Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Finding Peace in Gloom

"If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak,
return to yourself, to who you are, here and now,
and when you get there, you will discover yourself,
like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond,
beautiful and strong.  Masaru Emoto

Unfortunately, there are days I feel lost.  I drag a heaviness around with me and I am incapable of taking flight with any sense of hopeful thrust.  I cannot pinpoint the source of my dismay, so how does one revamp  a mindset when it remains at bay.

I wander outside into the gloom of the day, hoping to blow this sadness away.  I walk, breathing in fresh air and breathing out the darkness attempting to stay.  I gaze up into the sky to look at the heavy clouds and watch the birds in flight.

There is something about the formation of the birds ... 'v' ...  that appears to be a sign.  I watch the leader drop  back in the pattern while another bird moves up to the first position.   As usual, Nature becomes my teacher:  We are not intended to be at the head indefinitely or we will forget the experience of striving with others.  At times we are called to drop back to rest, rekindle, and revise. We can find peace in the gloom as we strengthen our energies for when we move forward into a  brighter day!


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