Monday, September 30, 2019

So Be It ...


"I'm not really sure which parts of myself are real and
which parts are things I've gotten from books."
Beatrice Sparks

There was a span in my life where I swore off all fiction and devoted myself to non-fiction.  It stayed this way for a few years.  I wanted to select factual data that would 'wow' me, and so it did.  What is the saying, "Fact can be scarier than fiction?"

Khalil Gibran's poetry moved me and his personal history intrigued me.  He brought to my attention the work we produce when in darkness and the love we create in the light.   Albert Einstein introduced me to his long history of reaping wisdom from his dreams.  He challenged me to document more and dream bigger.  Histories of Native Americans led me to honor and respect the culture they offered and the horror impressed upon them.  Documented torture of the Jewish people began a more objective look at cruelty beyond imagination.

Fiction was a gift returned to me at retirement.  Once again, I was filled with characters who gave me more hope than current politicians or religious leaders.  Magical stories of wonderment pique my interest and fill me with hope.  Fiction a means of escape?l  So be it.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Mastering Lessons ...

"I seem to have run in a great circle,
and met myself again on the starting line."
Jeanette Winterson 

There is an old expression:  "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get!"  It often times appears that the harder we try, the more entangled we become.  When we endeavor to hide, the greater the shadows and the deeper the darkness.
Our lives are filled with patterns like a complicated quilt.  We think situations are different, but only the color has changed.  Block by block, our patterns expand  across the quilt.  Upon completing each one we think, "Ah, I have finally mastered this lesson."  The truth, however, is the quilter is never complete.
Life is often symbolized by a spiral which we can determinedly scale or mindlessly slip down.  With each attempt, understanding increases and we catch a glimpse of wisdom.   Life should not be about running around in circle. We are challenged to create an upward and downward movement, developing a rhythm to align with our natural flow.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

You Will Remember


"Beauty exists not in what is seen and remembered,
but in what is felt and never forgotten."
Johnathan Jena

Picture albums have accumulated as I have always been an avid novice photographer.  (My real motivation was to be behind the camera, not in front of it.)  One day my mentor reached over to me and gently pulled my arm down.  He said, "What you need to remember, you will remember with your mind."  

I never stopped taking photos and they have assisted me in remembering my past; however, I am more touched by what my mind captivated.  In my mind's eye I can see women dancing in a circle, hearing the music and feeling the uplifting emotional experience.  I can recall the sweat lodge and feel the moisture still upon my skin.  No photograph would ever capture what I saw looking down at my feet as I walked across the fire.

When our brains absorb what is around us, we are using all of our senses.  Each one attaches to a particular fragment of the experience.  So rather than looking at a flat picture, our memory is tickled by taste, smell, touch, hearing and sight.  We are less likely to remember a one shot flash than to forget an experience that our body, mind and spirit embraces. 

Friday, September 27, 2019

Speaking to Our Soul

"I can sit alone by an open window for hours if I like,
and hear only bird songs, and the rustle of leaves.  The
trees are pure gold and orange."
Virginia Woolf

Life can be overwhelming with critical thoughts in our head, mandatory appointments on our calendar, and unlimited self-imposed expectations from our jobs.  We tell our lovely selves we will deserve a break once our to-do lists have been completed.   Rarely, does that happen.

All of the above is a projection of how we want to be seen in the world.  We hope to carve out a place  where we may shine, where our work is recognized, and at long last feel secure in the presence of others.  The ultimate goal is to know we have made a change.

At some point in life, we begin to shed activities that no longer seem to heighten our life experience and we drift from people who no longer contribute to expanding our awareness.  Deeper within we go, being alone more with our own thoughts.  The realization that taking a walk, sitting on the porch, reading or listening to music can more clearly speak to our soul.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Fifteen Minute Time Out

"Some seek education to better understand their world; and
some meditate to better understand themselves."
Bert McCoy

World discoveries are vitally important and scientific research ensures progress, but if we do not invest in our own humanness, there will be loss.  We use careful consideration for available jobs, perspective babysitters, and those we choose to call friends.  Why is it we spend so little time with nurturing our lovely selves?

It is time, my friend, to allow flexible boundaries; to open the mind to other perspectives; and to change routines.  Shake things up a little and be surprised at how things might change.  Take a 15 minute time out for the self ... porch swing, stretched out on bed, quick shower or simply be still.

Just 15 minutes lavished upon the self can shift our mood, impact relationships, and elevate opinions of our world.  Once we have created the 15 minute habit, we are surprised at how long it can actually feel.  Pay attention to what comes to mind and be certain to erase negative chatter in the brain. When time is complete, send a quick burst of loving light to a dear one.  Then back to business.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Time For Our Lovely Selves

"Self-understanding is a lifetime endeavor.  
It is not a weekend seminar.
It does not come in capsule form."
Vironika Tugaledva 

We change so slowly, we are often not even aware of what we have deleted nor what we have gained.   The trick is to pay attention so we can amply support our transitions.  Prefer not to go out in crowds anymore, invite a few friends over. Annoyed by others using our good nature, learn to say, "Oh, I'd love to, but no thank you!"

The funny thing about beginning to say 'no' is the startled look on the other person's face.  Everyone knows we will say 'yes', so they are caught off guard by the simple 'no'.   Now we are free to use our newly found freedom to invest in our lovely selves.

We are hesitant to decline as we don't want to let others down.   The amazing thing is that all we have to say is 'no'.  There is no  need for listing reasons.    Now invest wisely ... music, art, books, meditation, garden, nature, ... and decorate life as we want it to be.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Shower Cleanses Gunk Away

"The greatest challenge in life is to be our own person and
accept that being different is a blessing and not a curse."
Kilroy J. Oldster

My entire body was exhausted from hauling all of this garbage out.  The more I removed, the more it seemed to expand.  For what reason had I been keeping all of this heavy and stinking garbage floating around in my head?  I wanted to reflect light to others and be free to be me!

Upon finishing, at least for now, I stood in the shower allowing water to cleanse all lingering gunk away.  It felt so good, like I had tilled a field and fragrant flowers were pushing up through the ground.  It was now so much easier to see my goodness and feel happy with who I was without all unnecessary things clinging to me.

I promised myself to be selective with what I would now store.  I would continue to listen to criticism, except I would discard what didn't fit.  I would increase my time with those who support me and limit my exposure to those who pulled me down.  I yearned to be 'me' and anxiously awaited my flickering candle to grow brighter  and to guide  my positive energy wherever it needed to go.  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Clarity of Self Image

"I find the best way to love someone is not to change them,
but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves."
Steve Maraboli

To be a good listener is the first step in healthy support.  If our heart is in the right place, we don't need to understand precisely all of the points of disruption.  The speaker is helped just by having us listen without distraction. Be invested with eye contact, lean in, and do not interrupt. It is important for the friend to know we are without judgment and listening as best that we can.  

These emotions do  not make them a bad person.  If they have not taken any actions to display the situation, then no harm.  It is in the acting out that generally causes deeper problems.  We can encourage a "time out" to allow for a sense of clarity.  It can range anywhere from a few seconds with deep breathing, silent prayers or spending lengthier time with trusted friends.

As the designated listener, it is important to wait for the person to reach completion before taking a few minutes for feedback.  If appropriate, clasp hands or embrace.  Eye contact is important. Acknowledge the difficult situation, but remind them of their inner kindness and assure them of his or her personal strengths. In the long run, suffering through challenges usually bring us to a better sense of existence.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Perception at Birth

"As a woman, you really need to develop a very strong sense of self
and the earlier you can do that, the better!
C.Joybell C.

When we are born into this world, we can usually hear (our very own screaming), and we can soon see images later blessed with sight.  So we are perhaps angry and scared, but we can soon hear voices .... except language does not having meaning for us.  When our eyes adjust, we understand the people around us by their actions.  

If this concept is continued, we in time begin to understand what certain words mean and become aware of the tone in which they are spoken.  We become aware of the conflict between actions and words.  As our little world expands, we begin to watch the interactions of people when they are together and when they are apart.

If this really is our process, one can readily understand why self-awareness is so difficult to maintain and how easily it is influenced by the actions of others.  There really is no sense of self ... or perhaps this element is truly present. What happens to the joy, laughter, and curiosity we are born with?  At what point do the inconsistencies confuse us and cause us to doubt our lovely selves?

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Healing with Light

"A healer's power stems not from any special ability, but from
maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express
the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses."

Each and every individual has the ability to heal if they would just get out of their own way.  Energy flowing through one's body can unclog tangles allowing energy to course freely.  Our bodies are made of energy and they are surrounded by energy.  Healing is as natural as singing a lullaby or cradling a babe to be rocked in our arms.

Our bodies cease to generate light when they become tarnished from lack of self care and appropriate self talk.  The more positive our thoughts, the more resistance we have to energy that slows us down or harms us.

Simply pick a focus point like God or the Universe ... anything in nature ... and ask silently for positive energy to be shared.  Open the heart and the mind and embrace the vibration coming towards the body or down through the body.   Let it completely wash accumulated energy out of the body and begin to embrace the cleansing energy to fill every crevice up, and allow the excess to spill upon Mother Nature or to build an aura around the body.  We are the light and the healer.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Candle for When the Lights Go Out

"May it be a light to you in dark places,
when all other lights go out."
J.R.R. Tolkien

We tended, as children,  to regard gifts as gloriously wrapped boxes with bows.  As the years of life gain momentum, we begin to shift our definition about gifts.  Our perception stretches to include unseen actions, deliberate intervention and random acts of kindness.

Once I called a friend to tell her I was falling apart.  She hung the phone up and appeared before me with the gift of her presence. (Thirty years ago and I still treasure her efforts.)  I was checking out of a gas station and came up one penny short.   A filthy dirty misshapen and trembling hand came out of no where dropping a penny on my pile.  The homeless man with a toothless smile quivered, "Here, let me help."  I gifted him back with gratitude and respect.

Gifts can expand from successful surgery to the toothless smile of a grandchild.  The sun coming out to lift our spirits or a gentle spring rain to boost sagging flowers surely make the gift list.  The coyote darting across the interstate at night makes us laugh so hard we are once again awake.  A mentor of mine once gave me a candle to light whenever I was overwhelmed by darkness.  She has moved on to other realms, but thankfully her gift of an old candle remains.  A candle for when my lights go out, as they sometimes will.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Unseen Movement and Unheard Melodies

"Be aware of the high notes, of the blissful faces and
their soft messages, and listen for the silent message
of a highly decorated gift."
Dejan Stojanovic

Think of the Harvest Moon, an enormous ball of orange or golden light, floating across the vast sky. Recall the look on the child's face as he licked ice cream as fast as he could with glee in his eyes.  Feel the sanctity of the moment when the bride said, "I do."  Imagine the breeze floating through the hair  while the tide rinses coldly across the toes.  

Our fast paced culture has us thinking repetitiously.   Even in our spare time, we are methodically plotting how to get just a few more minutes out of the day.  So absorbed, we miss the nuances available to us with each passing moment.  

Be aware of surroundings, not only for safety but for magical moments.  Recognize the  architectural design in surrounding buildings.  Take note of the geometric patterns everywhere ... in the sky, gardens, fabric and paper.  When one really slows down, the unspoken words, the unsung melodies, and the presence of angels overwhelm the heart.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Joy Givers Dropping In and Out

"There are souls in this world who have the gift of finding
joy everywhere, and leaving it behind them when they go."
Frederick William Faber

The first time I experienced joy was in high school. It was a bubbly golden substance which began percolating in between my breasts and shot straight up penetrating every cell in my body.  It spiraled up through my head and turned into an umbrella shape drizzling sparkling tiny stars of joy.  

In my repertoire of emotions, few times have come close to this original experience.  The joy had nothing to do with me in particular, but I was close enough to be an integral part of a dear friend's experience.

There are those in our world that are simply made of pure joy.  They seem to float in and out of scenarios leaving a sense of golden prize.  Joy is their gift to be strewn amongst the unsuspecting, lingering just long enough to see the golden dust spreading across the intimate space.  I clearly am not that person, but I give praise and thanksgiving to all of the joy givers dropping in and out of my life.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fear Not, There Will Be Lessons

"You are not the victim of the world, but rather the master
of your own destiny.  It is your choices and decisions that
determine your destiny."
Roy T. Bennett

There are times when a decision has to be made even though we are not prepared to make it.  Our mind may be considering new resolutions or directions while our feet are still stuck in the sand.  And of course there are gut feelings or the tug of our heart against what our minds are thinking.

Mean time our well intentioned family members are 'trumping' our ideas.  They may think we are way off mark or maybe we don't even share the decision with them.  Professionals share expertise, but one cannot help but wonder if they are extending services for profitable gain.

Whatever choice we make will impact our journey.  If we choose poorly, we will wander off our given path and learn a set of lessons attached to the decision.  If we miraculously devise a solution that advances us further on our journey, there will be lessons there, too.  So, either way, we will be constantly learning and the lessons we learn should pertain to our own life, not the lives of others. 

Monday, September 16, 2019

Tell Me Who You Really Are ....

"One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others want
you to be, rather than being yourself."
Shannon L. Alder

Who are you anyway?  No, not what you wear or where you live, but what is your essence?  I am not seeking your title or position or your body shape or religious and political beliefs.  I am asking who you might be if you were stripped of everything except your self perception.

Seriously, who would you claim to be?  What would be the strengths you would mention or the flaws and weaknesses?  Discarding poor choices, mishaps, and life lessons, who resides beneath the layers?  What name would you claim and where would your heart reside?

Tell me of the magic in you.  What stirs within from the innocence and awe of spiritual perceptions?  What has been left undone or untouched?  If I asked you to step outside of your body would you tell me then .... tell me who you really are within?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Touching Occurrences

"It is true many worries remain, 
but they are easier to bear when a stranger
steps forward out of nowhere and becomes a friend."
Sara Paretsky

A career in social services offering in home counseling brought me into contact with families that I might have never otherwise met.  Traveling through three counties weekly, I soon learned the best roads, the most dependable resources, and how listening skills gained insights into dysfunctional families.

In my private life, I was fortunate to visit numerous places throughout the United States, but also passport flights to other countries.  Frequently, I was blessed with month long visits which enabled me to develop friendships by chance and experience unique rhythms to varying ways of life.

So whether traveling near or far, I would eventually come across basically good human beings.  Life style, health challenges, and appearance surprisingly were not the most common denominator.  The ability to accept a person right where they stood without prejudgment tended to be the key to open most any door.  With compassion, to listen to the heart of a stranger was one of life's most touching occurrences. 

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Whatever She Needed

"Take time daily to reflect on how much you have.  It may not
be all that you want, but remember someone somewhere
is dreaming to have what you have."
Germany Kent

Seated in a small cafe, I took a sip of my hot coffee, and glanced out the window.   There was a woman, at least 70 years old crossing the street determinedly using a walker.  She would swing one leg forward, and then propel the next.  One could tell her movement required courage, strength, and drive.

It was easily 90 degrees outside, but this determined woman moved along gracefully, greeting everyone with an invigorating smile.  She moved forward with confidence not expecting anyone to assist her.  She quietly settled her lovely self at a table and ordered breakfast. 

This woman embraced her challenges and although she may have had to alter her original path, she accepted and utilized what was placed before her.  I watched her laughing with the locals while catching up on community news.   Oh how my heart went out to her! I silently beckoned angels to remain by her side and to attract abundance, compassion, and comfort for whatever she needed.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Solitude, Not Isolation

"Solitude does not necessarily mean living apart from others;
rather, it means never living apart from one's self."
Parker Palmer

We all need time away from the maddening crowd to rest, regroup, and recalibrate.  A person can instantly pull up an image of what his or her  personal solitude would look like.  The real contributing factor is who we unknowingly drag along with us in thoughts, memories, and deeds.

Solitude is not to be confused with isolation, as they are not the same.  Isolation is more extreme and can include living off the grid or dividing ourselves from others. Solitude, on the other hand, is a healthy  state of mind with the intention of deepening the relationship with ourselves.

Life purpose can be simply defined as aligning the relationship with our inner parts.  To do this, one must turn inward to search the soul.   Solitude allows us time to integrate all of our parts to better serve God, our world and community.  We can cultivate our space in solitude at a retreat; during a spiritual meditation; or sitting in our favorite space.  To be in relationship with the self generates solitude.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Resist Hiding Inner Knowledge

"The act of going within, finding our truth,
and then sharing it, it helps us far more
than we know."
Kamal Ravikant

When we consciously make the decision to share our inner truth. we create an opportunity to either strengthen our belief or change them.  There are times when we voice our inner thoughts and really  listen, we find that we no longer feel those very feelings.

Few people enjoy confrontation, but discussions with trusted friends can help us expand or better define what truly resonates within.   Life is constantly changing, and if we pay close attention, we realize we do as well.

Individual life purpose reflects a message out into the world.  It is vitally important to discover authentic purpose, to display our intentions, and to continue to update as we are changed by the world.  If we are ultimately aligned with our thoughts and actions, and maintain vulnerability to change with the world, our body, mind, and spirit gracefully and gratefully embraces each day.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Haunting Images

"In the sky there are always answers and explanations
for everything:  every pain, every suffering, joy and confusion."
Ishmael Beah

While visiting family friends in Southern Illinois, I grew tired of the grownup conversation and wandered outside.   I found an incline  like a little drive way up to barn doors, so I sat there leaning against the doors.  It situated me a little higher and I could see a long way.

In my quiet moments, I heard a small plane.  I searched the blue spacious sky following the sound.  Just as my eyes focused on it, there was a large boom and the small air craft disintegrated.  There was very little debris surviving the fiery ball, and all particles vanished in the air. My mind could not wrap itself around what I had just witnessed.

For whatever reason, I didn't share this with my parents until on the long drive home.  They of course did not believe me and refused to discuss this strange sighting.  The frightening image now pales in comparison to the violent images of the destruction by airplanes on 9-11.  All of these images will continue to haunt me for all of my days and I doubt I will ever truly understand.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Flexibility During the Journey

"Everything you need to know you have
learned through your journey."
Paulo Coelho

Throughout life we are faced with challenges whether exhilarating or devastating.  Each experience leaves a mark in our persona so we will forever more remember.  As the years pass, these earlier experiences are built upon, creating a more alert traveler.

There are times reality grows boldly and we are faced with the truth about certain matters.  As a child, perhaps we were raised to not appreciate our value.  We may have spent numerous years floundering with very little self-worth.  Then a truth presents itself and we realize a different lesson from the original challenge.  

There is an oddity about learning ... it may not maintain truth in the face of additional knowledge.  As our body stretches and grows, so does our mind which changes perceptions.  We may find our lovely selves adding or deleting core beliefs.  This flexibility allows substantial advancement in human growth. 

Monday, September 9, 2019

A Life Without Trees

"The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the
eyes of others only a green thing that stand in the way."
William Burke

Years ago while walking the city streets of New York, I  became painfully aware of the absence of trees.  The need to feel grounded prompted me to look up towards the sky in hopes of spotting the tips of trees, but there was only sky.    

This made me wonder about city dwellers and how far they have to travel to experience nature.  The sky is magnificent with figures forming in the clouds, but without the element of green, I truly felt deprived.  In the absence of trees, it felt difficult to breathe and oddly, a lack of protection.

Although I grew up in a large city and lived in an apartment building until college, trees were my every day companions.  They were present in my life throughout the seasons and I marveled at the ability of them to change.  They initiated a strength in me and were always successful in grounding me in the midst of city dwelling.  I genuinely cannot imagine a life without trees.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Not a Pollyanna!

"Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and
look on the best side of every event."
Roy T. Bennett

"To see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event," (Roy Bennett) at one time sounded too much like a pollyanna.  Life was hard and maintaining a positive attitude in the worst of times was not possible for me.

Once my perception of the challenges in life shifted from something happening to me towards life providing a lesson, I was able to look for the good.  I went from a troubled victim to an eager student embracing and learning from whatever came before me.

Lessons have the tendency to repeat themselves, so often I find my lovely self stepping back and thinking, "This is a pattern repeating itself."  I now understand that a challenge can reappear to learn a lesson on a deeper level.  The more in depth we are able to understand, the faster and farther one can go.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Miraculous Depths

"Imagination is the highest form of research."
Albert Einstein

The greatest expedition we can take is the one accompanied by imagination rather than expectation.    If  we happen upon a nugget of insight,  but lack imagination as to how it might be used, the nugget does not reach its full value. 

Whether we are digging into ancient history or outer space, imagination is required to discover the best application of what we find.  If we cannot apply what we learn, we will not advance nor broaden the experience.

Whether we are staring at stained glass windows, foreign country scenery or poetic verse, we will be moved by our application of imagination.  No matter where we are, if we open our hearts and minds, we  will begin to see miraculous depths  to the amazing world around us.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Endure the Process

"Every woman that finally figured out her worth,
has picked up her suitcases of pride and boarded
a flight to freedom which landed in the valley of change."
Shannon L. Alder

Change can occur within a relationship instigated by elevated personal perceptions, forgiveness of our past, and clarity of our worth. Unpacking old baggage allows room for new occasions and accomplishments.  Seeing with new eyes can change our surroundings.

Any  woman can take flight by focusing on what she can do now rather than victimized by mishaps or previous past choices.  If she doesn't like where she is physically or mentally, she can initiate the change  to create forward momentum.

Each of us has choice even if it is a tiny one.  Taking small steps towards authentic respect will eventually lead to freedom of thought, word, and deed.  The flight to freedom requires a woman to use her voice, maintain an awareness of her self-worth, and be willing to endure the process of change.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

An Inside Job


"Live your truth.  Express your love.  Share your enthusiasm.
Take action towards your dreams.  Walk your talk.  Dance and
sing to your music.  Embrace your blessings.  
Make today worth remembering."
Steve Maraboli

If we are truly an unique gift of God, we can liken ourselves to a treasure chest.  Every morning, we can lift the lid, look inside, and choose which part of our complex self we want to utilize on this day.  If our spirits are flying high we might choose something creative or if our emotions are tangled, we can be intrigued by our lesson while searching our inner wisdom.

When we daily check inside of our treasure trove, we can go about our day confident and focused.  We will not waste time wondering what people think of us or question which false mask to wear for the day. We will have less anxiety and more confidence engaging in the day, by utilizing what is inside of us.

To create a great day we can choose to live our truth, express our love and share our enthusiasm.  We can take action towards our dreams or dance and sing to our inner music.  If we focus on what gifts we have within, the fear of judgment dwindles.  The day is worth remembering when we make it an inside job!  (Paraphrased from Steve Maraboli)

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Life Can Be Fiction or Reality

"We believe that it is the job of each of us to step outside of ourselves,
look beyond the shadows and seek reality."
Tom Hayes

As elementary as it sounds, divide a piece of paper in half. List authentic interests and behaviors on one side while on the other side report activities or characteristics we participate in, but no longer feel invested in.  Begin to replace out dated commitments with new ideas or old yearnings.

Like crystals, we are multi sided and a multitude of interests await to be explored.  New actions add a little zest to our lives, lifting our body, mind and spirit.  Perceptions change as well as attitudes and activities. 

If we are stuck within a story we tell ourselves, we are not growing to our potential.  The fiction we create forms boundaries around us and we often live in the shadows of fear.  If there is something we long for, get creative and pave the way to discover a more authentic you!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Presenting An Integrated Self

"No matter how many people care about you, if you can't
be open with them about who you truly are,
you're still alone."
Diane Chamberlain

Enjoying a leisurely lunch with a friend, shared comments about how much our spiritual beliefs were noticeably different.  This fact did not impair our relationship as we were strongly connected, but she mentioned introducing me to someone whose beliefs ran parallel to mine.  

In time, our paths crossed again and she was accompanied by this fore mentioned friend, who happened to be a woman I had hired as a therapist for my program.  We were both startled to see each other and laughed out loud.

In time, we were to learn that both of us had hidden our spiritual wisdom from the work place in fear of being ridiculed or judged.  We had been working together for almost a year and neither one of us had shown our inner perspectives.  As we opened up to each other, we became kindred spirits.  From that point forward, I began to show my authentic self at all times ... oh my, how less stressful life became. 

Monday, September 2, 2019

Labor of Love or Not


"It's not about working hard. It's about
what we're working hard about."
Craig D. Lounsbrough

When work is our passion, we extend ourselves heartily, engulfed with challenge and drive.  Work can be very difficult, but when the worker is totally invested, time and self-care float past awareness.  When we love what we do, it no longer is regarded as work .... maybe a labor of love.

When we are whole bodied invested in our labor, we still approach work with our highest abilities, but it is more of an investment than a task.  A mechanic can be bent over an engine for hours trying to determine what is in need of repair.  He is invested in the problem more than the outcome.   He welcomes the challenge, but is most interested in discovering what is hidden from his sight.

Then history book  thoughts of labor drift back and there is hardly any passion beaming from a coal mine or a sweat shop with women and children trapped for hours hunched over sewing machines.  In foreign lands, women still walk for hours sometimes for a day,  to find clean drinking water. Then harsh reality settles in ...  people deprived of work, family, and any sense of normalcy can no longer relate to the labor of love. 

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Awareness of Both Sides Maintains Balance

"On a cold winter day, the window of a warm house knows both
the paradise inside and the hell outside.  Any path knowing both
the angel and the devil is the path of wisdom."
Mehmet Murat ildan

Life experience brings depth into our understanding of both the people and culture around us.  We can observe with our eyes, we can listen with our ears, and feel with our hands; but, until we internalize the challenge, we will not receive wisdom.

We limit ourselves if we walk the straight and narrow path with our heads permanently down.  If we do not hear sound with our ears nor feel disharmony in the heart, we are existing in avoidance with false perceptions of the fullness of life.

Everyone has a cross to bear, and when we finally place the cross on the ground, we begin to integrate all aspects of the lesson.  There is greater appreciation for warmth if we have experienced cold.  Our life path is easier traveled if we are balanced through awareness attained through living on both sides of the fence.