Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Back Off!

"Everyone is entitled to seek out their own path
leading from the darkness into the light."
Daily Om

I know where you are going and where you have been.  I yearn to assist you through your chaos to protect you from thick and thin.  Here, I say, let me hold this flash light to help you on your way.  

There is great injustice in super imposing my life experience upon yours.  No matter how duplicate they may seem, they, indeed, are unique to each one of us.  Individual choice is imperative which adds cadence and hue.

I must back off, allowing you to wander through the darkness to discover your own light.  It is out of deep love that I will cease to hover, but deeply trust that I will be your safe harbor.  I will listen with an open heart as that is what loved ones do.


Monday, February 27, 2023


"Allow life to move through you, the joy
as much as the sorrow, the boredom
as much as the bliss."
Adam Lawrence

There are numerous components to life and each one brings a significant contribution.  When we are able to view without judgment, messages surface accompanied by feelings and sensations.  Enhance the moment by noticing sounds, smells, and sightings. 

It can be beneficial to simply slow down, rather than power surging forward.  Things happen for a reason, so it is best to step back and observe.  Discovering the purpose in both sadness and bliss, brings us closer to the deeper meanings offered in life.

There is power in the present moment to be used to acknowledge, release, and renew.  It is imperative to make conscious decisions rather than depending upon repetitive and habitual  actions. In every instance, we have the ability to move towards joy and bliss.


Sunday, February 26, 2023

Deceit, Cruelty and Damage

"It is not always possible to know 
why people act the way they do."
Renee Suzanne

Unfortunately, there are endless examples of people deceiving others, distributing cruelty to animals, and exerting bodily damage.  If these actions diminish our sense of  integrity, and pull us into equal negative drama, our world does not prosper.

There is a need to hold ourselves and others accountable, but it is less important to judge.  There may be extensive negative layers that understanding may never surface.  We can choose to be thankful we have not been called to walk in his or her shoes.

There are numerous situations that we may never understand, but we have choice in directing our energy into healthier reactions.  Sending prayers or extending compassion will initiate healing without contributing to drama or judgment,  

Saturday, February 25, 2023


"Every day is a winding road and you 
just may never know what is on the edge."

Life has unexpected twists and turns with elongated stretches and unexpected endings. It can offer warm evenings secluded by a fire or high winds blowing us off center.  One minute we may be climbing up a steep incline and the very next moment falling down a hill.  

In comparison, when we follow a path in nature, we maintain a calmness while noticing fragrances, movement, and magnification of growth.  There is simple pleasure in allowing our steps to lead into and out of darkness.  

In time, life shows us that our days are heightened when we can be flexible and trusting.  We take notice of where we are individually led and what choices present before us.  The peace we find in nature arrives in life as we appreciate the present moment. 


Friday, February 24, 2023

Sinking Without Fear


"To become empowered, you don't have to become 
something new. You only have to realize that you
already have that power within, then allow that 
infinite inner potential to flow into your life."
Owen Waters 

Just as the sun lifts from the horizon, so must we rise from the depths of our darkest fears. When we tune in to the inner voice which guides us beyond our dreams, we activate energy to propel us forward. 

Empowerment is not a destination.  It is a positive and powerful mindset reminding us of our unlimited abilities.  Just as the clouds separate for the sun to shine, we too must get out of our own way by releasing limiting fears.

The sun floats across the sky, not worrying about where it will come to rest.  We, too, can choose to rise above, as we seek discovery beyond our discomfort.  As we take strides to embrace our true nature, there is no reason to worry about the sinking of the sun.

Thursday, February 23, 2023



"If I let folks whose actions are ill-intentioned
distract me from my work and creativity, I  will find 
myself stuck, misaligned, and unfulfilled."
Alex Elle

With disbelief, we watch humans trample over the existence of others, but it can be tempered by also noticing the loving kindness of those who arrive to assist.  It is where we choose to place our focus that impacts the temperament of our lives.  

Choosing to walk away is never a sign of surrender.  Actually, it may require more strength to turn around to face a new direction, but the rewards will be of highest value.  By rising above the disrespectful actions, we will empower the self and set an example for others. 

In negative situations, we may feel called to use our voice or assist in correction.   We have free will to make a choice as to how we want to extend our core nature.  It is important to be aware of life unfolding, and where we best can respond with affirmative action.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Eliminate Distraction


"For there is choice:  to be distracted by any outer
man-made event or have the wisdom and consciousness 
to not be influenced, dragged in or be affected."
Amanda Lorence 

Attempting to maintain a positive vision of the space where we dwell, many are avoiding the news.  It is not only to deflect the drama and violence, but also to minimize the pressure in determining what has been edited out and deciphering truth from fiction.

The same holds true for basic living.  We have choice to disengage from toxic people and to explore uplifting sources.  Releasing the choke hold from negativity, one observes what is unfolding and then chooses what to do about it.

When we choose to turn inward and align connection with our body, mind, and spirit, our  fears begin to  dissipate. Remembering our wholeness, releasing judgment, and being gentle with the self, we begin to remember the loving kindness flowing within our world.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Love Expansion

"The more you bring self-love into your own being, 
the more you will see the mirror of love
everywhere you go."
Lee Harris

Self-love takes on many shapes with differing nuances having very little to do with being selfish.  To love ones self means caring for the body, mind, and soul with kindness, respect and honor.  It is recognizing that we are individual creations of Divine Spirit.

As humans, we are here to experience the physical world with reverence, awe and tenderness.  Every individual is unique and can be assisted by the spiritual self to rebirth and renew.  Intention is to nurture for furthering expansion.

We honor the self by healthy caretaking, exposing the mind to spiritually diverse insights, and showering others with awareness of his or her unique existence.  As our self-love expands, we generate greater reflection of love in ourselves and in others. 


Monday, February 20, 2023

Within The Pause ...


"What has happened to our ability to dwell in the unknowing,
to live inside a question and coexist with the tensions of uncertainty?"
Sue Monk Kidd

Life style is often equated with the fast lane.  We demand faster technology, immediate resolution, and expedient service.  Push has started to override our ability to pause.  This is regrettable, as it is within the pause that advancement is facilitated.  

Impulsive or pressured decision making frequently falls short of heightened understanding.  It is within uncertainty that we are able to explore creative options to age old or repetitive problems.  When we choose to endure the unknown, creative resolutions arise. 

When we step away from immediacy, we are able to explore what is best for the self.  We can redesign a template for living a more meaningful life.  We begin to create experiences that will refresh and rejuvenate our unique approach to living a more meaningful life.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Language of Intuition


"When we have suppressed and closed off our feelings, 
we cannot contact the universe within us."
Shakti Gawain

Wandering in mind numbing darkness, one ceases to hear tidbits of wisdom directed towards the healing process.  Our intuitive voice is silenced and we are flooded with fear, anger and loneliness. Life becomes tolerated, rather than celebrated.

It is when we remember to use our support system that we can move forward.  Whether we reach out to a mentor or drag our bodies to experience energy work, action begins the journey back towards the healing process.

As negative energy, (stemming from disconnect with higher self) dissipates, we begin to experience levels of transition through advanced insights.  Peace begins to return to our consciousness and intuition speaks the language we long to hear.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

A New Hat

"Looking back, I am incredibly grateful for every
shortcoming and failure along the way."
Alex Elle

We are often called to leave parts of our past behind.  Mentally, we may be able to see the wisdom in this, but physically be incapable of following through.  We may attempt to vacate, only to return until situations become intolerable.

As we are beckoned forward, it is challenging to leave others behind.  When we move forward alone, feelings of vulnerability and high risks test our endurance.  Although we may acknowledge the necessity of cleansing, feelings of vulnerability sky rocket.

It is when we travel a great distance forward that we are able to understand the necessity of challenge from the past.  Life is a process, calling us forward and allowing  opportunities to choose different hats.  Which hat will be next?


Friday, February 17, 2023

Wake Up!


"Nothing can deliver as great an impact in your life
as changing the internal environment of your mind and heart."
Yung Pueblo

We may have a longing to change jobs, locations, and relationships.  Just thinking of these  transitions may be overwhelming, escorting us into a long emotional slumber.  We may numb ourselves and feel powerless.

External action requires physical movement that we may not be prepared to encounter.  There is another option, however.  We can search within adjusting our feelings of dismay, to thoughts of inner peace.

As we learn to recalibrate our thinking, we can lower our stress levels which allows room for higher awareness.  With new eyes, we begin to perceive healthier options which can be applied in the present while preparing for the future.

Thursday, February 16, 2023


"Conflict is a force in learning, growth, and advance."
Krista Tippett

We may hold a single thought in our mind which at first may seem harmonious, but then attract incompatible insight.  What may seem congruent in one moment, may be in direct opposition in the next.  

Opposing thoughts clash, but eventually propel us into alignment.  Conflict moves us into deeper introspection and elevated perceptions.  Tension and stress are fuels increasing our perspectives and diverse options.

The essence is using conflict as a learning tool and not remaining stuck in the disagreement. As we place our energy into positive resolve, our choices, options, relations can all prosper. It is when we are able to view conflict as an opportunity for growth, we are able to excel.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023



"There is something beautiful about how as life 
goes on, it continues to layer itself."
Suleika Jaouad

Creative souls speak of receiving a download of information, seemingly out of nowhere.  When it resonates, there is a sense of need to share it with others becoming a way of communication.  

Artists may paint over a canvas several times until the desired image arrives.  A musician may utilize numerous instruments before finalizing a musical score. Writers frequently hear a message repeatedly until a specific format can be found.

As information flows, it is guided into a template until a sense of completion surfaces.  This is true of life as well.  In the human experience, there will be layers of darkness followed by light, sorrow followed by joy, and death followed by rebirth. Layers of body, mind, and soul.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Lust Triggered

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you,
I could walk through my garden, forever."
Alfred Tennyson

Love is an abundant word encompassing desires found in relationships with nature, art, foods, decor, etc...  Passion ignites numerous scenarios, and not just restricted to intimacy.  The more deeply we love ourselves, the larger the capacity to love others.  

The qualities we see in others are within us as well.  What we admire are aspects reflecting back to us of who we already are or who we yearn to become.  Love is about freedom for discovery and development.

When we fully embrace the depths of love, our vision of life creatively expands.  Blocked energy or judgment is released allowing additional tender hearted experiences.  This heightens our perceptions and triggers a lust for life. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Get Out!


"Great works arise from a deep inspiration and
then expressed and brought into form."
Shakti Gawain

Creative inspiration flows into our subconscious, anxiously awaiting to fuse into our awakening thoughts.  In this sense, individuals channel genius into form.  Whether scientific formulas or artistic masterpieces, individuals reveal information from other realms.

When we declutter our mind, we are able to receive insights that can become expressed in a personally creative way.  In solitude, whether in nature or meditation, we step upon a private passageway.  

The key, of course, is getting out of our own way.  Releasing self-doubt and opening to possibility, we can be flooded with ideas as tools to our own brilliance.  Eliminating second-guessing, we open to potential contributions which are unique to our own nature.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Diversity of Men ...


"The best way to predict your future
is to create it."
Abraham Lincoln

In my assessment of men, Abraham Lincoln is revered just as Albert Einstein, George Carlin, and Jesus the Christ.  Yes, I am definitely attracted by diversity and have been moved by the personal experiences of these men.

Each of these men had a great passion for life and delved deeply into relationships with the self as well as with others.  They were speculative and open to interpretation.  They were not afraid of displaying emotions or making adjustments.

Each of these men were individualistic.  None of them fit under one label and they surely faced their own demons.  What impresses me most is that they may have been afraid to be who they were, but they moved forward regardless of an unpredicted future.

Saturday, February 11, 2023



"When we use the word silence, it often dictates that 
the sound is turned down, there are no thoughts
in your mind, and that your surroundings 
need to be quiet, but this is not the case."
Natalie Glasson

It is within silence that visions appear, unspoken words are heard, and inner knowings surface.  Stillness provides a safe space where we can shed our tears, face our inner darkness and unleash new visions.  

The true gift in silence, however, is experiencing the deep connection with Spirit. As we breathe in new energy, and experience a shift in perception, the world seemingly becomes buoyant and nurturing.

We bring honor and respect to Divine Connection as we allow ourselves to be silently  present.  We become enhanced by shared intimacy with the Creator, Spirit Guides and Ancient Wisdom. Both the heart and soul reawakens to life's purpose.

Friday, February 10, 2023

"Chink In The Armor"


"Blessed be my feet that I may walk
in the path of my highest will."
Robin Morgan

There are times in our lives when we choose a path, but our feet somehow lead us in a different direction.  We believe we are signing up for a particular assignment, then later discover we are not only way off our intended course, but in an entirely different field. 

Decisions can be best formulated when aligned with our deepest desires.  We can question if they will be in accordance with our highest good.  Will the commitment support wise action and enhanced outcome? 

Agreements made in the heat of a moment may be the proverbial 'chink in the armor'. Exploration of where we want to go and what we are searching for, helps to refine our commitment.  Place the feet upon the path beckoning the body, mind, and spirit.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Manipulating Energy

"Energy medicine is the art and science of fostering physical, 
psychological, and spiritual health and well-being."
Donna Eden

Energy work is an ancient tool facilitating the natural order of the body.  It is utilized to enhance health, healing, and happiness.  The language of energy is recognized in vibrations, wavelengths, frequencies and pulsations.  The energy we are made of requires recalibration. 

We become capable of aligning our energy fields with increased sensitivity. We begin to recognize the correlation between outside forces creating anxiety and stress an impact of inner flow. We become attuned with releasing and balancing energy.

Embracing authority of our body, we begin to harmonize with nature and natural remedies.  Cause and effect are recognized between movement, diet, and connection.  Each one of us has the capability of manipulating energy through our hands and in our being.            


Wednesday, February 8, 2023


"Everybody has talent, it's just a matter of moving around, 
until you've discovered what it is."
George Lucas 

There has been great joy in gathering people together, learning from each other, and evolving. My desire is to be present for kindred spirits as they hold themselves accountable while moving towards self-discovery and a deliberately chosen path.

There has been a yearning within me, to awaken others to his or her full potential; to encourage cultivation of hidden strengths; and to break through imposed barriers. There is joy in watching others setting themselves free. 

Wandering off intended course, my life experience has been laced with diversity.  Landscapes have been numerous with extreme variations of luminosity.  My inner light is intended to shine on various paths where others may choose go.  

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Guru Or Not To Guru

"If you are ready for spiritual experiences and
you are not afraid, you will have them yourself.
You do not need a guru to tell you how to do it."
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

In this human experience, we face obstacles that can be emotionally, physically, and spiritually overwhelming.  In the midst of our challenges, we certainly do not regard these hardships as gifts, and yet they are.

Our detours into darkness are opportunities to learn better ways to navigate our journeys.  When we seek a teacher within we become empowered. We  utilize creative choice, and boldly step into action, while components of life begin to align and unfold.

Through intimate practice, we develop a deeper relationship with the Divine. It requires us to get out of our own way, opening to peaceful resolution.  Life will not necessarily become easier, but it will deepen in meaning.  


Monday, February 6, 2023

Leap of Faith

"Our planetary memories never die - they whisper forever 
into the soul-mind on the winds of mythical dreams just as 
images of the spirit world do so within the human mind."
Michael Newton

Truth resonates deeply within our soul without knowing the origin.  It may happen as we recognize a stranger we have never previously encountered.  We may clearly hear words that have not yet been spoken, while wisdom randomly surfaces from unknown origins.

During meditation, a person can experience vibrant images and spiritual guides.  In dream time, an individual can encounter interactions with loved ones who have passed.  Walking in nature, messages can be heard floating on the wind. Are these extensions of our reality?

Maybe a sacred spiritual connection is deliberate and intentional, not just a fantasy after all. Opening  to the possibilities of other realms perpetuates concepts of eternal connection and decreases our fear of death.  Isn't that what a Leap of Faith is all about?


Sunday, February 5, 2023

Inclinations Shift


"When you begin to find love in people and places
where you haven't found it before, it's always 
because you have grown."
The Universe by Mike Dooley

As we speculate about our preferences, we may be surprised to discover that our inclination has shifted.  We can ask ourselves why we have altered our choices.  What part of us adapted to a new way of surveying and participating?

From a writer's standpoint, one might wonder if we simply changed the color of our ink or chose a new way of measuring pros and cons. Have we acquired a new vision or has the texture of paper changed?

Slowly, we begin to sense the difference of who we were before and who we are in the now.  Perhaps we have become more tolerant and lenient.  Could it be we are compassionately standing in the midst of others rather than judging from the top of a pious mountain?

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Desire Returns ...

"Letting go is hard, but holding on when
you're losing yourself is harder."
Alex Elle

When we catch a random glimpse of our lovely self, we physically experience a reaction.  It might be joy, but more often it is disappointment.  If we bravely take the next step which is discovery of who we are beneath the debris, a sense of desire returns.

Who have I allowed myself to become?  Where is my inner vibrance?  What in this moment is important to me?  Is my ego running the show or my heart?  How do I find my way back onto my unique path?

As we view our choices, we begin to take back our power.  Even if present opportunities are not ideal, begin again.  Allow the mind to imagine a scenario that honors personal skills and gifts.  Then follow through within each moment sustaining trust and faith.  


Friday, February 3, 2023

Jet Black Ink


"The only way to create peace in your 
experience is to become peaceful."
Sheila Reynolds

Dark thoughts are like jet black ink spreading across a pristine page. They bleed from the immediate moment into unlit hallways of the past, casting increments of pain.  Regret, sorrow, and shame are reawakened by our chosen condescending thoughts.

It is when we make the conscious choice to remove the thick black ink and glance beyond the seemingly permanent stain, that light begins to come in.  As we place our attention on the positive, we expand our inner glow.

When we hold ourselves accountable for what thoughts we feed our mind, we experience a sense of control and the ability to adjust our state of mind.  Align inner thoughts with positive action, maintain a sense of inner peace, and watch life begin to shine. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Petitions Submitted

"The creator is constantly communicating to you 
using everything:  nature, the environment,
other people, coincidences."
Carla Rueckert

In prayers or meditation, we seek answers to the mysteries in life.  With our petitions once submitted, we patiently await a response.  Unfortunately, false expectations prevent awareness of the mini bursts of info being sent our way..

The peaceful pause we seek might be found in nature while noticing small animals playing, birds singing, and the swaying of the trees.  Insight can fall upon us as we overhear a conversation in a store. Synchronistic encounters may provide the connection we seek.

Eliminate limiting thoughts regarding the ability of God to intervene.  Persistently open the mind, eyes, and heart to recognize the endless power of Spirit. Be willing to embrace unconventional sacred communication and spiritual connection available to us all. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Tainted, Closed Down


"Ignore those who make you fearful and sad,
that degrade you back towards disease and death."

If we allow ourselves to be disrespected, our spirits become snuffed. When our hearts are emotionally broken, our digestive and nervous systems are impacted.  Physical, emotional, and spiritual stagnation creates an unhealthy environment disallowing us to thrive.

The earlier we remove ourselves from those who threaten our well being, the faster we can begin living with respect and appreciation for who we are and who we are meant to be.  We deceive ourselves thinking we need to be polite in spite of harm.

When the over bearing negative actions of others alter us, we fail to thrive. Everything becomes tainted and we close down inside.  To become whole once again, we are called to facilitate change. Explore resources, reach out, and modify existing patterns.