Monday, February 29, 2016

"You Are Hurting Me"

"Wake at dawn with a winged heart
and be thankful
for another day of loving."

Kahlil Gibran

From an unnaturally young age, I learned how important it was to hide my feelings.  It was one of many coping skills.  I had great pride in my ability to be one happy person on the outside while on the inside my life was like a dark nightmare.  My intention was to never let anyone know how much they hurt me.

A mentor challenged me to hold people accountable for emotionally destructive actions towards me.  I was horrified to learn my disguises were like sheer veils and I had fooled no one. Others simply never cared.  Being called to confront a person using a loving heart felt like it was  beyond my reach.

I gathered confidence stating, "You are hurting me."  These words did not change the outcome of any chaos in my midst, but it did empower me.  It felt good to defend my self and to speak my truth which honored who I was.  As a result, I wake each morning feeling prepared for the day ... not by hiding but by loving all who come my way.   


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Dismantle Blockades


"Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers
within yourself that you have built against it ... "


The layers of protection we build around our hearts may keep love at bay, but these barriers restrict all levels of love.  To regard love strictly as romance is like viewing food as desserts only.   It can be wise to limit desserts or romance, but there is no need to stop eating or loving entirely.

We hide behind barriers whether we are consciously aware of them or not. Like spies behind a darkened wall, we watch the suspicious behaviors of those who might harm us.  We go down our imaginary check list, tallying points of acceptability while ego fills us with dread and fear.

Author of THE SEAT OF THE SOUL, Gary Zukav encourages his readers not to ask who can be the best partner, but to focus on what kind of partner we shall be.  It is when we create a deep appreciation for ourselves and acknowledge our personal value and power, we can dismantle our blockades.  When we are confident in what sort of partner we are willing to be, we will attract like minded prospects.  Perhaps the most vital point is not to lower our own sense of integrity nor give up our realistic goals.  No longer hide, but go proudly out into the world prepared for love to find you.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Fix For Happiness

"Happiness is like a butterfly which,
when pursued, is always beyond our grasp,
but, if you sit down quietly, may alight upon you." 
Nathaniel Hawthorne

We can catch a glimpse of happiness, and our painful thoughts fade away. We can be appeased by observing simple pleasantries surrounding us, but unfortunately, there are times we desire greater grandeur.

As the underbelly of happiness is often lined with unrealistic expectations of pleasure, any form of distraction can become an addiction.  When  our driven search for happiness is not fulfilling, we forge into  empty corridors of false living through excessive exercise, eating, drinking or inappropriate sex.  We may exhaust ourselves, but still not find our fix for happiness.

Our complex plans for happiness frequently are beyond our grasp or projected too far into the future.  We can continue to overstretch until we fall into darkness or we can simply stop searching, allowing the essence of happiness to come to us.  Simplicity can be happiness: catching a snowflake with our tongue; watching a fire fly dance in darkness; listening to a child caught up in imagination; or resting our hollow bones against a vibrant tree.  Be still and gather silence, as happiness will surely follow.


Friday, February 26, 2016

Wandering Away

"Whatever you receive,
wherever it comes from.
cherish the desire to give it back
in full measure."
Swami Chidvilasananda

Being alone is an important part of discovery, but being lonely may indicate a need to lean in to your core values, ask for spiritual  guidance, and reach out to compassionate friends.   The Universe may be presenting you with opportunities to extend your understanding of not only yourself, but others as well.

When you are surrounded by people, you can feel lonely, especially if none of them understand what is important to you.  If no one inquires about what is on your mind or what your opinion is you may feel yourself both emotionally and physically wandering away, thus becoming isolated.  

A partnership with the Divine is always available to us to heal, teach, and guide; but in return, you take what you learn back out into the world to be shared with others.  You receive blessings enriching your life which enables a surplus to be shared out into the world.  Make your sweet self available to Spiritual involvement and be alone no more.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Immediate Presence

"Today, I act in small and concrete ways to bring beauty into my home.
I allow the hand of the Great Creator to work through me, 
bringing grace and order to my surroundings."
Julia Cameron

Small acts of beauty alter our attitude, and quality of life.  Our perception improves and our actions towards others grow kinder.  Do not wait for a weekend retreat or summer vacation.  Explore where our feet are rooted, opening to the immediate presence of the Divine.

Creative actions can awaken all of our senses and reward us with beauty.  A pot of soup or  home made bread can give us a sense of comfort, and fill our space with delightful aromas. Shifting furniture or painting an old chair can bring feelings of newness.  Stitching a quilt, knitting a hat, or altering curtains to design a pillow cover can transport our mood tremendously.

We can write a letter to a dear friend and experience the depths of friendship.  We could  retrieve a favorite book to visit what we once highlighted.  To repot household plants will bring  joy to our hands as we dig into the potting soil.  It requires very little effort and reaps great rewards.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Relate Differently

"The real sense of freedom and empowerment in our lives 
is not from the fact that we can think or feel whatever we
want, but that we can relate differently to the things we do
think or feel."  Parker Palmer

When a person deliberately steps on our wounded heart, we can choose how to react.  If we invest our energy in anger or hysterics, we too add to the bruise.  Staying in the moment and not being pulled into a drama, we can make wise choices that empower us and advance our healing.    

If we slow down, we can avoid accelerating disagreements and choose actions we will not regret later.  When we are swiftly caught up we experience re-action from old patterns that may have absolutely nothing to do with the present moment.

Life is filled with challenges, but we can master lessons by clearly grasping the message without attachment to our ego.   When we respond in kindness instead of revenge, we are disallowing our emotions to override our integrity.  We have the opportunity to relate differently to the world or it will never change.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Depth Is Simple

"nothing or no thing?
nowhere or now here?"
Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer remains a presence as his wisdom lives beyond his physical life.  I admired the cadence of his responses, as though he were gathering answers that were just then flowing through him.  He was so into the moment he was open to hear information anew.

Wayne Dyer divided the letters in a word to change or differentiate meaning.  It wasn't about being clever.  It was about diving into the depths of simplicity.   I had never considered the difference nor the similarities within the word of nothing.  Meditation escorts me to experience the quiet  of solitude which I refer to as nothingness.  It is a suspended place in time I desire.  Conversely, there is  no thing I want to be attached to as a distraction.   Similar is the word nowhere.  I struggle with my endless lessons feeling like I am getting nowhere.  And yet, the importance is really now here.

It is elementary to be present with nothing to deepen our connection with the Divine. Although there is much to be learned in complex religiosity, we create an intimate oneness by being present without distraction. When our endless quest for the sacred finally weighs us down, we fall into the depth of simplicity.  

Monday, February 22, 2016

Crave Different Words

"If you ever find yourself in the wrong story ... leave."
Mo Willems

No matter how often our lives expand, we never truly have confirmation of our final destination.  We do not have a mechanism within us to detect error and then immediately redirect.  We are allowed to wander off into the wilderness before we realize the error of our ways.

Life is easier to navigate  by sending an email, texting a change in plans, or securing a business plan through the use of a computer wherever one travels.  We can easily delete files, edit earlier transmissions, and alter digital pictures.  If we need a more personal touch there is of course Face Time or Skype!

When we slow down to analyze our life, we may not like the results.  We may even be bewildered by how we have become so entangled by over extending and not honoring personal boundaries. Depression or anxiety hovers over us as we realize we are following the story line that has been taken over by someone else.  The script no longer supports us and we crave different words. Renewal and relief floods us once we have the courage to disengage, to become a beginner once again. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Oddities In Our Stitching

"I am not interested in being original.
I am interested in being true."
Agostinho da Silva

The threads of life are stitched both tightly and carelessly as we create our patterns of living.  There are not only snags in our designs, but also situations that unravel.  Our threads sometimes yield to  stretch us, but also shrink and bind us. 

We are invited to follow our personal aspirations and at the same time, external influence presses against us. It is important to recognize our tendencies for hide and seek; posturing; resistance; and surrender.  Our indecisiveness causes oddities in our stitching.

This constant in and out stitching with our sometimes dull needle, allows us to view our decisions, realizing the difference in appearance when up close or from a distance.  Between the rows of our handiwork, we rest wrapped in the texture and hue of the thread forgetting that both may change in a moment's notice. This garment we create for ourselves is not always easy to wear.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Unbreakable Bonds

"Kids think with their brains cracked wide open;
becoming an adult, I've decided, is only a slow sewing shut."
Jodi Picoult 
My Sister's Keeper

"Women are becoming more mouthy," I recently overheard.  I laughed out loud ... with all due respect.  Women are recapturing the power lost in childhood, and reclaiming the right to speak, act, and live openly.

We are all wired differently causing us to create individual priorities.  As children we were lofty and impressionable, but result as adults who are rigid and inflexible.  When we finally follow life's path to discovery, we recapture the joy of childhood.  We grow to understand diversity is not a threat but an educational experience leading to respect and authenticity.

The young innocents now older no longer fear the illusion of being lesser than.  They are joining circles, hand in hand, creating unbreakable bonds laced with magnificent colors and depths of creativity, compassion, and joy.  Embracing all peoples, we are becoming one.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Simplicity in Being

"The ancient sage, Lao-Tzu, tells us quite openly
that the act of simplicity - of living directly - is the
doorway to the Source of all Being."

Mark Nepo 

Simplicity invites a directness in our speech, action and thought which leads us to our authentic selves and an enhanced connection with the Divine.  To keep things simple, one sees with clarity the beauty of people, places, and things.  

When we are not direct with others, we allow for misunderstandings and deceptions.  If we act in ways that are not congruent with our core values, we mislead.  Our avoidance to directness moves us farther from reality and truth.

We hesitate to ask others what they really mean and then find ourselves pondering at great length the underlying intention.  And what is our motivation for not directly answering a question with simplicity?  Long winded responses only cloud the heart of the matter.  When hiding emotions or complicating answers, we are preventing our lovely selves from engaging in life honestly.  Without direct living, we are distanced from the self, and also from the Divine.  Deep reflections of the beauty in life appear as we keep things simple.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Be That Child!

"When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength
in the service of my vision, then it becomes less
and less important whether I am afraid."
Audre Lorde

As children, we have such blind courage to be dare devils!  Whether racing on our bikes or lost in a dream scape, our embraced power propels us into flight.  Eventually we take a poorly navigated turn and quickly learn that we were not as indestructible as we believed.

When we develop from children into young adults, we continue to use our energy to challenge our world.  We find ourselves dreaming to create our vision in service to others.  When our momentum speeds up we dare to take flight hoping to bring our vision into reality.

Like the child, however, we at times do not navigate as smoothly as we anticipated.    The adult can be overcome and paralyzed by fear; whereas the child gets up, inventories his or her scrapes, and jumps back onto the bike, determined to try again.  Be that child!  Rekindle the authentic power within, visualizing a new way to try again.



Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Finding Peace in Gloom

"If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak,
return to yourself, to who you are, here and now,
and when you get there, you will discover yourself,
like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond,
beautiful and strong.  Masaru Emoto

Unfortunately, there are days I feel lost.  I drag a heaviness around with me and I am incapable of taking flight with any sense of hopeful thrust.  I cannot pinpoint the source of my dismay, so how does one revamp  a mindset when it remains at bay.

I wander outside into the gloom of the day, hoping to blow this sadness away.  I walk, breathing in fresh air and breathing out the darkness attempting to stay.  I gaze up into the sky to look at the heavy clouds and watch the birds in flight.

There is something about the formation of the birds ... 'v' ...  that appears to be a sign.  I watch the leader drop  back in the pattern while another bird moves up to the first position.   As usual, Nature becomes my teacher:  We are not intended to be at the head indefinitely or we will forget the experience of striving with others.  At times we are called to drop back to rest, rekindle, and revise. We can find peace in the gloom as we strengthen our energies for when we move forward into a  brighter day!


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Reminder of Personal Power

"Let me be a messenger of strength.
Remind me to use my thoughts and words to affirm."
Alan Cohen

Our friend is in pain and we inwardly struggle to come up with appropriate words that will fill his or her heart and not phrases that coldly hang in stagnant air.  Numerous phrases come to mind, but all of them seem trite and not capable of gathering a broken heart.

A meaningful affirmation of the person's strength can be more peaceful and comforting than a loose chain of sympathy.   We can look at our friend and  recall his or her exceptional qualities and use them as support.  When we focus on their authentic skills, we will be reminding them of their personal power.

When we articulate sincere reminders of creativity, resilience, and perceptions, the listener can gradually feel whole again.  This feeling of completeness moves them into his or her spiritual reminders of never being alone.  When reminded of who we really are, we are more capable in moving into and out of any of life's challenges.  When we share affirmations with our friend, God is using us as messengers to deliver the deepest source of love.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Witness without Judgment

"Human beings of any age need to approve of themselves;
the bad times in history come when they cannot."
Barbara W. Tuchman

When we are less critical of ourselves, we are not as harsh with others.  To be in a place of personal acceptance allows us to really absorb the existence of one other.  We can detach from our lovely selves and just allow a conversation to flow without being responsible for offering punctuation marks.

It is healthy to reach a point in life where we no longer judge people.  Instead of judging, we open our hearts to simply listen with compassion without declaring any sense of right or wrong.  To simply witness without involvement creates a balance for our emotions.

We select friends who embrace us and reflect our views or at least respect the differences.  We invite new friends into our lives which bring opportunities to learn of new experiences, goals, and passions. It is through relationships our most difficult lessons are learned.


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Appreciation Fuel for Love

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love,
and to let it come in."  Morrie Schwartz

The infinity sign can be a symbol for love.  On one end there is giving, flowing into the other end of receiving.  It doesn't matter where it begins, but once the flow is generated, balance comes into our lives.  If I cannot love myself, I may find it easier to invest in others.  As we extend our love to others, we will experience love coming back towards us.  Even if I love myself, I may have to learn to love others and allow myself the experience of acceptance. With authentic love, we are not trying  to buy someone's affection nor are we giving to the point of personal depletion.  

A good place to begin is with kindness, treating ourselves kindly and making kind gestures to others. We can assist others and ourselves in simple ways and with routine practice it becomes easier.  The idea is to maintain a flow so the infinity sign does not become unbalanced.

In time, we discover we are living in a kind environment and our kindness has turned into sincere love for life.  Even with imperfections, we see the love in ourselves, others, and the created world around us. Our appreciation is the fuel pumping love throughout the act of giving and receiving.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Revelations Unfold

"My imagination functions much better 
when I don't have to speak to people."
Patricia Highsmith

Thoughts traveling through our brain expand our consciousness into brilliant imagery.  Our imagination journeys to other realms, times or places.  Vibrant visions of what one thought impossible and formations of intelligent properties seemingly float to the surface.   Concept of time quickly vanishes and we are caught up in a whirlwind of deeper understanding that is difficult to maintain.

When we are roused from our dream, it is challenging to find words to describe our reverie.  Even when scripting every moment down upon the page, the brilliance escapes.  We sit in meditation attempting to recapture bits and pieces to give more credibility to what we want to share or we contemplate endless segments of our encounter, but the message is always quite fleeting.

Through these dreamscapes, mathematical equations, chemical tables, genius inventions, and all of the  creative arts have been enhanced.  We all have brilliant imaginations, but the majority of us cannot channel the information into our language.  There are no words to describe the other worlds; however, when the insights are pursued by the human hands, the concepts are finally put into words.  Our hands when put to use can distract our brain and revelations freely unfold.


Friday, February 12, 2016

The Power of Power

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want 
to test a man's character, give him power."
Abraham Lincoln

All people need to have a sense of power to develop into who they fully want to be.  How we use power designs our character.  We can choose to use our power to lift others up or we can use power to hold others down.  The choice in using power runs repeatedly in various levels of our lives.

Why as human beings would we not want all people to prosper?  Abraham Lincoln stated, "Whatever you are, be a good one."  If we are empowered by the honing of our skill and use it for positive outcome, we are not resistant to others doing the same.  Feeling resilient allows us to be vulnerable in assisting others.  We don't feel threatened, do not become competitive, nor do we become greedy. 

Individual power is a necessity, but when power is tainted by fear it can become ugly.  The narcissistic personality who thinks only of himself or the victim who believes they are entitled to more, strive for power at extreme costs to themselves and others.  The striving does not stop as they never appreciate what they have and will never have enough.  If we choose to maintain  our character, we can power for the good of all.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Delusional Landscapes

"Better a cruel truth than comfortable delusion."
Edward Abbey

On this frigid winter day with the sun playing hide and seek, I revisit writings from my past.  The fire place warms me and I get lost staring into the flames, drawn back into times of old.  With hindsight, the absence of truth becomes as obvious as the blanket of white snow just outside my window.  Like an innocent kitten, I had eagerly lapped up what was placed before me, falsely assuming the substance was pure as the falling snow.  The false bravado lulled me into a slumber, unaware of the hidden scars that would eventually surface into sequences of nightmares. 

I fault myself for being willing to accept words as truth.  My trust is not easily won, but shared confidences are generally accepted as truth.  It would not occur to me at the beginning that an artist was hard at work, painting a landscape that could only be a delusion.  With each brush stroke, a layer of lies were generously applied. I kept waiting for the paint to dry.

At what point did harsh truth interrupt delusion?  How long did I minimize and dig deeper into avoidance and denial? The irony is I could have handled the truth early on, but not now.  Not after years of muting so many colors that the delicate hues have turned to garish mud. I work my way through pages describing the process of scraping paint to once again have a blank slate.  I am then inspired to pick up my own brush, to choose my own paints, and to become the creator of my own landscape.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Choice to Leap

"While my oldest friends know who I've been,
my new friends help me understand
who I'm becoming."

(author unknown)

There is great comfort found in the familiar.  The ease of returning to complacent surroundings offers us relief and protection from the unknown.  Convenience is welcomed over the challenge of  experiencing risk.  Our intimate supporters encourage us, but they are not necessarily inviting any sense of change in the established routine.

Then a yearning surfaces.  Non-descriptive at first, we scan new horizons for just a peak.  The longing for change increases even when we try to avoid it.  We find ourselves nudged to innocently dabble and before long we are experiencing passion for expansion and change.  

Our old friends don't really understand why we would want to alter what we have already established; while people we meet upon the new path are excited and luring us forward.  It is in this  place with one foot still  grounded in the old and the other stretched out into the unknown that individual choice enables us to leap. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Liar, Liar Pants on Fire!

"I lie to myself all of the time. 
   But I never believe me."

As a self-proclaimed truth teller,   I was forced to see the reality of being a huge fibber! Lies, I must admit.  Whoppers!  Delusions based on zero facts.  I am so disappointed to realize how I lie to myself.

Deception prevents joy from entering my life.  Falsehoods keep me small, disallowing risks.  Negative stories repeated in my mind taint my relationships.  Discriminating opinions whispered to myself  over ride the kind words of others.  My redemption is found, however, in my unwillingness to believe a word I say! 

My worthiness does not expand nor deepen if I do not believe in it. Even when I immediately release distorted facts, the residue creates a murkiness and negativity bruises my gentle heart. If I place my attention upon nurturing my spirit, however, my light will shine brighter and highlight my goodness.   I shall believe my lies no longer.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Truth Teller

"If you do catch yourself in a lie, 
ask yourself what you wanted to hide 
and why you felt you couldn't be truthful."
Madisyn Taylor

 I may find myself literally biting my tongue to keep myself from lying.  What I see as my truth may be too abrasive or too premature to be appreciated.  I keep nodding my head, intently listening, 
until I am put on the spot to say something.  I don't want to lie which I find disrespectful 
to the person as well as to myself.  I abhor dishonesty, but there are situations 
where questions  are directly pointed like Cupid's arrow and it is clearly 
understood what response is required. 

 Discerning motivation or intention unravels the element of deception.  If I am dishonest, 
who will be  protected ... myself or the person asking the question?  If I am  
being disingenuous is my intention to profit or harm?  Whose ego is being stroked  
and is it worth the cost of honor?  I will abstain best as I can as 
there is no justification in altering the truth.

I am a truth teller and choose to respond with compassion.  If I give in to the smallest 
lure of gossip, I am immediately disappointed in myself. There is no need to judge 
others. Whether we understand or not, our speculation is not necessary.  
When we remain aligned with who we are in our heart, 
it is easier to be a truth teller.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Ingredient to Elevate

"Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress;
working hard for something we love is called passion."
Simon Sinek

No matter how diligent we become, it seems impossible to avoid stress.  Stress appears in all shapes and forms and accompanies both pleasant and challenging activities.

An elder was making bread in her kitchen.  She gathered all of her ingredients with deliberate care and lovingly kneaded them all together.  During the process she paused only once and that was when she reached for the yeast.  "You must have yeast or no matter how strong your hands, your bread will fail."

Passion is the ingredient/yeast that lifts us up in the presence of stress. Creativity in any form elevates us from other segments that would pull us down.   Declare a passion and make certain this yeast is sprinkled throughout the day, and you too shall rise.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Origins of Truth

"Art, at its most potent, springs from the artist's longing to bridge her private truth
with the truth of the universe and transmute it into a public form
that beckons forth the private truth of the viewer."

When we choose a resource, we usually select an author who agrees with our viewpoint.  We deliberately gather information supporting our subject not discrediting it.  The deep truths dwelling within us, yearn to be acknowledged if not expressed in some form.  We seldom have  the courage to self-proclaim without evidence established by one other.

When we develop our style, we boldly expose our views. Our targeted audience will have some disclosed nugget of interest drawing them to our work.  So the thread of knowledge depicting our truth has been  sewn into history, stitched into our present, and colorfully revised for the audience's future.  

Those we please with our truth will enhance his or her existing kernel of truth. The thread is once again used to connect this line of perceived wisdom.  And what the past, present and future minds have gleaned  from this loosely thread tapestry has been spinning in the Universe since the beginning of time.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Align Boundaries

"Don't take it personally when I tell you 'No'.
I'm using it on everyone this year."
Lena Dunham

As a child, the word no was associated with defiance, disobedience and rejection; whereas the word yes was identified with being compliant, cooperative, and accepted.  The words right and wrong worked similarly ...  do the right thing and never do wrong.  

As an adult, the word no supports my need to preserve, to protect, and to align; whereas the word yes creates individual freedom, pleasure in choice, and personal balance.  Similarly, what is right for me just might be wrong for one other. 

Why is it then we continue to agree to terms we find disagreeable and engage in tasks that are right for someone, but definitely wrong for us?  It is no wonder our boundaries are repeatedly disrespected and our self-esteem wallows in pressured decisions.   We are called to decide, to use our voice to declare either yes or no and to define our right from wrong.  If we view our lovely selves as a vortex of spiritual wisdom, we will be empowered to align boundaries with our heart's desire. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Respect for Individual Journeys

"The purpose of relationship is not to have another who might complete you,
but to have another with whom you might share your completeness."
Neale Donald Walsch

We discover hidden aspects and potential skills in the crevices of our hearts.  Teachers assist and mentors guide, but the actual work is ours to develop. Kindred spirits celebrate and encourage, but would it not be offensive to have a person step in to complete our personal design?  

We travel a long way to become who we were meant to be, and it seems as though we should see our project to the end. There is great joy in sharing our masterpiece, each color a memory of learning or falling or rising again.  Each brushstroke a testimony to heartbroken pain or sudden revelation.  

 Our loved ones need to see what we look like under construction or striving for completion.  With this boundary in place, those who cherish us appreciate and deeply understand our sorrows and our dreams.  We can embrace each other respecting individual journeys as we all strive to be whole, not enmeshed.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

False Arrogant Expectations

"If I want to be accepted as I am,
then I need to be willing to accept others
as they are.  It is arrogant to set standards for others.
Louise Hay

Present at a wise woman's lecture, I eagerly sat in the front row, not wanting to miss a single word.  The well versed elder instructed us to take a clean piece of paper and list all of the qualities we needed in a friendship.  Everyone raced across the page with pens in a flurry.  Then we were told to examine these lists to make sure we had not overlooked any of our expectations.

Then she asked us to imagine what our reaction might be if someone approached us with our own requirements.  I glanced down at my crisply written list of 15 conditions to be my friend and laughed out loud.  "No way!"

As the years unfolded, my perception of friendship changed from how a singular friend might meet my needs to an excitement of what message a friend might bring.  Life becomes richer when we recognize the gifts hidden in each other.  When we honor diversity in others, they in return can learn to respect ours.  We need to live side by side, learning; not behind barriers of ignorance.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Breathe In The Present Moment

"Clouds come floating into my life
no longer to carry rain or usher storm,
but to add color to my sunset sky."
Rabindranath Tagore


We are never spared from difficult times.  Challenging decisions need to be made and unexpected hardships faced.  To think we might be excused from dilemmas based on our intentional goodness is faulty reasoning.  If we are witnessing the human experience of being, we will have multiple lessons, intense teachers, and required healing times.

To work on our core values, and to be fully connected to our authentic spirit, prepares us for facing not only the hard moments but the joyful ones as well.  It is by embracing whatever comes without getting lost in emotional drama or considering events as punishment,  we can best move through incidents.

When we look to the sky, whether through stormy weather or hues of blue,  we breathe in whatever is before us.  We do not become distracted by last years floods or future predictions, as the true information is in the very moment.  We learn to align our lovely selves with what ever nature brings, discerning sacred messages that the Divine always brings.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Forsaking Power To Control

"The most common way people give up their power
is by thinking they don't have any."
Alice Walker

I choose vision over physical power as all things can be done with imagination and the limitless internal boundaries are a blessing.  Vision to the observer is more rewarding than power to an overlord as visualization breeds strength of the impossible; whereas, dictatorship thrives on competition, control, and threat.

Empowerment is not a physical strength, but a belief of personal worth in the existence we experience.  It is the realization that no one needs to own us and our following is not to a person, but to the path leading us within where our Divine treasures are stored.

My inner world is decorated with peace and calm, accompanied by vibrant colors reflecting my energy.  I am but a mirror for others to glimpse their own strengths for an authentic life forsaking power to control.