Monday, March 7, 2022

Processing Good Bye

"Good bye may seem forever.  Farewell is like the end,
but in my heart is the memory and there you will always be."

There is comfort in packing memories, knowing one can instantly connect whenever the need arises, no matter where one is located.  In the process of moving, one leaves physical things behind, but emotions are carried within us.

Our progression forward is more expansive if we successfully created a sense of completion when saying our farewells.  We will embrace our new space with a sense of security if we have not left parts of the self lingering behind. 

As we depart and enter new beginnings, our minds are like a crazy quilt ... random pieces stitched together.  We experience loss, yet new prospects for 'dreams come true' surface. Loose threads of fear may be present, but colorful stitchery begin to bond our parts together.

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