Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Falling ...

"Do not judge me by my success, 
judge me by how many times I fell down
and go back up again."
Nelson Mandela

When I gaze back over the years, I am reminded of my tendency to fall.  I am not necessarily clumsy, but neglect to be grounded.  I pay attention, but lean into being lofty.  I am easily distracted by floating clouds or swaying trees triggering deep contemplation.  

The same could be said of my emotional descents.  Although I believe I am paying close attention, frequently I am hood winked into seeing a person as their 'higher self' ignoring human deception.

Whether physically or emotionally, it doesn't really matter how often I scrape myself up off the sidewalk.  The best advice is to not look around to see who has seen me unbalanced.   If I diligently use my energy to grasp the cause and sense the lesson, it is easier to get up and advance forward once again.

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