in order to shift perceptions. Surrounding the self with others who no longer stimulate, we can experience the sense of being cloistered.

If running from reality, we must stop. If stuck in stagnant stories, we must begin to create new scenarios. We will not grow if we do not feed our soul by using nurturing resources. We can change our prayers or implement a different spiritual practice. We have choice, so we need to keep placing one foot in front of the other.