Friday, February 19, 2016

Simplicity in Being

"The ancient sage, Lao-Tzu, tells us quite openly
that the act of simplicity - of living directly - is the
doorway to the Source of all Being."

Mark Nepo 

Simplicity invites a directness in our speech, action and thought which leads us to our authentic selves and an enhanced connection with the Divine.  To keep things simple, one sees with clarity the beauty of people, places, and things.  

When we are not direct with others, we allow for misunderstandings and deceptions.  If we act in ways that are not congruent with our core values, we mislead.  Our avoidance to directness moves us farther from reality and truth.

We hesitate to ask others what they really mean and then find ourselves pondering at great length the underlying intention.  And what is our motivation for not directly answering a question with simplicity?  Long winded responses only cloud the heart of the matter.  When hiding emotions or complicating answers, we are preventing our lovely selves from engaging in life honestly.  Without direct living, we are distanced from the self, and also from the Divine.  Deep reflections of the beauty in life appear as we keep things simple.

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