Saturday, July 31, 2021

Smiles As A Languge

"Everyone smiles in the same language."
George Carlin

Not wearing a mask is a joyful experience for me as I love to gaze into the faces of others.  The eyes are my favorite, but the position of the mouth reflects attitude.  The simple act of smiling instantly prompts a shift in attitude, seemingly waking the other person's attention.

My four year old grandson asks why I smile at people I don't know.  After revisiting the rules of "STRANGER DANGER", I explained that it was a way of honoring and respecting other human beings.  We don't have to know someone to be kind. 

Our world is filled with fear and division.  We will not find peace if we continue to distance life from each other.  By sharing a smile, we can impact others.  We project a positive energy by this simple language understood by all.


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