Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Choose Wisely


"We need to stay current with each other."
Angeles Arrien

There is a flaw in human nature that allows us to see people as we want them to be, rather than seeing them as they are.  We accommodate shortcomings by focusing on inflated strengths.  We endeavor to make a relationship work, when it is ill fitted.

When we are hurt enough, we reevaluate the relationship.  Can we accept our friend as they are or can we release the person in search of healthier matches.  Women in particular will tolerate unacceptable behavior stretching boundaries.  We want to be nice.  We desire to be in a love relationship.  At what cost do we avoid reality

Life is a dance and some friends switch partners while others crush our feet.  We really do have choice, and we honestly have indicators as to when to continue the dance and when to stop. We are back to awareness and listening to our instincts.  We create our circumstances enhancing them or  violating self-respect.  Choose wisely. 

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