Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Moon Realm


"You won't find the tales I bear in any books ...
My tales are from the Moon Realm."
Richard Due

While doing energy work (Reiki) on a dear one, my granddaughter, then 3 years old, unexpectedly walked into the session.  Before I could frame words, she walked next to this loved one and gently placed her hands on the body and closed her eyes.  I continued the energy work and my granddaughter repeatedly found new placement for her tiny hands upon our friend.

When my second granddaughter spent time with me, she was older and verbal.  She let me teach her how to knit, but was more interested in my tuning forks.  I let her use them around my reclined body.  She thrived on the experience and we did it often.

Since childhood, I have been fascinated by the Moon.  I have been known to watch it skim across the sky, just communicating. The honoring of the Moon came so naturally, it was easy to blend the light of the Moon with energy work.  Years of energy work led me into light realms to balance the darkness weighing heavily upon the earth.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Between Laughter and Weeping

"When one is considering the universe, it is important, 
sensible even, to try and find some balance between
laughter and uncontrollable weeping."
Ella Frances Sanders 

At times, my human body suit refuses to stretch as far as my soul wants to soar ... up into the light realms.  Imagined weightlessness, no confinement of thought, body, or mind the spirit expands away from the heaviness of the world.

Avoiding all political trash, one can dig hard enough to discover an illuminating story of someone doing good for the land, the air, or fellow beings.  The good example inspires us to do a bit of our own extended kindness, especially when anonymous.

We can release the darkened picture of the future world our grandchildren will face, and unwrap the layers of decencies forbidden to children and the elderly, and turn our vision to the sky.  For hours we can stare at the configurations in the clouds, hoping to find a sign to eliminate despair. 

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Binding is my Spine

"A book is a dream you hold in your hands."
Neil Gaiman

I have been a proud library card holder since third grade.  Imagine my delight in discovering a city building packed with books that I not only could have access to, but in addition, could bring them home ... for days!  Overly grateful, I would check out books stacked together, later realizing that a reader could pick and choose.  Thank goodness for kind librarians who eventually realized my hauntings of the library aisles were sincere.  

Understanding what kind of books I enjoyed, I was guided by these librarians which kept my pace moving constructively farther than I would have ever gone by my own searching.  Worlds were opened before me which fed my imagination and allowed awareness of true hardship and dismal living.

As life proceeded, I found myself in college libraries with interests expanding.  Non-fiction provided as much mystery and speculation as fiction, if not more.  My mind remained a sponge absorbing  documents I didn't truly understand and poetry leading me to the depths of my soul.  My spine became the binding to the book that I am.  And yes, there is still joy in holding a book in my hand, stiff spine, touching worn pages, and inhaling that old familiar book smell.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Be Vital Where You Are

"She thought about all the family secrets they held on this side of the world and
wondered what secrets her family in America kept from her, and if she would
ever learn them."
Eugenia Kim

It is not unusual for us to wonder the 'what if' of our own saga.  We may wonder where we would be today 'if only' ...  There are never any concrete answers to these speculations and they tend to alter our satisfaction with current living.

With sincere attempts to not regress into the past and to reign in obsessive future dreams, one needs to be grounded in the moment.  Just for today, I will be filled with gratitude for what is in my life.  Just in this moment I shall celebrate my blessings.  

Wishful thinking often distorts satisfaction for what we have unless in prayer we ask God or the Universe to provide what we truly need ... which is usually a far cry from what we desire. It is important to use our energy upon creating with the tools before us as, remain aware of opportunities,  and  we will naturally advance as our life unfolds.  Be diligent with gratitude and thankfulness.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Truth Be Known of Censored

  "The world is made up of stories; 
it's not made up of facts."
Rachel Naomi Remen

At some point, a person begins to speculate.  He or she may keep research hidden or quiet, but an unsettling begins to disturb the smug sense of security.  Early beliefs about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny may fall to the way side, but then rushing to the surface comes documentation regarding who really discovered America and what really happened to the natural inhabitants of our country.

Children are impressionable and usually trust the words of adults without filters or doubt.  Even if they feel a twinge of question, never would a child be rude and question what is being spoon fed to them. Unfortunately, the spinning of yarns has been practiced over decades of time.  As intelligence expanded with tools far reaching beyond the average man, censored reporting began to re-frame the truth.  

What is our truth?  The feelings resonated within our hearts are they based on actual experience, truth or fiction?  How easily we believe the media or base our position upon one side of the story!  Is our own personal history in alignment with other family members?  We have our own stories edited by experiences or filters or simply by turning our heads.  Our perceptions may have particles of truth,  but our mind tends to protect our heart.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Once Again a Warrior

"Unravel the story you tell yourself,
and discover the story you are in."
Parker J. Palmer

Weakened by loss of sleep, overwhelming emotions trigger a spiraling collapse into thoughts of being a victim.  In my mind, I slide back through time circling around all of the traumatic experiences.  Life can be harsh and then I feel totally out of control.

It is only when I can strip this script from myself that I can quietly sit in stillness wrapped in the present moment with intentional breath.  Then I can see the present just as it is and healthy actions come to mind.  Action moving forward pulls me out of victim hood and into the power I have always had.

To remove all drama and view reality, the question becomes "What is the lesson?"  Parallels from past experiences present themselves and the path I need to follow opens.  I willingly follow the light for once again I am a warrior in control of my plight.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Be Driven by Curiosity to Understand

"Live your life with the will,
to understand life."
Jonathan Anthony Burkett

As both nature and humans mirror lessons, it is important to have a sense of what our life is really about.  Surely there is more to this existence than education, family, career, and death.  While it is vitally important to grasp what is inside of us, what makes us tick, it is also necessary to develop a sense of what life is trying to tell us.

Retaining pure gratitude for the life we have been given and being thankful for our blessings, we bridge our inner and external lives.  How we perceive the community around us, impacts our own perceptions of self.  Utilizing curiosity with positive expectations, helps to develop an open heart.

Upon developing a positive relationship with ourselves, we then turn to see how we can blend into the big picture.  Search until we resonate with parts of the outer world and attempt to string them together.  By matching our inner dreams with opportunities out in the world, we form an alliance that supports a life of balance.  It takes effort, diligence, and courage which are qualities we all can achieve.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Out of Our Hands

"I'm just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh Lord,
don't let me be misunderstood."
Neil Gaiman

Good intentions and structured follow through help us to deliver support to those we perceive as being in need.  We determine an offering that is in alignment with what we have to share.  Even with certainty of our goal, our efforts can be misunderstood.

We tend to back off from our original thought of reaching out.  We talk ourselves out of our imagined plan for fear of being criticized or misunderstood.  As time lapses and we do nothing, we are critical of our selves which is totally contradictory of our original plan.  

If we become aware of someone who has needs whether emotional or physical, an intention surfaces and without further consideration, we need to follow through.  We go with our reaction and with good intention we deliver our support.  Our responsibility ends there.  We leave feeling good to have honored our selves and the rest is out of our hands.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Touch Me, Hear Me, See Me ...Mantra of a Human

"Loneliness does not necessarily equal physical solitude, it is the
inability to be oneself and rightfully represented as oneself."
Criss Jami

Loneliness can be present in the midst of a crowd.  Laughter and conversation may surround us, but even if we engage our inner awareness screams of not being fully seen.  There are times we may feel like we rotate through life, showing various sides of oneself with few seeing us in totality.

When we are not seen in our wholeness, a loneliness exists.  We may be an active parent, steadfast company rep or a part of a large social scene; but, if we are not seen for who we are underneath all of our labels, a loneliness persists.

Human beings have basic needs ... to be touched, to be heard, to be seen.  We are not fulfilled when we are just one line subtracted from a lovely poem.  We sincerely want the entire poem to be heard.  To truly touch the hearts of others, we develop a way to present ourselves authentically in every situation we encounter.  When we are seen in totality, we are no longer lonely.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wandering the Periphery

"They are so caught up in their happiness that they don't realize
I am not really a part of it.  I am wandering the periphery."
David Levithan

My astrological sign is Cancer ... the moon child ... which blesses me with double doses of emotion and perceptions that run deeper than the skin.  I do not just observe a person, I feel a frequency or vibration connecting beyond normal depths.  Navigating through life I find wearing workbooks ground  me better than  tottering on high heels.

In stillness, I try to listen to what is being said and what is being avoided.  I try to reflect statements back to the speaker using similar words.  It is helpful to bring clarity to reality.  The most obvious problem can be repressed and it may take numerous attempts to bring light into the dark.  

I eventually become a by stander as people then move on with his or her life.  While a person moves forward, my work boots lead to the periphery where I need to let go.      It seems I am destined to only share a portion in the life of another, although the connection may remain forever.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hastily Return to Solitude

"Never underestimate the social awareness and sense of 
reality in a quiet person; they are some of the most observant, 
absorbent persons of all."
Criss Jami

Once an extrovert, I am now more of a hermit wandering through nature with critters, wildflowers and trees.  Knowledge I once gained through conversation now seems to arrive within a whisper of the wind.  The sense of wholeness can be felt by observing a bird gently soaring across the sky.  

Magic at one time meant all things festive and slick card tricks.  Now I witness magical moments in the transformation of people shifting to higher perspectives.  I experience joy to see a kindred spirit connecting  the dots of life and finally seeing the big picture.  

Once I explored the outer banks of life and now I treasure quiet time to travel into the inner world.   Imagination paints glorious images and the unspoken word comforts my soul.  As I move through the noises of the outer world, I am inclined to hastily return to solitude ... not in loneliness but to experience the  true sense of just being.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Voice Seeks A Confidant

"...the worst kind of loneliness in the world is the
isolation that comes from being misunderstood."
Dan Brown

At the time we are trying to explain our lovely selves to others, they often quit listening and place their focus on the response they are going to offer us.  The problem with this is they have heard only a portion of our disclosure so the response misses the mark.  

Personal strength is called upon and confidence in the listener is needed as well.  If the person we are speaking to is eager to make our pain go away, they stray from listening to formulate an uplifting response.  We must choose our listener with care or the results can be harmful.

Isolation occurs when we are neither heard nor seen. Earlier in my life, I was filled with harmful memories preventing me from moving forward.  Ashamed by the necessity to expose my self, my garbage flowed upon my trusted mate.  When I spewed the last of the vile poison, I glanced at my partner for his feedback ... he was sound asleep.  

Monday, August 19, 2019

Next Person Coming Down the Road

"Though we tremble before uncertain futures
may we meet illness, death and adversity with strength
may we dance in the face of our fears."
Gloria E. Anzaldua

As a gift, the world has blessed me with folks who faced illness followed by death with great strength and grace.  These few were not angry with the world and despondent upon their time left on earth.  It seemed they were more concerned about the family and loved ones who wept around them.

There was one particular woman who was aware of the days counting down, so she found a pen and masking tape to mark all of the dishes as to what child or granddaughter the item would be left.  Another gave away all of her possessions to shelters.  A favorite story teller of mine, rapidly wrote out his ancestors history and then included either a touching or  humorous story about each  family member.

These examples touched my heart and pointed me in the direction of individuals who  have meant the absolute world to me. It has become a favorite pass time of mine to have a distinctive conversation with an unknowing person as they rarely ever know the depth of their wisdom.  I want all of them to know they were humble and purposeful human beings who always paved the way to be just a little bit better for the next person to come down the road.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Attempts to Understand Miraculous Hearts and Souls

"She wondered if her being abandoned by her blood mother
had this kind of lasting effect ... a constant search for an identity
that was both secret and forever lost to her, but somehow 
known in the heart."
Eugenia Kim

My educational exploration in the fields of Psychology and Sociology no doubt were to help my self understand how layers of life restraints and constrictions alter our authentic perspective from a very early age.  An anxious unborn baby senses mood alterations, fear, and joy while in the womb.  An infant screams when it does not know when the next feeding will be or how long before they are lovingly held again. And then when birth parents or hospital staff and everything familiar is lost, how is this translated to these tiny human beings.

The conflicts are many as we attempt to understand.  Were we deliberately left behind and if so was it something we said or did?  Are we not lovable or do we not look right?  The idea of tracking birth parents surfaces.  The search takes courage to run the risk of learning of the truth.  Even the bits of pieces we know, have they been altered for us to adjust more easily?

We enter a portion of life where we want to know who or what we want to become or achieve, and yet the void of not knowing who we were at birth contributes to our yearnings for a complete composite.  Through extended inner work, forgiveness, and healing, our awareness grows of our true nature.  In the end, it is all about unconditionally loving that face in the mirror and accepting our worth as miraculous heats and souls.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

It Has Taken A Life Time

"I have already lost touch with a couple
of people I used to be."
Joan Didion

As I gaze back across my life, I count my blessings for the saints and angels who acted as guides during my challenges and wanderings.  My gypsy blood led me through many states and countries, but always found perfect places to reside.

I cannot choose a favorite chapter from in my book of life, as I discover a balance of mystery, enchantment and yearning repeatedly spread across the pages.  The back stories are not as impressive as the individuals who have shared, taught, and healed me during weaker passages.

It has taken a life time to expand into a sense of personal fullness.  Writing has been my salvation since childhood years, as well as reading.  My curiosity about human beings and the kindness of choices has made life worth while.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Those Who Are Bookmarks ...

"One day you will ask me which is more important?
My life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk
away not knowing that you are my life.
Khalil Gibran

The interior of life greatly differs from one person to the next.   We have our own memories, and even shared memories are recorded differently.  There are family histories we hold within, but they too have been altered over time.

Our inner strength is impacted by how we perceive physical challenges, mental limitations, and spiritual disconnect.  Efforts are made to maintain momentum moving forward, but forces distract us from our guided path.  When it is all said and done and life is slipping away, what will remain in our heart?

Family members and children rank highly in our last thoughts, and perhaps an image of a favorite vacation.  Beauty, art, talent might rise, but what will be exceptionally significant?  For me, those who have been book marks in the many chapters of my life will prevail ... and sadly,  probably unbeknownst to them.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Nature is Calling ...


"Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength ...
carrying two days at once.  It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time."
Corrie Ten Boom

The summer is coming to an end and beckons numerous individuals back into routine and schedule.  We begin imagining our transition and inevitably, anxiety begins to creep across our skin while tension takes residence in our neck.  There are actions we can take to avoid nervous jitters, and worrisome thoughts.

As an example, a young woman stepped out of her role as wife, mother and professional by heading for the woods.  She climbed the park trail then advanced to the more challenging hike through the midst of trees.   Twice, she spotted a pair of deer ... symbolizing gentle luring to new adventures.  This inspired her to freshly return to the forthcoming changes of fall.

Nature uplifts our spirits, refreshes our thoughts, and offers quiet to hear inner callings.  It is up to each individual facing an element of change, (whether the children are leaving for college or we face professional or personal adjustment) to remain in the moment by using nature as support. At least kick off our shoes to stand barefoot in the grass for restoration  rather than tapping into tomorrow's stash of energy.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Destined To Use Our Power

  • "Aliveness is choosing to make a practice of waking up 
    and showing up in my real life, in my own skin, 
    in the moment at hand, with my own voice."
    Gretchen TenBrook

    Walk with me just for a moment, through this passageway where I have placed  a multitude of pictures displaying the use of power.  Seriously, look at these imaginary pictures where we are  using the height of our imagination.

    Come on, see your self climbing mountains, swimming up stream, delving into ancient history or inventing scientific tools.  Creativity is painted on our inner walls waiting for us to project insights, daydreams or knowings gifted to us and waiting..

    Begin to give voice to what resides inside beckoning movement forward. What would happen if you actually followed through?  Is there nothing there?  Are you sure?  It takes awareness to embrace an idea, the voice to bring it into reality, and the follow through for recognition. We are destined to use our power for more than what we have already accomplished.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Patches in the Mist

"Like a small boat adrift in the fog, she caught glimpses
during patches when the mist cleared of a world far away,
in which everything was changing."
Ruth Ozeki

In order to adjust a schedule or a design, we must alter a factor.  The same is true for changing an attitude or an opinion.  A shift is required in order to stimulate movement.  If everything stays the same, there will be no change.

Whether a change in our life is negative or positive, the shift allows for something new unless we repeat existing behaviors.  We must take action to gain momentum towards our expectations.  No matter how greatly we resist, we have the choice to alter our life.

In a slump of depression or in the heights of passion, we may catch a glimpse of an illusion portraying how life could be.  Oh how our heart yearns to capture such bliss!  Too often, we let the creative idea slip away, not wanting to change.  Fear stunts our creativity and shuts the door to our progress.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Words Sprout and Grow

"The voice of beauty speaks softly; it creeps only into 
the most fully awakened souls."

Words are coming straight towards us ... first let us set fear and defenses to the side and secondly, broaden our receptive filters and simply listen.  If these words do not resonate, simply let them go.  If the words are upsetting, then determine why.  Words often come at us to shake out stagnant thinking.

We may feel a certain way about something until we are challenged.  Hearing a different perspective helps us to question and speculate. Even if we disagree, it is interesting to discover how differently we view our existence.

The importance of using our words is multi-purposed.  We are able to actually hear what we are saying and wonder if we still really hold those words to be true.  As we share our thoughts out loud they reinforce our confidence.  The exiting part of spreading our words is they become seeds in someone's mind which will later sprout and grow.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Without Uttering a Word

"Sometimes the things that are felt the most 
are expressed between two souls over the distance
and over time ... where no words abide."
C. JoyBell C.

Water takes on many forms and brings comfort to all peoples.  Our bodies require an intake of water, and showering our bodies can wash away stress from the day.  Water boils food or creates steam for many cooking, cleansing, or warming purposes.  Water also has a magical element of connection whether we are submerged in an ocean, teasing a tide with our toes or simply listening to the sound of waves.

Memories run parallel to the functions of water.  They can bring comfort, required for daily functioning, and an escape from reality.  Both can startle by serendipitously splashing against us.  Both sudden memories and water can turn us towards laughter or tears of sadness.

We can be triggered instantaneously without a single word.  The touch of a rain drop upon our face can remind us of a gentle kiss whereas a rising flood can threaten life.  Memories or water can knock us flat without uttering a word.  

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Blood, Sweat. and Tears

"Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress:
Working hard for something we love is called passion."
Simon Sinek

Once upon a time, futures were predetermined and individuals were moved on a conveyor belt towards expectations of the family.  Girls went to school to find a husband and if they received an education it was a bonus. Boys went to school to learn steps to carry on the family business whether farming, banking or teaching.  Whether attracted to the field or not, one followed the expectations of others.

Today, education is much more aligned to the skills or abilities of the student.  There are far more choices to be made and often times one can change a major in mid-course.  There is also a percentage of students who never enter their chosen field. Flexibility is a major in itself.

The future is the great unknown so preparation can be challenging.  What is vitally important is to remain open, to maintain an awareness for opportunities that synchronicity presents in life.  This is especially true if there is no passion in the work presently invested in.  If one is going to offer sweat, blood, and tears, it ought to be for a life choice filling days with meaning and not stress.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Apathy of Human Beings

"Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found
no remedy for the worst of them all ...
the apathy of human beings."
Helen Keller

In this changing world, indifference appears to be socially acceptable.  "I don't care," is a choice; whereas, a current event not even being on the radar is apathetic.  Apathy towards the poor, the oppressed or medically unattended is appalling.   Indifference towards climate change, politics or religion is a step away from human kindness.  Simple awareness of the plight of others strengthens the sense of worldly connections.

To not have a preference requires some level of understanding; but to be apathetic displays the total lack of consideration sometimes to the self and often towards the world.  A narcissist deeply cares about his or her self, but is apathetic towards the back lash to others.  A brutally traumatized person can become apathetic as they emotionally withdraw into isolation as wounds numb them.  An individual who simply does not care easily becomes a pawn.

In today's society, one can become fearful of worldly, community or family violence.  We must choose to not live in fear.  We may also choose to not take active part in solution finding; but just by being a human being there needs to be at least some level of caring.  If apathy takes predominance over human kindness, history will be repeating itself once again.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Joy of Anonymous Giving

"There is no greater gift than that of giving of one's time and energy
to help others, without expecting anything in return."
Purls of Wisdom posted a film by the Green Renaissance entitled, "Purls of Wisdom".   The most gentle woman was addressing the ability to give for the sake of giving without expectation of reward.  Her outlook was simple and contagious.

"The Purls of Wisdom" ignited the sense of joy in the act of giving.  No matter how creative or how boring we find ourselves to be, we can at least think of one thing to offer.  Maybe this will trigger some intentions:  

Favorite book left in a public restroom;  
Pick flowers from yard, place in jar of water, leave on random porch;
Unearth the old fan from the garage, anonymously place it on a porch where needed; 
Ask a neighboring teen to mow grass or clean windows giving a reward; 
Make cookies or lemonade for children playing outside; 
Play piano for nursing home; 
Rock babies in hospital; 
Read to the blind; 
Knit scarves or hats to be left outside for others this winter; 
Volunteer options are endless, unique surprises memorable.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Even Your Enemies

"You cannot confine your benevolence to your own group;
you must have concern for everybody ... even your enemies."
Karen Armstrong

Our lives would be quite different if we had been offered compassion for the challenges we faced, failed, or conquered during our lifetime.  Imagine being 'heard' or 'seen' when lost in the sea of emotions, bobbing around in tumultuous waters consumed with uncontrollable fear.

It is not a desire to have a person fix us or to assume our lesson.  It is the need to be understood and to be listened to.  When we are given the opportunity to regurgitate our sorrow, we become an empty vessel to begin to heal once again.

If we allow our selves to be present, to truly listen without judgment, we are offering an individual the opportunity to learn.  Why not embrace the whole, to correct mishaps as it happens rather than allow poor choices to build into hazardous reactions.  This is not about condoning or approving lesser than actions, but about seeing each other in an environment of learning.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

I Don't Know What Got Into Me ...

"We must find the place within where things have been muted and give
that a voice.  Until those things are spoken, no truth can find its way forward."
Toko-pa Turner

Repressed emotions discolor our perspectives and alter our responses.  This creates disharmony with our thoughts, actions and deeds.  Feelings we hold in become a stock pile and the smallest trigger can unleash old garbage full force at an inappropriate moment. 

Unresolved emotional pain from the past can cause us to heighten our boundaries to keep our selves protected from future harm. This sounds like a good intention, but the wall we build keep out the good experiences as well as harmful. When a scenario repeats itself, we may project reactions from the past upon the present which may be entirely wrong. This disallows us from growing whole.

When we remain balanced through awareness of the life surrounding us, we feel a stronger connection with our lovely selves and with others.  When our body, mind. and spirit are aligned, we do not simply react, we make better choices and face challenge from a healthier viewpoint.  We are less likely to make statements such as:  I don't know what got into me..."

Monday, August 5, 2019

Road Maps Nor the Moon

I hear my song at last,
and I sing it. As we sing
the day turns, the trees move.
Wendell Berry

Loving Kindness Meditations are helping to corral my thoughts, and allow my fragmented body to be still.  With self-compassion I turn inward listening for the voice to guide me home.  It is a difficult task.

My thirst is not quenched by water nor my need for connection completed by touch.  There is this silent yearning moving my presence deeper within.  Road maps do not apply nor the position of the moon.  

It is a gentle non-physical movement guiding me forward outside of time or space.  As I trust, leaving all perceptions behind me, non-existence explodes before me.  In my mind's eye there is an all consuming radiance resonating within my soul.  And then I begin to hear my song ...

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Rise Above the Human Self


"The lure of becoming is the women's journey to discover higher
usefulness.  If as if the earth herself is calling you to evolve to help
in the time of breakdown and breakthrough, and most important 
of all, it is the higher nature in yourself that has rise to fill you
with new capacities and new ways of being."
Jean Houston
(Claire Zammit Women's Visionary Leadership)

John Campbell is articulate about The Hero's Journey, and Jean Houston is very descriptive about the Heroine's Journey.  She believes a woman is lured to discover her higher usefulness.  When things are falling down around us, women are called to fill themselves with creative living.

Jean Houston challenges us to rise out of where we happen to be to evolve in helpful ways. She attempts to push us out of stagnant waters onto higher ground.  What's that? You don't have time?  Perhaps, that is the problem, we make time for everyone but our lovely selves.

It is vital for our lives to have a slot of time to enhance our inner creativity.  There are endless physical ways ... a quick jog, yoga stretches, barefooted on grass ... and there are numerous mental ways ... visualization, meditation, creative expression.  Please find at least 5 minutes to address the higher self as it is as important if not more important than the human self.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Dreams Applied to Self

"Dreams are not about prosaic themes, not about reading, 
writing and arithmetic, but about emotion."
Rosalind Cartwright

Dreams reflect emotions earlier experienced in the day and may be amplified by stored memories of similar experiences.  Nocturnal information tends to be towards the negative side as it is what we normally minimize or ignore.

Negativity comes up in dreams to give us another chance of resolve.  It is a tool used to bring balance back to our emotions.  When we awaken from an upsetting dream, it is important to sift through it to discover an area needing resolve.

Try to remember ...  the people we dream about may just be symbols and not representing themselves in particular.  If we can identify who was in our dream and then understand what they represent, the dream will begin to unravel.  How do these actions relates to our own story.  Take a few minutes to explore as the emotions are generally the ones suppressed.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Overcoming Fear For Forward Movement

"When we're afraid, we lose all sense of analysis and reflection.
Our fear paralyzes us.  Besides, fear has always been a driving
force behind all dictator's repression."
Marjane Satrapi

The Green Belt Movement was founded by Wangari Maathai (1940-2011) who was the first African American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.  She promoted "ecologically viable social, economic and cultural development.  By empowering women to become active in social change 30 million trees were planted.  Although she helped defeat Kenya's corrupt president, she was beaten and imprisoned multiple times in her efforts to blaze a new path to ecological resilience.  

There appeared to be a strong connection between the nation's welfare and healing the broken relationship between economy and ecology.  Maathai's passion for change was met with strong resistance from the president who pitted tribe against tribe to utilize isolation to defeat her cause.  Wangari Maathai succeeded in her efforts by building a bridge over the separation by offering tree saplings as peace offerings.

When we are persistent in our cause, no matter how great or small, we will experience forward movement even if it is simple baby steps.  Dominating leaders throughout history have tried to manipulate by using fear and isolation.  It is through the efforts of joined compassion and kindness in spite of deception and persecution that change prevails.