Saturday, July 31, 2021

Smiles As A Languge

"Everyone smiles in the same language."
George Carlin

Not wearing a mask is a joyful experience for me as I love to gaze into the faces of others.  The eyes are my favorite, but the position of the mouth reflects attitude.  The simple act of smiling instantly prompts a shift in attitude, seemingly waking the other person's attention.

My four year old grandson asks why I smile at people I don't know.  After revisiting the rules of "STRANGER DANGER", I explained that it was a way of honoring and respecting other human beings.  We don't have to know someone to be kind. 

Our world is filled with fear and division.  We will not find peace if we continue to distance life from each other.  By sharing a smile, we can impact others.  We project a positive energy by this simple language understood by all.


Friday, July 30, 2021

Intimate Connection


"Trying new things is the only way you're
going to learn what your passions are."
Lauren Skonieczny

Entering new scenarios, I begin to notice surfacing insecurities.  Very old issues once over come, begin taking new life.  Gone is my long established comfort zone, unaligned by what I am feeling and distanced by swerving from my norm.  Emotional triggers begin to upset me.

We have to change in order to stretch and grow.  Entering new arenas, exchanging with strangers we discover the odd sense of not being known. My conversation appears to be too intense and my observations are not coddled in trust.

It is a temptation to step back, surrounding my lovely self with authors, poets, and art.  The desire to build new bridges may have been premature.  As I have never been a risk taker, I question why I am pushing ... the underlying dream for intimate connection.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Embracing Friend or Foe

"It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies,
but even more to stand up to your friends."
J.K. Rowling

Confrontation from our enemies is usually anticipated.  We do not necessarily seek support from those who have previously judged us.  The criticism from friends is not usually expected.  To be in a friend's face, we are probably hurting esteem in addition to crippling criticism of theory or project.

Through hate or insecurities, we are likely to unleash judgment that appears to be over the top.  My expectations of friends consists of treating each other with honor and respect.  It is important whom we choose as friends.  There is no need to gather a support system of those not deserving of trust. 

I have been blessed by friends who are interested in my evolvement.  When they do not understand or disagree, they ask questions and delve deeper. We support each other while expressing our personal opinion without using words that harm.  When I am honest with others, I tend to believe they will also be honest with me.  It is all about the chosen structure of a nurturing relationship.


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Inner and Outer

"Every person we meet can effect us profoundly,
just as every situation we find ourselves in,
can teach us something new."
Daily Om 

Curiosity has driven me straight into life changing scenarios.  My quest for learning about diversity has introduced me to paths that seemed to just unfold.  My spiritual pursuits led me to understand a larger picture of life, existence, and connection.

Revisiting my journey, I can understand how harmful experiences ultimately stretched my understanding, even though difficult at the time.  A positive belief that we are not alone floundering like fish out of water, reminds us of strength built by faith, synchronicty or blessings.  

If we close our selves off, we too easily become stuck. When we hide out of fear, we miss stimulating occurrences or sparks of magic.  Retreats on the inner and Quests on the outer, trigger new thoughts or ideas as distractions are minimal.  While we are willing to be still, life freely flows through us.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

A Threatening Word ...

"Hatred was an addictive emotion, and it thrived
best with frequent injections."
Glendy Vanderah

Hatred...what a threatening word.  It churns up uncensored reactions and becomes addictive in the midst of gathered angry people.  Even extremely religious or political advocates can be sucked into negative action, by posturing themselves above others.

Reprograming was necessary to accept those who spoke, dressed or thought differently than me. If I wanted others to allow my preferences, I must learn to respect differing views.  There seems to be strength in various peoples working together while embracing diversity.

We are all souls, but have differing levels of evolving. The fact that we are human beings indicates that we are here to learn through the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I desire others to live the best that they can be, as I learn through their example.  We all need to raise the bar, to stretch into spiritual ways of living, being kind to nature, animals, and all living things.


Monday, July 26, 2021

Turn the Page

"Girls, you've got to know when
it's time to turn the page."
Tori Amos

Years ago, I was reading a reference that claimed nursery rhymes were written as hidden political opposition.  I then turned to fairytales which portrayed very unrealistic outcomes.  Why are we so misled, deliberately, when development is challenging on its own?

My generation of females were taught it was a waste to further education as the goal was to be married, have children, and live inspired by house work and cooking.  I was programed to believe that a male would come and rescue me, as individual woman could never achieve inspiration on her own.

Fear induced control came from parents, church, and patriarchal brain washing. I found my lovely self aligning with Jesus as he welcomed all people, forgave everyone, and said we were one.  To my delight I discovered Eastern Cultures focusing on equality ... ah the freedom!  It is imperative to listen to many voices, to create an awareness of when it is time to turn the page.


Sunday, July 25, 2021

Still Human ...

"So much past inside my present."

The misconception that all of my lessons would be played out as I aged, has left me discouraged.  The experts advise to leave the past behind, but how can anybody do this when lessons continue to surface? I sincerely believe I have fully addressed old trauma until it it shows up as darkness, once again.

I have emptied my baggage, healed my wounds, and live comfortably with my scars.  I have cleansed both my inner and outer so many times, I should be raw.  I have engaged in ways to renew and recharge, but approaches seem to dwindle.  

Walking on hot coals of fire, I envisioned a  purging of all personal darkness.  Through energy work, I  leniently forgave others and begged for forgiveness of my own thoughtless actions. Using hypnotherapy, I endeavored to reprogram any old patterns.  And yet, here I am ... still human after all.  

Saturday, July 24, 2021

A Moment Releases Depth

"Align with Source and the Forces of Light."
"Daniel Scranton

Try not to struggle and push to move too quickly through experiences.  Within each happening in our lives, even stillness, there is much to be heard, witnessed, and understood.  It is when we slow down and open our mind to our thoughts, words, and deeds, that we begin to experience the richness of life.

If we can increase our alignment with all things, we can sense a presence that supports us in body, mind, and spirit.  We no longer feel alone or isolated.  As we group our resources together, we have a stronger front to embrace the world.

We have no control, except for our lovely selves, so focus on what opportunities in life present themselves.  Be brave and embrace not always knowing what the results will be.  Be in 'it' to experience the present moment and not upon what it shall bring.


Friday, July 23, 2021

Message Arrives


"Get in touch with your inner guidance."
Shakti Gawain

We are often directed to 'listen' to our inner voice.  This is important, however, if a person is insightful through visualization or sensitive knowings, the results are the same.  It does not matter what tool a person uses to connect.  The importance is using our energy to become aware.

We need to ask for guidance on a regular basis.  It is as though spirit is our silent partner.  When I created and owned a primitive country gift shop named THE TOWN CRIER, spirit was my silent partner.  Every business made was consistently presented before spirit for guidance.

Spiritual guidance is not always pronounced in our time expectations.  Spirit responds when we are living normal life, so our awareness needs to remain open.  Our answers come by over hearing a conversation, reading a paragraph in a book or a quiet stroll through nature.  We ask for help, then patiently live in each moment until the message arrives.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Resources and Time

"The external world is a reflection of your inner world."
Kate Spreckley

If we happen to follow astrology, it is interesting to compare our emotional reactions to the energy in the midst of planets.  As those around us articulate his or her words, we can measure how much reaction we invest.  It is an excellent habit to compare what is happening in the outer world to that which is happening in the inner world.

The on going swirl of life can help us push forward with better boundaries and deeper understanding.  Even reflections in our dreams trigger us to question, 'How does this apply to me'?  If you invest the time, the results will deepen a sense of oneness with all things.

As we begin to invest in an awareness of communication between all things, (books, conversations, nature) we will grow to understand where we need to be stronger with boundaries or be open to other than what we hold dear.  We have choice no matter what information presents itself.  Just apply your lovely self, so many resources, so little time!


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Mirror and Words


"My words are mirrors, not windows."
Steven Charleston, Native American Elder

Daydreaming, I wonder how many books I have read from the library beginning in elementary school.  Furthermore, I speculate just how many words I have absorbed during the process of reading.  As I share my words, I ponder if once they are written, are they deleted from my mind?

The library is a broad resource, showing published work that I might never stumble across in ordinary exchange.  It reinforces what I hold to be true, but also exposes differing views.  I desire to simply 'know' whether I invest or not.

This is how I feel about my writings.  I am just offering samples of knowledge accompanied by emotions, for readers to digest and discern.  If these words resonate,  please pursue.  On the other hand, if they do not, freely let them go.  After all, I am simply mirroring back to you!

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Silent No More

"We realize the importance of our voices
only when we are silenced."
Malala Yousafzai

Individuals can be silenced in numerous ways.  If our preferences are totally ignored, it is a silent message that our expectations don't count.  If we are physically disregarded, there is room for compassion for others, but additionally a need to realize we are not being respected.  When our feelings are obviously not honored, again, we are being silenced.

When I felt it was not safe to express my lonely self, I began writing.  Unfortunately, my work was torn to shreds as though it was an embarrassment to our family.  Believing my parents knew better than I did, I believed by their actions, I had no continuity with the words I dearly loved.

In college, I unearthed my writing, and by receiving support and recognition, I began to flourish.  The growing strength within, kindled my desire to publicly express the need for articulating silence, deciphering dreams and exploring inner landscapes.  This has been my passion, my spiritual connection, and my permission to be silent no more.


Expand Perception

"Accept the flow and then adjust."
Ann Albers

Our life shifts when we open to the flow of energy rather than resist.  Life is perceived as being spotted with imperfections, but this only a mind set.  We struggle to untangle from lessons, rather than engaging with an open mind and lack of resistance.

Lessons will continue to confront us as long as we breathe this earthly air.   Challenges are an opportunity to step forward into a deeper understanding of who we are at the core.  When we embrace the concept that we are much more than a physical body, our perception expands.

Through the use of visualization we can expand our sense of spiritual presence.  We can use our dreams as tools to approach what is presented.    If we remove our resistance, as we step forward, we will experience life in a deeper way.


Monday, July 19, 2021

Get Out of the Way!


"You don't have to figure it all out,
and that is what trips most of you up."
Daniel Scranton

There are a variety of flowers unfolding before our eyes.  The buds burst and the petals gently are freed.  Why can we not follow this example?  We burn excess energy trying to discern what comes next.  Results are going to appear not matter how hard we muse.

Instead of calculating an outcome, try to heighten the senses to embrace whatever appears.  Affirmations of a positive nature prepare us to gently unfold.  As we open our thoughts to direction, we physically get out of the way.  

We choose our actions in life, so why not make them uplifting and supportive rather than worry and anxiety?  We experience freedom when we recognize it as an option.  When we 'see' our lovely selves being in service to other by extending kindness, our actions will gently follow.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Beauty of Heart and Soul

"Raise them to respect women, raise them to stand up for others,
raise them to care for the earth, raise them to be kind
compassionate and honest."
Shannon L. Alder

MATTHEW, my youngest son turns 43 years old today.  I can easily span his life except for various episodes hidden from me.  Throughout the years, he has had a passion for nature whether fishing, rock climbing, cave camping, or simply walking barefooted in grass beneath the trees.  He has maintained a love for gardens, harvesting fruit, vegetables and flowers. He has learned more through experience than reading grade school, high school and college materials.

MATTHEW has a timelessness about him.  He easily plays with little children, engages with strangers and listens very earnestly for nuggets of wisdom from  elders.  He respects that all people have a gift to share and he is waiting with anticipation.  He has learned about bees, woodworking (which he has won awards for), cross breeding plants, and compulsive desire for connection with water.

MATTHEW took years before he could be appreciated by others for his inner gifts.  He is not easy to get to know as he does not express him self easily.  If one waits long enough, however, he or she will be rewarded with an enthusiastic opening of his heart. He feels things deeply, cultivates an awareness that misses little.  I love him dearly, as he has authentically grown into to the beauty of his heart and soul.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

"Wrong View"

"... we distort, limit or rationalize things away
from what they truly are, we start to 
experience 'spiritual disease.'"
Mark Nepo

In some Eastern cultures, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, mental illness means "wrong view".  So clarity in life depends upon how well we connect with the heart of life.  Challenges need to be addressed as this is the way we learn.

Our "wrong view" will lead us farther away from reality.  Our perceptions will be tinted by false reasoning.  We cannot help but stray, however, when we remain spiritually connected, distortions can be less dramatic and restored.

The key for positive forward movement is maintaining our awareness of spiritual presence in all aspects of our lives.  When consistently refreshed, we are stronger in our path to compassion and kindness.  Positive actions and reactions will become more automatic than defaulting to negative interpretation.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Without A Good Bye

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment
until it becomes a memory."
Dr. Seuss

There once was a woman who was not exceptional in any particular way.  She was not especially skilled nor educated per se.  She did not have numerous letters behind her name;  money in her pockets was consistently the same; and there was no pretense in her given name.

There once was a woman who brought light into every segment of the day.  She treated every one with respect and extended total acceptance no matter the game.  She was an invested listener to every tale of woe and became articulate when asked to do so.

There once was a woman, whom I shall not name, that glowed with light and attracted the same.  Her expressive eyes were filled with stars and the moon was her halo easily seen from afar. Her presence was majestic without crown or czar, while giving warm hugs remembered afar.  In time this woman crossed into the sky, leaving us all without a good bye.


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Rekindle Desie


"Just don't give up trying to do
what you really want to do."
Ella Fitzgerald

Each  one of us has the desire to tinker with something: engines and motors; stitchery or quilting; singing or playing an instrument; photography or painting. It might begin as a simple pass time while we are young, but find ourselves dabbling in it during the rest of our education.  We may find our hobby becomes lost during our family or career years, but there is no reason to give it up entirely.

To maintain our interest, we can downsize to a smaller project or a reasonable reserved time to keep our pleasures alive. We can arrange private lessons, attend gatherings of like minded people or attach to resources as they tend to present themselves along the way.

Eventually, the time will come when we can direct our full time energy back into our dreams.  If we have stayed minimally active, our reengagement will be effortless.  The focus is not to become a national celebrity, but to build upon the gift or talent for which we have been blessed. It doesn't matter how elementary the approach. The pursuit is to rekindle the desire within once more.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Sink of Swim

"Feelings are like waves.  You cannot stop them
from coming, but you can decide which ones to surf."
Author Unknown

Like water, emotions wash over us.  Our emotional scenario can change from a gentle rain to a threatening thunder storm.  We can be overwhelmed by flooding or hail with very little notice.

Our emotions can be gauged by the depth of our investment.  There are situations where we carefully wade in and times we plunge in over our heads.  There are opportunities to float leisurely or sink heavily.

When we are confident in our belief system and treasure our personal value, choices can be appropriately made.  When our boundaries are not flexible or too rigid, currents will pull us in unsuspecting ways. In order to pick and choose, one must know the heart and soul.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Choose Wisely


"We need to stay current with each other."
Angeles Arrien

There is a flaw in human nature that allows us to see people as we want them to be, rather than seeing them as they are.  We accommodate shortcomings by focusing on inflated strengths.  We endeavor to make a relationship work, when it is ill fitted.

When we are hurt enough, we reevaluate the relationship.  Can we accept our friend as they are or can we release the person in search of healthier matches.  Women in particular will tolerate unacceptable behavior stretching boundaries.  We want to be nice.  We desire to be in a love relationship.  At what cost do we avoid reality

Life is a dance and some friends switch partners while others crush our feet.  We really do have choice, and we honestly have indicators as to when to continue the dance and when to stop. We are back to awareness and listening to our instincts.  We create our circumstances enhancing them or  violating self-respect.  Choose wisely. 

Monday, July 12, 2021

Inner Presence Heightens

"Learning to follow the spirit within me."
Shakti Gawain

When I was pregnant, I was consistently mindful of the human within.  As it grew, so did my attention for what was best for development and growth.  The same is true with nurturing the spirit within me.   If I want to be filled with light, I must be mindful of thought, word, and deed.

When we live with the commitment to growing our spiritual awareness, it can replace anxiety, stress, and negative thinking.  We no longer feel alone as the inner presence heightens.  We are less likely to have negative thoughts, and if we do, they are purged.

When we can fill our human body with brightness from spiritual practice, our journey still faces challenges; but, we are better prepared to navigate circumstances.  As we regularly check in, we tend to sense guidance which leads to connectedness rather than detachment.


Sunday, July 11, 2021

Force of Light

"The dearest things in life cannot be owned,
but only shared."
Mark Nepo 

Mark Nepo shares, "As soon as we start to separate what cannot be separated, our mental health will suffer."  He references how the flow of life can be interrupted, but at cost.  When we divert our intentions from our highest good, we delay our journey.

Mark Nepo speaks of how love, compassion, and kindness cannot be 'owned'.  He says they are meant for sharing, not coveting for our selves alone.  When we stay in our natural flow, competitiveness, jealousy, and negative intentions tend to be avoided.

First, we fill our lovely selves with love, compassion and kindness. Second, we let our light shine out into the world.  Third, we intentionally share our qualities with others silently or through action.  It is through gathering together that we will become one force of light entering peace.


Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Invitation

"I am the owner of my choices.
I am the source for the perspectives 
I choose to hold ..."
Mary Anne Radmacher

There was a time I humbly prayed to God. I would ask for random circumstances to be altered or for strength to face life.  I felt very alone, not knowing if my requests were in my best interest or not.  Often  I wondered if my desires were pathetic or extreme.  

Now, I warmly invite God or Spirit to please come into my life.  I have found my invitation raises my level of communication with the spiritual realm.  I welcome Spirit into my day, to walk with me and keep me conscious of my path.

I have come to believe that God truly wants to be in our life.  If we pay attention, we will feel a nudge in a certain direction or an impulse to do a kind deed.  God, spirits, angels or guides surround us just waiting to be invited into our present moment.  Initiate the invitation!

Friday, July 9, 2021

Moment to Moment

"Patience is not simply the ability to wait -
it's how we behave while we are waiting."
Joyce Meyer

If we place our attention upon the moment in front of us, there is no waiting or need for patience.  When we allow our lovely selves to embrace what is right before our eyes, there is less anxiety and stress.

It is easier to deal with moment to moment happenings than delving into the past and becoming stuck in errors, trauma, and misfortune.  When we project too far into the future, we are weighted down with anticipation and fear. 

As we stay in the present, we can enjoy or endure what is before us, knowing that with our full attention, we can better focus, resolve, and heal. It is important to make this moment the very best ... as it is all we have.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Communicaton At It's Finest


"This is one of the marks of a truly safe person:
they are comfortable."
Henry Cloud

The man was comfortable with himself, giving off vibes of acceptance, compassion, and connection.  These qualities allow the visitor to be her or his self without fear of judgment.  One wasn't distracted by guessing what the man wanted to hear or what he might be evaluating.  He was willing to allow the guest to be present in his or her own way.

Our intuition signals us when we are engaged in conversation and suddenly feel like we should stop and say no more.  We look into the other face searching for clues as to how to proceed.  Confining our conversation robs us from a full experience of sharing our thoughts.  We minimize are sharing to be safe.

It can be challening to enter into conversation with a stranger, and yet it is an opportunity to discover new perceptions or experiences.  It is through conversation which we expand impressions of our earth visit.  When we can be comfortable with our lovely selves, other will react in like manner.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Embarrassing Rubbish

"Mistakes are the portals of discovery."
James Joyce

As a fourth grader, I accidentally experienced the joy of expressing private thoughts into a "Daily Diary".  My father convinced me to burn all of my writings from childhood, high school, and college when I was home for a visit.  He convinced me they were embarrassing rubbish and so I dropped each one into a barrel hot with fire. 

In the years to follow, I would often regret this act of destruction.  It was just another parental action to minimize my thoughts, life, and memories.  This experience of burning became a block, preventing me  from sharing my essays, articles or collected thoughts. It created a necessity to hide ... well, me.

In time, I was able to publish articles, maintain a question and answer column for a few years, and with the help of my writers group, create my blog. VIRGINIA'S VOICE. (Special recognition for Becky Aud Jennison) I share this as each one of us has a creative part that needs to be brought out from hiding and to be explored. Let no one put it asunder!

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Stand In My Own Light

"Blessed is the influence of one true,
loving human soul on another."
Author Unknown

A constant in my life has been the yearning to understand others.  Each individual has a unique aspect to offer with the responsibility to expand, enhance, and positively encourage the blessing given to them. By seeing the gift in others we have the opportunity to stretch and grow.

Believing in the goodness of all people, I am forever curious to discover the light in others.  The downside, however, I may see the goodness prior to the development within the person.  Far too many times I have been hood winked into vulnerability when boundaries would have served me better.

The reaction to a negative exchange is not judgment, but finding the aspect within myself to better deflect unearned trust.  The goal is not to enlighten the other, but to strongly reflect the strength of light residing in me.  To stand in my own light, I can better attract sincere loving human beings.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Shades of Unfolding


"The most difficult battle is between
what I feel and what I fear."
Virginia Carlson

As a super sensitive person, there is a broad band of energy surging through my person recognizing the upward and downward movement of others.  My energy is aware of the presence of illuminating light and deadly darkness.  It is often difficult to maintain personal boundaries as waves of frequency run through my space.

As I see all peoples as one, I am blessed to be a light giver or an energy worker so that I may respond without emotionally becoming attached.  The same is true for myself.  When my boundaries shift and emotions stagger, I can readily sit in the presence of light for alignment.

Fear has been my constant opponent discoloring the shades of my unfolding.  As the element of fear begins to flow within me, I have the choice to recognize it for what it truly is and face it head on or become less than I am, floundering in darkness. The healthiest action is compassion for my self and establishing healthy connections.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Peacefully As One

"The most courageous act is still
to speak for your self. Aloud."
Coco Chanel

We were not given a brain to sit under the shadow of someone else's umbrella.  Our voice was designed to be used both inside and outside.  With courage, we learn when to express our lovely selves either out loud or through creative expression.

The fourth of July celebrates numerous aspects of freedom that freely spreads to all peoples.  We have learned to respect the opinions of others without fear.  Life has taught us not to step upon others to simply enhance personal view.

As a living human being, we have the right to believe in our personal power along with supporting this for others as well.  We strive to be uniquely individual through our own merits and discovery, just like every other human being.  When we remember that we harm ourselves if we harm others, we are motivated to live peacefully as one.


Saturday, July 3, 2021

Drooping Heart

  1. "The words of kindness are more healing
    to a drooping heart than balm or honey."
    Sarah Fielding

    It would seem that life is filled with never ending cycles.  Even when we face a familiar lesson or when we believe we have appropriately addressed the situation, old wounds are more easily forgiven than forgotten.  

    Present circumstances may churn old memories or feelings.  Often we may not even begin to understand the link back to the past.  We just feel a wound and a heaviness we don't want to bare.  

    At times we project a confidence to others that really isn't present.  We put on a front reflecting 'all is well' while we are sinking inside.  These are the times we so badly need to hear a few words of kindness from either a stranger or friend. So when we are prompted, please extend at least a smile as others pass our way.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Do Not Look Away

"The willful looking away, a grave act of
denying what is already conscious."
Chogyam Trungpa

We are intelligent beings with senses of observation constantly flowing through our minds.  Details of spoken words, sites of miracles in nature, and inner knowledge run rampant.  The facts are not always supportive and our ego can shift our attention away from the truth.  

When we act with knowledge that we know is not in our best interest, there will be consequences. The longer we pursue what we knowingly is not a part of our path, the light of life grows darker.  We sink into muddy waters and eventually, we will need to be pulled back out through hard work and dedication.

So just hearing wisdom is not enough.  We must put it to use and uphold it in our every step.  When we fear we are lost, we can call upon our inner spirit, guides, angels or patron saints.  We do not have to resurrect from our poor judgment alone.  Routinely, remain conscious and do not look away.


Thursday, July 1, 2021

Discern and Dismiss


"I accept the responsibility of listening 
to and loving myself."
Shakti Gawain

Indeed, it is human nature to crave the love and attention of others.  The majority of lessons are learned through relationship and challenges presented upon our path.  And, although these two areas deserve observation, we often forget to regard and support ourselves.

Ironically, we seek other opinions, but frequently once heard, we dismiss them when they do not resonate.  There is truth to the saying, "We know our selves best!"  In order for this to be true, however, we must make the effort to monitor our thoughts, mind, and deeds.

We can easily become overwhelmed by available resources, and the time arrives when we need to sit back and discern what applies to our life and dismiss what does not.  We can inspire our lovely selves by choosing situations or information that lifts us with strength and possibility.  Look freshly with thine own eyes to see the betterment of our own soul.