Friday, July 16, 2021

Without A Good Bye

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment
until it becomes a memory."
Dr. Seuss

There once was a woman who was not exceptional in any particular way.  She was not especially skilled nor educated per se.  She did not have numerous letters behind her name;  money in her pockets was consistently the same; and there was no pretense in her given name.

There once was a woman who brought light into every segment of the day.  She treated every one with respect and extended total acceptance no matter the game.  She was an invested listener to every tale of woe and became articulate when asked to do so.

There once was a woman, whom I shall not name, that glowed with light and attracted the same.  Her expressive eyes were filled with stars and the moon was her halo easily seen from afar. Her presence was majestic without crown or czar, while giving warm hugs remembered afar.  In time this woman crossed into the sky, leaving us all without a good bye.


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