Sunday, February 7, 2016

Ingredient to Elevate

"Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress;
working hard for something we love is called passion."
Simon Sinek

No matter how diligent we become, it seems impossible to avoid stress.  Stress appears in all shapes and forms and accompanies both pleasant and challenging activities.

An elder was making bread in her kitchen.  She gathered all of her ingredients with deliberate care and lovingly kneaded them all together.  During the process she paused only once and that was when she reached for the yeast.  "You must have yeast or no matter how strong your hands, your bread will fail."

Passion is the ingredient/yeast that lifts us up in the presence of stress. Creativity in any form elevates us from other segments that would pull us down.   Declare a passion and make certain this yeast is sprinkled throughout the day, and you too shall rise.

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