Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Breathe In The Present Moment

"Clouds come floating into my life
no longer to carry rain or usher storm,
but to add color to my sunset sky."
Rabindranath Tagore


We are never spared from difficult times.  Challenging decisions need to be made and unexpected hardships faced.  To think we might be excused from dilemmas based on our intentional goodness is faulty reasoning.  If we are witnessing the human experience of being, we will have multiple lessons, intense teachers, and required healing times.

To work on our core values, and to be fully connected to our authentic spirit, prepares us for facing not only the hard moments but the joyful ones as well.  It is by embracing whatever comes without getting lost in emotional drama or considering events as punishment,  we can best move through incidents.

When we look to the sky, whether through stormy weather or hues of blue,  we breathe in whatever is before us.  We do not become distracted by last years floods or future predictions, as the true information is in the very moment.  We learn to align our lovely selves with what ever nature brings, discerning sacred messages that the Divine always brings.

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