Saturday, February 4, 2023

Desire Returns ...

"Letting go is hard, but holding on when
you're losing yourself is harder."
Alex Elle

When we catch a random glimpse of our lovely self, we physically experience a reaction.  It might be joy, but more often it is disappointment.  If we bravely take the next step which is discovery of who we are beneath the debris, a sense of desire returns.

Who have I allowed myself to become?  Where is my inner vibrance?  What in this moment is important to me?  Is my ego running the show or my heart?  How do I find my way back onto my unique path?

As we view our choices, we begin to take back our power.  Even if present opportunities are not ideal, begin again.  Allow the mind to imagine a scenario that honors personal skills and gifts.  Then follow through within each moment sustaining trust and faith.  


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