Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Lust Triggered

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you,
I could walk through my garden, forever."
Alfred Tennyson

Love is an abundant word encompassing desires found in relationships with nature, art, foods, decor, etc...  Passion ignites numerous scenarios, and not just restricted to intimacy.  The more deeply we love ourselves, the larger the capacity to love others.  

The qualities we see in others are within us as well.  What we admire are aspects reflecting back to us of who we already are or who we yearn to become.  Love is about freedom for discovery and development.

When we fully embrace the depths of love, our vision of life creatively expands.  Blocked energy or judgment is released allowing additional tender hearted experiences.  This heightens our perceptions and triggers a lust for life. 

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