Friday, July 23, 2021

Message Arrives


"Get in touch with your inner guidance."
Shakti Gawain

We are often directed to 'listen' to our inner voice.  This is important, however, if a person is insightful through visualization or sensitive knowings, the results are the same.  It does not matter what tool a person uses to connect.  The importance is using our energy to become aware.

We need to ask for guidance on a regular basis.  It is as though spirit is our silent partner.  When I created and owned a primitive country gift shop named THE TOWN CRIER, spirit was my silent partner.  Every business made was consistently presented before spirit for guidance.

Spiritual guidance is not always pronounced in our time expectations.  Spirit responds when we are living normal life, so our awareness needs to remain open.  Our answers come by over hearing a conversation, reading a paragraph in a book or a quiet stroll through nature.  We ask for help, then patiently live in each moment until the message arrives.

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