Thursday, May 31, 2018

Depth of the Work Portrays Suffering and Happiness

"The artist has only to translate the sufferings and happiness
of all into the language of all and he will be universally 
understood.  As a reward for being absolutely faithful to
reality, he will achieve complete communication among men."
Albert Camus

The ballerina uses dance and the artist uses the stroke of a brush  to translate what it is they see and feel in the life surrounding them.  Without words, their expression creates a language for the world to understand.  Neither the ballerina nor the artist demand a rigid interpretation.  

Authors and poets use the stroke of a pen to share what they think, see, and imagine.  The writers demonstrate with shimmering imaginative phrases and momentum paced by the cadence of the words. The heart of the intent may be well cloaked in disguises from nature or human deception.

The ballerina, artist, author and poet intend for the spectator to eventually come to understand the deeper meaning of their work.  What lies upon the surface may be entertaining, but the depth of the work portrays the human sufferings and happiness of all.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Beautiful Background

"When we pause, allow a gap and breathe deeply,
we can experience instant refreshment.  Suddenly,
we slow down, look out, and there's the world."
Pema Chodron

Body language reflects our nature. All of our gestures and mannerisms are tell signs. Examples: A man walks down the street totally focused on the pavement, maybe deep in thought; A man walks down the street directly looking into the eyes of  each passersby; or A man walks down the street consistently gazing upwards towards the sky.  

The man looking down is totally immersed in his thoughts.  He has no awareness of his surroundings or any other outside influence.  The man looking into strangers eyes is more aware and acknowledges the difference between the faces.  The man locked into the blue sky maintains higher thoughts or is more worldly.  All three would enhance their outlook if they simply created a pause between their bodily actions.

If we ask a person a question and they cover his or her mouth with a hand, they are guarding words or perhaps not telling whole truths.  If the person crosses his or her arms when asked a question, it is usually a defensive action.  If the person cannot maintain eye contact, he or she is very uncomfortable with the exchange.  If each of these people could manage a pause, the reaction might be more genuine or honest.  Slow down, take a breath, and be fully present in the moment to bring authentic communication.   With said pause, view any instance with the beautiful world as the background.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Impulsive Reaction or Constructive Remedy

                                  "You do not need to know precisely what is happening 
or exactly where it is all going.  What you need is to 
recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present 
moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith, and hope."
Thomas Merton

Tension occurs in life when we do not like the way things are unfolding.  Our mind over thinks where the current challenge just might lead to, and the fear of the unknown floods in.  It is common to imagine ways of taking control to direct the outcome, but this rarely works except to extend the tension.

Rather than focusing on the outcome, it is more productive to examine what is right in front of us.  What is the challenge or situation, and right now in this moment what can be done that is in alignment with our feelings and needs.  Look reality in the eye, and see clearly what is before us in order to be precise in our response.

As we meet a challenge head on with an accurate evaluation, the action we take can be more precise.  We may choose to be completely aware, but to pause and wait until there is more information.  This is not avoidance or denial, it is a step to prevent us from jumping in on impulse rather than remedy.  If we allow our lovely selves to be guided, courage, faith, and hope will assist us through the unfolding.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Be Brave Even When Scared

"Scared is what you're feeling.
Brave is what you're doing."
Emma Donoghue

Throughout life, we are faced with situations that cause us to feel afraid.  We may feel powerless; controlled or out of control; emotionally paralyzed or numb.  In spite of our age, whether young or old, we require a bit of bravery to move ourselves forward.

Bravery is often linked with soldiers in war, but every day we are called to use our personal bravery whether physically, mentally/emotionally, or spiritually. Perhaps in the moment, our actions may feel desperate, but as time passes we realize we have been brave.

Feeling scared may never go away, but we can use bravery to establish a balance.  There are many levels to being brave and by exercising them like small muscles, they will eventually become well developed allowing us to feel less frightened. Our personal bravery allows us to respect and honor our selves.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Multitude of Positive Aspects

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
Lao Tzu

As we are loved by someone, we gain strength and confidence.  As we deeply love someone, we develop courage and endurance.  Unfortunately, we are not always the recipient of love nor do we necessarily have one to love as our own.  Fear may be the catalyst moving us forward in spite of this love less condition.

There are dark times in life when we are propelled by the determination to never go back.  We are rigid with our forward movement.  Inside of our complicated minds, we emotionally/mentally run with our feet briskly slapping the pavement.  We are racing on the inside, and paralyzed by the chaos/isolation on the outside.

When we can stand it no longer, our tears wash away the dark and we begin to hope once again.  Except this time, we initiate a love for our inner spirit.  Acceptance gently guides us to adjust our focus into seeing the multitude of positive aspects of our being.  This recognition of our inner self moves us to understanding the strength and courage we have had all along.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Plot Thickens With Change

"The best part of your story
is when it changes."
Bella Bloom

Without challenge, our lives would be fairly monotonous and boring.  We would grow stagnant and miss additional joys of living.  There is always room to expand even if we feel the absence of connection.  There is much to be gained by opening our senses to all we can hear, see, and feel.

If there is a vague sadness in life, it really might stem from boredom.  If there is a segment of loneliness to life, we may have been isolated for too long.  It is truly amazing how life changes when we simply move ... out to the porch, into the yard, or walk around the block.  When we place our attention upon things surrounding us outdoors, our heart opens and our essence embraces a fresh breath of air.

Life seldom changes if we sit in front of a television or a computer all day.  If we escape into a book at least take it outside with you.  Visit a park or a volunteers meeting and notice how others are genuinely excited in his or her life.  Our story is never truly complete, and with change the plot thickens!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Inner Voice Encourages Forward Movement

"I know now that the Spirit is trying to birth something in my life
when I find myself craving silence and darkness, when I find myself
editing my circle down to just the few trusted few whom I know will
midwife me through this birth.  It's nothing to fear; 
it's the time of transition."
Sarah Bessey

Rarely do we experience change without fear, even when the shift is welcomed.  As we are pulled from our comfort zones, our momentum must carry us forward.  In our hearts and minds we believe something good is unfolding that may require hard work, sacrifice and learning.

Life is so chaotic, it is difficult to hear our inner voice encouraging us, let alone find the time to create.  We may not even realize what is exactly coming or going, we just sense the irregular movement of life as we had known it.  To steal away for minutes, hours, or a retreat, we are called to silence to release whatever is unnecessary and plan how to attract what we need.

To attract what we need, we have to be in touch with our inner self.  We can have an idea about change, but we must also leave our imagination open for unbelievable opportunities.  If we do not believe in miracles, we may numbly walk by what our heart desires.  Join with trusted friends and share fears and anticipation.  As the kindred spirits gather, they will listen and encourage supplying trust and energy while moving forward.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Throw Out Stagnant and Monotonous

"Shout out to everyone transcending
a mindset, mentality, desire, belief,
emotion, habit, behavior or vibration,
that no longer serves them."
Lalah Delia

It is exciting to learn of a friend's new adventure.  "Whatever gave you that idea," we may ask; only to learn that earlier years had been devoted to this particular passion, but life seemed to interfere with maintaining it.  

There comes a shift in life and we suddenly have spaces that can be filled with rekindled talents. There are numerous women who have returned to running or yoga or volunteering.  Certain ladies have begun a second career of pure joy ... opening a specialty shop, becoming an author, developing artistic expression, or supporting a heartfelt cause.

If you are thinking, "Boy, I wish I could do that!"  The good news is you can.  Whatever little segments of time you have,  begin to visualize what you want to do and how you will carry through.  As life continues to offer more time for your lovely self, you will already have your plan.  Throw out the old stagnant and monotonous routines and replace them with the spice of life!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

"I See You!"

"One of the deepest longings of the
human soul is to be seen."
John O'Donohue

There is great joy in becoming acquainted with a person who truly 'gets you'.  Time is not spent on explanations, so all of the energy goes forward into furthering the subject.  Each shares his or her particular experience without needing to preface the story with basic information.

When we are finally 'seen' we are joyful.  It brings confidence, encouragement, and the desire to expand even more.  A sense of approval is not as great as having our essence recognized for what it is.  We become inspired to correct and deepen our soul connection.

"I see you," is a powerful statement that silently implies the self is being embraced by love in spite of any flaws or imperfections.  The three words, "I see you," tend to penetrate straight through protective barriers and immediately enters the soul.  Apply these words to dear friends and watch their spirit soar.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Science Aligned with Humanity

"We want to arrive at that delicate balance
where science will not deprive us of our
humanity but will serve us with humaneness:
where it will help us solve our problems 
rather than add to them or create new ones."
Eknath Easwaran

From the beginning of time, the world and everything it contains, evolves.  Man in particular has developed in massive ways, so how is it there is chaos?  In order to have balance, the dark is needed as well as the light.  I guess the friction created between the two triggers the fire of passion.

Improvements made by scientific and entrepreneur endeavors have created a life style for us including technology and advanced understanding of the past, current, and future dynamics of history.   It would seem that man thrives with power, which becomes conflicted with narcissistic behaviors.

Thankfully there are many small groups who are banning together planting community gardens for themselves, local restaurants, and the poor;  teaching the less fortunate how to build inexpensive homes; and creating free tents as shelters or giving coats, blankets, soap and sanitary products.  This undercurrent of conscientious people is causing a wave of healing and hopefully scientific leaders will focus on ways to help those in need rather than designing tools for war.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Pricked By Curiosity

"My only hope is that even for a moment
I helped you see the world
a little bit different."
Laura Ingalls Wilder

My intention is never to change your mind, but to trigger you to expand your thinking.  Collecting information helps us to either be more secure in our theories or be pricked by curiosity.  We need to know why we don't support an idea or be vigilant in noticing shifts.

It has happened more than once while I am writing a statement or speaking to a gathered audience that I stop and ask myself, "Is that still true?"  My words are an invitation for the reader or the listener to journey into communication to reach higher ground.

Even if my words are misunderstood, they still carry energy.  The thoughts may linger and surface at a later time when they can be embraced deeply.  We are constantly changing, and as we shift, so do our perspectives.  It is my hope that words will help you to see abundance in various ways; to hear the silent voices within; and to feel the depth of Divine Spirit blending within your soul.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Residuals of Suicide

"But in the end one need more courage
to live than to kill himself."
Albert Camus

I can understand wanting to end life in the darkness of winter, but the spring is so full of new life, I would think one would be encouraged to let things unfold.  Recently, I have had two conversations regarding a current loss of life by suicide.  Death in itself, whether accident or illness is difficult to embrace, but there is the choice in suicide that sets those of us left behind on edge.

A loved one can spend 24/7 with a potential suicide victim, but with the smallest of pauses, if he or she has the plan and the desire, he or she will follow through.  The friends or loved ones left behind will be plagued with thoughts of 'if'  they were not more alert or 'if'  they could have prevented it ....

Living, indeed, takes courage and strength.  Our minds can become so isolated the lack of touch, connection, and purpose quickly fades.  The pain in desperation and the overwhelming fear of the future drains the courage to move forward.  I do not sit in judgment, and I strive to be present for those who are in shock as they are abruptly left behind.


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Unreciprocated Generosity

"Be nice to people ... maybe it'll be unappreciated,
unreciprocated, or ignored, but spread the love 
anyway.  We rise by lifting others."
Germany Kent

Three very quaint women went out to lunch to celebrate a friendship stringing across numerous years.  It was a festive occasion including wine, luscious salads, and to die for desserts.  The only distraction of the meal was the waitress.

The waitress did not present well.  She seemed fatigued and humorless.  Attempts  to engage her with humor were ignored.  She was inattentive, lacking in prompt service, and basically not present by any means. She cast a definite shadow upon the beaming friends.

When the three women left the table, one had not left a tip at all reflecting the poor service; the second left a very small tip acknowledging a job done, but poorly; and the third left a huge tip, catching the attention of the other two.  When questioned about her generosity, she explained the waitress was obviously having a terrible time and truly needed an uplifting surprise.  The other two ladies promptly returned to the table to shed more monetary blessings.  None of them knew of the outcome of their gestures, but they sure felt happy about spreading love even when unreciprocated.  

Friday, May 18, 2018

Slightest Movement of Joy

"Earth's crammed with heaven ...
But only he who sees,
takes off his shoes."
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The connection between our thoughts and what we attract in our life grows stronger.  There is increased documentation of the interrelatedness of body, mind, and spirit.  There are those who say we are what we eat and then others who say we are what we think.  Our perspective colors our vision.

If we seek goodness in others, we will find it as we extend goodness freely.  If we yearn to feel needed, we can easily extend service.  If it is love we want, there is an abundance of love in nature, art, music, friendship and family.

Seeking perfection is a fool's journey as there is no perfection to be found.  We may be awe struck by amazing beauty, but it will pass in time ... like sorrow, grief, and loss.  Our attention will broaden as we begin to see the magic around us.  We will find laughter in the slightest movement of joy.  When we call happiness, healing,and  understanding to us, we must not have it detailed and designed.  We must open our selves for the blessings of heaven to arrive in any form.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Beneath Our Feet

"Growing up is losing some illusions,
in order to acquire others."
Virginia Woolf

As a child, society reflected the illusion to never to doubt a peer.  A doctor, dentist, minister, relative or  neighbor were all superior to the child and no one cared what a child had to offer.  There would be no second guessing instructions given by any adult.  A preference of a child was not to be voiced nor demonstrated.

Illusions seemed to fall away as I began to realize that God was not an elderly grandpa man sitting up in the sky throwing sinners into hell.  The commandments made me well aware of my frailties, but as I observed, peers appeared to be not so perfect themselves.

Illusions now seem to take on the expectations of peace, health, and food for all.  The visions are filled with carpenters helping to build shelters or homes while gardeners offer an abundance of organic food.  Doctors and dentists freely tend to those most in need, and our earth reaps the benefits of conscientious living.  I cling to this illusion as the world seems to crumble beneath our feet.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Face Desired Direction

"In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me.
Everything that comes out of me is authentically me."
Virginia Satir 

There are numerous layers of authenticity, so it is not as though we are just one thing.  We are individual, but we remain complex.  What we once were may never be visited again; yet, we may enhance that particular aspect and be spectacular!  Being authentic does not infer we are cloned in any certain way.

The pulsing necessity is searching inward to discover what really excites and inspires.  With that in mind, we turn back to the outer world discovering just where those parts of us can be stimulated.  Our energy will flow more fluently when we are facing the desired direction.

How will we recognize a pivotal opportunity unless we are nurturing possibility?  The point is not to be narrowly focused and missing a creative landscape of adventure.   When we have a larger canvass we can expand ideas while experimenting with a wild array of color.  Fortune is sometimes in the midst of accidentally blended color rather than single brushes of  primary color.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Wisdom, Not Currency

"Modern man still is anxious and tempted to surrender his freedom 
to dictators of all kinds, or to lose it by transforming himself 
into a small cog in the machine, well fed, and well clothed, 
yet not a free man but an automaton."
Erich Fromm

As one grows older, perspective changes and the view master expands landscapes.  Things once important fall away and replacements may be valued in wisdom and not so much in currency.  The concept of abundance extends bringing a sense of balance to our so called wealth.

Once we craved objects beyond our reach or quests beyond our means that are now lost in memory.  Our reach eventually becomes extended to the stars in the sky or to the hand of a child. Yearning for duplication of body mind and spirit is replaced by creativity leading us within.  Visualization brings forth dreams, hope, and joy.  

When we are young, we minimize the natural beauty of the world.  When we are older and less intense, our minds are filled with the colorful intricacies of the world; we enjoy a connectedness; and we are often times highly inspired to become more of our authentic selves.

Monday, May 14, 2018

How Can I Serve?

"We are at a crossroads.  We can continue on the path we have been on
in this nation that privileges profit over people and land; or we can unite
as citizens with a common cause ... the health and wealth of the Earth 
that sustains us."
Terry Tempest Williams
The voice is calling to all of us, and it is discouraging that many who hear really aren't listening or do not care enough to follow through.  My career focused on seeing, accepting, and assisting those who were falling on challenging times or completely broken.  Colleagues banned together to not only help professionally, but to personally give extra time, food, and clothing.

There are those who scorn on this population I served stating they could get jobs and better themselves.  I believe this comment is made so the individual can excuse his or her self from reaching out to help.  When those who feel they are 'better than'  sit down and truly listen to just one family social history, understanding dawns and one cannot help but ask, "How can I serve?"

My concern is not only with those who are suffering, but for those who are randomly raping Mother Earth.  We are stripping her of natural habitats and creating filth in our God given waters.  We are contaminating food supplies with chemicals and polluting the very air we breathe.  We are breeding violence and hatred ...   Let us hear the voice that calls us to corrective action and restore the sacredness of life to all peoples.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Painful Day of the Year

"Mother's Day can be one of the
most emotionally painful 
days of the year."
Virginia Carlson

Keeping perspective can be challenging when we are bombarded by expectations for Mother's Day that are simply impossible and unrealistic for many women.   There are those who yearn to have children, but cannot conceive; there are those who conceive, but cannot provide; and there are children who have been taken by disease or miscarriage.  There are mothers who are separated from their children due to geographical locations or monetary conflict, or family dysfunction.

Words in our view about mothers are: strong, loving, devoted, inspiring, self-sacrificing, encouraging,  and nurturing.  How do these words impact the orphaned, abused, or misplaced adult child?  There are those who successfully turn their focus to celebrating their own motherhood and dismissing history with the family of origin.  Even as they celebrate success with their own children there is still angst in being saturated by the media.

Forgiveness comes into play as well as healing.  In processing our past, it is easier to move through the unrealistic expectations, but the over kill of the supermom gets under the skin.   It is my belief that the imposed image of a supermom does harm to the very naturalistic responses children crave.  I have this strong urge to comfort those who will be hurting in memory of their losses or of never receiving gain.  I would prefer to honor all women who generously mother children of the world.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Thresholds to Solitude

"It is wise in your own life to be able to recognize and acknowledge the 
key thresholds:  to take your time; to feel all varieties of presence that 
accrue  there; to listen inward with complete attention until you hear 
the inner voice calling you forward.  The time has come to cross"
John O'Donohue

Apartment buildings often have metal fire escapes attached on the side.  The intention is for people to use these multitude of iron steps to seek safety if the apartment is on fire.  An apartment dweller would freakishly descend the rickety contraption in hopes of safety.

We all have a mental fire escape in the back of our minds.  It may be used to flee family discord or withdraw from trauma.  We may also have a deliberate  route to escape if we need to physically remove ourselves.  

Memories of fire escapes in the city, bring to mind individuals crawling out of an apartment window to sit outside for fresh air.  Utilizing thresholds are important while seeking guidance and Divine connection. A discovered passage way assists us in reaching the solitude where the quiet voice calls us forward.  

Friday, May 11, 2018

The Girl Who Keeps on Giving

"I'll love you and I will
until the end of time."
Danielle Steel

My last and fourth child was predesignated to be named Andrew, except the baby was a girl born on Mother's Day.  The surprise of birthing a daughter overwhelmed me.  I knew how to raise my three boys, but there was not an instruction booklet attached to my daughter.

The greatest gift a mother can receive is a child, but when the child grows into a special spirit, she is truly a blessing.  Learning together and strengthening bonds never to be broken, two hearts face the wonderment of life.

My lovely daughter unfolded before my eyes with intelligence, compassion, and a drive for purpose.  She maintained and developed the gifts of listening, processing, and guiding.  She respected the privacy of others, and held criticism only for her self.  Now professor/therapist, loving wife and exceptional parent, this young woman has touched my heart in ways that will be remembered throughout eternity.  Happy Birthday my daughter ... the gift that keeps on giving!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Wild Child, Birthday


"But I can hardly sit still.  I keep fidgeting, 
crossing one leg and then the other.  I feel
like I could throw off sparks or break a 
window ... maybe rearrange all the furniture."
Raymond Carver

All four of my children are very individualistic, and yet reflect similarities.  My second son was a wild child in my belly throughout the nine months of pregnancy.  He was born into this world with a sense of wonderment, but a distrust of the outside world.  He was constant motion, rarely needing to rest.

Within the family, he bounced off walls keeping the atmosphere spiked with energy.  He was a trickster and challenger, but of those he loved, he loved well.  With eyes so big and blue, he observed everything and everyone.  Nothing got passed him and he retained sorrow within his limited understanding of the world.  Outsiders would see him as a child who never smiled.

This wild child of mine would grow into a very successful man, a loving husband and proud father.  Still unable to articulate the depth of his soul, he teases to show affection and listens with a compassionate heart.  This son, he was so easy to nurture but so difficult to release.  I still yearn to draw him near and get lost in his unspoken projections. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

One World, One Nation

"Embrace who you are and your divine purpose. Identify
the barriers in your life, and develop discipline, courage
and the strength to permanently move beyond them, and
keep moving forward."
Germany Kent

As we allow our light to shine inward, we begin to realize there are numerous parts to ourselves as well as shadows and barriers.  When we embrace the concept of being multi-sided like a crystal, our core swells with energy.

The more light we bring to our hidden parts, the stronger our light becomes.  We gain courage and willingness to accept and embrace all shards of glass previously fallen into dark crevices.  We learn to acknowledge we are capable of achieving many things and the goal is to bring forth the best of all parts.

When we truly see our core, accepting human error and unmastered challenges, the world opens up to us and we begin to see the dynamics of all people, places, and things.  When our light shines on the existing world, we experience a connectedness and attract experiences to enhance our sense of one world, one nation.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Who Originally Cast The Words

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal
with the intent of throwing it at someone else;
you are the one who gets burned."
Gautama Buddha

My friend, a woman scorned, was frothing at the mouth with anger, fire and rage.  Her breath was short and her face contorted as she stormed back and forth in her unnaturally rigid body.  I sat quietly, listening to her story over and over, realizing she would never hear anything I might say.

When this woman had her feelings squelched, she lost all sense of self.  She allowed the unkind words to strike her confidence down, diminish her core, and badly bruise her ego.  In time she was simply wallowing in self-pity.  As her friend, it was difficult to watch, but I knew in my heart she was not yet ready to heal.

As long as we give power to ill spoken words, we will not move on.  By dwelling on hurtful utterances, we forget our own ability to not be sucked in by others negativity.  When we remember who we are ... goodness, compassion, love ... we are able to step away, acknowledging the pain truly belongs to the one who originally cast the words and we can do nothing about it ... except to let go.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Submission and Resistance

"Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love.  We melt
into another world, a realm of power already within us.  The world changes
when we change, the world softens when we soften.  The world loves you
when we choose to love the world.
Marianne Williamson

Surrendering has always been an obstacle for me.  My resistance ran extremely high for years well into adulthood.  When one begins to play with words, the word surrender shifts in meaning.  It the most narrow sense, it means to abandon, to relinquish, to buckle under or to throw in the towel.  I was unable to relate to any of these concepts.

When I was finally empowered to see beyond the concept of submission, I was able to open my self to experience the gifts, talents, and wisdom of others without fear of losing my very existence.  The word submission was broadened to mean, "Please guide me and I will follow."  I had to be strong enough to let go without fear of losing what I had worked so hard to create.

I no longer have the extent of resistance I used to maintain.  Joining or entering in with the Divine has expanded my inner realms to enable joining with others which enhances my essence.  The need for barriers or protection lessens as we stand stronger in our own shadow.  Love becomes the password to overcome the negative of submission, and to fully experience our power within.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Predetermined Outcomes

"Expand and extend yourself to effectively fulfill purpose."
Sunday Adelaja

It appears to be contradictory to begin expansion and extension by downsizing.  To make room for new ideas or routines, something has got to give.  So out with the old and in with the new?  It is from this starting point we often get delayed.

We can get caught up in the initial step of elimination.  Attempting to revamp our life may feel overwhelming and so we give up at the very beginning ... there is always tomorrow, right?  When life feels dull, jot down things you used to do and question whether or not the action needs to be let go or reinstated.  If the routine is not stimulating or does not have space for opportunity, make minor adjustments.  

Expansion is far more creative if we take our time and be mindful of what we are adding or subtracting.  If we add things slowly, we can be more aware if it is just filling space or inspiring new behavior.  We can enjoy each forward movement, advancing as though it were an adventure. Be more aware of signs along the path and leave room for an unexpected insight.  If we narrowly focus on predetermined outcomes, we  miss the unexpected aspects of delight sprinkled down by the Divine. 

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Tell Me More


"Nodding your head, saying 'yeah, yeah' and pretending
to know things you don't ... "
Loren Weisman

Often, we find ourselves in situations we either have not heard correctly or find the comment confusing. The appropriate immediate response would be to ask for the information to be repeated or clarified.  We are hesitant to do this out of fear of appearing stupid or being judged incompetent. 

Miscommunication occurs when we are out of our depth or out of step with the discussion.  The longer we wait to interject our need to catch up, the more off track we become.  If we don't understand or we simply forget, interject the need for more information.  

When we simply do not respond, it may be construed as lack of support or negativity.  We must speak up and request further conversation until we are on equal ground.  If we choose to remain silent, our confidence weakens and we may become defensive or argumentative.   "Tell me more," is a great way to extend the discussion, especially if the speaker is filled with passion.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Masters of Disguise

"Crying is good for the soul.  It means something needs 
to be released.  And if you don't release the something, 
it just weighs you down until you can hardly move."
Erin Entrada Kelly 

An energy worker intends to align the body, mind, and spirit.  He or she hopes to release pockets of built up emotions that interrupts the natural flow.  When we feel out of sync we are usually out of balance.  Humans are masters of disguising guilt, shame, and sorrow and excel as magicians hiding emotions from ourselves and others.

During an energy session, it is not unusual for a person to shed tears 'for no reason at all'.  It is not necessary to know why we are crying, but it is important to do our best at releasing what is pent up.  When successful, the body feels lighter and our future seems brighter.

To release what we hide can be accomplished in numerous ways.  We can express our inner discord through artistic endeavor or by treating our body to a massage.  Even a long walk in solitude ... the physical movement distracts our mind and our emotions can escape ... can renew our spirits and energize our soul.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Accurate Reporting

"Sometimes  when you  get older  ...  things you think on and
wish on start to seem real.   And then you believe them, and
before you know it they're a part of your history ... "
Sara Gruen

There is a great deal of emphasis on recreating your personal story to heal trauma.  With artistic paintings, sketches, music scores, or fictional writing,  old memories are released and pain replaced with beauty and joy.

And so what if in time, you forget and entirely believe the imaginary rewrite?  Are we then offended when another person corrects us and tells us our story is not accurate?  Is using creative correction more healing than harmful?

Our lives need balance, but adding a little creative splash can be of great comfort.  Deep inside no one entirely forgets trauma and there is power when we focus on the positive outcomes or down play the scars left behind.  Life is a process and we are the authors of our personal history.    

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Short Line Offensive

"It's not a crime to offend others; in fact, it's pretty much a natural
consequence of having diverse cultures."
PZ Myers

The store checkout line appeared to be shorter than the others so I gracefully slid over.  The woman in front of me had an adorable child in the cart who was more than simple entertainment; but, time seemed to pass more slowly. A well dressed woman got in line behind me anxiously looking at her watch.   Then an elderly woman with a wooden cane joined our line.

People in the lane across from us seemed to be zipping through like speedsters. The three of us started muttering under our breaths to each other about the hold up in our line.  One of the waiting women remarked how it wouldn't be so bad if we had something to do to make the time pass more quickly.  I innocently remarked, "Oh, I offer waiting as a small sacrifice towards the safety of children."  The two women gaped at me and immediately moved to a different line.

I meant no harm and certainly was not trying to push my silent activities upon others.  It should be no surprise our world has such a cross section of cultures. Ideally, we should be able to share our differences and discover our similarities without judgment or offense.  

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Directions for May

"And a bird overhead sang Follow,
And a bird to the right sang Here;
And the arch of the leaves was hollow,
And the meaning of May was clear,"
Algernon Charles Swinburne

As soon as I hear a bird singing a song,  my eyes will search every tree to find its location.  I will patiently watch what behavior it takes and whether or not it is alone.  Then I will once again listen for the song, silently replying that I want to belong.  Then shall sing another bird of different color and size.  I, too, will follow it with my eyes until I find it upon a perch.  Quietly, I will tell the bird and its mate that I truly mean no harm.

I will seek flowers popping up, admiring the colors and hue.  For a moment I will stand in the presence of the hard working bud to share my admiration for the joy it will bring to all of the busy humans racing by.  Pausing, I will sit on Mother Earth and feel the warmth from the sun.  I will glance towards the sky in hopes to see my favorite blue with imaginative white clouds shift-shaping in and out of form.

This I have decided:   to give up the heaviness upon my shoulders from wondering what kind of world I bequeath to my children.  I will place my lovely self away from the fear stirred by the media and refill my heart with innocent praise and appreciation. I will honor every day in May whether it brings spring rain or sunshine or moonlight wonders. I will turn to nature for nourishment of my soul.