Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Departure and Doses of Tea


"Fall has always been my favorite season.  The time when
everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been
saving up all year for the grande finale."
Lauren DeStefano

Sadly, I look back at the diminishing signs of fall.  Autumn has been my comfort zone over numerous years. Nature embodies my soul with cooler temperatures, splashes of vivid colors, all things pumpkin and everything apple. 

The new month will have the absence of nurturing sounds.  I shall miss the crunch of leaves beneath my feet, birds vibrantly singing their songs, and whispers between the trees.  Fragrances dwindle from the last stages of flower gardens, while cinnamon and cider spices fade away.  

Mostly, I will miss the camaraderie felt in the midst of the Harpeth River trails and greenways.  The sense of being one lessens and the unspoken communication declines. The remaining comfort is the ability to ween from the outdoor fire pit and pull my chair in front of the mesmerizing fire place.  I will gather my old quilt, inspirational quotes, and fictional adventures.  And tea, don't forget large doses of tea!

Monday, November 29, 2021

Replenish Prior to Exhaustion


"Still today, despite all the progress being made, the
measure of a good woman is how much she is willing
to give up of herself in order to be there for others."
Chris Brauer

When we dare to redefine the roles we choose to play, time expands and contracts.  If we make better choices to honor and respect our true nature, a new sense of rhythm allows time for both  the self and others.  Balance ... emotionally, physically, spiritually ... forms a higher  degree of  participation in life.

It is a challenge to alter activities that no longer inspire us.  We become involved in extracurricular commitment that robs us of needed time for self enhancement.  We acknowledge it is time to pass on the reigns, creating space that honors and respects the self.  When we give too much away, without replenishing, the result is exhaustion. 

Lessons allow us to see the importance of living up to our own expectations, rather than the redirect we receive from family, friends, and co-workers.  Our personal pathway will have dark shadows and pot holes, but we will grow stronger to climb and brighter to unveil the unseen dynamics of soulful living!

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Attentive and Open


"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you,
who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau,
sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth".
Dan Rather

Teachers arrive in numerous ways with the challenge being to recognize them and to understand the message.  Guidance is available through dreams, visions, creative expression, writing, music and being in nature ... to mention only a few.

We may overhear a conversation, surprisingly applicable to our own life.  Observing the interactions of those surrounding us can reflect important unspoken information.  There is truth in the old adage, "Actions speak louder than words."

The angels watch every missed communication.  They look at each other sharing the thought that once again the human has missed the point of the lesson.  They go back to the drawing board to configure a new way of communicating with us. It is vital to be attentive and open seeing beyond our limited views.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Create New Reflections


"Integration is the Key of Darkness."
Jean Houston/Anneloes Smitsman

If we strive to support our lovely self under one headline, we deprive other parts of the self from blooming.  When we face our darkness with courage, we will find unexpected treasures  and unlimited possibilities of human development.

Jean Houston references individual qualities of the Renaissance rather than limited educational traditions.  She highlights numerous ways of learning ... not just one way for all.  Discovery of our hidden qualities and expanding them, stimulates an integrated sense of wholeness. 

EXERCISE:  Draw a circle in the center of a page.  Draw additional lines connected to the circle but extending outward.  On each extended line, write a quality that reflects a portion of the self no matter how big or small.  (The end result will look like the sun with extending beams.)  Open the mind and ponder the results of criss crossing qualities.  Visually imagine multiple ways of integrating differing parts.  It is motivating to see what we are capable of when we combine more than one aspect of the self.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Amazing Women

"When a woman honors herself, all women
collectively move closer to becoming what
they are truly capable of."
Daily Om

Years ago, as I gathered small groups of women together, I was ecstatic to witness the progressive movement of all women.  Women aged 50 or older were attempting to break the patriarchal molds.  Women aged 30 or 40 were carving authentic guidelines  for  unlimited personal and professional discovery.

The role of the house wife and mother are now distinctively different.  No longer do they go hand by hand unless of course by choice.  Numerous women are inspiring mothers, as well as accomplishing excelled careers.  

In earlier years, women set their intended careers aside to be stay at home mothers.  Their interests were tabled and actions were defined by community preferences.  As the responsibility for self no longer has gender or biased barriers, a woman might have a successful career and begin an entirely different career in retirement. Amazing what women are truly capable of!

Thursday, November 25, 2021

No Wallowing, Apply Action!

"I thank you wholeheartedly because you cannot
  imagine all the happiness you are giving to me."
Auliq Ice

Time and distance tend to regulate who gathers around the table.  Long gone are the ten course meals and assorted beverages.  The festive use of tablecloths, sets of china, crystal glasses and silver settings are now termed quaint.  

We can thrive during Thanksgiving by finding opportunities, making good decisions and not staying hidden.  If we alter our expectations and bring light to darkened spaces, we will thrive.  If there are gaps in the holiday, fill them with surprise treats to bring joy to the child within.

FRAGRANCES:  Heat Spiced Cider on the stove, burn a fragrant candle, a vase of harvest flowers FEAST:  Bake a turkey breast, with Stove Top Dressing and a sweet potato; grab a dinner role and a slice of favorite pie from bakery. (Personal holiday associations: Cranberries, Salads, Buttered Rum).   NURTURE:  Scented Salt Soak in tub lined with tea lights and floating flower petals. Play enjoyable music and dance or create.  Watch movies from the past, read a book from from favorite or new author. (My personal favorites - a silent walk on a river trail; observation on a green way; barefoot in yard absorbing nature's energy)    COMMUNICATION:  Call, text, email loved ones; Briefly chat with an isolated neighbor; Speak through artistic expression; Release pent up emotion by writing about passed holidays, present day, or future desires.     

Wallowing is unacceptable. Apply action!


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Disheartening Grooves


"We are what we repeatedly do."

Creating unrealistic projections about our lives, sets us up for disappointment.  Even with long range expectations, we needs to be flexible.  The room for adjustment allows us to be provided with what is best for us, not what we imagine in our limited sight.

As we experience a hiccup in our endeavors, caving inwards instead of regrouping is premature.  With an altered approach, we can refurbish the weak spot enhancing the foundation.  

Life does not always agree with our projects.  With hindsight, however, we can view a boulder as a stepping stone, advancing us to a precise destination The stone in our way might be deliberate to alter navigation.  If we do not allow change, adjustment or open minded distractions, we will perpetually be stuck in disheartening grooves.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Personal Umbrellas


"Those who take refuge from themselves in an unreflective pursuit of good,
pouring their energy into the redemption of society or people
are blind to their own personal darkness."
Helen Luke

There is a woman situated under an umbrella offering shade.  Under this protection, she can use a cell phone, laptop or iPad, to engage with the world.  From under this orchestrated covering, she can feel the sand, breeze, water and trees.  So her expectations are provided for under the controlled setting.

There is a reflection from this particular scene of how we project our belief sytems from under a secure position.  Our projections are limited from our secure setting.  We may be able to view life surrounding  us, yet never really engage.

If we step out from under our safety zone, new knowledge greets us through our engagement.  We have a closer look availing us to additional factors.  We have opportunities to embrace what previously had been out of range. Instead of viewing life from under our own shadows, engagement is true living.

Monday, November 22, 2021

One More Option to Rekindle Passion


"For only while telling the truth does the truth lighten us.
For only while loving do the pains of feeling lighten."
Mark Nepo

When focus is pointed outside of our lovely selves, we make decisions that may or may not align with our inner gifts.  Our speculated choices may be driven by financial desire or standards of society,  disregarding our natural skills. In time, we might out grow what earlier stimulated our desires. This may open an opportunity to reevaluate where we want to invest our time.  

There may be two choices in front of us: 1. Excellent pay salary but little room for evolving. 2.  Pay salary extremely low, but an abundance of areas for personal growth.  Which to choose?  The answer of course is awaiting one more option:  3.  Comfortable income accompanied by incentives for raises and personal expertise embraced helping to expand.  

When we are faced with an either/or situation, it is best to click on 'pause' until we can be assured our needs are met realistically.  As we face the truth of a changing situation, we will feel less stagnant with more energy. Our passion rekindled, the release of what no longer fits stirs love once again into living.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Dark Edgings

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more so we may fear less."
Daily Om

One wonders how different we might be if the instructions given to us as young children were altered. In efforts to teach kids to be safe, we end up instilling fear that deepens over the years. Imagine instructions being given to us without using 'don't'.

Apprehension alters our responses.  Instead of interacting with confidence, we become hesitant and doubtful.  Perspectives might be seen through negativity from the beginning.  We tend to imagine a dark edging to any given situation whether positive or negative.

This does not encourage one to walk into fresh scenarios without using caution.  The point is to stop the expectation of something being wrong or not quite right or too good to be true. Too often we stand in our own way of embracing healthy opportunities.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Investing in the Compassionate Self

  • Self Compassion Phrases by Sean Fargo

  • May I give myself all the compassion I need.
  • May I be kind to myself in this moment.
  • May I accept myself exactly as I am in this moment.
  • May I give myself all of the compassion that I need.

If we treat our lovely selves in the same manner we treat our cherished friends, our progress would unfold more fluidly and less stressfully. In place of advancing with fear, we would be increasingly  more open to insights, services, and expansions.

As we embrace reflections of the lessons in life through the eyes of compassion, we soon discover they are not meant to be devastating, but enlightening. We are intended to pass through the darkness with our inner light aglow.

When we  absorb negativity, our vision becomes distorted. Instead of passing through the experience, we begin to take it personally and somehow own it.  Through practices of meditation, prayer, yoga, and visualization, our core will remain stronger enabling us to push forward rather than being stuck and stagnant. 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Mantra for Equilibrium

"I have just three things to teach:
simplicity, patience and compassion."
Lao Tzu

Th realms of spirituality are often lofty, other worldly, or cloaked in mystical language.  However, there are times we need a quick mantra to be used throughout our busy days.  Lao Tzu suggests the basic one of 'simplicity, patience and compassion".

Whether we are in a board room meeting, jammed traffic or long grocery line, we keep our equilibrium by repeating the three words of this mantra. It is easier to maintain a continuous flow when in all things we can be simple, patient, and kind.  

In place of racing to judgment or anger, we can calm our emotions and reactions by slowing down.  Back up a few steps for a less intense view.   Mentally extend patience for the person in front of you ... the slowest creature on this earth.  Instead of anger, we can extend kind thoughts to the driver who seemingly caused the wreck.  Reframe highly detailed plans with simple reframe which will produce the same result.  Remember, we always have choice!


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Unpacking Defenses

"To truly listen is to risk being changed forever."
Native American elder Sa'k'ej Henderson

Not too long ago, 'a sister of my heart' sent me a poem, stating "I thought of you while reading this!" Repeatedly, I read the poem feeling insulted, criticized and unfairly categorized.  Resentment increased over the following weeks and my anger grew.

"Why does this make me so angry?"  When I was able to unpack my defenses, I made room for space to understand.  Clearly this writing was a 'gift' for me as an opportunity to view reflections of my own behavior.  I became thankful to my 'sister' for allowing herself to be a messenger for spirit.

This experience became a catalyst for cleansing.  While words resonated in my head, I also listened to my inner voice which deepened my understanding.  The 'hooting' of owls at night reminded me of the consistency of death and rebirth. Indeed, if we but listen, change will come.


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Breath of Nature in a Slight Breeze

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
Marie Curie

As we climb our individual paths, we will stumble on surfacing roots and struggle with our
limited sight.  It can be frustrating to not be able to see around the twists and turns.  We will fear the unknown when we do not feel kind hearted intention within each moment.

It is with our choice to reduce fault and shame as we fall to our knees, that we increase our awareness of nature's gifts awaiting to be seen.  It is with these pauses we glimpse a small heart shaped stone or a perfect incidental flower or the sounds of birds or water or the breath of nature in a slight breeze.

As we learn to understand unspoken languages of nature, comprehension seeps gently into our senses.  No longer are we concerned with  the ending of our destination.  No longer are we stuck in doubt.  We are simply open to the moment in front of us projecting deeper understanding. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Harsh Editors to Creativity

"Creativity doesn't wait for that perfect moment.
It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones."
Bruce Garrabrandt

Large contributors to squelching expression are fear and doubt.  We become a harsh editor to creative ideas.  We avoid our 'nudges' by waiting to obtain the best light or special paper or a particular sign.  We become our own barriers.

A 'perfect' time does not exist. If we set our critics, ego, and judgment aside, we can simply begin. No worries about creating a master piece or discovering exact expression. The creative flow moving through us nudges us to try, simply enjoying the experience.

There are variable components to the word 'creativity' which are not limited to painting, design, or expertise.  Trusting prompts from our imagination, we can act out our experiences through photography, dance, music, theater, and assorted avenues in composition. Do not harbor false expectations, just enjoy the act of expression.

Monday, November 15, 2021

No Contract to Fix


"The first duty of love is to listen."
Paul Tillich

There are numerous occasions when we struggle to compose a remedy for a companion's dilemma, rather than simply being present offering our full attention. As we love our family, mates and friends, we have not signed a contract to "fix" anything.

During our own journey, we stumble and fall, yearning for a loved one to listen to our sad tale.  We sincerely do not want to listen to someone telling us how we should have worn other shoes or traveled in a different direction.

Our desire is to open and share what is inside of us and when the listener randomly talks, he or she  hears nothing.  The silent message is "I'm not as interested in listening to you, as I am in listening to my self."  The desire to "fix" needs to be shifted to words of comfort:  "I hear what you are saying," and "I see you and want to hear more."

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Anonymously Caring for the Earth


Over the weekend, I noticed movement in the centering space where neighbors have pit fires, birthday celebrations, and outdoor movies.  One neighbor appeared spreading grass seed around this gathering spot.  A few hours later, a different neighbor put fertilizer on the ground. Then after lunch,  I noticed that someone else had set out a rotating sprinkler.

There was something about these activities that nourished my soul.  Watching others anonymously caring for the earth, instilled hope for human kindness to spread across our world. Each of us can choose a simple act that may send a ripple out to others.

Now, days later, it is Mother's Nature turn to engage as she sprinkles rain down upon us.  I feel like I am growing with tenderness as the world spins on its own axis.  There is no need to be revolutionaries or heroic warriors.  We are simply called to join in being care takers of the ground we stand upon.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Yearnings and Passion


"The world is but a canvas to our imagination."
Henry David Thoreau

As the sprinkler rotates, I watch the water splash upon the thirsty grass.  Round and round the water sprays with intention to nurturing the earth.  The patch of green earth is unaware of the source from which water falls.

This creates a reflection of how the heavens above offer blessings to us, hoping to nurture and stimulate.  When we cast our eyes willingly to the never ending sky, the clouds are like prompts simply passing by.   It is in the lifting of our eyes, that we begin to see.

Rather than fill our hearts with yearnings, we can gather aspects of what exists.  We are surrounded by nature offering both lessons and teachers.  As we open our hearts and embrace both raindrops and sunbeams, our passion and simple understanding expands.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Measured Doses


"It is best to give away little doses of your true self and wait 
to get a reaction before disclosing any hint of the abyss within."
 Janet Conner

As we slow our thoughts down, we can best choose how much or how little we want to disclose  There are times when advancement is vibrating through us, but it is best if we  allow a period of  incubation  for comprehensive depth.

Filled with excitement of new discovery,  we may be tempted to purge before someone who is not yet prepared for such disclosure.  If we are not careful in choosing our confidants, we may find our excitement squashed, as well as our discovery.  Fear and doubt can make us question what we have just learned as truth.

We choose a doctor, dentist, or lawyer, so why not determine who are best listener might be?  Seek a therapist or kindred spirit, who will emote open hearted listening without judgment.  Begin by sharing a small segment and observe the facial expressions and body language of the selected listener.  These reflections will help discern  how much or how little one divulges. 


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Recognizing Loss

"Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bares
his country's cause.  Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for 
his brother in the field and serves, as he bests can, the same cause."
Abraham Lincoln

Gratitude is extended to all men and women who protect, nurture and enhance the lives of human beings wherever they happen to be.  Numerous individuals and groups have persisted in an effort to maintain peaceful living.

Appreciation is extended to the families and extended relations who have learned to both accept and adapt to the loss of a loved one.  Their sacrifices often go unnoticed, and prayers are offered for their bravery.

Compassion is extended to those who lost everything as a result of war.  Encumbered  by addictions, homelessness, PTSD, there are those who are left without respect, dignity, and praise.  Efforts can be made by financial contributions directly to appropriate organizations.  At the very least, offer food, necessities or volunteer at local facilities as a means of personal service.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Natural Cadence

"To see takes time."
Georgia O'Keeffe

When I retired, I removed my watch, never to wear it again.  Within minutes, time became unregulated.  Continuously, I found myself experiencing a different sense of passing through life.  A new rhythm was created where I could both expand and contract.

The key became apparent.  It was not the winding of the clock, but my perception and degree of investment.  When eliminating the sense of timeliness, one becomes prone to enjoying or dismissing the point of intention.

There is a natural cadence accompanying life.  There is the rhythm of the rain, the beating of the heart, as well as birth and death.  Within one day, our souls can experience the passing of old baggage and the growth of new living.


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Blending Human Nature with Spiritual Awareness

"We just have to be ourselves, as we are now,
accepting the mixture of enlightened awareness
and human limitations."
Shakti Gawain

How great is the distance between who you are as a human, and who you are spiritually?  As we embrace both sides of our lovely selves, we will sense a growing motivation to narrow the gap.  It is only with truthful disclosure that we may begin.

When we honestly accept both parts of our selves, we can begin to develop alignment. The motivation is to live as a human being, guided by the spiritual.  Blending both aspects together, we are called to simply be our selves. 

Part of the human experience is to stumble and begin again, learning from the descent, and the ascension.  It is not about being right or wrong, but the drive to make better choices and to understand through the heart.  


Monday, November 8, 2021

Disregarding Patient Spaces

"Like the moon, come out from behind
the clouds! And shine!"

As we let go of the 'should' and 'should nots' in life, we create more room for non-judgmental thinking.  The darkness will always be on the other side of light.  It will never go away as it is aligned with the light.  It is when we choose to embrace the light in spite of the darkness that freedom is found.

It is when we forget that we have choice and disregard patient spaces for new resolve, that life hurries past, somewhat unfulfilled. We grow heavier with unrest and begin to obsess with only the darkness rather than dividing time to seek the light.

It is when we begin to see the blessings flooding into our lives as symbols, glimpses, and whispers, that we become released into a higher level of existing.  The present joy of small things carries us farther into knowing who we are and what our purpose can be.


Sunday, November 7, 2021

Understanding Unveiled


"We simply have to trust that we will see the truth of things
when we are strong enough and ready."
Mark Nepo

Lessons appear, we do our best, and hope to never encounter them again.  Of course, they reappear changed just enough that we might not recognize them.  And then, we repeat our errors, convinced we now know the truth.  Then again, in time, we are proven to be incorrect.

Communication works in different ways.  We may be midstream in offering support to a friend, when we hear a small voice inside ask, "Are you listening to this?"  When a new acquaintance makes a stinging remark about us, it is important to pause and ask what part of the comment if any is true?  A close friend chooses to share steps of personal advancement, and we realize we could apply the same.

Too often we alter our clarity by holding things away from us by avoidance.  We can hold things in place by simple denial.  The truth in all scenarios is present and awaits discovery.  When we are willing to embrace the lessons in life, wisdom surfaces and deeper understanding is unveiled.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Blurred Vision

"There is freedom that comes with awareness because
with it comes the opportunity to make a choice."
Daily Om

We are called to be an authentic presence in our world, presenting with acceptance and compassion.  With our trust and faith in human nature, we can easily be sucked in by those intending to manipulate our gestures of kindness.  

We cannot allow our emotions to blur our vision.  Clarity is better found when we pay attention to the sensations we are feeling in our inner being.  We can choose to recognize our 'gut reactions' as information is funneled through all of our senses.  We do have a built in alarm system that we need not over ride.

Through out history, the kindhearted have been hoodwinked and the poor exploited.  These situations do not sit easily with me; but, I am truly puzzled by the rapists attacking physically, mentally, and spiritually.  How can there be any sense of  'glory' by using these horrific measures?  It is vitally important how we treat others, but not at the cost of personal respect and honor.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Viewpoints and Motivations


"... inextinguishable thirst for truth which I desire for myself."
Miguel de Unamuno

Disclosing truth is just the beginning of the journey into understanding.  If we seek depth,  we are best prepared accompanied by the tools of listening, observing, expanding and new sight.  As reality is tainted by misperceptions, we achieve more by witnessing life as though we were a beginner or a novice.

Numerous components create the truth. not just our interpretation.  We are called to think out of the box, opening to what we don't know, rather than basing truth on what we think we know.  Lingering with various viewpoints and motivations, we broaden preconceived concepts.

It is empowering to rise above denial or avoidance and face reality.  The naked truth is intended to be seen as it simply is, not to be modified by personal preference. I yearn to see beyond my current thinking and unearth pure truth for deeper understanding.

Walking the Plank

"How can I surrender 
when I don't know what will happen?"
Janet Conner

If we do not see the choices before us or cling to repetitive actions that do not offer satisfaction, our lives will remain rigidly stunted.  One must have both faith and trust when walking the plank, unaware of the outcome and realizing there is not a safety net.

If we can visualize an ocean front pier stretching before us, and feel comforted by the solidity of the sand on either side, we are more confident in moving towards the flow of life. The ocean breeze relaxes us into movement while waves beckon us forward.

Silence offers us a voice to be heard.  If we but listen to the voice (verses listening to the ego), expand our lungs with deep breaths (verses stifling chaotic gasps),  and embrace eclectic thoughts (verses preconceived ideas), we will be well on our way to discovery!


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Spiritual Maturity


"Spiritual maturity has to do with the realization
that you are not in control."
the Diamond in your Pocket

We seek control assuming that we know what the outcome should be.  We have specific details of how it will look, feel, and be.  This narrows our focus, closes our creativity to a broader view of what might be.

Life becomes boring if we no longer entertain the broad range of possibility.  If we leave our thoughts or expectations open, rather than nailed shut, we just might discover a thousand ways to unfold.

Risk is involved while leaving things open ended, but it increases the magic in our stagnant and rigid thinking.  If we can open ourselves to possibility, our imaginations may be heightened, lifting our ideas or concepts to a higher level.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Surrender As A Positive

"How can I surrender when I don't know what will happen?"
Janet Connor

The word surrender is insinuated with defeat, failure or giving up which really does not accurately define all aspects of this word.  Surrender can be a positive action like wiping a slate clean or cleansing the soul.  Surrender can be the gate one passes through to reach a customized experience to broaden our soul.

If we embrace the positive elements of surrender, we can move forward in an insightful way.  If we choose to ignore the opportunity, we will attract generous helping of chaos to attract our attention once again.  If we still do not listen, life can bring us to our knees.

Let surrender be the activation for renewal.  We accept that current reality is not meeting our needs and we are open to trying new ways.  Express the desire to give up control as we have driven life into the ground with our ego projections.  Be willing to be patient, to slow down, and remain connected to the Divine every step of the way.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Beyond Current Understanding


""My evaluation of myself is not who I am."
Denise Linn

Even when we are honest in our self-appraisal, we do not capture our entire essence.  The soul strives for truth telling, and the spirit attempts to activate new perceptions while ego interrupts the process. 

When we are willing to be patient in the midst of frustration, using patience to slow our lovely selves down, we will experience breakthroughs.  Unfortunately, what we uncover does not necessarily grab our attention.  We may miss the progress completely, as we wait for a monumental event.

Procrastination frequently follows frustration which can be a good thing if it slows us down. If we can rest in prayer, mediation, and nature, we are creating a space for spirit to flow and soul unfold. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Illusion of Separation

"We can overcome almost any form of adversity when we approach
life's challenges with hope deep in our hearts."
Daily O

After addressing inward healing, we are encouraged back into the outer world, facing what we once avoided.  We must never stand in front of harm's way, but there needs to be intention to reclaim our power.

Hiding cultivates distance between healing and renewing.  Facing fear eliminates the illusion of separateness.   It is when we fully hold the self accountable for the right to breathe and the need for freedom our motivation gains strength.

Continuously, we outgrow our comfort zone and become face to face with new challenges.  By addressing these lessons, we move forward with deeper understanding, and fewer obsessions with things we have no control. Step out of the shadows and claim the life awaiting to unfold.