Thursday, March 31, 2022

Invited Guests: Khalil Gibran, Jesus, Albert Einstein, Robin Williams

"People are guests in our story, the same way we are guests in theirs.
But we all meet each other for a reason because every person
is a personal lesson waiting to be told."
Lauren Klarfeld

My idea to invite mentors to dinner originated from the Johnny Carson Show.  Johnny asked a guest who he would like to meet in person, whether dead or alive.  Somehow that idea remained lodged in my creative imagery for years to come.

Khalil Gibran dominated my younger years through both his dark and insightful writings.  The fact that he was strangely complicated encouraged me.  Jesus was a life support system early on, but it wasn't until midlife I longed to know His truth minus religious doctrines.  

Albert Einstein was a surprise to me as I thought of him as a scientist only.  The broader my horizons, the more I discovered his multi sided character.  Then Robin Williams.  Although outlandishly vibrant, few truly heard his inner cry.  

I desire to seat these four men at my table for a discussion of life as they knew it then and as they now understand it.  I want to serve them a lavish meal to eavesdrop and absorb every last uttered syllable and nuance.  Yes, these would be my Invited Guests!


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Taking Flight


"Today wherever you go, carry the intention of
peace, harmony, laughter and love in your heart."
Deepak Chopra

Our ego may be romping in fits of anger or our memories may be saturated in sorrow, but at the core of our being, our hearts are flowing with love.  If we lift the blinds of distortion from our eyes, we begin to see the beauty that is ever present.

Our built in dysfunction shades what we experience with each of our senses.  Through our choices, our thoughts are fine groomed based upon our own deceptions.  We cannot help how we feel, but we can decide to make healthier choices.

What if we forgave everyone across the board, no holding back?  In doing so, we would feel a rush of energy repurposed for creating happier scenarios.  No longer dragging our baggage along, we are able to take flight with expressive bursts of  laughter.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Importance of Being Aware


"These patterns are old relics of our childhoods."
Bethany Webster

We learn to be aware of our surroundings, to not place our lovely selves in the presence of danger and to maintain safe boundaries.  What about inside, though? There is a resonating need to take inventory of old patterns, and restricted measures hampering personal progress.

What once served us as coping skills, may be restricting our connection from a deeper sense of living in the here and the now.  With inner exploration, we begin to unravel the ancestral trickery preventing us from our true measure.

Here are some questions to heighten personal awareness:  Do you say things reflecting how you feel or what you think others want to hear?  Do you participate in activities to stir your soul or plans that meet others needs? When you reflect upon self-inventory, do you like who you are?  An invitation is extended to you to discover and celebrate your beautiful self!

Monday, March 28, 2022


"Sometimes you have to wait 
in the dark
For what seems like forever."
Leyla Aylin

Paul Simon is the musical composer of the smash hit, THE SOUND OF SILENCE. It contains the  lyric, "Hello darkness my old friend."  Perhaps this prompts us to greet the dark, but lessen the emotional reaction by maintaining the larger picture.

Darkness may be unavoidable, but it can be minimized.  If we can view the dark as part of the larger picture or as a segment of a greater equation, we can be increasingly fluid in our processing.   When we dismiss the temptation to repress, we can discover positive forward motion in alignment.

We can hold an image of approaching a tunnel with an open heart, passing through the tunnel with insight, and peacefully exiting the other side.  When we remain aware that darkness is one part of the whole, it can be balanced.


Sunday, March 27, 2022

Bridges of Connection

"I define connection as the energy that exists between people
when they feel seen, heard, and valued."
Brene Brown

Let us give our lovely selves permission to be fully present in our authentic identity.  When we allow our own acceptance without judgment, confidence flourishes.  As we kindle self love, respect, and honor, we gravitate towards the light in the world.

Our energy can become diluted when we do not protect our presence with safe boundaries.  Rather than becoming enmeshed with others, we can create bridges to extend our essence and receive the presence of others.  

Connection helps us to thrive when it is affirming.  Positive energy gathered can be shared personally and extended out into the world.  Together, we will cover all things with peaceful calm and love.  We can and do make a difference.


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Reclaim the Divine Feminine

"Now is the time to reclaim our divine feminine nature,
to reclaim full empowerment by calling back the Sacred Feminine."
Judith Corvin-Blackburn

Every human being is composed of a masculine and feminine side.  When in alignment, an individual navigates between these two powers.  The feminine is associated with our emotional responses while the masculine is seen as a physical response.  Either way, it is important to utilize both.

The Sacred Feminine bestows clarity and radiance for all of us to achieve peace and harmony, rather than the overbearing patriarchy which oppresses people, innovations, and the planet.  She offers avenues to physical, spiritual and emotional well being.

If we invite the Divine Feminine into our way of living, we feel our power and the resilience to use it with life without domination. Inspiration and creative expression bring harmony to our lovely selves as well as to the community surrounding us.


Friday, March 25, 2022

Intentional Beliefs

""I wish for you flowers and sunshine, gentle breezes
and clear skies, calm seas and rainbows."
The Universe 

We have choice as to how we embrace life.  We can choose to combine safe guards and vulnerability to heighten our experiences, or wear heavy armor to deflect the negative circumstances.  

The world, it would seem, is stomping giant feet causing bodily harm, dispirited souls, and signs of negative doom.  Do we give in to this, become overwhelmed and shrink form being real?  Can we invest our thinking into the uplifting of the human spirit with intentional belief of positive outcomes?

We are being called to support the frightened and downtrodden.  Focusing on love, compassion and kindness, we humbly serve others. As we relinquish thoughts of despair and overwhelm, we make room for a higher frequency instilling a bright light available to all.


Thursday, March 24, 2022

Illuminating Space


"The desire not to be seen often happens when we are feeling 
very hurt, angry, or simply weary of the world."
Daily Om 

As human beings, we experience negative patterns of our selves as well as others.  These situations teach us to shed personal darkness, allowing our light to prosper.  The challenges trigger us to blend compassion with confidence.

If we seek a way to serve others, community or planet, all that is required is to illuminate the space surrounding us.  Even with uncertainty, we can heighten our flame as others need to experience the positive energy we submit.

Yes, there is a cycle spinning us through buoyancy and heaviness, but when we hang on, the spin cycle eventually declines.  To choose not to hide, we can reflect our light to each other. As we combine our light, we experience moments of calm and compassion shared with all. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Endless Love Resolutions

"Together we can face any challenges as deep 
as the ocean and as high as the sky."
Sonia Gandhi

Enless Love sung by President Volodymyr Zelensky and his wife, Olena Zelensky from the Ukrane caught my attention this morning on YOUTUBE.  Obviously, both gifted musicians,  they touched me deep inside as tender hearted human beings.

Perhaps we need to stop thinking of the Ukraine as a country, and focus more on the human being aspect, especially children.  We can extend love and strength through kind thoughts, energy work, meditation, and prayers to those who are oppressed and suffering.   

Each one of us has a shadow side where challenges await healing and resolution.  When we avoid them or allow our darkness to be influenced by the shadows of others, chaos and dysfunction explode.  Only when we hold our lovely selves accountable will corrective measures unfold.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Falling ...

"Do not judge me by my success, 
judge me by how many times I fell down
and go back up again."
Nelson Mandela

When I gaze back over the years, I am reminded of my tendency to fall.  I am not necessarily clumsy, but neglect to be grounded.  I pay attention, but lean into being lofty.  I am easily distracted by floating clouds or swaying trees triggering deep contemplation.  

The same could be said of my emotional descents.  Although I believe I am paying close attention, frequently I am hood winked into seeing a person as their 'higher self' ignoring human deception.

Whether physically or emotionally, it doesn't really matter how often I scrape myself up off the sidewalk.  The best advice is to not look around to see who has seen me unbalanced.   If I diligently use my energy to grasp the cause and sense the lesson, it is easier to get up and advance forward once again.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Complicated Me ...

"No, I can survive well enough on my own ~
if given the proper reading material."
Sarah J. Maas 

Early in childhood, I sat on the couch looking at the pictures in books, not being able to read words, as my mother and sister decorated the Christmas tree ... apparently I did not do it correctly.  In lower elementary grades, I became an avid reader as it was difficult to make friends ... I was the only non-catholic in a Roman Catholic Grade School.  In junior high, I expanded my reading with creative writing ... writing became a perfect dumping ground for my emotional fears.

Attending a private college prep academy, all four years were experienced with avid reading which enhanced my grades as well as awareness of diversity.  My ability to excel with captured words and creative expression, my confidence grew.  In college, a professor took me under her wing and guided me towards a higher level of reading and writing.

Books have escorted me between child rearing, career pursuits, and relationship discoveries.  I often wonder if there is any part of me that is original and not an interpretation of someone else's wisdom.  I am a book with many chapters, filled with favorite words in spite of fears and ultimatums.  My writing is birthed through the integration of what I read and the results are the unfolding of complicated me.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

New Birth and Flowering

"The beautiful spring came, 
and when nature resumes her loveliness, 
the human soul is apt to revive also."
Harriet Ann Jacobs

With the first sign of Spring, my heart bursts out of the hibernation stage and into the welcoming of the cleansed presence of earth.  Rain washes away the accumulated winter debris while  new growth pushes up through the dark rich soil.

I gather the wisdom obtained in my cloistered state, and fearlessly walk into the changing world around me.  I can see a slight green hue around branches of bushes and trees, while bits of color alert the forthcoming arrival of sprouts and blossoms.

I feel this within as well.  There is new energy, ready to push flowering thoughts into new insights and words. The birds take flight with songs meant to be endeared and heighten our awareness.  Even the sound of rain drops bring promises of expanded growth and creative expression.  Amen!

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Deter Varmints

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."

Spring is approaching and our thoughts randomly turn to bird feeders.  We choose a particular seed or mix to attract particular birds.  We may even apply thin layers of vaseline on posts to deter squirrels from gaining access.

We, too, are in need of particular feedings and it is detrimental to our growth if we do not choose carefully.  If we choose life styles, regimes, and practices that do not uphold our belief system, we will not be fed.  If we blindly digest thoughts, actions, and rules of others, we may not prosper at all.

As mundane as it sounds, we do not feed dog food to a cat nor cat food to our fish.  The same is true for humans.  We are called to be creatively diligent to discover what nourishes are body, mind and soul.  As we hold our lovely selves accountable, it will be easier to deter approaching varmints! 

Friday, March 18, 2022

Reverse Programming ...

Victor Ivanovich Zaretsky - 
Painting, 1988 (Ukrainian)

"All that is gold, does not glitter.
Not all who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither
Deep roots are not reached by the frost."
J. R. Tolkien

Segments of our culture has trained us to work in reverse. We are told to seek the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, when on the inner, we are glowing with shimmers of hope, love, and trust. We are trained to stay the course even when are hearts are begging to place feet upon our individual path.

Time reflects that old texts and tests are worthy of exploration. Other cultures respect and honor the elders as they maintain credible insights that are blurred by youthful actions. Nature repeatedly demonstrates the importance of healthy root structure. Trees, plants, and humans do well when they are rooted in rich soil.

Be encouraged by new stirrings of the heart. Open the creative senses to what is wanting to be expressed. Listen to that silent voice calling the soul to come home. We obtain all of these remarkable stages when we find the glory in being our remarkable and unique self.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Green for Spring!

"May the strength of God pilot us, may the wisdom of God instruct us,
may the hand of God protect us, may the word of God direct us."
St Patrick 

St Patrick was kidnapped from Britain by Irish raiders at age 16.  He spent six captive years isolated as a shepherd and it was during this time he developed his faith.  Patrick was not Irish nor originally Catholic and never did he banish snakes. 

In a dream, an angel encouraged St Patrick to escape from Ireland and return home to become a missionary.  He spent 15 years in religious training before returning to Ireland.  Familiar with Irish culture and traditions, he incorporated traditional ritual into his lessons of Christianity.  

St Patrick's Day 'green' is a reminder that spring is on the way. There is a celebration within as we discover tiny green buds pushing up through layers of earth.  And is this not the process of life ... incubation, birth and discovery.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Invisible Path Towards Home

"Close your eyes and follow your breath to the still place
that leads to the invisible path that leads you home."
St. Teresa of Avila

The old adage, "Home is where the heart is" becomes more accurate as time passes. The definition of a structure bleeds into the quality of comfort established within our hearts. Dwelling in magnificent quarters does not alone make the heart comfortable nor embraced.

Our state of mind becomes impacted by the presence of true friends and shared wisdom. What we think, we truly become, creating the importance of positive exchanges with both the self and others.

When we believe in the worthiness of our existence, and value the space we hold in the world, love is our comfort. Kindness is the kindling for our passion while clarity helps avoid unnecessary drama. Every step taken leads to peace and harmony of our true home.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Breakthroughs Broadening Horizons

"As you experience changes and breakthroughs, know that integrity,
honesty, and truth are the highest vibrating energies to guide you forward.
Everything else will fall away."
Molly McCord

When we change from being a 'people pleaser' to turning nurturing inward, it is easy to think we are being selfish.  If we speak our truth humbly, we might feel like we are being judgmental.  As we begin to see clarity in our reality, we may feel overwhelmed.

The key, of course, is to experience our breakthrough, but house it in a clean environment.  Do not stack it upon old piles of clutter or share it where it will be criticized.  Hold true to personal integrity while moving forward.

We each have a gift to bring into this world.  One is not greater than another, as all are needed to form the whole.  Do not discredit passion, dreams, and sudden opportunities.  Walk gently upon the chosen path, allowing what is no longer needed to fall away.


Monday, March 14, 2022

Choosing the Exit

"Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle
to keep you from growing.  You get to choose."
Wayne Dyer 

The world awaits my decision.  It is patient with endless options if I but have the courage to step forward, rather than standing in decay without grace.  Instead of worrying myself with thoughts of failure, I can choose to imagine what it would be like to fly. 

There have been endless times when I have felt I was making my last shift, only to find myself beginning anew.  Even after identifying patterns, silencing ego, and embracing wisdom, the voices begin calling me forward once again.

All of nature speaks in the positive, while insightful scripts fan my fire.  I am choosing to  exit the cave of hibernation and step into another spring, planting new seed, and nurturing growth.  How can I not choose what is best for me?

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Replace Fear with Curiosity

"By replacing fear of the unknown with curiosity, 
we open ourselves up to an infinite stream of possibility."
Alan Watts

Even though life is pulling us forward, our emotions can easily apply brakes.  After making a plan in our best interest, doubt can alter our momentum.  Perhaps our chest begins to tighten or our stomach begins to gnarl.  The emotional and the physical begin to collide.

Once fear gains a grip, as self-doubt expands.  Our perceptions become tainted and our intentions become smeared.  What would happen, however, if we replaced our fear with curiosity?  

With generous portions of curiosity, our back sliding into darkness switches into forward movement towards the light.  Our views open to possibilities expanding positive outlooks.  The unknown ceases to be threatening as we take flight into the sky!


Saturday, March 12, 2022

Death Pivotal to New Growth

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
Walt Disney

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors,
and doing new things, because we are curious and
curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
Walt Disney

As I pack up my belongings, the boxes of books are more numerous than those marked as kitchen or bathroom or personal keepsakes.  I downsized so greatly the last time, this move is physically easier, but mentally, not so much.  Lord knows, I can be my own worst enemy.

The spiritual voice within calls me forward to leave what is comfortable and known, and to explore the unknown in hopes of flowering once again in newer and brighter ways.  It would seem in order for me to grow stronger,  I must die again to life as I know it, allowing curiosity to lead me down new pathways.

The death of my limited perceptions, propels me into new horizons.  In shedding what I think I am, I eventually discover who I am now meant to be.  Evolution, transparency, and faith stimulate deeper roots and happier tomorrows.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Death As A Gateway

"From my near-death research, and my personal experiences, 
death is, in my judgment, simply a transition into 
another kind of reality."
Raymond Moody 

In preparation for moving, I began packing my numerous books.  I happened across Raymond Moody's work and I spiraled back across the years to when he was a new resource for me.  His words quenched my thirst and enlightened my soul, projecting me to places I never knew existed.

I once again reviewed the death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ which was in direct alignment with the research accomplished by Dr. Moody.  We are born into a new life, transitioning into human form and through death, we transition from human form back into spiritual reality.

I have no fear of death as I do not foresee it as an ending.  I see it as a gateway opening to answers I have longed for and a reunion with all who have passed before me.  I anticipate peace and harmony and if I am wrong?  Well, I guess it really won't matter then, will it?


Thursday, March 10, 2022

Closure Prior to Sleep

"This is a wonderful day.
I've never seen this one before."
Maya Angelou

We can learn from nature by watching the sun rise of a morning.  It can be a very moving experience.  There is something pristine and powerful as the sun reflects intensity of its light and the intensity of fresh beginnings.  It is not heavy laden from the challenge of the day before nor is it weighted by fears of tomorrow.

When we choose to follow this example, we, too, discover a new day with a clean slate accompanied by fresh intentions.  We are open to new possibilities, rather than bogged down by the disappointments or unmet expectations from the day before.

Just as the sun sets at the end of the day, we seek our own method of closure.  Whether we do so with a sip of wine and entries into a journal,  a peaceful ending is a desired.  Closure prior to sleep becomes an introduction to a good night's sleep.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Hidden Again

"Nothing in the world is hidden forever."
Wilkie Collins

We may place a smile across our face to hide the disappointment we feel in the moment.  If we suffer a particular loss, we may closet our deep feelings away, so no one sees them.  Reactions from disrespect, lack of honor or deceit may be stuffed down behind our awareness to be avoided and ignored.

In truth, all of the actions mentioned above, eventually work their way up to the surface.  Anger like black tar may grossly slime its way forward or the pain of loss demands to be  recognized by creating a physical disturbance.  

We may react by pushing our thoughts back into the darkness, but they will continuously surface, wanting to be seen and resolved.  And even when we embrace and understand the challenge behind our hidden emotions,  it is imperative to not forget or we will find them hidden once again.


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Celebrate Closure and New Beginnings


"Take some time to complete what is finished."
Lena Stevens

As I leave the past behind, and eagerly anticipate what is yet to come, there remains a need to celebrate the here and now.  It is important to leave with a buoyant heart, releasing any heaviness compiled through both happiness and sorrow.

My process of loss and gain will be an insightful tool if I can maintain a sense of celebration  for what has been without judgment or scorn.  Awareness of lessons can be positively logged into our memory banks without stripping away joy needing to be remembered.

Embracing the decision to move forward, doors readily opened beckoning me to place my feet upon new pathways.  History has taught me to trust the pull attracting me to what is yet to materialize.  So I lift my glass in celebration, honoring my past, present and looming future.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Processing Good Bye

"Good bye may seem forever.  Farewell is like the end,
but in my heart is the memory and there you will always be."

There is comfort in packing memories, knowing one can instantly connect whenever the need arises, no matter where one is located.  In the process of moving, one leaves physical things behind, but emotions are carried within us.

Our progression forward is more expansive if we successfully created a sense of completion when saying our farewells.  We will embrace our new space with a sense of security if we have not left parts of the self lingering behind. 

As we depart and enter new beginnings, our minds are like a crazy quilt ... random pieces stitched together.  We experience loss, yet new prospects for 'dreams come true' surface. Loose threads of fear may be present, but colorful stitchery begin to bond our parts together.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Unexpected Joy and Excruciating Sorrow

"I am leaving, but I am living."
Cassandra Clare

When I moved to Nashville, Tennessee, a few years ago, my head was filled with visions of book festivals, flea markets, art shows, and creative opportunities.  Little did I know of the tornadoes that would pass through, impacting living arrangements, followed by isolation triggered by Covid.

As I unpacked my belongings, I truly believed it was my last move, that only death would prompt additional  downsizing of my possessions.  It felt as though life had come full circle, forgetting that the only constant in life is change.

So now I choose to return to where I have previously lived, hoping to reenter my sacred circle of friends who enlighten, encourage, and truly 'see' me.  I have learned that opportunities have less meaning if there is no one to witness unexpected joy or excruciating sorrow.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Passion Flares


"Writing became more like eavesdropping."
Julia Cameron

Julia Cameron's book, THE ARTIST'S WAY, became a pivot force in my passion for writing. It granted me permission to get out of my own way, to allow artistic spirit to flow through me.  It encouraged me to release all self-imposed rules which were ultimately blocking my original creativity.

My prolific writing history, fine tuned my skills and highlighted my passion.  By enrolling in the class entitled THE ARTIST'S WAY guided me into a writing regime that was flexible, productive and personally rewarding.

Julia Cameron's words enlightened me:  "I learned to  just show up at the page and write down what I heard. Writing became more like eavesdropping and less like inventing the nuclear bomb."   The ability to set aside my own agenda and to allow insights to unfold within my creative mind, my passion forever flared. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Loneliness or Solitude

"Language has created the word 'loneliness' to express 
the pain of being alone. And it has created the word
'solitude' to express the glory of being alone."
Paul Tillich 

Little compares to the uplifting of kindred spirits who embrace us with hugs, and reflect back to us the joy of friendship.  They inspire and encourage us so that we can return to alone time to nurture and grow with confidence and glow. 

It is within solitude that parts of our lovely selves begin to unfold.  In the quiet garden of our mind, our senses transport us without distraction to realms where we can hear our call, feel our passion, and envision our alignment with the world.

If we spend never ending lapses of time alone, we as humans, become lonely which is different from simply being alone.  We can thrive when we are alone, but conversely, when in isolation we begin to wither and fold.  

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Blend to Solidify


"Fix yourself in such a way that whatever
comes, you will be fine."

It seems as though our existence is being bombarded on many levels.  Whether we are tracking climate change, facing personal challenge or questioning reality, a heaviness tends to settle upon our shoulders.  

It is unfortunate if we choose to believe we can do nothing, while settling into thick darkness.  When we discern what can be done on an individual basis, we start the journey back into the light in the positive realms.

There are numerous essential oils, each one offering fragrance and an element of healing. They can be blended together for additional strength.  The same is true of our thoughts.  When we choose to link the positive ones together, we are best prepared for what is to come.