Monday, November 1, 2021

Illusion of Separation

"We can overcome almost any form of adversity when we approach
life's challenges with hope deep in our hearts."
Daily O

After addressing inward healing, we are encouraged back into the outer world, facing what we once avoided.  We must never stand in front of harm's way, but there needs to be intention to reclaim our power.

Hiding cultivates distance between healing and renewing.  Facing fear eliminates the illusion of separateness.   It is when we fully hold the self accountable for the right to breathe and the need for freedom our motivation gains strength.

Continuously, we outgrow our comfort zone and become face to face with new challenges.  By addressing these lessons, we move forward with deeper understanding, and fewer obsessions with things we have no control. Step out of the shadows and claim the life awaiting to unfold.

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