Sunday, February 26, 2023

Deceit, Cruelty and Damage

"It is not always possible to know 
why people act the way they do."
Renee Suzanne

Unfortunately, there are endless examples of people deceiving others, distributing cruelty to animals, and exerting bodily damage.  If these actions diminish our sense of  integrity, and pull us into equal negative drama, our world does not prosper.

There is a need to hold ourselves and others accountable, but it is less important to judge.  There may be extensive negative layers that understanding may never surface.  We can choose to be thankful we have not been called to walk in his or her shoes.

There are numerous situations that we may never understand, but we have choice in directing our energy into healthier reactions.  Sending prayers or extending compassion will initiate healing without contributing to drama or judgment,  

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