Monday, July 5, 2021

Shades of Unfolding


"The most difficult battle is between
what I feel and what I fear."
Virginia Carlson

As a super sensitive person, there is a broad band of energy surging through my person recognizing the upward and downward movement of others.  My energy is aware of the presence of illuminating light and deadly darkness.  It is often difficult to maintain personal boundaries as waves of frequency run through my space.

As I see all peoples as one, I am blessed to be a light giver or an energy worker so that I may respond without emotionally becoming attached.  The same is true for myself.  When my boundaries shift and emotions stagger, I can readily sit in the presence of light for alignment.

Fear has been my constant opponent discoloring the shades of my unfolding.  As the element of fear begins to flow within me, I have the choice to recognize it for what it truly is and face it head on or become less than I am, floundering in darkness. The healthiest action is compassion for my self and establishing healthy connections.

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