Sunday, December 31, 2017

One Singular New Year's Goal

"The New Year is a painting not yet painted;
a path not yet stepped on;
a wing not yet taken off!
Things haven't happened as yet!
Before the clock strikes twelve, 
remember that you are blessed 
with the ability to reshape your life!"
Mehmet Murat Ildan

Only a singular goal is required for the New Year:  To Thine Own Self Be True.  Shred all lists and ditch the unnecessary commitments that repress the muse within.  Refrain from filling private space with last years wishes.  To begin anew, one must know oneself to flourish.

If we  position the self to see clearly the heart's desire, our authentic footsteps will be placed on an inspiring path.  We prepare ourselves for boulders blocking our way by recognizing the tools spirit has placed within us.  The road will have detours which are perfect for assessing progress.  The compass is vital to fulfillment.

If we remain tuned in to our heart, the compass, our most inner thoughts and desires will not be led astray.  As we go within, we deflect the nay sayers and avoid distractions.  Carefully design this new space in time as a reflection of our blessings and gifts to the outer world.  It will be a good New Year!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

To Thine Ownself

"Where you have passion, strength, courage
and determination you can accomplish anything!"
K.L. Toth

George Lucas was described in an article about his labor of love creating Star Wars.  This creative man was challenged by finances, supporters, weather, and various losses.  He was forced to make numerous concessions to attain his dream, but he never lost his passion.  His drive drove him into a very successful career.

Sue Monk Kidd early in her career wrote articles for Guidepost Magazine.  This author was driven by passion in spite of where she was located or the commitments that limited her.   Her accomplishments were in addition to tending to her marriage and children. The author's unique books: The Secret Life of Bees, The Invention of Wings, When the Heart Waits, Dance of the Dissident Daughter, Traveling with Pomegranates, The Mermaid Chair and others.

Observing a variety of artists and the length of their devotion, one notices the work growing in depth and at times wavering from original design.  The point being, the commitment one makes to oneself needs to be fueled by inner strength, courage and determination in spite of all odds.  There must be an allowance for flexibility, but to thine own self be true.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Flame out of Darkness

"It is more important to be of pure intention
than of perfect action."
Ilyas Kassam

We have all been a recipient of generosity and the action attracts our immediate attenion. The perfect or most appropriate gesture will make an impression, but the intention from the heart strikes our body, mind, and spirit.  

Celebratory gifts such as flowers can be uplifting and beautiful in themselves as jewelry definitely adds bling.  The memory, however, that stands alone is the one created by pure intention, stemming from the heart.

The heart to heart connection is usually made without words, actions, or deeds.  It is made by a person who knows our core and can reach inside and hold us close.  It is like a flame coming out of darkness to ignite our soul and remind us of who we are and the sacred stamina available to us.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Clarity Be Claimed

"Claim all that is good and powerful in life
and make it your own!"
Jan Porter

The positive word success is just as deceiving as the derogative word failure.  There are degrees to accomplishment within being successful and there are margins for mistakes prior to being a failure.  If it were up to me, I would lower the words success and failure to the bottom of my word pile.

It is unrealistic to constantly define our lives as either successful or failure.  Why put this type of pressure upon our already existing anxiety?  Perhaps this requires us to broaden perspective so we focus more upon the in between rather than the end result.

"I did the best I could, at the time, with the information I had," is one my favorite quotes.  I would like to think I tried my best at every turn.  Once I determined what was of value to me, it was easier to move forward.  With upmost clarity, stake your claim.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Move Forward

"I accept tom the Universe all
that it wants to give me,
so that I can gather the stars.
I feel their light shine on me
twinkling a prism of color
falling on my head and shoulders
softly settling in my heart."
Sharron Maygar

Stars shine upon me and I feel as though I have been kissed by God.  Watching the moon float across the sky, I feel like I am journeying with all that exists above.  When the sun is warm upon my face or  the sound of a rippling brook fills my ears, I am alive in every cell.

I may not remember the clothes I wore as a little girl, but I do remember lying on my back in the damp grass while selecting images from the clouds above.  I remember lightning bugs and the call of the owl at the end of the day.

Throughout my life, the stars and the moon have accompanied me.  In my loneliest hours, they were there for me.  Whether present in my heart or twinkling in the black sky, their presence was felt, encouraging me to brave and keep moving forward.

****Special thanks to Sharron Magyar for sharing her work!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Never Under A Tree

"He who has not Christmas in his heart
will never find it under a tree."
Roy L. Smith

The rush of Christmas is passing and the build up for the New Year pushes against me.  It is a season of letting go and ushering in.    I lean on faith and trust,  as my life unfolds with loving kindness.  No longer a driven seeker,  I am  an observer of the present moment before me.

Love has flourished and I am eternally grateful for my Renaissance Man; however darkness haunts me.  I am sensitive to those who hunger or experience physical, mental or spiritual  pain.  It is difficult for me to accept the lack of cultural integrity when it is at the cost of others.

I grow concentrated on the beauty of life offered to me and attempt to process it back out into the world.  I am encouraged by the undying movement of nature and the memorable experiences with wise women.  My roots have spread deeply into the earth as my arms have stretched towards the sky. I have a passion to rekindle light, energy, and love which for me is the meaning of Christmas.

Monday, December 25, 2017

State of Mind

"Christmas, children, is not a date.
It is a state of mind."
Mary Ellen Chase


Christmas is not just one day out of the year to experience hope, love and peace.  These three need to reside in our hearts throughout the year.  The Holidays trigger unresolved emotions and the hope, love, and peace gathered throughout the year will assist in maintaining emotional balance.

The memories of Christmas can be very endearing, bringing to mind children and grandchildren of years gone by.  We can recapture the fragrances of festive meals and visualize large family gatherings. We may also recall being mesmerized by white lights on the tree, lost in thought of how the year might end.

Remember to turn inward, creating a state of mind honoring the strides taken during this past year.  Reflect a presence of being comfortable in our own sacredness.  With love, hope, and peace, we can embrace all the days of our lives.  

Sunday, December 24, 2017

It Is On This Eve ...

"I will honor Christmas in my heart,
and try to keep it all the year."
Charles Dickens

My menorah is a permanent fixture on the mantle and candlesticks are arranged throughout my home.  As beeswax dribbles uncontrolled, I am made aware of my emotions dripping into a deeper space.  There is a beauty to the tapers with their waxed designs, bringing me closer to the images of the Divine.  It is nearing Christmas, and on this eve, I escape into the safety of my heart.

Candles bear witness to both light and the shadow.  The wave of movement is like the quickening of life to one side and then the other.  The flame is a reminder of hope while the hot wax will burn if we reach out absentmindedly. Fragrance is of no importance, as the simple presence of this illumination warms my soul.

It is on this eve I have often felt most lonely.  It doesn't matter who gathers around, I feel a heavy absence which cannot be fully explained.  I tend to zone out, my eyes caught by the candle flame, and as material things fall away, I begin to slide down the spiral becoming lost even to myself.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Go On A Date With Your Lovely Self!

"Create a sacred space to learn more about your body and mind, 
go on a date with yourself and explore emotions, sensation, desires, dreams, 
and accept yourself as you are."
Nityananda Das  

What is beautiful to my eyes may be disruptive to your vision.  They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and I believe this to be true.  Unfortunately, we are our own worst critic and we consistently find fault with our image. 

There may be a harsh edge to our demeanor, so we must delve within as we are the cause and not someone else.  The sharpness attacks where we are the weakest so we need to learn to smooth our edges and accept ourselves.

We can experience expansion when we purchase flowers and arrange them for our desk or nightstand.     Schedule a massage as a means to pamper the body.  Watch a comedy and laugh out loud.  Share lingering hugs with a circle of friends.  There are many individual ways to nurture and enhance.  The better we know ourselves, the more aware we will be of what we need to create our sacred space.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Peace, A Sacred Place Within

"The calm within the storm is where peace lives and breathes.  It is not within perfect circumstances or a charmed life ... it is not conditional."  If we are kind people, it does not mean we will avoid harm from others.  If we are devoted children of God, it does not mean we will be spared hardships.  Life is a wild card, and we cannot accurately anticipate what will come our way.

"Peace is a sacred space within, it is the temple of our internal landscape.  We are free to visit it, whenever we seek sanctuary."  We cannot avoid chaos in our life.  We must learn how to deal in the midst of chaos.  Through yoga, meditation or arts, we can discover a road inward to shore our collapsing boundaries.  We can secure an inner landscape to nourish and restore our spirit.

"Underneath the chaos of everyday living, peace is patiently awaiting our discovery ... go within." Utilizing our imagination, we can visualize a place of peace.  We can explore a little deeper every time we go within.   We can be an inspiration to ourselves and suspend our hearts in bliss.  We can create a sanctuary by accepting and loving ourselves just the way we are ... a priceless child of Divine.  

***All quotes written by Jaeda DeWalt

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Any Place Can Be A Temple

"If you have been in the vicinity of sacred ...
ever brushed against the holy ...
you retain it more in your bones
than in your head; and if you haven't,
no description of the experience will 
ever be satisfactory."
Daniel Taylor

Caught in the innocent eyes of a baby or by a glance from a stranger, we may feel the inner stirrings of the sacred.  Watching a bird take flight or a leaf gently floating from a tree, we may notice our emotions shifting.  As the flame of the candle dances with light, we may feel mesmerized and drawn in.  While chanting a mantra, we may feel a holy union.

Sacred is not limited to churches nor is it dependent upon ritual.  Sacred can be found wherever our awareness happens to drift.  Divine Spirit expresses all things sacred through human action, changes in nature, and through the artistic touch or expression of any one or any thing.

A Christmas Candlelight Church Service is extremely moving, but it is not the only structure for the sacred.  Any place can be a temple ...  forest,  ocean, solitude, or in the midst of happy children.  By broadening our awareness, we will be more apt to brush against the holy and experience indescribable sacred moments.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Choose to Keep Seeking

"Surround yourself with those who believe in you.
Your life is too important for anything less."
Steve Goodier

Invest time in your lovely self.  Get to know both the light and the dark so preparation can be made in the approaches we take towards life.  If we do not know ourselves, we will not have the roots to weather storms.  Without being grounded our lessons will be more time consuming and probably more debilitating. 

We need to listen to the wisdom of others, but it if does not resonate within us, we can choose to keep seeking what will inspire and encourage our inner yearnings.  Suggestions can trigger new ideas as they help to build our foundation.  If input from others does not enhance our plan, it will simply distract us.

It is important not to isolate the self.  We need encouragement and support from friends.  Mentors can be a bridge to an additional level of our growth.  Value the time spent on exploring the inner landscapes and let the desires of the heart magnetize us to our goal.  

Monday, December 18, 2017

Hollow Eyes of the Lonely


"One of the most important things you can do on this earth
is to let people know they are not alone."
Shannon L. Alder

There is a vast difference between being alone and being lonely.  There are many of us who thrive when we are alone, but total isolation is not healthy.  To bring lonely people to mind, we may immediately think of the elderly, but our scope must be immeasurably wider.  

The military prevents men or women or children from returning home during the holidays which initiates and emptiness even if surrounded by others.  In families, as children grow their own commitments to their school or church tend to keep families at home and not travel.  Our society is significantly mobile and family members are spaced far apart preventing loved ones to gather.

Holidays stir up stress and anxiety which often leads to overwhelm or depression.  Mental Illness flares during this time and I refer to young and old alike. Notice the hollow eyes hiding behind smiling faces. Be aware of the withdrawn or out of control child, teenager or adult.  We do not have to hold ourselves accountable for them, but we certainly can alert a friend or adult for intervention.   Action may save many innocent lives.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Limitations or Opportunities

"You see limitations; God sees opportunities.
You see faults; God sees growth.
You see problems; God sees solutions.
You see limitations; God sees possibilities;
You see life; God sees eternity."
Corallie Buchanan

When we train ourselves to respond to difficulty with inspiration rather than resentment, our lives tend to be more creative.  If we maintain open communication between our mind and heart, challenges often divert us into directions we need to go.

It is not unusual to experience a facet of a job we do not embrace.  For whatever reason, the chore seems insignificant to our work experience.  Then a few years later, we find ourselves in an entirely different situation that actually requires knowledge of the very task we were somewhat forced to master.  It is as though it were a piece of our puzzle Divine Spirit knew we would need.

Our lives unfold smoothly when we make the best of what is presented to us.  Even if it is not ideal, we can trust that it will lead to something better.  It is normal to have expectations, but we need to accompany them with open flexibility. A bump in the road may divert our attention to where it needs to be!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Forever Changing

"I think that little by little I'll be able,
 to solve my problems and survive."
Frida Kahlo

In order to survive the holidays I begin to discern what is necessary and what is not.   I dig out my old Santa collection, but leave other packed ornaments for another year.  I extract some keepsake silver and linens, but I certainly do not set the table like yesteryear.

The season would not be right without candles which I have strategically placed in each and every room.  I have reduced the batches of cookies and brownies down to the most favorite and leave the rest.  The freezer holds casseroles to minimize the craziness of holiday gatherings.

The time I have saved is reserved for sitting in my chair with blanket and tea, surveying all of the old pictures available to me.  I think of my children and grandchildren; city and country neighbors; and those who have been dear to me.  Holidays are like the weather: never the same and forever changing.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Reflect Goodness and Light

"Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is.
 Treat a man as he can and should be and 
he will become as he can and should be."
Stephen R. Covey

Extend the rapture of the holidays by greeting both friend and foe as though they were a present waiting to be opened!  Clear the mind and hold no expectations.  Wait for people to project a glimpse of unique light pulsating in their soul.

With warm regard, embrace humans as so many are hiding personal loneliness. An appropriate and warm hug can shift the day, the week, and the holiday for others.  Be the person to spark a fire so they too can feel the warm spirit afloat amongst us.

Create time to nurture the body, mind, and soul, for as we shine, we will attract goodness.  Our glow can be felt by others and they too may be triggered to rekindle the spark deep within. Be a mirror for others to see themselves, as too often during the holidays, we forget who we really are.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Create a Presence/Present

"Don't let the muggles get you down."
J. K. Rowling

December generates excitement about festivities, celebrations, and gatherings.  Time accelerates and movement slides into double time.  Our heart races contemplating how we will meet our expectations without total overwhelm.  We tend to lose our focus.

If we stare into space for a brief reprieve, we may be side tracked by images in the sky.  The moon once again becomes extra huge, the high winds distort clouds in the sky and the stars seem to be beaming suggestions of soothing the soul.

Let us create a presence/present of our selves while honoring and respecting the presence/present of one other.  Let us gather around, close enough to see into each other's eyes.  Tell me what the heart yearns for and how it will be born into personal space.  Share with me how the New Year will be embraced.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

WOMEN: 20,000 Words per Day

"Previous research by Louann Brizendine at the 
University of California found that women speak an average 
of 20,000 words daily compared to only 7,000 words for men."

Women speak an average of 20,000 words per day.   With the intention of encouraging women to both find and use their voices, I created this blog, Virginia's Voice in April 2010.  I decided to focus on  three areas to initiate curiosity and engagement . 

Articulating Silence motivates women to voice their personal truth whether it is expressed through the written word, art or speaking.  Women contain 20,000 words that need to be expressed in one day.   How do we express our lovely self?  Where do we place our words?Shouting or yelling in sudden bursts of anger or extending kindness to all encountered?

Deciphering Dreams offers us symbols of emotions or scenarios we avoid during the day.  So repressed words purge themselves in dreams.  What is lingering beneath our surface?  Start paying attention to dreams and be amazed at what they reveal.

Exploring Inner Landscapes directs us to our core.  Setting labels, identification, and masks aside, what authentic value or worthiness do we offer our family or community or world?  If we can communicate with our soul and strip away what no longer fits, the purpose of life becomes apparent.

Think about who you are and what you would like to express.  Determine if your skill is with writing, art, or music.  Experiment and start small.  Do not wait for the perfect day, begin now.   As you utilize your lovely voice, your sense of value and worthiness will dynamically 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Sense of Empowerment

"Change will force you to step off the path,
to venture from the nest, to close your eyes
and dive right in, knowing that the greatest
opportunities in life are found in the sink or
swim, do or die moments."

Stella Payton

Women gathered for an Empowerment Seminar and one of the activities was to fold a paper in half writing Pros and Cons about themselves in equal columns.  As I walked around the room observing the attendees, I noticed many were frantically listing their weaknesses with greater speed than their strengths.

The next step was to view both sides of the list and to put a check mark by each experience that triggered a change in life.  It was abundantly clear that all significant changes occurred during difficult times.  The students returned to the check marks and entered a quality exercised in order to survive.

With a new perspective, the women began to recall additional times of being challenged, but this time they followed the scenario to the point where they said, 'enough'.  In silence, everyone closed their eyes and reviewed the images of facing fear.  A sense of empowerment enlivened the audience.  With laughter and lots of hugs, we departed ways, far more confident then when we arrived.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Reflection of True Nature


"I think if I weren't a writer, 
I might cease to exist."
Kim Addonizi

Early, I began using my ability to write as an outlet for frustration, disappointment and confusion.  Words displayed across the page assisted me in seeing my hidden introverted self as well as my projected aggressive personality.   It was a healthy way for me to grasp some sense of meaning in my conflicts in life.

As an avid reader, my vocabulary and my imagination expanded.  Reading and writing were my tools for survival, but also my best friends.  Books allowed me to compare my self to characters far more bizarre and my writing was a door to pass through to experience freedom.

Stringing my words together, I continue to hope not only to heighten myself, but to bring others to a broader understanding of inner awareness.   My use of words may not be the first choice of the reader, but the writing itself may trigger a brighter reflection of his or her true nature.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Interrelated Parts of Self

"Your destination, 
your special gift, 
your personal qualities 
and your potential 
are interrelated."
Sunday Adelaja

If I do not know who I am specifically, I will constantly be misled into insufficient scenarios, wasting my time.  If I am a terrific cook, have a flare for display, and have a comfortable writing style, I just might want to explore culinary school, catering or writing a cook book.  I would not set out for strenuous running, athletic competitions nor professional sports training.

Who am I?  What do I like to do and what do I do well?  Often we take our personal skills for granted falsely assuming anyone can do what we do.  If we have to invest time and money into our life, it would be helpful to know our source of potential.

We have to work odd jobs until we can invest fully in our passion.  We may develop a career around our potential, expanding more fully later in life.  A high skilled craftsman may make his or her living with construction or design, highlighting his custom work.   We may focus on specific research that will one day open our door to personal gratification.  When we know all of our creative nooks and crannies, we can pattern our lives to embrace all parts of the self.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Walk Don't Run

"Running is driven by panic.
Destination is driven by thought."
Craig D. Lounsbrough

The path of life is intended for strolling, not power walking.  If we jet down our path, we will have extended extreme energy and end exhausted with meaningless tokens.  Every wayside is filled with symbols and colors for enhancement.  Creativity is begging to be noticed to inspire and enhance authentic yearnings.

If we give thought to our process, we can pace ourselves reserving energy for challenging times.  As we consciously advance through our time line, there are opportunities to adjust our destination.  We can alter our intentions as we stretch and grow to ensure a positive outcome reflecting our transitions.

When a person reacts out of fear, the flight takes us far from our intended coarse.  The distance towards our goals grows half-hazard and unlikely.  Running escorts us deeper into the unknown, providing little assistance in discerning our heart's desire.  Our thoughts can minimize or heighten panic.  Awareness guides us forward with a creative pace.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Beyond Failure

"We all fail at certain points in our lives,
but if your journey stops at failure,
it will become your destination."
Hassnain Qasim

I sat in front of the fireplace in my new chair with all of my necessities at arm's reach.  There was plenty of notebooks, writing pads, blankets and a stack of journals spanning over a vast number of years.  Revisiting old journals is called harvesting.  There is insignificant material to wade through, but every now and then, I come across something quite worthy.

I push through the drama and minimize the chaos while I sketch a time line of particular turning points in my life.  Unfortunately, significant turns in my life were highlighted by sorrow. Repeatedly, I would write: "I know I wouldn't have come back to experience just this."  Then I would push on to find something more worthy of my existence.

I am filled with gratitude for never giving up and settling for lesser than.  Thoughts of 'the best is yet to come' kept me moving towards the unknown.  I eventually embraced the value of my lovely self and accepted life as being a blessing.  It was at this point that I would find what I have always been yearning for ... a life filled with love and truly worth living.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Reaching Inward

"In this,
of reaching,
to myself,
I have had,
many a,
goodbye affairs,
reality checks,
lovely overwhelms."
Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Gently glancing over the past can be rewarding.  If we do not get stuck in the muck and mire nor tangled in the emotional debris, we can focus on our ability to survive and thrive.  There is a  need to develop an appreciation for how far we have traveled.

No one leaves life unscathed.  There are lessons for everyone and there are various choices to be made.  It is a proud moment when one recognizes what strength (emotionally, physically, and spiritually) we demanded of ourselves to carve away what no longer matter.

The larger the fiasco, the deeper we learn to navigate inward towards our authentic self.  It is a lengthy journey, this road within, but extremely beneficial.  As we return back out into the world, we have confidence in our body, mind, and spirit that we are worthy and far more capable of success.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Adventurer Faces Fear

"The restless adventurer within me stands eye to eye 
with the fear that has stepped directly in my path."
Craig D. Lounsbrough

True to the spiral of life, I have been traipsing in circular motion.  As the years go by, the cycles seem to spin faster.  Just yesterday I mastered fear and yet here it is again!  Repetition at least offers me an alertness that I have been stuck here before.  I can recognize the pattern and spend less time than I used to in the spin cycle.

There is something so nauseating about whirling round and round.  This of course is what fear does to me.  It whips me off my feet, losing all sense of being grounded, and causes all things to run together leaving me dizzy and confused.  

As a spiritual adventurer I acknowledge the sacred light of the Divine shinning deeply within me.  I instinctively know I am not alone and believe deeply in the oneness of all.  All that I believe is consistently affirmed through extensive reading, writing, and the opening of my heart.  When I step past fear and out of the darkness my light guides me back to my path again.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Home In The Light

"looking up
she saw her sky
and followed its light
out of the darkness."
terri st cloud

Whether a vision or a dream, messages will have no meaning to us if we are not open to the possibility of insightful exchange.  All I know for sure ... I was walking down a sunlit path lined with trees with branches arching over the road.  I was walking up an incline which seemed to lead out into an infinity of light.  

The earth somehow fell beneath my feet and I was suspended in a ceiling of warm lovely light.  It was not like the sun was beating down upon me, but as though the sky had become an eternal layer of heavenly golden light.  A bird slowly dipped past by made entirely of pure light and I began to notice all of the other unlined shapes surrounding me.

As I gazed downward, I could see the tops of the trees with the enlightened path below.  How strange to be floating outside of the physical, weightless, and yet filled with gentle peace.  It was then the message clearly surfaced.  We are all loving light in the realms above separated only by a layer of darkness hovering near the earth.  As earth beings we increase the light within us to heal our shadows in hopes of ascending through the branches to our home in the light.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Fear No More

"I once asked a bird,
How is it that you fly
in the gravity of darkness?
She responded, 
Love lifts me."

I have become a scanner, just glossing over the newspaper and Facebook posts.  It is not so much that I disagree with what is being stated as it is upsetting to me.  There are certain areas of life out of my control and I feel less and less confident that reparation will ever take place.  I become greatly discouraged realizing greed, disrespect and lack of honor are pulling us deeper into darkness.

I have no desire to hate the haters and I refuse to be a pollyanna with my head in the sand. I gather my light yearning to soar, but instead I feel like a bird who has been drenched in spilled oil.  My wings are so heavy and my sight needs to be restored.  This separateness does not nurture nor restore.

With the need to integrate with others,  I gather little seeds of love and plant them wherever I can.  I focus on the light above and imagine my self gliding through lovely clean air.  Sometimes I softly sing my song, encouraging others to once again take flight, fearing no more.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Stay Aligned

"Use your senses fully 
and let the alert stillness
within you be the perceiver,
rather than your mind."
Eckhart Tolle

Our mind reacts to situations, based upon previous experiences.  It does not filter out the differences between the past and the present, so the information our mind provides is not necessarily aligned with the current situation.  It is colored by numerous incidents that may not have any bearing on the present moment.

We need to pause prior to accepting an automated response.  If we examine what is before us rather than reacting with stored information, we will produce healthier actions that best represent our nature.   Is this information true?  Is this situation tainted by my past?  How do the feelings in my heart relate to the emotions in my mind?  

We are constantly changing and at times we are not even aware of our shifts.  We will remark about things once important to us, but suddenly realize we no longer are interested.  We may describe our selves in a particular way that is no longer true.  When we are in touch with our feelings, we will stay aligned and feel more confident about who we truly are.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Destination with GPS

"I don't know whether you can look at your past and find,
like the hidden symbols on a treasure map,
the path that will point to your final destination."
Jodi Picoult
Handle with Care

The GPS in a car is a marvelous invention; but I do not always trust it, nor do I know precisely how to use it.  It is a life saver when traveling in unfamiliar places, but just how accurate is it?  Just for practice, I will set the destination for an area I frequently travel.  I will chuckle at the suggested instructions, and laugh harder as it neutrally states, "At the next possible road turn left," followed by the all too familiar "recalculating".

With careful observation, I compare this routine to the reality of life.  I ask for help when I am lost, but I do not necessarily follow the enlightened version of travel.     Adjusting the directions way too soon, I miss the experience intended for me.  I have a preconceived notion of the path to follow which leads me astray.

I am hoping that my next Honda will have Morgan Freeman giving GPS information.  I am much more likely to follow his lead.  Doubtful that will happen and equally doubtful will I receive a perfect mentor who will lead me directly to my life purpose.   In both situations, I need to be looking with precise clarity, and an open heart to recognize the hidden symbols while I travel on my way.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Best Gift of the Season

"To really listen you come to the exchange
from a viewpoint of curiosity,
not judgment."
Sharon Salzburg

Story tellers become quite vocal during the holidays and our listening skills begin to decline as well as our patience.  We may have heard the lengthy joke every year and the history a relative spins is filled with errors.  We have options.  We can excuse ourselves from the table, we can zone out into our 'to do' list or we can allow our tempers to begin to simmer.  Protesting arguments build within ourselves.

Passive listening is reigning in personal opinion and pre-established conclusions.  (Active listening is participatory, joining into the conversation and contributing or extending.) Especially with elders or little ones, passive listening is an important tool.  We disengage from ourselves and play the role of an audience member.  No reply is necessary, no problem solving and definitely no judgment.  

Most people simply want to be heard.  They long to tell a story that nurtures his or her personal emotions.  It is an opportunity to relive a glorious reunion or a tragic ending.  When we open our hearts, curiosity leads us into learning.  We might hear the information in a new way that allows us a glimpse of a person's life. By freely expressing repressed or stored feelings an individual can experience a gift of healing.  Our gesture of honest listening may be the best gift of the season. 

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Uplift the Lonely Soul

"This life is full of trials and tribulations,
so you have to capture humor whenever
you can find it."
Steven Callahan


Virginia's Voice originated with the intention to connect with others using three categories:  Articulating Silence, Deciphering Dreams, and Exploring Inner Landscapes.  Each post is an attempt to encourage the use of the voice whether speaking words slightly mumbled, out loud, or expressed through any of the arts.  These words are not offered to convince the reader one way or the other.  What is shared is to challenge the reader to think about whether or not he or she agrees, disagrees or has never thought these thoughts before.  

Virginia's Voice is written with deliberate effort to offer words to help all of us evolve. Quotes set the tone of the post.  The post might be funny, sad or opaque, but there are words within to nudge the reader to think, laugh, or cry  and to become aware of what resides inside of us.  It is a personal message hoping to nurture the reader.  The blog originated in October of 2010 and will continue to share stories or ideas until there readers diminish in numbers.

Virginia's Voice shares stories about the trials and tribulations of life.  The words are an effort to engage the reader so they do not feel alone on whatever journey they are partaking.  The reader hopefully becomes aware of the necessity of speaking out, recognizing symbols in dreams, and searching for the heart's desire.  All said and done, I hope my quirky sense of humor uplifts the lonely soul.