Sunday, February 25, 2024

Lion's Roar

"Every renaissance comes to the world with a cry,
the cry of the human spirit to be free."
Anne Sullivan

How many years ago did the saying, "I am woman, hear me roar," surface? Although at that time it was a comical upsurge amongst friends, the words continue to linger in my mind. My inner landscapes get too jammed with memories of old wounds, and I long for fertile ground for new seeds to grow.

With the death of old thoughts, I experience a mighty shift ... a renaissance of sorts. As the cycle of time silently presses on, space opens for renewal. Seeds secretively take root and my inner light pulses with excitement. My heart welcomes visions, discovery, and stimulating experiences. 

All of my senses slowly adapt as I remove my mask. Creativity is activated and intuition is heightened. There are no barriers once I step out of my own way. Life purpose increases in meaning and I walk out into life with deeper meaning. Minimizing my fear, I am willing to trust that I can make a difference. With a lion's breath, I roar!

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