Tuesday, February 6, 2024


"When you can't control what's happening, challenge
yourself to control the way you respond to what's happening."
Motivational Quotes

When we were children being curtailed, we promised ourselves that when we became adults, we would never be restricted. Somehow, we believed that once we were all grown up, we would have the freedom to do whatever we wanted. We would make all of our choices with total freedom to coincide with our desires.   

And yet, here we are all living with numerous restrictions. We are governed by the government, guided by religious or spiritual beliefs, and at the mercy of our aging bodies. We may not be able to over ride our limitations, but we do have choice as to how we respond. Our attitude can either enhance or crimp the experience.

When we choose a negative response, we are building a greater firebed of destruction. Hate begets hate. If we can objectively view what is before us and cultivate a best case scenario, we will feel more comfortable in our own skin. There are always options. Granted, they may not be the best, but there is always choice.


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